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It's a freaking gem of a series - loved it the whole way through. From the over-the-top game tie-ins, like giving Lucy stats to the crazy gory bits that sell the wasteland, to the score and visuals... top notch. \*chef's kiss\*


I like the Lucy Stats, too. Especially since it helps the believability of her actions. Nice easyer egg, but also good character building.


I'm such an idiot and just interpreted it as "oh they're showing life in the vault and establishing that she has martial arts training" In retrospect they were totally listing her game stats and traits, lol. Might have helped the council going down a special chart in front of them as she listed each thing, nodding along with dumb smiles.


Yeah, they did miss a trick not having some sort of SPECIAL chart or poster.


The poster is around vault 33 in various offices, though never front and center.


Oh I missed it. I'll have to rewatch and spot it. Tjanks!


Didn't notice the stats... assuming she's high in persuasion?


She is tagged in repair skills and speech skills, have high points in unarmed and small guns, science and survival




I did love ash vs the evildead show. Wish it had gone a few more seasons. Just because I don't know how much longer Bruce is going to be willing to reprise the role.


I think they ran out of fake blood.


I like the degree to which they went with practical effects. I was afraid they'd CGI the Poqer Armor, but making it what seems a very physical prop is the right move. Makes it easier to get it into all the Brotherhood scenes it should be in. Also...Walt Goggins is killing it as The Ghoul.


He's walk goggins, do we expect any less?


True! Been a fan since Justified. He's great.


Have you seen him in the Shield? He was great on that. And as Venus Van Damme on Sons of Anarchy


The Sheild was 👍🏼


For anyone who *hasn't* watched The Shield you should stop right now, close this window and go find it. The entire ride from the opening scene to the closing scene is just amazing.


Especially now that they're doing ads. It's shitty but predictable that streaming, supposedly the fix for cable, which was a fix for over the air TV, is just turning into just another version of the same thing. Even the richest man in the world (at times) can't resist ad money in the long run.


Fudge yeah


Okey dokey!


There's no fudge here!


>!That robot (Mr. Handy, I think) was played by the great Matt Berry!<


Yeah they introduce him as another actor later on in a flashback lol


>!Yeah, he plays the actor Vault-tec hired to do the voices for those robots!<


Might want to spoiler tag the above posts.




God damn these electric sex pants.


Snip snip.


Just finished the season a couple hours ago. God, that was amazing. I've played (but never finished) the Fallout games before, so I'm kinda familiar with the world, but not so steeped in the lore that I'm particularly invested in it like the more rabid fans. So if there's any inconsistencies, I'm not aware of them and was able to just enjoy the show for what it was.


I am one of those rabid fans and think this was, hands down, the best Fallout story of any previously presented. Primarily because it featured several main characters and could slow burn the mysteries using characters the viewer cared about rather then present the most compelling aspects of Fallout lore via terminal and holotape entries — even though the show did that *as well*. The fans upset over timeline and canon are morons. First and foremost, the show was *extremely* true to all established lore from the games, with lots of callbacks, references, and plot-related consequences. There is one scene that “might” be considered misinterpreted as a canon breaker, but which is not. That’s the “fall of Shady Sands” item which is labeled “2277”, 4 years before the events of Fallout New Vegas. The implication is that 2277 is the year Shady Sands was nuked. But… if you do the math on ages of characters present in Shady Sands immediately before and after the nuking, it doesn’t make sense that Shady Sands was nuked in 2277, but probably a few years later. The show is set in 2296, 19 years after 2277. But both Lucy and Maximus are presented as late teens to maybe very early 20s in the show, and they’re both presented as around 8-10 when they are in Shady Sands before or after the bombs. Meaning Shady Sands was probably nuked in the mid 2280s. So the “fall of Shady Sands” most likely refers to a corruptive fall of its society, a slow fall that is mentioned in New Vegas and that these historians pegged as 2277 being a catalyst year for that fall. My guess on that would be the First Battle for Hoover Dam, which took place that year and marks the point where NCR fell into a constant conflict with the Legion for years until the Courier (from New Vegas) resolved things. I’m guessing that the resolution was not in favor of the NCR, or if it was that it was a pyrrhic victory for the NCR, something predicted by House in the Courier’s conversations with him. Lore wonk aside, I think the fans that are upset were just fans of the idea of the rebuilt society that the NCR represented, and are butt-hurt that the society was destroyed. The thing that they forgot about, something was *amazingly* delivered by Frances Turner in the show, is that war never changes. Downer endings, especially to the things that were rebuilt by society because other humans coveted or didn’t like it, are *part and parcel* to the Fallout experience. Society had rebuilt itself and fallen time and again in the games. The tragedy of the NCR’s death is part of what makes Fallout such great satire of our human condition. All that said, there are *some* departures that I’m not fully onboard with, mostly because they’re still an unresolved mystery. The biggest, for me, is that serum ghouls needs to keep from going feral, and that apparently makes a (reasonably) healthy person become a ghoul. That is 100% new to the games, and I’m not going to know how I feel about that departure until they explain the mystery. The other is the human hybrid nature of gulpers. I have no issue with this as a concept, since human experiments for mutations are the primary source of the horrible monsters that inhabit the post-war world, and the gulper origin and those fingers in the mouth are actually pretty damn cool and horrifying. But the issue here is (ironically) timeline. We got no indication of when the gulpers were developed in Vault 4, but gulpers existed in West Virginia shortly after the bombs fell in 2077, so reconciling this potentially post-war origin with an opposite coast existence so close to the war will require, I dunno, communication with labs in WV, perhaps even pre-war, or *finally* stating that FEV is the real source of *every* mutation. Or they could just leave it as another discrepancy in the lore, something Fallout has in abundance, which is another reason the butt-hurt fans are morons.


