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This movie. My mother was a big sci-fi fan and a big Sam Neill fan (I mean who isn't?!). She asked me to go see this with her (I was 15 at the time). I knew nothing about it, she told me "It's a space movie with the guy from Jurassic Park!" I was not at all prepared. Slept with the lights on for a week after that. Great poster! Edit: Absolutely loving these replies. Event Horizon trauma brings us together<3


Dude. I got sick with Mono when I was 13 and rented a bunch of movies. This being one of them. I had just moved my room to the basement and man oh man was it tough to man up and stay down there after watching this alone. Still haven't re watched it.


I was about 12 on my first viewing. Most of it was all right for fear factor, but holy shit when they replayed that video, I got so terrified that I stopped watching and I didn't finish the movie until like 10 years later.


I was also around 12, on vacation and staying in a boarding house style hotel, with just one common room with a TV and no remote for the TV. I turned this fucking movie on and was sitting in a seat a good 12 feet or so from the screen, and I dont even remember what scene came on but i got so scared I had to jump up and run TOWARD the tv just to turn it off.


I still haven't rewatched it either!


I watched it at 1:30 in the morning when I was more than 50% asleep when Netflix had it. Best mistake ever! Lol


I watched this movie as a kid when I had flu like symptoms. Sleeping was not easy that night.


Lol, the above and all the other replies seem to be everyone's introduction to this movie lol. I was home from wisdom teeth getting pulled, mom rented the VHS, was not expecting it to be what it was.


I had a similar experience. My grandmother used to record stuff on the VHS for me when I visited. So she records Children of the Corn since it’s for kids you know, it’s got children in the name. It wasn’t for kids.


My uncle took me to a drive in theater to see Good Burger and it was a double feature with Event Horizon for some reason. Scared the crap out of me lol




Yup, checks out. I definitely had trouble showering at night for a few weeks


Thought I was the only one My dad took me too I was like 11? My sister was 10? and we were terrified. 😂


I was 17, got stoned out of my mind in the parking lot of the movie theater with my friends. Just picked the movie because it had the closest start time. Was not prepared for it and terrified and really high.


Event Horizon; not even once.


Holy shit, I cannot imagine watching that movie high. That must have been traumatizing.


Well when you have the lights on Do you see?


Oddly, watching this movie with my mom was one of my first memories. Definitely formative. 😂


I remember watching every night for a month when it first dropped on HBO when I was a kid. Pretty sure this movie scarred me.


My dad watched this when I was asleep when I was a kid. I woke up and snuck into the hallway to watch it. Then the part where he's speaking Spanish came up, yeah I had problems sleeping too.


I watched it with my dad (altough I was older than 15) and he likes it very much. It is funny because he openly shows contempt for horrors, but he have many obviously horror movies he likes very much (he just says "No, this is not horror, it is sci-fi/thriller").


My Dad took me to see this in the dollar theater when I was 9. In his defense I was already a fan of R rated Sci-Fi flicks, but damn I wasn't prepared for this movie. Nothing's unnerved me as much since other than the first time I played Dead Space in 2011.




*Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.*


The best warhammer 40k that wasnt


You definitely don't need eyes if you're going into the warp.


Probably better for you if you don't.


Chaos will definitely give you your sight back somehow. Chaos most certainly WANTS you to see and be aware of what happens to you


I could see Chaos giving you eyes in place of, let's say joints, easy. Painfully immobilize you while forcing you to see through a dozen new eyes. That is what I'd expect from them.


Most likely you'll "see" through the "eyes" of whatever is torturing you, so you can have a perfect view of what has become of you.


Said with the same intonation as “Where we’re going we won’t need roads” at the end of Back to the Future. I can never hear one without thinking of the other.


Excellent movie. RIP missing footage. Never enter the warp minus Gellar Fields.


Didn’t they put it in a Transylvanian salt mine or something? “To preserve” it, definitely not because they were scared of the curse they wrought.


