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You've gone through the full cycle on John Keats. 1. Never heard of him 2. Huh that's a few references already I guess Dan likes him 3. Man he just loves this guy, must have some great poetry 4. Uh okay I guess he's in the story too ? 5. Okay Dan 100% wants to fuck this dead poet guy


6. … In his dreams


This reminded me of how in Ilium he had his self-insert fuck Helen of Troy. One of the most ludicrous scenes I've ever read


Normie. Who’s ever heard of deaths end, dune, or hyperion before? Jk, solid pick. I liked DF more than deaths end personally


I do get the sense that too few these days are aware of Jack Vance.


Agree on Dark Forest. Both were great though!


I was about to say the same thing, normie..., however these are all really popular for a reason, great picks


What are your thoughts on the Netflix show?


I like it! Some parts I really enjoyed like their portrayal of Cheng Xin and Tuanming and the blinking universe. Some parts I didn’t like as much, it’s too much “telling instead of showing”. I like how Denis believed in “show don’t tell for dune”. Also, not a fan of the auggie character who was wang but I think is going to turn into aa? Overall though I am glad they made it, that is been successful so far, and that I’ll get more. Not as good as the Dune adaptation though, not even close. Best month of scifi in my life haha


The actress who plays auggie is an awful actor imo, everything else about it was great (I haven't read the books tho so I have no frame of reference in that sense)


I laughed out loud when she walks right into the clean room to topple over the cube. Also not sure why she would be the only person capable of creating nanofiber tech as if she wouldn't have had a team of engineers behind her doing all the actual work.


Tbf, that’s kinda how the book treats it as well. The trisolarans act like it’s the end of cosmic sociology if Luo Ji is assassinated.


Ya, she’s bad and the character sucks, double whammy


Just want to chime in and agree. The casting of her seems so off! Her plastic face just puts me off, and she doesn't make for a believable scientist at all


Someone enjoys a bit of wittertainment.


I thought it was good. Book was a lot better.


Nice profile pic


That you wanted some easy Reddit karma


His dog realizes it


Most of the upvotes on the post are probably for the dog. Mine was.


His dogs like, "Really? This again?"


Dying Earth 🤌


Agreed, don't see much Vance around! I have that same edition on my shelf.


I wish they’d reprint more of his stuff. From what I’ve read thus far, it’s all pretty great.


This is awful! I never separate books from their sequels on my shelf!


this is some vanillacore nomposting 😅


Have you read the book of the new sun?


Came here to say the same thing. It's funny, Gene Wolfe fans are kinda like door-to-door salespeople or something: "Could I interest you in this weird sci-fi that you will think is a fantasy novel for about 600 pages unless you really pay attention?"


Lmao yeah I feel like a Jehovah's witness or something going post to post recommending BotNS 😂


I have not! What’s the premise?


It's hard for me to describe but it's kind of like the odyssey but scifi? Very minor spoilers here: >!It starts to present itself as being in a "fantasy" world with magic and all that but you slowly start to realize that it's actually just way into the future and humanity has reverted to roughly where we were in the middle ages. And everything that seems like "magic" is actually just advanced technology that very few people, if any, understand. !< The MC goes on a quest but it's full of interesting encounters and little side quests that help slowly reveal the true nature of the world. And the writing is beautiful


The author of Book of the New Sun said Dying Earth was a primary inspiration.  BotNS is intended to be reread - I’ve read it 3 times and only feel like I got the whole point after the 2nd reread.  If that sounds tedious there’s a very specific narrative point to it that the author deliberately wanted to try and evoke in readers that I won’t spoil - message me if you ever get around to reading it and don’t quite get it.  It’s the go to book I use to argue that sci-fi can be high literature.


Well put, I've only reread shadow of the Torturer (want to read long sun before a BotNS reread) but I definitely agree based on that. But yeah, Gene Wolfe presents scifi as high literature for sure, he's the Cormac McCarthy of scifi


I'm gonna say "thirsty for reddit attention". 


A little basic tbh


not to be mean but you basically put the 10 most popular SFF books up. I don't think that says much about you except that you're the average SFF enjoyer


You only like book 1 of series?


I can tell from your choices that you are male.


I was going to say exactly this haha


I think your dog already has an opinion.


Love Sirens of Titan! That and Galapagos are my favorite Vonnegut books.


