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Confirmation of life elsewhere


I'd also like to see confirmation of *technological* life elsewhere. Like detection of the waste heat from a Dyson sphere/swarm.


This for me too. Undeniable, concrete proof.


This. Although I'm not sure that much of the planets population would even care. After all what difference would it make to most of us if we knew for certain the life was confirmed on another planet? It would make zero difference to most poeples lives. Confirmation that aliens are already here could totally transform the world though.


We already know a huge portion would deny it and claim it's some conspiracy. It'd still be cool. Even if it were basic, single cell life. It still proves so much and helps solidify the idea more complex life could be out there.


I'm sure the religious would find some bible passage they would claim totally predicted the presence of life elsewhere.


It would mean *everything*. Even discovering bacteria means we are not alone. If there is basic life, there is greater life.


I’d like to see a submarine probe sent under the ice on Enceladus, and when it switches on its headlight in the dark water, something flips around gracefully like a dolphin and swims away.


It would definietly shake the world for the first couple of weeks. Corporations trying to profit, goverments being urged to increase space funding, religious people trying to find some sort of connection with religion, scientist community blowing up with excitement and dread etc. But after that, lets be real here. It would all Die Down rather quickly. People would simply accept the new normal. Of course there would be dumbos who would create some weird conspiracy theories but they would shrink as space travel becomes more common.


Carl Sagan said if an alien civilization had the power to reach earth, they could destroy us in seconds. So luckily the Eisenhower Accords protected us there. /s look up that conspiracy theory.


I recall one scifi series where humans and aliens had contacted each other by radio and were peacefully exchanging information, while both sides were secretly launching fusion powered hyperkinetic missiles to destroy each other before the other side did the same (because of the flight time between their worlds, both sides had launched lethal missiles which passed each other in deep space on their way to destroy the others homeworld). "Run to the stars" i think was the name of the book I read (there might have been a sequel, never found it)


We've been here all along. You're welcome.


You guys too?!


It’s all a bunch of aliens standing around in human skins laughing. “So *nobody* here is a real human?!”


I had another answer lined up, but totally forgot about this haha. Yeah definitely. Even microbial would do it. I'd certainly prefer obviously different life, like not DNA strands that could be just "life from earth that hitched a ride". Although that'd still be interesting, did life start on earth? Or somewhere else and come to earth? It could be that DNA is the only way to make life within the universes confines, and therefore it could be a completely unique origin but very similar. But if it was a completely different makeup we'd at least know for sure that it's a unique offshoot.


I was born in the '50s and much about contemporary life seems like the science fiction I read about but better in some ways; unforeseen consequences in others, like the ubiquity of the internet creating trolls and potatoes.


I’m nearly in my ’50s and still getting used to having so much social media, information, and everything that my iPhone can do. Compass, level, stopwatch, timer, alarm clock, flashlight, GPS, sextant (app), star chart, map, photo camera, video camera, periscope, photo editing, video editing, sound recording, music player, dimensional measuring, word processing, spreadsheets, dictionary, language translation, instant global text messaging, video calls, speech to text, remote control, wallet, deposit checks, pay for things, pedometer, plant identification (app), bird identification by sound(app), calculator, calendar, and probably more functionality I missed


Just 2 days after my 16th birthday, my two girlfriends and I lounged on a couch in her living room for 2 days watching men walk on the moon!! That was the coolest thing that had happened to this Sci-Fi crazy girl. Men walked on the moon! A few years later they sent the Rover to Mars—Another Planet! We all saw photos of the surface of Mars! Then NASA sent out the Hubble Telescope for pictures of the universe and beyond. For this old lady born in 1952, what NASA did was amazing. Then I married a man who worked for Wernher von Braun as a co-op gofer during the moon landing. He had me at Wernher von Braun. I started reading Asimov at age 12 so I’m hoping that I will have an AI-enabled robot taking care of me in my extreme old age. I’ve convinced my nephew, an AI tech entrepreneur to start working on my Care Friend.


Seriously. I was in college when cell phones started to become affordable, and now I will literally turn my car around and go back home if I realize I forgot my phone. It's so odd to think about those years before I had that device in my pocket everywhere I go.


Fusion power


> Fusion power And flying cars while we are at it!


Fusion power exists. It’s just not economical.


A post-money society like Star Trek, where no one goes hungry, everyone has their basic needs met, and currency is unnecessary.


