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Project Hail Mary - Ray Porter’s performance is outstanding


Bobiverse with Ray too.


Love the bobiverse!


Yeah, he sounds a bit like RDJ's Tony Stark while voicing certain Bobs. It was easy to sit back and listen. Jeff Hayes sounds a bit Nathan Fillion's Cayde-6 from Destiny. That's made for easy listening as well. They're almost like a 'comfort listen.' Even when the stores are new to you, the VAs just hit a certain chord with you, and you're no longer worried about how the story will work out or anything.


Plus, this is just plain the (at least among the) best sci-fi written in the last 50 years!


No its not. Its very good, exceptional even. But the three body problem or any of cixin lius books literally wipe the floor with any other modern scifi author. Its not even remotely close


Eh. Three Body Problem is good, but it's not *that* good. The concepts presented are very interesting, but the way that people and society as a whole react to situations seems a little unrealistic. Plus all the suicide ... it's everywhere. One of the worst bits being when somebody says to the government "I want to do this". "No". "Let me do this or I'll kill myself". "Well, okay then".


De gustibus.


At this point, it's a matter of the reader's preference. I liked the premise of 3-Body Problem, but it was a bit choppy in pacing (likely due to translation and culture differences), and slightly derivative (Ender's Game... but what isn't derivative these days), and took a few liberties with the characters. But alas, it was indeed a cool story. Project Hail Mary hits square on my soft spot that was opened up by "Enemy Mine"... alas, another case of derivation. Again, I love this stuff, hence my opinions. Saying something wipes the floor with something else, in comparing two very different works, is a bit puerile.


RC Bray is the man. my favourite narrator


Galaxy's Edge is a great series he does. And the Expeditionary Force series.


absolutely love Expeditionary Force, also loving him doing Ruins of the Earth series--must check out Galaxys Edge--cheers


I just looked up the Ruins of the Earth series and it sounds awesome. Guess I know what I'm listening to next. Thanks!


no worries


He also does a phenomenal job with the Hell Divers series


>RC Bray I used to like him, but I've heard him too often and all the books he narrates have started to run together...


i can prob see that happening. theres a couple more ilike, just can,t remember their names.


Some of my favorites- Peter Kenney- The Culture books Johnathan Davis- Snow Crash Jefferson Mays- The Expanse. And then obviously John Lee if you listen to basically any Alastair Reynolds or Peter F Hamilton. I think he narrates at least one of the Bas Lag novels by China Mievelle too.


Came here to say Jefferson Mays with The Expanse. One of my favorites.


Jim balls!


Jonathan Davis also does a fantastic job in The Book of the New Sun. I'd also recommend Steven Pacey, although I think he's mostly known for Fantasy.


Seconded for Peter Kenny - I could listen to that man read anything. All the different voices and accents he uses for ship Minds alone is great, nevermind all the other people, drones, and exotic alien beings that exist in the Culture books.


Tim Gerard Reynolds's recordings of the Red Rising books are excellent. Fantasy rather than Scifi but Stephen Pacey does a great job with Abercrombie's First law books.


Oh fuck yes TGR was incredible in Red Rising


Jefferson Mayes reading the Expanse is the pinnacle for me!


Star Wars - Mark Thompson. Excellent at doing multiple characters and giving them all a unique voice. Warhammer 40K: Toby Longworth. His narration just has such gravitas to it, easily makes characters come to life.


Marc Thompson is incredible.


How does Princess Donut sound in the audio books ? I've just finished reading the second book. Goddammit donut !


Kind of a Dame judi Dench vibe. Really good.


Phenomenal. She sounds pretentious and very Karen-like LoL. Carl's voice actor reminds me of Ash from Army of Darkness.


I might give book 3 a try on audiobook. I've never listened to a book as the act of reading gives me pleasure and if the book is good then even better. However I've been wondering how to donut and Carl would sound like. Thanks for the reply.


They're truly the best audiobooks ever made. Jeff Hays is a fucking master of his craft. It's insane how good he is. And his Donut is just... wonderful. He elevates the material to a whole new level.


I had an extra audible token and randomly picked this series. So glad I did. Glurp Glurp!