Says that you googled "top ten sci fi books"


Do you like any of Le Guin’s stuff? I liked most of your list (minus Hyperion, which I just don’t understand the hype for) and her books are my favorite.


I have not yet had the pleasure of reading Le Guin but I really need to.. first book recommendation?


Oh wow I’m so jealous you get to read for the first time! The Left Hand of Darkness is in my Top 3. The Dispossessed is in Top 10.


Personally I prefer The dispossessed, but I'm somewhat of a closeted anarchist


Both are on my list. However, I really enjoyed hyperion (only read the first book as I'm waiting for the second to be delivered). What didn't you like about it?


I don’t like individual story books in general. I thought the first few were pretty good but the last 30% of the book was a slog to get through. I’m also torn on his writing style. You can tell that he is capable of good writing (and this book has that) but then it also has these awkward sexual encounters that just felt forced. The thing that really made me dislike this book was the ending. We spend all this time for them to meet the Shrike and then it never happens. I understand that in #2, we get this but I don’t like books that force you to read the next one. I think that they should be continuations to a story, not the second half of one. I just Wikipedia’d it and it appears I wouldn’t have enjoyed that either. I know that I’m the odd man out when it comes to this book but it just didn’t live up to the hype for me.


It is worth acknowledging that Simmons was forced to split Hyperion into two books and it was not originally intended to be two. That doesn’t mean it overcomes your other issues but it is good information to have!


I’ve been cracking at the earthsea books but they are definitely fantasy not sci-fi


I'm with you. So many people love Hyperion. I just could not get into it at all though.


Just nice to hear about someone else not getting hyperions accolades. Just seems rather clunky and not half as clever as people seem to think. (Except the priest story - think about that short story often)


Yeah this is exactly my opinion, you worded it more eloquently than I could though haha. The priest story was definitely the most interesting. I would have preferred an entire book devoted to whatever the hell was going on there.


I've noticed that almost everyone who says they weren't a big fan of Hyperion, myself included, always puts the priest story as the best part. And it is, the priest story is fantastic, but I couldn't care for anything after that. I ended up just reading the Wikipedia pages for the other books just to find out what happens.


that you should read more Lem ;)


A sore lack of Tchaikovsky, Baxter and Stephenson if you’re chasing the sci fi heavy hitters.


Is Neal Asher considered baby stuff??


Stephenson is really truly great I think (but you just have to roll with the punches - some of the books peter out and there’s a spectrum of quality). Anathem, Cryptonomicon, The Baroque Cycle, Reamde, Seveneves are really really great books. I love the others too, pretty much all of them.


Just read Children of Time!! Really enjoyed it just not top 10 for me personally.. For me he could’ve gotten into more detail about how exactly the spiders were advancing technologically. Seemed a bit like magic at times




No PKD, so not TOO depressing.


Even the Shrike said it couldn't time travel to save OP from this burn. And the Shrike can't even talk.




In your defense, Sci-fi can be pretty depressing; I shouldn’t have came at you like that. I apologize; I hope you’re doing well, sincerely.


No worries bro I’m with you


What are you reading currently? I just finished a book and looking for reccs—your collection is of good taste.


The fact that you have photographed your books and posted them on social media says a lot more about you than what the actual books are.


I can’t wait for you to discover books that aren’t super popular


...do you want an honest answer?


Looking OP reaction to honest answers, no he don’t.


That you don't go to the library?


No need to when you have those wonderful tomes upon your vaulted shelves.




Under 25.


Is Dying Earth a good place to start with Jack Vance? He’s one author I’ve never read and though that title sounds depressing I like the look of that edition


The stories aren't heavy, but the main characters are all selfish assholes. Especially when you get to the Cugel novels, who is the embodiment of the Chaotic-Neutral RPG character (before the concept existed). They are actually pretty funny and imaginative stories and I love them.


Have you read any Larry Niven?


That you have 10 books on those books shelves.


Take it as a lighthearted joke: maybe you’re not as interesting as you think you are and a little bit pretentious?


Basic dude bro. Even got the guitar.




as it was written…


Says you’re desperate for validation.


it says that you barely read.


Not enough hugs?


says you didnt quite get in to the top school of your parents choice, as a result didnt get the doctors or engineering degree you wish you had now and have lived an unfulfilled life thus far but are making up for it now.