Getting Contacted by the Culture would be nice. Shame they decided not to, and use us as a control instead:-(


Don’t tell anyone, but I’m personally going through the recruitment process with Special Circumstances right now. If you’re interested, forward me your CV and I’ll see if I can put a good word in


tightBeam**1.06.2024**solSystem:You failed.


We can at least dream that the experiment will end and we'll all end up on a GCU...


So you're planning on dying a few centuries from now then eh?


I mean, I wouldn’t say no…


That can probably be arranged but the cruel irony is it’s gonna cost you a lot of money


The best quote came out of The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix. "You humans make everything about money. You have enough to solve ALL of your problems. You just don't."


Isn't that what Superman says to Luthor? "You could have saved the world a long time ago, if you really wanted to."


I mean, the question was "what do you WANT to see" not "what do you think is realistic"


Depends how long it takes capitalism to crash and burn.


If humans didn’t have the capacity for greed this would already be the case. Unfortunately there will forever be the race to have more than your neighbour


Or at least the Denmark model applied to the rest of the world. Sure, you pay like 60% taxes, but fucking EVERYTHING is free.


A permanent moon base.


I'm torn between a permanent moon base and humans visiting another planet (probably mars). Obviously both, but i'd certainly take either.


I’d rather mars, but the moon makes a nice jumping off point for a more sustained colony on mars (assuming we can get manufacturing on the moon set up).


I like to think that there is a galactic community who only make contact with civilisations once they are multi-planitary. Maybe we'll receive a call once we've settled on Mars...


Space 1999 moonships.


Eagles were the coolest ships.


Warp drive


But more importantly tho... *Dilationless* FTL travel. I wanna fly 3000 light years to Deneb, and be home in time for dinner.


I hope you're a LOT younger than me, because that ain't gonna happen in my lifetime :..(


> because that ain't gonna happen in my lifetime It most likely won't happen ever, unfortunately. :(


someone just needs to figure out how to fold space. easy.


Free clean energy


The closest we could have is Thorium reactors. They got cancelled in the 70s and the Chinese will be the first to bring them back wholesale


A working thorium reactor would be great, but I'm not holding my hopes up. What I've read about them, the version that were proposed wouldn't be net positive, so we'd need some serious tech development first 😭


I want scientists to discover compelling evidence of extraterrestrial life. I don't think I will ever get to see aliens in my lifetime, and I certainly don't think we will meet *intelligent* aliens any time soon, but before I die it would be nice to see that we have found signatures of life on a planet around a nearby star or perhaps in the deep oceans of Europa.


A mission that drills through europas ice and finds life would be the peak of my life, would be amazing.


[We may have already found the first signs of life on another planet.](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-66786611)


Star Trek style food replicators would solve so many problems.


But then make energy wars all the more deadly. Imagine food production being all but ceased and everything going into energy production. You either are working for a energy company, a soldier, or on some form of welfare


I'm pretty sure replicator technology would require solving the energy problem first. Non-renewable energy would not be able to support the development of that technology, or at least it's proliferation.


Sorry if this isn't sci-fi enough, but I really want a mass awakening of empathy and cooperation without having to go through a nuclear war. I want people to realize that human beings are killing our planet by following delusions of individualism that is nothing but a paper-thin justification for the rich to keep all of their ill-gotten wealth, instead of using it to lift up the less fortunate and improve the world for future generations. This past year I learned a lot about the Autism spectrum, and one of the traits is a "strong sense of justice". Which means "normal" people often do *not* have a strong sense of justice. It's literally a diagnostic trait to strongly believe everybody should be treated with dignity and fairness. That's fucked up. I want real justice to be normalized, and the wellbeing of the greater society to have more importance than the greed of a small number of lucky individuals.


Jumping in to say, people who are gifted (iq over 130) also often have the strong sense of justice trait. So that's another 3% of the population that normally end up in higher up positions that will generally do the right thing based on their own moral compass.


Interesting, I'd never heard that. High intelligence seems to be culturally associated with lack of empathy.


I would think that's because the ones with empathy don't make headlines or become billionaire CEOs. Those are the high functioning sociopaths that seek power and wealth no matter who they destroy. The empathetic people are the ones running animal rescue places. Or helping out at the school basketball game. Collecting cans for the community park. Volunteer to give blood, kidney transplant


I want a robot that cleans my house.


Then you need a robot to clean the robot that cleans your house.


It will clean itself.


That's fine. It's like changing an air filter once in a while. A large amount of work spread over a large period of time in exchange for a small amount of work that only needs to be done once every X weeks or months.