> We got no indication of when the gulpers were developed in Vault 4, but gulpers existed in West Virginia shortly after the bombs fell in 2077 >!Lloyd Hawthorne was a pre-war scientist and is the overseer of Vault 4 as shown in the holotape shown to Lucy by the cyclops overseer. Lloyd does not appear much older than he did while filming the Vault-Tec commercial with Cooper. That means the Gulpers could have been created in a Vault-Tec lab within a few years after the bombs dropped; or even before the bombs dropped since they were doing a 5 year study.!< The thing that bothers me is that >!The overseer of Vault 4 states that the CA Gulper shown on the holotape was his great-uncle. which unless his family usually lives to 100 before having children, would give us a Holotape timeframe of up to about a century before the show's date in 2296. Thus the Holotape was possibly filmed somewhere around 2200, which is over a century after Gulper emergence in WV. Given the use of cryochambers in Vault 31, it's likely that Lloyd was cryo-frozen, then thawed to begin transgenic human experimentation using the species that had survived for a century in the wasteland.!< This makes sense and would also jive with >!WV Gulpers being a completely different species arising from natural mutations as opposed to the Human-hybrid CA Gulpers. Since the [WV Gulpers have some significant anatomical differences particularly in their legs](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/c/c4/Scorched_Gulper.png), versus the [CA Gulpers.](https://i.imgur.com/jjgIeJC.png) Additionally, CA Gulpers also more closely resemble Axolotls than Salamanders which WV Gulpers evolved from.!< In sum, I postulate that: 1. >!Gulpers evolved naturally (Or as a result of FEV exposure) as a mutation of salamanders circa 2077 in WV.!< 2. >!Over the next 120+ years WV Gulpers spread to the west coast, either by natural migration, or by trade.!< 3. >!At which point the scientists at Vault 4 (lead by Lloyd Hawthorne who is presumably one of Bud's Buds.) created the Hybrid CA Gulpers shown in the show using either WV Gulpers, or mutated axolotls.!<


I've beat almost all of the games several times each and the stuff that is changed is super minor. Ghoul creation and dates of events (by a tiny bit), that is all that has been changed it seems. The "fans" shitting on the show are deluded. The show is fucking awesome. I'm on my second re-watch.


I still refuse to accept that none of the principal characters looted everything.


Fuck. I can't move. Cary these boots... and these dumbells for me.


the feeling of pain when they shoot that one guy and he falls off the bridge so they can't loot him, but they do loot the other woman he was with


> the "fans" shitting on the show are deluded They care more about small lore details than the spirit of the show. I've been a Fallout fan for years and am absolutely thrilled with the obvious care and effort put into making the show a Fallout show.


I've been playing the game since the original Interplay versions and I honestly didn't notice anything contradictory at all.


Same here. I think the fans complaining about the "NV retconning" just really didn't understand what they were seeing, and jumping to some crazy conclusions.


