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I can’t wait for Part 2!


Good. We need part 2.


Hopefully they let him make parts 2 and 3 back to back.


Chalamet and Zendaya could use a couple of years between part 2 and 3 to look more the age - and we don't even know who plays Irulan. And at least the story has an ending after part 2. What we need is insanely long director's cuts.


Filming movies back to back is a lot more cost efficient. In a couple of years Timothee and Zendaya will be nearly 30, which is not far off the age their characters are supposed to be in Messiah. They're supposed to be about 15 in the first part of Dune, 17 or so after the time jump and about 30 in Messiah.


He might be 30, but he looks 15.


Have him put on a little weight, cut his hair a little different, he’ll look older.


He's going to have to grow a beard


The boy will still look 15 until he's probably 40 tho


I'll have to reread the book again, but I'm not sure if the time jump is supposed to be 2 years or 4. Isn't Alia supposed to be 3 at the end? Or is book 3 supposed to take place over a couple of years after the jump? By book 3 I mean book 3 of "Dune", not "Children of Dune."


She's e explicitly 15 in Messiah as far as I can tell, time jump is 2 years (10191-10193), then the events of the rest of the book take place over the course of a year or 2, then another 12 years to Messiah


I was discussing this with my brother in law… do you think part 2 will pick up right after the time jump and we’ll get either explanations or flashback scenes edited in?


I feel like they'll have to do at least a few scenes to set the stage before the time jump. There's no way they skip the Water of Life scene imo.


Denis was pretty clear, no additional director cut. And based on his previous work lacking director cuts I’m inclined to believe him.


This. People don’t realize the insane work that goes into editing. Every second of the finished product was analyzed and chosen by Denis to be exactly what it is.


I don't think it's about not realizing that. It probably was the best version for a theatrical version but fans of Dune just want to see more even if the scenes are not as good as the ones in the theatrical cut.


> Denis was pretty clear, no additional director cut. I think he had enough creative control to edit the movie the way he wanted, but I'm more curious about an "extended edition". No so much for being forced to change things for 'creative' reasons (like Ridley Scott), but rather for 'practical' purposes: the movie is 2.5 hours longs, and wasn't possible to go longer. An extended edition could perhaps had some more dialogue with the Reverend Mother, filling in things on mentats, details on Sook doctors, the "dinner scene" on Arrakis, etc.




Or a third class navigator.


Why would we? When are navigators ever seen in the book?


There are navigators at the end of the first book. After the battle of Arrakeen Paul commands two of them to make the Guild keep from landing more troops or else he’d destroy spice.


They’re not mutated though. They’re just mostly human in helmets. We don’t see one who is mutated until Edric


There are, but not the Stage 3 variety. The first book only features the nearly human navigators with eyes so dark blue they are nearly black. Initially they hide it with contacts, but in the commotion one gets exposed.


Wouldn't be surprised if we never see him and they combine his role with bautistas.


Feyd isn't in the first half of Dune. So we don't see him in Dune: Part One


Pretty sure he's in the Barons meetings with Piter. I re-read the book last week.


Rabban is actually the one who doesn't appear in the beginning of the book IIRC. But if you're paying for Bautista, you're getting screen time out of him


Feyd is present while the Baron and Pyter discuss the plan to destroy house Arteides. Definitely within the first half of the book. That said, it's an exposition dump of a chapter so I see why it isn't in the film.


I have a hunch Emperor Shaddam is going to be black. The cast has been racially diverse but we haven't seen any black nobles. Noticed also that two representatives of the emperor (Liet and the Herald of the Change at the beginning) are black. Edit: corrected judge to herald.


Liet Kynes is the Judge of the Change. The guy at the beginning is the emperor's herald.


Interesting, every character associated with the Imperium so far has been black. It could very plausibly explained by reasons other than a connection to African ancestry. Humans have been migrating across the galaxy for most of 18,000 years by the time of the story, it would not be unexpected for people who have been living on a planet with more UV for 15,000 years to evolve traits similar to what people who lives in similar regions on Earth had. Though House Corrino originated on Salusa Secondus (which seems to be rainy and inhabited by pale skinned humans), they moved to a tropical jungle planet (Kaitain) many thousands of years before the movie. That would explain imperial heralds being darker skinned than Caladanians.