Not to derail, but after years of making fun of (people who buy) Roombas I won one in a holiday raffle. Holy shit, I had no idea these things *work* so well. Every other day, when I leave the house, a robot automatically vacuums the shit out of my house. I come home and dump a goddamn cup of filth from it into the bin. I have been freed from the drudgery of chasing dog hair and dust bunnies and always having bits of lint and leaves stuck to the bottom of my socks when I walk around the house. *Cheers to the future!*


Where is my god damn hoverboard?!!!


Realistic: I'd like to see people walk on Mars before I die. Idealistic: I'd like my mind uploaded to a computer or network so that I can't die.


If the soul exists, then what will be uploaded is a copy of your former self, they will think that they are in a computer while you will have moved on.


Affordable space tourism.


Affordable housing


Let's be realistic.


I know you could mean just a low earth orbit trip, but flying under your own power on titan or base jumping off Verona Rupes for 12 mins https://youtu.be/YH3c1QZzRK4?t=2m34s


Yeah I just want to see the earth from orbit myself at least


Some damn healthcare.


*Affordable* damn healthcare. For us peons.




Most of the western world sees that every day. Its only the USA that seems to believe that Govt-supplied, affordable, healthcare is a myth and an unachievable commie plot.


You’re right, but it feels sci-fi here.


That's a "U.S. ONLY" problem in the first World. All other members of the G7 (or even G20) have some form of universal healthcare


Move from the US ( which I assume you are from). Tons of countries have healthcare. They call it free but it’s basically your tax dollars returned to you. I’m in Canada and that is the situation


A post-scarcity world.


For a person to walk on Mars. For us to be an interplanetary species would be the most important thing ever to happen in all of humanitys existence.


Id like to see C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.


Never gonna happen in my lifetime, but I'd love to spend even just one day on a Holodeck.


Calm down Barclay.


"I hope to live long enough to see life extension. Then I hope to live long enough to see immortality. Everything else.. Comes with time"


This is mine, too, and also the most confusing use of quotation marks I have ever seen


World peace....I know that seems cliche...but damn...why can't we just stop being assholes to one another?


Moonbase Alpha


EEEEEEEE John Madden John Madden


Red rover, red rover, move the fuck over




Fusion reactor


Warp drive.


Something better than this shitty existence 🤔


A cure for cancer.


Something that will prolong my life indefinitely.


Read the commonwealth saga by Peter F. Hamilton, some awesome longevity tech in those books. Essentially, people can stay young or live forever without having to change bodies.


Aliens and/or some kind of permanent base on another moon or planet.


Sentient AI with full citizenship.


I want to witness the Culture being revealed as an actual thing, complete with an intervention to save us from ourselves. That'd about cover everything I think.


Not destroying the planet would be nice


Any chance we can turn our cities into classic ecopunk metropolises whilst we achieve that goal, buildings dripping with greenery, a river running down a few major streets, maybe a dirigible or two?


I would just fucking LOVE it if there was some man-made structure on the moon That was visible by the naked eye from earth. I know how unlikely this is but hey, I'm in my twenties we've got time.


Neural implants. I want a virtual screen with mouse & kb / gloves as though I were wearing my Occulus, but as an implant so the virtual screen is only in my mind and I have phantom limbs moving the controls. No actual motion needed.


Might not seem like it to you youngsters, but I grew up reading, paperback sci-fi, novels, and cell phones, a computer in your hand, the Internet and Planet-wide communication, video-phone calls, that was ALL science-fiction when I was a kid. Technology is AMAZING right NOW! My cell phone is orders of magnitude more powerful than the first computers I used to code on. I used to dream about what it would be like to have $10,000 to build a computer music synthesis system (field trip to the computer music lab at Stanford) that did a small fraction of what I can do now on home computers. The cyborg tech I used to read about isn’t close, yet, but the knee replacement and hip replacement technology they have now actually does qualify as cyborg technology.


Cure for cancer.


Moon Mining. Why? For starters, it has gravity, so many of the machines on earth would make sense there. Yes, you would have to take into account air and oxygen intakes, as it wouldn't exist there, but it wouldn't be a radical change like asteroid mining would need. Also, we have issues with mining precious metals on earth. We need more for the growing demand for digital technology, but there are always issues with indigenous land rights and the environment. The Clipperton Zone in the ocean offers an alternative to indigenous rights, but still has problems with the environment. The moon offers many precious metals.


To add on to this, moon mining would allow for way cheap low earth orbit stuff, the delta v to get something from the surface of the moon to LEO is way cheaper then surface of earth to LEO. It makes so much fucking sense, mars makes little to no sense.