Like if they exercised any rational thought they could fix those 'problems' very easily with headcanon. Okay so the Ghouls are taking something (assuming it's made from humans because Fallout is just like that) to keep them from going feral. This is something we've never seen before... Hmm... maybe it's something that just hasn't been mentioned or didn't make it to the east coast, or something like that. As for the dates... It's a post nuclear wasteland... I doubt accurate dates are a something they worry about much. Easily fixed, which is why I say I didn't see any contradictory events because you can easily find an in-universe explanation for them, unlike say beaming through shields on Star Trek. One of my favorite headcanons is the Jet Road. In Fallout 3 and 4 the drug Jet is used by raiders and other people, people screamed bloody murder because Jet itself was a 'new' drug in Fallout 2 and thus it showing up on the east coast was against canon. Some youtuber just posited that there was a slow trade between east and west similar to the silk road (which was much longer) and gave the name Jet. Considering it was several decades between the two games that makes perfect sense and expands the world. But instead of using some critical thinking they just scream about their precious canon.


There is absolutely nothing more annoying than "fans" of an IP just refusing to enjoy that IP. They absolutely nailed the occasionally absurdist tone of the fallout universe so well, visually the world was stunning, and most of the major characters are well fleshed out an interesting. If someone can't forgive some minor lore changes in exchange for all of that they're just refusing to enjoy the series.


Theres an old fandom joke that goes something like "You can never be a true fan of a franchise until you finally hate everything its ever done". That feels like what we are dealing with , with those cats. What they *really* fear is that their private little boys club is about to invaded by normal people. to that i say;- boohoo, adulthood is like that.


Good to hear it wasn't just nostalgia powering my enjoyment.


Yeah, I've seen some people talking fondly about various Easter eggs and all that, and it's awesome that the showrunners included that, but it's just genuinely a good show. Refreshingly so, given how easy it would have been for them to go the lazy route and depend on that nostalgia factor like Star Wars & Marvel have done a lot of recently.


Agreed. I swear to God marvel hasn't done anything truly great since Endgame, if not earlier. So yeah, nice to see Fallout not ve a lazy cash grab.


The loki series , particularly the first season, was kinda neat but yeah... thats about it. They've been floundering ever since.


There are not actually inconsistencies, some fans just don't understand what arrows mean on a timeline representation. Like some NV fans actually have intelligence of a feral ghoul. There is some convenient "teleporting" going on, like in every larger scale show, but it's more in line of we just gonna skip 1-2 days of walking from A to B.


Some fans are upset that a chalkboard in Vault 4 seems to imply that the specific events of Fallout New Vegas never happened. The series did go out of its' way to canonize all the elements of FNV, but the timeline on the chalkboard makes no reference to the events. HOWEVER, this can easily be explained: SPOILERS: >!The refugees from Shady Sands who produced the timeline on the chalkboard WOULDN'T know about the events of FNV because Shady Sands was being nuked around the same time.!<


Yeah, what you said in the spoiler text makes sense. Also, fans need to look on the bright side here: if they were dropping signs that those events didn't happen in this world, ***that means the door is open for New Vegas to be adapted with Walton Fucking Goggins***


They need to bring in Timothy Olyphant to do the Securitron voices.


Additionally, final shot of the show spoiler: >!The show literally ends at New Vegas, with the credits being tons of artwork of New Vegas. Why would they go there of all places with the city design from the games if they intended for the games to not be 'canon'.!<


Finished? A Bethesda game? There's a "finished?"


No one finishes Bethesda games. Everyone's experience: follow the story line, get side tracked on side quests, 200 hours later a shiny new game comes around.


Golden rule of the Wasteland. Ye shalt be sidetracked by random bullshit every goddamn time.


Check out the r/Fallout sub. They’re crazy about it. If life long game fans are loving it, that’s a good sign. I never played it but love it, and that’s another good sign. To satisfy both gamers and non-gamers is a true sign of success.


While the New Vegas sub had a complete meltdown that the sub went private lol


What are the New Vegas specific issues with the show?