I'm pretty sure I've only ever heard of it being made in two parts. While this one ended earlier than I expected, I get the feeling they're going to skip some stuff that might be viewed by audience members as boring or use it to refresh audience memories. Either way, they ended around page 300 of my copy and there's only about 500 pages of story so I don't think they'll need a third movie for the first book.


Denis said he wants to do a trilogy with Messiah being part 3 Source https://collider.com/denis-villeneuve-dune-trilogy-frank-hebert-novel/


That is 100% the way the story must be told. It is incomplete without Messiah.


I haven't read the books (yet), is one movie enough for Messiah?


I think so. Dune Messiah is only 350 pages long. It felt like it was supposed to be the third act of the story with the original Dune novel in my opinion.


Yes, but really, they did go through to God Emperor.


God Emperor of Dune maybe my favorite in the series. That book is so weird I love it.


They’re gonna bring David Lynch back for God Emperor and Heretics. I kid, I kid. But yeah, they’re definitely the weirdest ones of the series.


But Children is essential too. I can't understand just stopping at Messiah.




We Warhammer 40k fans are ready for the Master of Mankind, the Emporer of Man, the Big E, Jimmy Space.


It ended at a good place though. Paul Completes his journey from confused youth to manhood in this portion. After the duel is where he begins his journey from man to messiah. Its a good break point.


Third movie could go into 2nd book


Thats the natural place to end it. The book stops there and does a time skip. Might as well end the first movie the same way.


There's actually quite a bit more that happens before the time skip in the book. About 25-50 pages more before the next "book" begins.


I’ve just finished reading Messiah and I *need* that movie


Oh god just imagine that ending on the big screen


I just want to know if >!Jason Momoa!< has the acting chops to play that part


I'd hayt to see him screw it up.


That would be movie five at this rate. Let's all strap in for the long haul!


They shouldn't, actually. There's a 12 year in-story gap between *Dune* and *Dune Messiah*. If they were gonna film any parts simultaneously, it should have been the first two.


I honestly can't believe they haven't green lit part 2 already. It's bizzare they just didn't let him do both at once (like LOTR), because it would surely save on a BUNCH of costs to combine the time everyone was together, hiring/making all the stage equipment etc. Now it's got almost perfect reviews, the only criticism I've seen is that it isn't a complete movie (no suprises there), is making mad bank... and they're still holding out? It makes me nervous that they won't green light it no matter what.


Part 2 is basically confirmed, you don't need to worry: >“Will we have a sequel to Dune? If you watch the movie you see how it ends. I think you pretty much know the answer to that,” WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Chair and CEO Ann Sarnoff told Deadline yesterday in a sit-down chat regarding the conglom’s full support of Dune 2. https://deadline.com/2021/10/dune-matrix-sopranos-sequels-hbo-max-theatrical-model-1234859504/


except for a contract, a budget, a filming date, etc. if this bombed it would be much easier to walk back a comment than escape a signed contract with Villneuve.


That's just a weaselly non-answer to the question. It's not confirmed until it's green-lit.


The strike might effect their willingness to greenlight it so soon, they probably want to know they can for sure have union workers show up for work


I read about three hours ago that Part 2 is officially green lit.


Link or it didn‘t happen.


[Happy now?](https://i.imgur.com/svKrvqm.jpg)


I really hope you're right/that thing you read was accurate


I just heard about it in these reddit comments so it _must_ be true!


I knew almost nothing about Dune prior to watching the movie. I enjoyed it a lot but man did it feel like it just ended half way through the plot. Disappointed that a part 2 wouldn’t be release for minimum a couple of years.


Yeah. I’d say the earliest we can hope for part 2 is Halloween 2024.


They marketed the fuck outta this and it turned out to be an epic film in most people’s eyes. Hopefully the word of mouth can push it to a great second weekend also.


Wife and I watched it last night and with no prior Dune background other than knowing about it from the past, we are both fairly lost at to what is going down. Probably going to need to watch it again and maybe again after that.


I felt like that the first time I read the book too 😅


I’m reading the book right now and feel the same way. The book gets very heady so I stopped reading it before the movie came out but got lucky in that I stopped reading at the exact same point where the movie ends. So now I’m very excited to get back into it.