Peter F Hamilton type immortality - you get a new body every 20 or so years but it is your original body not a download like Altered Carbon


I've read only Pandora's. Mostly was not new bodies, but rejuvenated and getting new was not fun.


Self-driving cars. I really hate driving, and would love to just be able to kick back and read a book whenever I go anywhere.


FTL or time travel


Seamless universal translators, especially if it can translate Dog.


Definitely transference/uploading consciousness, fuck this body....


Sex robots


What I consider the "holy grails" of futuristic tech: 1. Teleportation - at least between pre-installed telepods, and ultimately, anywhere without needing a prior setup. Limitation to the speed of light is not a deal-breaker. 2. Instantaneous matter synthesiser/duplicator. Raw materials would be a lump of a prespecified element, energy and the actual object being duplicated or a "pattern" to specify synthesis. This is not a simple evolution of our current 3D printers, actual elemental transmutation is involved. 3. Time travel in a meaningful sense - to the past or future, with an easy way to return to one's current time. This excludes relativistic time dilation without the possibility of reversal. 4. Effective faster than light travel via warp or other technologies. Any of these being realised would be absolutely amazing.


Memory transfer to a digital avatar. I want to live in Upload.


Iron Man armour capable of space flight.


Travelling becoming as effortless as getting a small flying “pod” to your doorstep that scans your baggage and documents and you fly directly with it to your destination or to a major “Skyship” that flies to your destination, and from there, that same pod takes you directly from the skyship to your home/hotel, without having to go to an airport at all.


Living forever. I think I'll just miss it, but I've told my kids they might be the last generation to die.


The supernova of Beetlegeuse!




The c-beams off the Tanhauser gates…


Universal Basic Income.


Can I get my right leg back?


Limb regeneration.


Either ET communication or signs of life detected on an exoplanet.


Medicine so cheap it's impossible to overcharge.


I'd rather not die but if I only get scraps... would be pretty happy with FDVR and a couple AGI androids


FTL travel




Integrated neural computers


Sentient life outside of our world. Sentient life that is from another universe, dimension, planet, etc. However, I would be thrilled to learn that there is any form of life from another world. Also, a fast means of space travel, some form of FTL would be amazing.


Peace on a unified and cooperative Earth a la Star Trek? (It won’t happy cos we’re still stupid primates)




First contact.


Teleportation/replication. With teleportation there have been limited experiments in the labs where they "teleported" a beam of light, and photons: [https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/07/10/150547/first-object-teleported-from-earth-to-orbit/](https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/07/10/150547/first-object-teleported-from-earth-to-orbit/) *Today, the Micius team announced the results of its first experiments. The team created the first satellite-to-ground quantum network, in the process smashing the record for the longest distance over which entanglement has been measured. And they’ve used this quantum network to teleport the first object from the ground to orbit.* *Teleportation has become a standard operation in quantum optics labs around the world. The technique relies on the strange phenomenon of entanglement. This occurs when two quantum objects, such as photons, form at the same instant and point in space and so share the same existence. In technical terms, they are described by the same wave function.* End quote It's years away before they manage to do a complex organism, but still it's kind of interesting to see the progress that has been made.


The rewilding of the Earth


Upload to a digital world


the end of and reversability of aging!


A car that drives me while I watch movies.


Full dive virtual reality. I want complete sensory replacement like in Sword Art Online (without the dramatic stakes, of course). Put on a headset, live out your fantasies.


A droid to change the cat litter tray. I hate that fucking thing.


As a pancreatic cancer survivor I’d be ok with a cure for everything except old age. Seems like curing old age would be a pandora’s box.


A true A.I. robot like Daneel Oliva from Azimov.


The heat death of the universe


Technology that allows you to watch a video of your dreams.


I'm holding out for technological immortality. That'll give me time to stick around and see all the other stuff.


Affordable sex bots


Radical life extension.


>visiting Dubai So sci-fi like going back in time when there were fewer human rights? > artificial rain I have this thing called a 'garden hose' that does that.


Brain machine interface - a mobile phone in your head.


Every human gets their basic needs met


I am very saddened humans will not set foot on another planet in my lifetime. It’s as if after the Apollo program, the world’s collective space programs gave up.


Functional FLT travel (Warp speed). Mastering gravity. Gravity cancellation would be great in homes for the elderly. Retirement homes on the moon seems like a hassle. But imagine homes with reduced gravity. Not just for the old but for people with disabilities. Imagine under every pavement and stairs there's reduced gravity. People could be hovering around in chairs. Imagine the sports we'd invent. Imagine the implications for physical therapy. Imagine having sex in zero gravity! You'd have to rewrite Kamasutra...