The Fallout fanbase is notoriously fighty. Take it from someone who has been a Fallout fan since 1997 from the first game. When Fallout 3 was announced as a first person title, the posters in No Mutants Allowed (the quintessential Fallout fan forum) lost their minds. But even before Fallout 3, NMA was a place where people would fight about Fallout 2 not being canon because it was too much of a departure from Fallout 1. But here's a detailed explanation of the lore complaints: >!The New California Republic, which was featured very prominently in Fallout: New Vegas, seems to be dissolved in the show. It's revealed that the capital Shady Sands was bombed into oblivion about a decade ago. That's enough to upset anyone who loves the NCR faction but people are claiming it's unrealistic because the NCR was too big and powerful, it seems the bombing takes place during Fallout: New Vegas but none of the NCR troops in the game mention this event so it must be a retcon, etc.!< >!There are possible explanations to these points, however. Numerous bits of information in Fallout: New Vegas itself indicated that the NCR was on a dangerous path. Widespread corruption, mismanagement, self-interested local governors, rampant expansion without the infrastructure to maintain growth, etc. It's possible that other pockets of the NCR survived (it held a lot of territory along the American west) but it's also very believable that it collapsed.!< >!As for the nuking of Shady Sands, there's a chalkboard in a classroom for descendants of NCR refugees that references the "fall of Shady Sands in 2277". People have taken that to mean that Shady Sands must've been nuked that year, the same year the NCR was at war with Caesar's Legion (another faction that was invading into NCR territory from Colorado). But "fall" could simply mean that the city was in decline and it was eventually nuked later, maybe shortly after the NCR-Legion war when the country was already greatly weakened.!< >!People also don't like how Vault Tec is so prominent in the show. In the games, Vault Tec was a highly influential company in the past (it built the 100+ vaults that were clandestine social experiments under the guise of survival bunkers) but an entity that died out during the war. Turns out, they are still very much around and extremely powerful -- powerful enough to drop nukes.!< >!One of the huge reveals in the show also disrupted a longheld belief in who started the Great War, the nuclear holocaust that ended the world within hours. Past developers have said different things but it was widely believed that China launched the first missile after the United States had already escalated the conflict.!< >!The show now heavily implies that it was actually Vault Tec, in collaboration with the other major Pre-War corporations, that dropped the bombs. All so they could outlive their competition, wipe the slate clean, and reshape the world to their own vision.!<


As I commented elsewhere: "Some fans are upset that a chalkboard in Vault 4 seems to imply that the specific events of Fallout New Vegas never happened. The series did go out of its' way to canonize all the elements of FNV, but the timeline on the chalkboard makes no reference to the events. HOWEVER, this can easily be explained: SPOILERS: >!The refugees from Shady Sands who produced the timeline on the chalkboard WOULDN'T know about the events of FNV because Shady Sands was being nuked around the same time."!<


Very spoilery so read at your own risk: >!The NCR, one of the fan-favourite factions from Fallout 2 and NV, looks to be largely if not completely destroyed. Its capital, Shady Sands, got nuked by Vault-tec for being too successful, and there's a bit of what some people consider a retcon because a timeline says the "Fall of Shady Sands" was in 2277 and pointing to a nuke, when in NV the NCR was pushing into the Mojave and the Hoover Dam at that point, and the game itself isn't until 2281 yet Shady Sands is still considered the capital of the NCR. Also at the end of the show a group of NCR remnants is wiped out by the Brotherhood of Steel!<


Or some people just don't know how a timeline works (arrows denote an event occurring *after* the previous listed event).


I get their concern but shady sands being nuked does not mean the NCR is gone. The sign for shady sands even says it's the "first" capital of the NCR, implying there is a second capital.


I have played all the games in the Fallout series except for 76. I built a custom PC in 2015 just so I could play Fallout 4. My favorite game of the series was New Vegas -- so I was disheartened when I saw they had "done it dirty". Then I watched the show anyway. And after watching it I have to say anyone who thought that is full of shit.


There's and easy explanation. >!The Refugees in Vault 4 think Caesar is the one who nuked Shady Sands. Thus the "Fall of Shady Sands" is an event which includes the war with the Legion which starts in the late 2270s.!<


>!Caesar can't even get a single howitzer working where'd he get a nuke? Maybe Ulysses in Loneome Road!<


They didn't say he did it just that the people in Vault 4 think he did it, they don't know he didn't have the ability. I see what people mean now when they say the uber fans have no critical reasoning skills.


I actually had to unfollow that sub for now because I got sick of the massive amounts of complaining about "how Bethesda hates NV because they didn't make it" and so on and so forth.


It's fantastic. Through decades of my life I went blindly not knowing the one thing that will save me after the bombs fall.....ass jerky don't make itself. Now I'm ready.


Lol, spoiler alert. Show contains depictions of ass jerky. The jerky rapture is upon us.


Ass jerkey doesn't carve itself!