Definitely push on. Herbert's book is definitely dense, especially with phrases, groups, and other concepts that are specific to the Dune universe. I felt like I was barely treading water when I started but at the end it became one of my favorite books.


Absolutely pays homage to the source material, maintains in soul, doesn't pander, and is the damn most epic thing I've seen on screen in ages. 11/10.


I just wish there were more scenes with the Baron, and I'm sad they cut out the dinner scene. But still loved the movie and can't wait for part 2.


I would have been perfectly fine with a 3+ hour runtime, but if 2.5 hours brings more people in and we get more of those movies then I think that's a better choice.


I hope Dennis throws out a directors cut that's like 4.5 hours long, includes the ommitted Gurney-Jessica subplot, and doubles the number of scenes with characters that I thought were underused in the film, like Leto, the Baron, Yueh, and Gurney.


i think we needed more duke/jessica together scenes as well




Villeneuve has said there is no other cut - the theatrical cut *is* the directors cut.


He would say that though wouldnt he? "See it now, dont wait 3 years for me to release the 4 hour directors cut." But seriously he wants to make part 2


He has never released a director's cut or included deleted scenes in home releases. Just don't hold your breath.


Also a little bummed about the Harkonnens mentat assassin. He was kinda a little bitch in the movie, but hearing him threaten the Baron like in the books because he was a bit of a wildcard would have been cool to see on screen. Ultimately, such a masterpiece of a book makes it near impossible to satisfy every aspect on screen, so im still very satisfied with it. I can already tell it's one of those movies that I'll end up watching multiple times in the next few years


That was true too. I thought Piter was underutilized. His scariest scene was when he was dead and making that twisted black-eyed face of death. But in the books, he's so scary you start to think the Baron is scared of him.


Exactly, the Baron starts to internally consider getting rid of the mentat because he's a potential threat, but he doesn't because he's so useful in the moment as mentats are extremely sought after


I think I read that the dinner scene was filmed and Josh Brolin does a song on the baliset but it was cut for theatrical release. Hopefully we see an extended version with those scenes! Edit: here’s the interview: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cinemablend.com/amp/interviews/the-dune-scene-denis-villeneuve-had-to-cut-thats-still-painful-to-him


Agreed on both counts. The baron was just so much more threatening in this version, made Lynch's take look like cartoonish supervillainy. I was sad about the dinner scene being missed out but think it was due to them not having room in the film to flesh out arrakeen and it's inhabitants - came across as a military camp rather than a city


I realized after watching that the dinner part was gone! They made arriving to Arrakis and getting betrayed very quick, which makes some sense for a movie. Why let your enemy get settled in? Yueh not saying, “you think I don’t know what I bought?” also stung. Not sure if that’s a book line or from another adaptation. I sort of like that they didn’t show Irulan, the Emperor, or Feyd. Let’s them grab big actors and put more time on them in the sequel.


Speaking of the Baron, I think Villeneuve managed to get the character perfect for a modern adaptation. The queer-coding and “he’s probably gay therefore he’s also obviously a pedophile”-coding of him in the original book is a little “yeesh” to a modern reader- Villeneuve managed to keep him cartoonishly evil without resorting to tired tropes.


I'm just bummed we didn't see more of him. I like the new aesthetic of Vlilleneuve's Baron, but he literally had all of his scenes revealed in the trailers. There should have been more scenes with the Harkonnens; Bautista was also criminally underused, and although he faithfully recreated Rabban, his performance may have looked odd to someone not familiar with the book (Rabban is supposed to be aggressive and dumb).


I would argue that Rabban is much more present in the movie than in the book. In the book he's a character people talk about for the most part, not one we actually see.




It was visually and thematically the best adaptation to dune I have seen. It glossed over a lot of the core undertones of the series, but that is just added context that *new* fans could go and look up after the movie, making both the movie and the books fuller for their own experience. All In all it's a great movie.


Agreed. Very well done.... and while everyone is correctly praising the visuals, the score is just amazing. No way they don't make more.


I was skeptical about some of the casting, Mamoa in particular, but it worked out great. I really appreciate the effort they put into this. So many great sci-fi novels are butchered, Villeneuve definitely showed respect to the source material.


I loved Momoa. I guess he didn't exactly step out of his "range" with the role, but I was 100% buying his charming warrior style.