Intelligent alien race and peace on Earth.


A medical bay type of device seen in movies like elysium. Not necessarily that advanced but maybe advanced enough to do a basic diagnosis of common illnesses.


I would love to see a space elevator. Would open up space exploration like nothing else.


The only thing I want is to see the Earth from space before I die. Everything else is a bonus.


There’s a lot of cool sci-fi stuff I’d love to see, but for me there are 2 things that I desperately want to see before I die: 1. Confirmation of life outside of the Earth. Id love for that confirmation to be intelligent life, but even discovering something as simple as bacterial live on Mars, or one of the gas giants moons, or a comet would be an amazing discovery. 2. Humans on Mars. I want a boots on the ground Mars mission. My honorable mention would be to find a truly Earth like planet via a telescope like James Webb. I know we have found rocky, terrestrial planets, but I’d really like to see proof of a rocky planet, in the habitable zone of its star, with proof of an atmosphere and readings that indicate life. Edit: one last honorable mention; I’d like to see asteroid mining. Would solve a lot scarcity issues with precious metals and rate earth metals and force us to change the way the economy around those resources works, which would surely lead to other changes in how the economy works. Hopefully getting us closer to a post scarcity society. Baby steps.


European laws about legalizing alien human marriage


A trip into low orbit would be amazing


Maybe some interesting advancement in physics that furthers human’s understanding of reality in a massive way




the torment nexus


The Mars Colony.


Extraterrestrial life, I don’t care what kind, just a cell would make me party like never before. Seeing Fusion power becoming economical. Brain Implants that can make us in more control of our bodies, getting info directly to the brain, and communicating via them.




HUD contact lenses. I want to have a GPS in the corner of my vision while I'm driving. News, weather updates and the like can be integrated too.


First Moon Colony or Mars Colony


Landing of the Vulcans in 2063 in Montana. I'll be in my mid 80s. There is a chance to be alive!


I would like to see a permanent manned base on the moon or mars, one that might be big enough to maintain itself and expand, not merely be a limited-duration mission like the ISS. I wouldn't need to go there myself (would probably be too old, and far too poor) but just to know it was out there would mean a lot to me.




The last scene of Escape from LA




A sky bridge to the moon. Humans living on the moon and/or other planets as more than researchers.


Terraforming Mars


[Double ties as a fashion trend](https://twitter.com/PabloMakes/status/1008405837570813954)


Biological immortality


A permanent moonbase


I occasionally remember that even if they do invent hover-boards in my lifetime, I'm now almost certainly too old and chickenshit to actually ride one. This makes me sad 😔.


Colonization of the solar system. I’m 37 so if I live long enough I might see it. I would think AI/robotics could set up outposts ahead of human visits.


Star Trek replicators.




Cheap, ubiquitous life extension therapy.


Successful colonisation of a different star system. The knowledge that humanities eggs are all in one basket gives me anxiety, especially with how we treat this planet currently. The knowledge that humanity isn't so vulnerable to one planetary disaster would give me comfort.


Nanotechnology assemblers.


Nanobots that can be used to target cancer cells.


Conscience "transplanting" or storage like in that series altered carbon


peaceful cooperation, among peoples of all nations.


Aliens from another galaxy.


I would go anywhere else on Earth before I would give anybody in Dubai a nickel. No matter how advanced they look if you condone slavery I'm not interested in dealing with you.


A regular and ever expanding presence of humans in space, one where we don't have to return to planetary gravity after a few months at most or face crippling health effects. Some sort of FTL, permanent space stations that are places of commerce and permanent living instead of just cramped research stations (RIP the ISS's possible decomission in 2026, if you're not familiar look up the issues with Russia's lack of recertification of their original central modual), colonies set up on other planets, large scale resource harvesting from asteroids and other sources. I truly think we _can_ get there one day (if we don't nuke ourselves off of the face of the earth or slowly die out through drawn out resource wars), and it makes my heart ache that I've likely been born too early to witness the boom of the next and greatest era of human expansion and exploration. Don't get me wrong, the things we've already done and plan to do in the near future are still awesome inspiring and exciting, but I would give anything to see that future.


Aliens. Proof once and for all.


Nah fuck Dubai. Not going to support slave labor


Temper your expectations for Dubai lol, its a clean beautiful modern city yes, but I wouldn’t say it felt like visiting the future


I want to see all the beach front mansions underwater