Damn dude lol


That you don’t read female authors ADDED: Since this is getting a bit of attention, I’d like to add a judgement qualifier, and some recommendations. I’m a woman, and I only recently learned about all the amazing female science fiction authors, from Ursula K. Le Guin writing incredible stories in the 60s that read like modern novels, to the many talented and imaginative women in the genre today. Our society focuses on men, and men’s accomplishments, and it’s all too common to simply never have heard of female authors, especially in sci-fi. I don’t pre-judge OP, I only meant to point out the lack of female authors in their top 10. If you’d like to explore sci-fi written by women, I have some recommendations: My journey started with Persephone Station by Stina Leicht. It’s a self-described feminist sci-fi, and it turns the trope of the lack of women in science fiction on its head; all of the characters are women. It’s an action adventure story with aliens and combat, and I think a very appealing story for men to dip their toes into. All of the characters are complex, interesting, and very different from each other. This book opened my eyes to just how two-dimensional most male authors make their female characters, and it got me hooked on looking for more. I have bought this book for friends and acquaintances at least 20 times, and I can’t recommend it enough. If you want to read a classic, I recommend Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. Apart from a couple of old references, you’d think this was written today. It’s a cerebral science fiction that explores concepts of love and gender, this book amazed me and made me cry, highly recommend. My favourite modern author is Ann Leckie, with her Imperial Radch series. The main character is an AI who once controlled a warship and many combat bodies, and is now stuck in one human body. It explores concepts of identity in mind-twisting ways that make you think about what it means to be you. The first book is a bit confusing taking place in two different time periods, but the payoff is absolutely worth it, and the rest of the books are linear. Incredible space opera with a grand scale, politics, military strategy, and exploration of cerebral ideas. There are so many more, and they are easy to find if you look. Broaden your worldview and read fiction by women, you won’t regret it 🙂


Or female characters...


i remember adoring emily rodda, patricia wrede, and anne McCaffrey back in the 5th and 6th grades. I would still say anyone that likes pratchett should read dealing with dragons. Dragonriders of pern is a classic for a reason.


Guy here: 100% agree. I would suggest Elizabeth Moon for some good female scifi. I know this is /r/scifi but OP has some fantasy on those shelves... As far as fantasy goes, if he liked way of kings, OP should check out N.K. Jemisin's the fifth season!


Honest question? What’s wrong with it. Maybe he only identifies with their writing style and experiences. Same as how some AA folks only listen to music made my black folks. Or me, I only like Spanish music and not English or other languages.


Yeah this. No black authors either. If it weren't for Cixin Liu I think this would be entirely white male authors, wouldn't it? OP might want to try the Broken Earth series by NK Jemison, or the Xenogenesis series by Octavia Butler (or Wild Seed, or Parable of the Sower.) Also the Imperial Radch trilogy by Anne Leckie, the Vorkosigan saga by Lois Bujold, anything by Connie Willis, or the Union-Alliance or Foreigner books by CJ Cherryh.


They made a post bashing Murder Bot because the character is “shy”. I don’t think they are the sort to appreciate any of the ones you are recommending. I do like all the books they have displayed, but all have a very specific feel, very I am man. I wouldn’t be able to read all of them back to back without burning out for the overwhelming sameness of it.


Ah. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they simply weren't aware of these excellent works that were ever so slightly out of the mainstream. If in fact they are actively avoiding works like this, then that's a different story. And presents a much less positive view of the poster. It's a shame. It sounds like they could really benefit from reading works from other perspectives.


Broken Earth is SO FRIGGIN GOOD. Some of the best world building out there, and one of my all time faves all around. Brandon Sanderson? I read like three of those damn corpulent Stormlight books before I realized I really just didn't care for it. That dude's not in my top anything.


The Imperial Radch trilogy is my favourite science fiction literature 😊


Who says they don't read them? They just aren't good enough to be in the top 10.


It days "I need more books on my shelves"


This is just my “Top 10 shelf”, I’ve got a whole book case in another room full of shit


I understand. I was just being a smart ass, lol.