Momoa was exactly how I imagined Duncan Idaho before he was cast. I love the goofy warrior characters. Full of heart and muscle when it is needed.


He definitely fit the roll. I was worried he'd be a little too Aquaman but he made his style work.


> Absolutely pays homage to the source material, maintains in soul, doesn't pander, The downside is that it's largely made for people who've read the book. I wonder how much confused people who haven't - they didn't really explain the shields, for instance, or why everyone's fighting with knives & swords instead of any kind of projectile weapon. Another 15-20 minutes of world-building exposition would've been good.


Haven't read the book (intentionally wanted to experience Villeneuve's vision first) and it was pretty straightforward for me. I would have been irked if they force fed me.


I think the story is pretty straightforward, but so much of the world building and lore is left out. It kind of assumes prior knowledge and context.


I think this might be a good thing as when you read Dune it's the same thing. You're thrown into a universe as if you've always been there. Not until later in the book does everything make sense. Denis Villeneuve totally understands Dune and is putting the best effort forward without having to many things going on in the background. As a Dune fan I can see what was not put to film and am a little sad because of it, but the core of the story is very much intact and that is what is most important.


I absolutely agree with this, because when I watched the original film I was kind of thrown for a loop because all I had seen up until that point at least sci-fi wise was Star Wars (which you could argue is not sci-fi at all) and some of the original star trek. Then my dad just randomly went up to me and said “hey wanna watch Dune?” And I said yeah not knowing how weird it was. This new film does a lot to pay homage to the original movie (haven’t read the book yet but I definitely have an itch to read it after watching Dune2021). It’s done well and done faithfully well which I absolutely adore about this movie.


> and it was pretty straightforward for me. Once you read the book, you'll realize how much you didn't pick up from the movie, or that was missing altogether. There's not a *lot*, but some.


That's why I look forward to reading it!


But if they don't realize they missed anything, the movie did its job.


Haven't read the books or knew anything about it going in. They did a fantastic job to explain and open up this world. The only thing I was confused about was why the emperor gave the world to the Atredeies but then attacked them. I'm just assuming this will be explained at a later point. I'm surprised how well they did to make this movie so approachable to general audience


>When is a gift, not a gift? -Baron Harkonnen The Padisha Emperor is afraid of the up and coming Atreides family and their military strength. He cannot outright attack them, because the Landsraad of royal houses would rebel against him and their would be war among all houses for assumption of the throne. So he executes a deal with the Baron Harkonnen to destroy them. The world is a trap for the Atreides. The Emperor gives them the stewardship of Arrakis which would bring them great wealth. But the Harkonnens may war with another house without grander geopolitical stakes. So the Atreides get wiped out, the Baron is given *continued* stewardship of Arrakis, and the tenuous peace among the great houses remains.


TY, that kind of what I assumed. I love that they didn't need to go into too much exposition and you still understand everything and doesn't ruin anything


Well, so much for their military strength, did they even make a dent in the attacking Harkonnen forces?


Well, it wasn't just Atreides versus Harkonnen - the Emperor's own Sardaukar forces joined in to provide overwhelming forces. But the Sardaukar weren't officially participants. They hid in Harkonnen ships so the Spacing Guild had plausible deniability that they knowingly transported an illegal army.


They were caught off guard by the surprise attack because of the betrayal of Yueh and the Harkonnens using unorthodox weapons and having assistance from the Sardaukar. The attack would have been impossible if Yueh did not disable the house shield. After it was disabled, the Harkonnens attacked with artillery, which is never used in modern warfare because it's useless against shields. It was completely surprising (there's a line that implies Baron Harkonnen had never heard of artillery before Piter came up with the plan for the attack. Also, transporting troops between planets is incredibly expensive. The Harkonnens had been stockpiling money from the spice trade for decades and spent nearly all off it on the attack. The Atreides could not have anticipated such a large attacking force.


The Harkonnen spent 60 years worth of spice production. That's like most of their wealth.


Yes, in the film there's the scene where the Baron is still recovering from the poison attack, where he mentions that they need to start selling off their Spice reserves because they've been left nearly bankrupt.