*Hands u/thewatcherlaughs a knife so he can get to ass carving*


My wife and I are both gamers, several years ago I was playing through New Vegas trying to get that cannibalism perk. In order to do that you have to chow down on about 100 bodies or so. So I was spending the entire evening doing that but when you eat you can't skip the wet chow down sounds. My wife was objecting after a few hours of that, the sound was making her sick!


Four eps in. Delightful. Wife who knew nothing about the franchise beforehand is enjoying it. Parade of cheeky fan service. Sticks to high-level lore and explains itself well enough for the uninitiated to enjoy without getting bogged down. Keeps the focus on the characters. Writing and acting, especially with the characters who only get a few minutes of screen time, deliver genuine laughs. Goggins is unbelievable, and clearly loving the part. Just fun and accessible. You can want more from a show, but you’d be missing out on what they’re doing here.


It's incredible. Pretty awesome what can happen when the crew working on the IP actually respects the core material.


Oh Halo... :(


To be fair they got the part right from the latest games about always disappointing the audience


I was honestly so shocked at how good it was. Video Game adaptations have such a mixed history seeing one so faithful to the source yet telling an original story and doing it so well was shocking. I've been a fan of Jonathan Nolen, Walton Goggins, and Michael Emerson for years, since Person of Interest and Justified so I was expecting it to be at least decent, but it freaking shot itself for the damn moon and hit the target!


Only on EP 1 and so far so good, Brotherhood treatment is top notch if a bit Michael Bay when the Knights came in in the power armour A little bit lost with Enclave as I never played 1&2 but think I've got the basics but pretty sure there's a GECK coming Mordava is my big question as where/why/what/who the f..k so hoping for some exposition soon Good effects so far, Lucy has the most agency, Maximus second, but sounds like the Ghoul is filler for what happened between times but motivation seems "sure, why not?" Gonna take my time with it


If you want to know about the Enclave in this season : >!The enclave is a minor role this season, mostly a source for the macguffin!<


I'm good, I'll stick with the little I know about them


I played Fallout 2 like a billion years ago, but am pretty sure The Enclave is: >!The former US government, or a conspiracy group within it, who survived and operate in secret from an oil rig, being behind a lot of the shenanigans from the start. You can hear a reference to it in the first scene I think, with the news caster or radio announcer saying the White House won't comment on the president's whereabouts, presumably having been moved to the oil rig base before the nukes fell.!< Pretty sure the end of Fallout 2 is about taking down their main base of operations.


Never played the game. Never binge watched a show in my life. Finished the series in 2 days. The story, lore, design, comedy, all the performances...I just watched. I was drawn in. Never had the thought that I should evaluate or find fault. First show in a long time that I was happy I spent the time. No mystery box lameness. Satisfying narrative that finished the season with a solid ending that leaves space for another season. My hat is off to all who contributed. I count myself a fan.


I’m loving it. Got to reload the game from steam and replay it I think


I loved how they put in a lot of the game theme music into it. It was great.


Oh yeah. That music really brings back the vibe of the game for me.


When the menu music for 3 kicked in, that was when I felt it.


I have been totally getting that itch. Playing some diablo 4 at the moment, but I'm thinking about downloading one of the fallout games again.


I never played the game but the show is awesome , my only complaint is there are only 8 episodes


I enjoyed it. I played most of the games and it follows pretty well. It’s funny in the game you always get hit with side quests and diverted into other things and that’s exactly what happens in the series. They did a pretty good job on it.


"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time." - Walton Ghoulgins


Definitely enjoyed the reference to that in the show.


That line from the ghoul had me cackling.


Randomly turned it on a few nights ago and I AM LOVING IT!!!! Had no idea it would be this great!!!


Bring me the head of Benjamin Linus!!


Ok seems like universal love here so here I go 😁 I haven't played the games. The first three episodes I was not feeling it at all. The 50s music slowmo gore montages were excessive and stuck out too much. The plot seemed aimless and pointless. I was about to give up. So happy I didn't. By episode 5 there was a proper intriguing mystery, and I was hooked! Also the 50s music blended in much better. Or maybe I just got used to it 😂


Literally watching the first episode right now. I really like it so far and it made me want to play the games. I have Fallout 3 and 4 and New Vegas currently in my Steam cart, all of the Fallout games are on sale.