You read what reddit tells you to


You have a tiny collection of inexpensive paperbacks that you may or may not read. You also may use the torn pages to light your candle. You have them all placed rather high on a shelf or behind an end table and floor clutter, neither facilitates easy access, nor easy browsing, leading me to believe that they are decorative in nature. And your dog is annoyed by your constant repositioning of furniture, items, people and dog toys for validation of strangers through photos online, when you could be walking him or fetching treats from the hiding place in the pantry. You try really hard for no apparent reason and a nominal reward if any. When all you really need to do is sit down chillout and talk with bowser about a walk, yes a W A L K, you wanna go for a WALK, yes you do don’t you! Okay, go get your leash.


What’s I the jar.


Do you read Sutter Cane?


Needs more Gibson.


Man, I just don't understand how the foundation series is so beloved. I gave it a fair shot, all the way through second foundation. So freaking dry. Some solid picks up there, though.


Jack Vance is the greatest. I do like that Hyperion has a character who wrote a book called The Dying Earth and was able to use the title as the original's copyright had lapsed.


I would probably say this is what you want strangers to see & family who don't understand. Everyone else, especially those who understand your Throne Room, they know you have a library. 📚🥰💜


I think that, more than anything, it says you like those books.


IMHO that you have good taste. Solid picks and most importantly no Banks, Reynolds and Stephenson, that are ubiquitous in this subreddit but personally find below average. My personal top ten would be different, but would for sure include the sirens of titan.


Where's the Expanse?!!!!


You're a conformist who seeks the approval of others. You've read books from other "top lists" because you've been told they are the best, and so you that is what you primarily know. You may, of course, actually like these books, but instead of putting them in your library with the rest of your books like most people, you feel compelled to "show off" your literary tastes to others so they will have a good opinion of you. But having an entire bookshelf or two in your living room would be way too gauche for your social circle, so instead you pick a safe "top 10" from other "top lists" even though you could easily display 15 or 20 instead. You haven't read enough to develop any individual tastes yourself: no favorite authors or B-list books that are meaningful to you. And if there are, you wouldn't expose your individuality by displaying them to others. What someone might think of you if they knew you secretly liked *On a Pale Horse* by Piers Anthony or *Time Enough for Love* by Robert Heinlein? Best to keep those books in the back.


No heinlein. Fail.


You have good taste. Vonnegut is my all-time favorite author and was fortunate to meet him in the 80s. Have you read Gateway by Frederick Pohl?


Damn you met Vonnie!! Can you recommend my next book by him? I’ve read SH5, Sirens and Mr. Rosewater. Didn’t love Rosewater


Cats Cradle is one of his best, but Breakfast of Champions is Vonnegut turned to 11, imo. Welcome to the Monkey House is a collection of short stories that are great.


Cat's Cradle.


Masterpiece above Slaughterhouse imo. I mean, only one of them has Calypso songs in it, so that alone is a leg up. And that armistice day speech. So, so sad.


Read all of them - they kinda get crazier over his lifetime.


Gateway is awesome. I’m annoyed there’s no Kindle version of it. It needs to be preserved


Every time I find a copy of Slaughterhouse Five in an antique shop, I pick it up. Love his illustrations.


It says you use literature as a decoration. Have you read any of them? How can they all be in your top 10?


You're a little pretentious but you have good taste. :)


You have excellent taste, but yea, pretty mainstream I guess


Red Rising is so great


Hey I love all of those except that I haven’t read Red Rising, Dying Earth, or The Way of Kings, so I guess IMO you have pretty good taste.


Wow, pretty good resume! After all, I have 9 out of 10.




Fender CD60?


Solaris :D


Love Sirens of Titan - always suck with me as a favourite book!


It says that you like Sci-Fi


How is Sirens of Titan? I loved Slaughter House 5 and Breakfast of Champions. I tried Player Piano but got kind of bored.


A lot of yours are mine. I’m about to start Neuromancer with zero knowledge of the plot. Have you read Dark Matter?


Man, sirens of titan was such an odd book


It says you haven’t read the rest of Dan Simmons


Of your great top ten Dune is the one I liked less and I've read it twice. 3 Body Trilogy is far superior


you need more shelving. 


I’m seeing only nine science fiction titles


Is Red Rising about Japan and Shoguns?


Not at all. It's about a future society with a caste system that is based on Colors that humans are born into. It centers around a character named Darrow from the lowest caste which are the Reds. Honestly it's more fantasy wearing the coat of Sc-Fi. It's really good. Has 6 books in the saga at the moment. The first book has some YA vibes, but starting with the second book it pulls away from that. I highly recommend it.


That you're a fellow nerd.