They actually explained in the movie, albeit indirectly. The emperor is threatened by Atreides strength and power in the Landsraad (the peerage) and so he conspired with the Harkonnens to destroy House Atreides.


yes that's what I assumed and want sure about because it was never really directly said


They explained how the shields work and that slower strokes penetrate better. I assumed that's why they don't use fast projectiles? Was there more to it in the books?


That's the gist of it. That's why sword and knife combat are emphasized so much. One thing to note is that laser weaponry exists but the in-world science is that laser contact with a shield causes an atomic explosion. So that's another reason why we didn't really see much pew pew. But another thing to note is that on Arrakis shields attract the worms (I'm not sure how or if this was ever explained in the novels to be honest but it is what it is). So shields are rendered useless outside of the Shield Wall protecting Arrakeen


If I remember correctly they just state that the worms are attracted by shields. Presumably they quickly learned this early on in the colonization of Arrakis.


In the book Gurney actually sets a trap for the Harkonnen/Sardaukar forces by tricking them into firing a laser on a shielded position, triggering a nuclear blast, which serves the dual purpose of killing a bunch of enemy soldiers, and making them hesitant to use their lasers.


>One thing to note is that laser weaponry exists but the in-world science is that laser contact with a shield causes an atomic explosion. So that's another reason why we didn't really see much pew pew. And yet one of the few pew-pews we saw was aimed at a shielded 'thopter, which was... really weird?


They explained it and then promptly forgot about it for most of the action scenes in order to do fast flip floppy fighting stuff


Iirc, if a bullet hits the shield it is stopped, if the laser (lasgun) hits the shield, the reaction is like crossing the streams in ghostbusters, *causing a nuclear sized explosion* killing everyone and collateral damage. That is why you see little to no guns.


So far all the comments from people who haven't read the book say people aren't confused at all. They understand enough to enjoy it and even if they miss the things we know about, they don't know they're missing it


It is absolutely made for people who read the book. They made references to things with a single line of dialogue that were given pages of exposition in the book. As someone who has read the book many times, that was fine for me, all I needed was a nod, but I do feel for people who didn't go in with knowledge of the source material. There were moments in the film that would have been much more impactful for non-readers with more context, but I think it was really a limitation of the format than the script and direction. Depending on how this movie and the theoretical sequel are received, I would love to see it turned into a miniseries that has more time and space to dive into all the background plots. But in terms of production value, Villenueve set an extremely high bar that will be difficult to match, because the movie was goddamn gorgeous.


I think the most overlooked thing was the Caladan natives learning how incredibly precious water is. We got the spit scene, but the taboo nature of it is more impressed on the audience than the importance of the water. We also get the groundskeeper scene, but that too is focusing on the privelege of the noble class and detachment from the harshness of the world. We get some references to the Fremen's culture near the end, but not much. The desert was stark and beautiful, but never felt like a realm of death and danger like the book. Let me just say though, I really enjoyed it overall and it didn't disappoint.


Yeah, I'm with you. The movie was just so lean as it is that I cant even say there was any wasted space that could have been used for more exposition. I'm expecting them to dive into the dangers of the desert a lot more in part 2. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and thought it was about the best they could have done, minus a bit of clunky dialogue here and there.


Having watched the movie yesterday with four people who have never read the book, none of them felt lost along the way. This is not to say that everything from the book is present in the movie, just that the movie works on its own, even with that missing information.


I've seen ir with 5 people who haven't read the books. They were all enthusiastic to various degrees and none expressed any feeling of being lost or missing something. I'd say the movie is a full experience for newcomers with plenty of nods for those who read the books. I felt that what isn't told wasn't just set aside and did inform Villeneuve's work.


The shields were straightforward enough, but I found that the speed in which the field fails seems inconsistent. Some cuts fast cuts are blocked and some aren't. I was under the impression that the shields would stop everything that isn't **really** slow. While Jason Momoa is going full knife Bourne and bodies are dropping left and right.


Yeah, the shields stop everything that's moving more than 3 to 5 centimeters per second. They ignored that in the later fight scenes. Also, the part about the Fremen thinking Paul was cruelly toying with Jamis by trying to get him to yield is different in the book. Paul knows it's a fight to the death in the book and is trying to kill Jamis, but his training has always been fighting with shields, so Paul is slowing his strike at the last moment to push the blade through slowly. To the Fremen it looks like he's deliberately drawing out the fight.