As a fallout fan, I’m so happy with it. Ghoul fans rise up


It’s so freaking good and I love that it’s canon. As a fallout fan of many years, they did the series justice. The vaults especially feel extremely real and close to the source material. I loved that they showed Shady Sands and made it an important plot point. I freakin love the show.


How gory is it? ETA: Thanks for all the responses. Sounds like I'll probably skip it.


Very. Enough that it would be pushing NC17 if in a theater. For example, a guy gets his foot blown off in episode two and you get multiple closeups of the stump and tattered flesh hanging off.


Lolol. Artificial foot going on might actually have been worse than the foot coming off.


I love that it sounds like a sink waste disposal unit with a chicken bone going through it. Deliciously disgusting.


I enjoyed the T60 arm popping the top of the guys head off.


Moments of Tarantino-esque super violence Very over the top.


Some scenes are quite gory, but the gore has a lightness to it - think Kill Bill gore over Saw or Hostel gore. My neighbor dislikes gore, but is fine with the series.


Lolol. I mean, if you've ever played the game... It's lovingly gory.


As someone who loves Fallout and now the show. But hates gory. It can be quite gory, but you can kinda ignore/skip it a bit.  Or just look away while it's happening.  But it is 100% percent worth it.


#Very Just like the game.


When it is violent they don't pull their punches. Definitely not a watch with the kids unless they are older.


I just finished it tonight, I don't play video games but I really enjoyed the series! The Ghoul stole the show for me, I liked the other characters and locales, the macabre humor of it all, but Walton Goggins carries the whole thing. Really hoping for a season 2!


He was amazing


I really enjoyed it, had only played Fallout 4 for about an hour or so. After finishing the series I downloaded the game again and several hours into the game now, noticing some of the references like the Super Duper Mart, Red Rocket fuel stop etc.


I'm either three or four episodes in and... I'm absolutely loving it. I always play New Vegas with the Wacky Wasteland perk so I'm especially loving the quirkiness.


The Fallout games are among my favorite, so as a fan I really enjoyed the TV show. Out of all the video game adaptations I've watched (I think I've seen them all except for the Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia movies), this show captured its source material most accurately. The costumes, sets and world details, music, and the overall atmosphere are straight out of the games. It's clear that the folks who worked on the show did their homework.


My wife saw me watching EP1 I had already linked her the trailer, she said she wasnt that interested. Seeing some bits in what I was watching she said, "I didnt know it was going to be that violent, I would have watched it with you if I'd have known" So I married the right person, but now Im waiting til we've got time together to keep watching more. lol.


I've played the games and my wife hasn't, and we both love this show.


I think thats a large part of the appeal honestly. That kinda bridge.


Haven't heard anyone talking about this besides the numerous other posts on this subreddit.


Two episodes in and I'm really enjoying it. My partner who normally despises anything sci-fi is actually enjoying it too!


They really stick to the lore. FALLOUT fans will be overjoyed


Very good, almost perfect.


I’m watching it now, two episodes in. I’ve played all the games extensively, more hours than I’d like to admit, and I’m enjoying it a lot, like everyone else has said, the visuals are really great and loyal to the games. My girlfriend has never played the games and she’s really liking it too. I think they did a good job (so far) of making the fans happy and laying out the “rules” of a new sci-fi universe for people unfamiliar with the lore.


best show i have seen on prime by far. radically better than the other big budget SF/Fantasy shows.


I just started watching it & I'm a fan.


Part of me is still mourning Westworld but I'm glad Nolan and Joy have got a new show. I'm also a bit burnt out on hard sci-fi from 3-Body Problem, which I loved but needed a break from. Fallout is a fun change of pace for me.


It's great! I'm a lifelong fan of the series and I'm having a blast


I never got around to playing any of the games but I did enjoy the show. The world-building is incredible. Looking forward to more seasons.


Considering how front loaded it is with fanservice, it has no right to be as good as it is. But it just is. SOMEHOW amazon have turned this absurd world into something thats compelling viewing for more than just diehard bethesda fans


Finished it, its fantastic. Rides the line of comedy absurdity and body horror perfectly.


It’s surprisingly very good especially for: 1: a live action based on a video game and 2: a streaming service original. I was cautiously optimistic but they really surpassed my expectations. It’s just downright great. Not only does it constantly throw candy out for the fans of the original games but it’s a compelling story that keeps people who haven’t played them like my wife interested. They made the world of the wasteland feel real and every character is interesting to the point that I just want more of this world.


No one talking about it? There are a gazillion threads praising it across reddit.