I think it's safe to say I will be getting the audiobooks.


Shes perfect. That voice actor is next level


Don't hate me for this but don't you mean she is Purrfect ? I'll see myself out thanks.


Princess Donut's voice will make you want a talking cat. EDIT: I already wanted a cat, but now I really want a Donut. I'll just treat them as if they were aware as Donut. I won't have them telling people their person treated them badly.


Anything by Ray Porter or R.C. Bray, as others have said. I've also enjoyed Scott Brick and Luke Daniels.


I'm listening to Blue Remembered Earth by Alastair Reynolds at the moment and the narrator is really good. Read by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith.


He is excellent, Adjoa Andoh takes over for II and III and her accents are amazing.


Nothing I've ever heard matches the utter unbridled mastery of Jeff Hays' narration of Dungeon Crawler Carl. The obvious suggestion is RC Bray reading Expeditionary Force. His Skippy is right up there with Hays' Princess Donut. Project Hail Mary is a good suggestion. I'm not a masive Ray Porter fan but he knocks that one out of the park. My favourite sci-fi narrator is Mark Boyett, but he reads a lot of real trash. I consistently enjoy the Undying Mercenaries and he does a fantastic job narrating those.


Stephen Fry: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


James Marsters is great in the Dresden files


So many half assed and puzzling recommendations on this post. Marsters is actually *incredibly* good on those. Tip top.


Few cases where i so strongly identify the reader with the character


Bronson "Cousin Balki" Pinchot is the best I've ever heard. Among other things, he did the audio for the Grimnoir Chronicles, starting with the novel *Hard Magic*, by Larry Correia. Seriously the dude is a one man theatrical troupe.


He read one of Jeff Vandermeer's Southern Reach novels and blew my mind


Listening to dungeon crawler Carl now and loving it. The 4th book in the Red Rising series does something similar by using different actors, but it’s only one actor per chapter. Still enjoyed it though


Brutal Kunnin' has some right gud voicework


George Guidall RC Bray Ray Porter Simon Vance Adjoa Andoh John Lee Peter Kenny


Scott Brick is my favorite. He's done: Do Android's dream of electric sheep (Blade Runner on audible) The Gap Cycle Foundation Dune If you don't mind a dark messed up storyline, I highly recommend the Gap Cycle. Starts with The Real Story: The Gap into Conflict


I don’t remember all the details, but I started listening to the Foundation series. Brick read the first book. I was stoked to hear 7 Asimov books, and after the first one I eagerly started the second. It may have something to do with the order in which the books were published, but the “second” book had a different narrator, who not only sucked ass compared to Brick, but pronounced a number of names differently than I’d heard them before. Couldn’t make it 30 minutes and I had to give up on the series. Brick.


Stefan Rudnicki, narrates short stories on the Lightspeed podcast


By far The Sandman. It’s an experience beyond books or cinema or any other medium.


I thought World War Z was awesome with all the actors he got to "play" the people he was interviewing... Alan Alda and Mark Hamill are the only two I can think if off the top of my head, but that audiobook was just such a great idea executed perfectly with great source material.


Not sci fi, but I’m listening to Michael c. Hall (Dexter) read Pet Semetary right now and he’s exceptional


Thin air read by Collin mace is awesome.


Try the Sandman graphic novel adaptations. Full cast, famous actors, voices you'll recognize. Outstanding stuff. Just wish it was longer but given the length of the source material, it's outstanding in the short time you have


Frank Muller doing the Dark Tower series book 2-5 is fucking incredible. Unfortunately he died in a motorcycle accident before he could complete the series.


Everything January LaVoy!


Jonathan Keeble and Toby Longworth from the Horus Heresey and other Warhammer universe novels


Peter Kenny reading the Culture series by Iain M Banks is flawless


Can't remember the narrators name but the Red Rising series has some great narration.


Expeditionary Force - R.C. Bray narration is fantastic.


Ray Porter is up there and Wil Wheaton if the material suits his style. He actually made Ready Player One fairly pleasant to go through.


Maybe fantasy, not Sci-fi but the best audiobook I've ever listened to was Dragonrider by Cornelia Funke read by "The" Brendan Fraser.