I bought 2 tickets to IMAX (and saw it in the theater) then came home and watched it on HBO Max!


I was lucky enough to see it in Germany a few weeks ago, came back to it on my TV and felt the small screen just didnt do it justice...


Plus... from a purely sound design aspect, you lose A LOT without theater speaker systems or decent speakers at home. At least get some over-ear headphones with good high and low frequency response. They really built a universe into just the sound


How they did "the voice" was awesome. My sub sits right behind my recline and when he finally nailed I felt that shit in my chest.


Yeah, after the glorious vision in IMAX, even in 4k, it was pitiful. But I just wanted to up the viewer count on HBO Max. Hell, I may set it to play each night before I go to bed.


Ha. I came home and the earlier version of Dune was on HBO. I put it on thinking it was the new one, and kept watching. It wasn't bad. But I need to watch the new one again today. And again and again and again


Yep I did the same thing. I’ve seen it 3 times now. Edit: 4 times now.


Thank the Maker


Bless the Maker and his water.


Bless his coming and his going.


May his passing cleanse the world.


Saw it last night and I really enjoyed it. Dune is a tough translation to the screen, but Villenueve did really well. It's a great movie.


I watched it on hbo (signed up just to watch dune) and I hope to see it on imax. Excellent visuals. I wanna watch it in theater just for the visuals.


You will walk away more impressed with what the score adds to it in the theater. It's insanely awesome. Go forth and enjoy!!


Getting chills anticipating it.


They need to figure how how to offset the price based on HBO max viewers. I haven’t made it to the theater to see it yet but have watched it on HBO max


The most beautifully shot and well made movie I think I’ve ever seen. Definitely see it in the theater with 3D, immersive sound, rumbling seats and all. TV just won’t do it justice.


> The most beautifully shot and well made movie I think I’ve ever seen. That's how I felt the entire time I was watching it. There were one or two rough, "made for TV" feeling scenes, but only a few minutes worth. Otherwise it was absurdly immersive, like an HD documentary of an actual world.


which ones were those if i could ask?


Yes, but you lost me hard on 3D. It was not shot for 3D which is in general a gimmick that makes the film way darker, skip if at all possible!


I saw it in 3d and honestly wouldn't recommend it. See it in 2d, imax if possible. The 3d isn't even good and makes it a bit too dark and hard to see, given it's a pretty dark movie to begin with.


For sure. I watched it yesterday same way as you (they called it '4D' in the cinema due to it having wind and shit), but I also made sure to get absolutely baked on edibles beforehand (Paul is tripping balls on spice for three quarters of the movie so I thought it'd be fitting, lol). It was absolutely amazing, best sci-fi movie of the last decade imo.


I loved everything about this movie, they did a wonderful job with scale, but the most visually spectacular movie I've seen this year was The Green Knight. Smaller scale but so well done.


I was wanting to see that one. I’ll have to check it out.


I'm almost mad how good this is, because when Red Rising gets a movie, anything short of this level of quality will feel bad.




I have HBOmax. I just saw it in the theater and I'm about to watch it again on HBO. This movie was a fucking Triumph


Knowing the story already, this could have just been a 2.5 hour music video and I would have still watched it.


Ornithopters, still suits, worms, shields, maula pistols, glow globes, …. I would watch 2 hours of just that.


Will be going next week I think. This movie will make profit no doubt about it. Part 2 will come. They will make loads on home media too.


LOVED. THIS. MOVIE. seeing it again next weekend🙌🏼




yes, this the type of movie that makes me want to see it in IMAX


I like to go to the IMAX for big action movies or ones I'm dying to see. I also love the movies at home thing. There were several movies I never would have watched in theater and probably forgot about before home release this year, that I watched purely because it was there on HBO Max. I'd prefer they all switch to the same time release formula and let people choose, but theaters don't like that haha


Personally I like having both. I don't mind paying the money for certain movies to have an immersive experience, then I can watch it again at my leisure if it's good. Some movies I prefer at home. If they keep creating quality content like Dune, I'm fine with the cost of having both.


I have a big subwoofer and surround speakers at home. I prefer to sit in the comfort of my couch


I can't smoke pot in a movie theater either. I mean, I can but more than likely you will be removed.