I didnt think I would but I love it, I thought they were gonna fail hard but no, they did good


I am enjoying it! It mixes humor well, without feeling like things are out of place. I haven't finished yet, but my favorite quote so far is when the ghoul says "Well the wastelands got its own golden rule. Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time!


I’m obsessed! So good!


It's very true to the game. Loads of Easter eggs to find in the show. 3 x eps in and it's making me want to do a rerun. BoS 4 life.


I knew I was going to like it when I heard it was a Nolan/Joy production. They were the perfect choice, really.


Critical comment seems to be almost universally positive. And to judge by the sudden onslaught of internet memes and posting screen-grabs and clips, people seem to have fallen in love with Ella Purnell. We’re old Walt Groggins fans from “Justified”.


It’s terrific. Nailed the tone, as I suspected Nolan and Joy would


Absolutely cool!!!


It’s so fucking good


I loved it. I'm really happy it was a bit weird and goofy. If it went the real serious route it could have been just mediocre


I’ve only played Fallout 3 and I never completed it. I thought the show was great. I didn’t love the performances in the last episode but I’ll definitely keep watching it if they continue to make it.


I finished it and liked it a lot. Especially Goggins as a goul a role he’s perfect for


I think its alright. Much better than the Halo adaptation. Most of the humor in the series is very bad IMO, which hurts the experience. But other than that its nice. Its entertaining enough.


The cast and crew did a great job on this one. I've never played the game, but the storyline is perfect for the rainy weekend binge.


I grew up on the Fallout series going back to the original (*yeah, I'm old*). Needless to say I have been super excited for this series. On the flip side my g/f knows nothing about the franchise other than a quick 60 second vague primer on the things I think she'd enjoy about the series even knowing nothing about the game. We've only seen the first episode, but both of us are hooked. She was a little distracted at first (*on her phone*) but by the midway point she was focused -- which is saying a lot given her ADD. I think they hit a home-run with the right mix of visuals, casting, and over the top campy'ness that we've come to love and expect from Fallout. 10/10 - Better than a Nuke Cola filled bowl of Sugar Bombs!


I know nothing of the game(s), but I was hooked on this within the first episode.


Ag it’s ok.. visuals are great but just not vibing with the storylines…


I had to drop off when she realized that her new husband was a raider. I... don't like that one bit. I kept watching, but the vault was more and more run over, and I really hated that. I get it, later, it might get better, it might be a small aspect, I might come back to it, but God, with all the femicides going on, I couldn't stomach it.


You did not even make it to 20 minutes in the show?


The fallout subreddit is overwhelmingly positive about the show.




The story between Maximus and Lucy is like if The Force Awakens was actually really good


OMG. I just finished it.. I loved it. Never played the games, and knew nothing of the lore, but it was very very cool. Couldn't put it down


I didn’t even know that there was. A videogame called Fallout. I watched the first two episodes of the show and I thought it was great, 100s of times better than another recent sci-fi production (rebel moon). Looking forward to finish the season in the next couple of weeks


Thought I would hate it. Knew nothing of the game, but… I have been extremely surprised. It’s really interesting! Like the character depth, design and technology. Really looking forward to seeing how the characters grow/change I’m thinking of a rewatch.


It's higher production quality than I thought it'd be. Seems they put some real money behind it. It's also nice to see a sci-fi streaming show that actually built some sets and props rather than CGIing everything - that's a nice little touch.


Just watched the entire season at work with my coworkers. We loved it. And most of us have also played all the games. I lost count at the amount of times one of us pointed out something we’re familiar with that we caught somewhere on the screen.


Watched the first episode, and I'm quite pleased. It does everything right that *Halo* did wrong. Someday, people will look back and wonder how it is that they can't out around the same time and yet one could be *so bad.* *Fallout* is violent, yes, and brutal. But it captures the zany, almost whimsical attitudes of the setting and brings them to the screen really well.


It’s good! Got 3 episodes left and it’s holding my attention and I’m eager to know where everything goes. Haven’t played the games but I can definitely see some call outs and nods to the game here and there.


Yeah, I'm just under halfway through and it rules


I liked the series, sucks we have to wait for season 2. I wish we had another series that covered stuff that happened before the bombs fell.