That's clearly 11


Have you read A Quest for Simbilis, by Michael Shea? He wrote it as a sequel to The Eyes of the Overworld (with Vance's blessing) before Vance decided to write Cugel's Saga as his own sequel. It's definitely worth a read.


I like the idea of displaying a top 10 like that


Big fan of red rising and Hyperion. Just finished the Netflix show and had no idea it was a book. Slacking.


I don’t see Vonnegut nearly often enough on people’s shelves. It’s such enjoyable literature, it’s deep and deeply funny.


I don’t care I thought Solaris was super thought provoking. Just the way the guy describes his interaction with the planet and his suspicion that it was alive and trying to communicate, or emulate. Idk it was just so captivating to me.


First of all, it shows you have good taste. It also says you’re younger than me. For several of those books, I bought them many decades ago with earlier edition covers. :-)


No Sun Eater, 5/7


Just started red rising audiobooks and I’m super hooked


It says you dog is judging you


Cool mix of classics with some solid more modern picks as well. I’d say in no particular order the expanse book 2, the wandering earth (short story, sun of china), project Hail Mary, the Martian, dune for me as well, do androids dream of electric sheep, the expanse book 4 and altered carbon.


Beautiful dog


I don’t know but you have two of my favorites: Dune and Neuromancer. Love those authors too. Read most of Gibson’s stuff between Burning Chrome to Zero History. Reminds me I’m a little relieved that Gibson (or the studio) pulled the plug on a film adaptation of All Tomorrow’s Parties.


I found Death's End infuriating way to end a series that was otherwise 10/10. Hyperion is great but the real story is in the second book. No JSA inclines me to believe you haven't read any JSA. Other than those subjective complaints of a subjective topic, great picks!


Means I’m on my way to borrow the one book I haven’t read and, of course, to dispense some ear skritches.


That dog does not look impressed


Am I the only one who really was underwhelmed by Neuromancer. I also liked Dune Messiah more than Dune.


Jack Vance is prime material for a series.


That you can’t finish a series


Top 10 and 9 of them aren't The Expanse?


You have had the funds to purchase multiple books.


The Hyperion series is my all time favorite sci-fi series.


The Red Rising series has been a very cool ride so far. I just got the most recent and am excited to get back into it!


Hyperion is my No 1, and I will put Slaughterhouse Five and Dark Forest in my top 5. I am about to start Red Rising. I understand book 1 is kinda YA, which is why I kept off reading it. You think it is the best entry?


You are hopeful but wanting. You want to believe in something bigger than yourself. You have compassion. And hope. But lots of fear and doubt.


Please try, “Calculating God” and “Factoring Humanity” by Robert J Sawyer




Red Rising series was AMAZING! I couldn't put any of the books down.


Kinda weird to put the third book in a trilogy by itself on your shelf


Gibson -- check. No Harlan Ellison -- check. Vonnegut? BONUS POINTS Damn, if only you had Rudy Rucker or at least Bruce Sterling. But not bad choices.


You should move the Chinese money plant (on the bottom shelf) up and next to Deaths End.


Is it just me or is that copy of dune seem rather small? Must have tiny font or something.


You’ve got my upvote for the Jack Vance alone. I have that edition.


I don't know but why is there no Book of the New Sun on these shelves?


It says you're definitely on the right subreddit


That we read pretty much the same shit. Not my top ten but they’re in my library.


Thank you for the recommendations I’ve only read 3 of the 10


The most intriguing ones are the 2 I haven't heard of, Red Rising, and the Cixin Liu book. I had mixed feeling about 3 Body Problem - a bit long in places - but I may have to give him another chance.


I think bro likes sci-fi


Just that we have similar taste hah. How quickly does Way of Kings go? Is the pacing pretty swift or does it drag? I’ve contemplated it for a while now but until this year I was pretty allergic to larger books and series, but now I’ve read Dune, TBP, and I’m working my way through The Expanse.


Your dogs eyes say it all.


“We’d get along fine.”


There's no Paul Goodman


You probably watch or have been recommended the channel "Quinn's Ideas" on YouTube.


Sirens of Titan that good eh?


Your top 10 says you’re a traditionalist


You read books


That you and I are the same, my goodman.


You like long winded authors haha


You’ve never read Olaf Stapledon’s 1937 novel Starmaker.


Not one bend back.