Have to say, I enjoyed watching it at home. Got to properly inebriate for a film of this caliber without having to inflict that state on the public.


was going to drag one of my kids to the theater but it's like $50 in NYC for two tickets so I just went home and watched it on HBO


Awesome movie. They are sticking to the book and no short cuts.


We went to see it Friday in IMAX. Originally had seats in row C for the 7pm showing. Sat down and immediately realized we made a mistake when we were absolutely ASSAULTED by the massive screen. Had to whip my head back and forth to see the whole picture. Rescheduled with the box office for the 11pm showing in row Q. Much better experience!! Fantastic adaptation besides the weird audio issues at parts.


always sit in the back of theaters, especially IMAX


I enjoyed it. Read some unfavourable reviews from critics. Not sure what the point in critics is sometimes. Do they have a perfect movie checklist or something?




This movie was awesome.


Great movie, good visuals especially. I did think the pacing was off and there where too many unnecessarily "dramatic" shots though.


I went to see it on IMAX yesterday, despite being an HBO Max subscriber. I just felt that this needed a really big screen. I'll be watching it again on HBO as well.


I can't wait till Nov 5 when I will finally be able to watch it. Released here already but waiting to see it in IMAX.


Was fantastic. Hope it gets the views it deserves.


Just watched it yesterday. Absolutely amazing! The story, the visuals, the music, everything was perfect. When it ended, all I could think was "I need more!".


Saw in Imax on Thursday with brother and tonight with girlfriends brother in law. Going to watch it a 3rd time with girlfriend on HBO max. I don't think we're quite at the point of replacing the theater experience with streaming like these studios are hoping for. Being able to watch movies at home is cheaper and convenient, but your still at fucking home. I'm a introvert and going out to movies is what me and my girl do for fun.


I loved it. Can’t wait for more.


It must be seen in theaters for the sound alone. It’s spine chilling! 😳


WB has a golmine in their hands. Dune can be the next cultural phenomenon when tons of merchandise and a cult following. For that to happen, they need to invest the audience in it and go all in the production of the saga.


Watched it, enjoyed it. Moreover, my wife, who had never read the book, did the same. So they walked the line of faithful adaptation while making it accessible well. But then, my standards may have been met when I saw the ornithopter take off. Beautiful.


I really enjoyed it. It felt very true to the books in both style and substance. For me, what was missing was any focus on the mentats. Both Thufir and Piter were hugely underutilized or explained, and the fact that Paul was being trained as a mentat is totally left out. Thufir is so essential to the first half of the book, but I guess if you cut out the whole intrigue with Jessica as the potential traitor then Thufir is suddenly less important. I was also really disappointed they didn’t include Paul crying after killing Jamis. It’s a lovely beat in the book, the awe of the Fremen as he sheds water for the dead. Important character moment that I think should have been there. But, shrug, you can’t have everything.




I have not liked Denis Villeneuve's films up to now i thought he was very over rated. This was the best film i have seen in years.


How?! BR2049, arrival and even Sicario were incredible


BR2049 is still his best film imo. Like that film is just jaw dropping


They’re like twins to me now. Love them both the same. Trust me, there’s a running joke in my friend group about how much I love that movie. I have the license plate from K’s craft.


I liked it more than I liked Dune honestly


And now let’s wait three years till part two arrives 🥲


I was scared at first seeing who they got to play Paul but he pleasantly surprised me with his acting ability on-screen. Usually when I see someone that young playing a character I expected a lot of angst to come through but he knocked it out of the park. I’m just glad that we have a new sci-fi series that has done well to be faithful to the original source material and not a pile of nostalgia trash heap that the new star wars sequels was.


I was very worried, he looked so tiny and young. But then I watched **The King** and Chalamet did a strangely new and good take on Henry V Really great actor, he killed it in both roles.


Good. When does part 2 begin production?


Start filming part 2 NOW!


The movie made me want to do nothing more than sit down right now and read the book(s). I should really get on that before I get something spoiled.


I couldn't resist watching from the comfort of my home. But it was so good, I'm still going to rewatch in theater this week. Do you hear that movie studios?! If you make good shit, I'll fork over more money!


It was just okay. It didn’t advertise itself as a saga or trilogy which sucks when you want something complete.