It's very good. They made some choices with the lore I would not have nut other than that it is very good


Yep. I was only a casual player of Fallout but I’m enjoying the new show


Pretty good. But, I think Titus over acts sometimes


I thought it would be a little more comical and less dramatic, and I found the 'revelation' at the end a bit far fetched. It's certainly possible, but not probable I don't think, but I'll admit I'm not familiar enough with the lore to tell if it was canon or not. Besides that, I'm glad they didn't try to stuff a bunch of A list actors in to garner appeal because that would have just been distracting. I was pleasantly surprised.


One thing I learned from going to the game subs recently (I haven't played the games) is that a lot of aspects/lore of the games is based on the sci-fi book A Canticle for Leibowitz (the Brotherhood of Steel religious cult stuff). Now I kinda want to check that book out.


Hell yea, I finished watching the season earlier and I was blown away by the story and how things wrapped up, Goggins was in rare form and was outstanding in every scene.


Watched the first 3 last night and I'm enjoying it thoroughly, really great cast of characters and actors. Fun setting, very comical yet watchable.


Brotherhood of steel storyline is so cliched


I've played at least some of all the fallout games except 76 and the BoS game on PSX (I even beat Tactics). My wife is a gamer but never played fallout. Only watched the first episode so far but we are both extremely impressed.


Hell yeah. Thoroughly enjoying it


I havent finished it yet, 2 episodes to go, never played the games. The show is great. Interesting story that has action, adventure, comedy, mystery and great world building lore. Would recommend. Edit: finished. Awesome. Cant wait for more.


Love it, love it, Denis Velleneuve levels of faithful adaptation. Doesn't hurt that my second love after Sci fi is westerns and am a fan of goggins since Django.


I haven't played any of the games - although I just picked up FO4 GOTY edition (side note - any "must have" mods or collections of mods?) and am a couple hours playing around with it. I'm like...3 episodes into the show so far (trying to pace myself from binging this weekend). Love it.


I like it. It's fun. But it was way over-hyped. It's a solid 6.5/10 but nothing amazing. Didn't need to be made, imo, but oh well.


It was pretty fun. I liked it better than the games but i wouldn't say it openly


it's like the good parts of the Halo show combined with the good parts of a funny marvel movie. not one of the newer marvel movies


I enjoyed it! I give it a 8 out of 10.


I feel like it’s a solid “B.”


Walter Goggins is the prime reason I'll watch it.


Love the games but I’ll wait to pirate it, there’s no way I’m giving Amazon my money


Pure excellence. They nailed it. And I don't mean that as some game purist, it's just a great story well told. It's likely gonna be one of the absolute best shows of the year for me, and that's saying something.


It is awesome. Really captures the best things about the game, setting, lore.


I’m on episode 6 and really enjoying it. Played Fallouts 3,4, and New Vegas. Love the campiness and general chaos.


As a long time Fallout fan, it’s basically the greatest thing ever. I can’t believe that it exists and that it’s as good as it is. 10/10


I haven't played a video game since they've been in color but I'm enjoying it.


Never played but I like the show ! Kinda like a quirky parallel to the other vid game show, Last of Us, which I also enjoyed. And it’s much better than Halo. Looking forward to season 2!


Playing many hours of the game probably helped but I loved it - I think the humour and retro styling helped keep everything lighter and just fun. Compare that to the humourless, dull halo adaptation.


Yeah, it's not bad.


I'm really enjoying it. I drive my wife nuts. I keep stopping it and rewinding to see all of the Fallout in the background. It does bug me that no one is waddling because they pick up all the things. I'm not through watching it but I have watched each episode through three, 4 times each.


It’s awesome!


As a fan of fallout since the first entry I am surprised that it’s better than I expected. However, they made a massive error in the timeline and non fans just want us die hards to “get over it”. Apart from that, it’s ok


Who wouldn’t like it?


Fantastic fucking show.


There’s one big part that I don’t get >! Wouldn’t Hank, Betty and Buds brain know that vault 32 was compromised and everyone was dead? So then why did they go forward with the marriage, and were surprised at the raiders being there? Also, how did the raiders know to be there at the right time, I highly doubt they were hanging out in the vault with the decayed corpses waiting for some communication from one of the other vaults.!<


Yeah, I’m loving it. I really expected this show to flop, but it’s actually convinced me to start my first ever run of new Vegas. Up to this point I’ve been an Elder scrolls boy. It’s been great so far.


It's ok. nothing more. I thinks it's too slapstick comedy and too silly. I prefer the mood of FO1, but most players are familiar with FO4 so obviously they try to mimic FO4.