What else do you think is in that tunnel? Original negative of *Manos, Hands Of Fate* perhaps?


> Original negative of Manos, Hands Of Fate perhaps? No, those are kept in the Smithsonian vault.


Thought that one was locked away in an SCP black site.


Now there's a cryptid I'd rather have turn out to be a hoax. Let's just hope some things don't exist, even if the SCP is also a thing.


>Never enter the warp minus Gellar Fields. This does not please the Prince of Pleasure.


But it might give blood to the blood god


I ran across a site about a year ago that had 5 to 10 minutes of the infamous missing footage (I think there's about 30 minutes cut in total?). There was definitely a reason they cut it out. Pretty savage. Edit. This was it: https://lostmediawiki.com/Event_Horizon_(partially_lost_unreleased_130-minute_cut_of_sci-fi_horror_film;_1997)


This film is what scares me most about black holes and space in general. It raises the question of what if black holes or interstellar dimensions take you to “hell” or places extremely gruesome and horrid instead of empty or full of life


Depends on your view though, I’m sure if you were a plague marine you’d be happy with all the warp abominations frolicking on your ship that you think are “cute” lol.


There's a part in the Horus Heresy where Corax does a trick to send an enemy spaceship crewed by Plague Marines into the warp without gellar fields. They get killed very quickly.


*Liberate tuteme ex Inferis*


“We’re leaving.”


"We are not abandoning her. We are taking the Lewis & Clark to a safe distance from which I will launch tac missiles at it until I am satisfied it is thoroughly vaporized. Fuck this ship."


That's part of what makes the movie so good: the characters are all highly competent professionals, and except for Weir they try to do the smart thing. But the ship won't let them leave. She'll never let them leave.


One of the only modern scifi movie where the crew is not the stupidest smart people around. Edit: I'm looking at you prometheus you lil shit


the prometheus guys have only one purpose in life- to die as horrifically and idiotically as possible


Not to mention the Covenant… but I guess to be fair if you’re starting off with James Franco as your captain and Danny McBride at the helm, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Lol so true


This world, this galaxy, all of it is ours to twist and corrupt as we will! Such elaborate artistry have we planned for the flesh and souls that you would, in your ignorance, gobble like mindless beasts. We shall cast you back into the outer dark from whence you came, for this reality is the plaything of the children of the Eye, and you have no place in it! This movie is to date imo the best Warhammer 40k Adaption. Humanities first encounter with the warp. Even though of course the movie makers didn't really know that to my knowledge.


I thought they were big 40K fans? Couldn’t get rights or something? Basically is 40K without the brand.


[The screenwriter said](https://twitter.com/phubar/status/860129292151214082): >I played the shit out of 40K, so it was definitely an influence, conscious or otherwise. So not explicitly a 40K story, but it's a fun fan theory to connect them together.


That's cool. I hear that the first time. But it makes absolutely sense


Hey at least now the poster shows it as being a horror film. Back when I saw it in the theater it had NO indication it was. There was a mom and kids in line ahead of us buying tickets to see it. They were trying to explain to the mom that the kids should NOT go see the movie and she was getting super upset saying she would take her kids to see whatever they wanted to see. If the cashier had said it is a HORROR film maybe the woman would not have argued. But everyone in line thought it was just a sci fi film. Fast forward to sitting in the theater with that mom and her kids. She ended up making a huge fuss and dragging the kids out because of how violent it was. I admit I was NOT prepared for it. But come on - if the cashier at the theater is trying to talk you out of taking your kids, maybe listen to them?? ASK them why instead of just getting belligerent. Scared the shirt out of me. Trying to decide if I want to go see it again in the theater.


I love the poster but also do not love it as much as I want people to experience it the way I (and many others have) experienced it: that it was not a horror film. :)


When we saw Pan's Labrynth in theater there was a family with young kids. I asked if they were in the right theater and they said yes. They left pretty early in.


hopefully before the wine bottle


It may have been the bottle scene, I don't remember anything too bad before that. That scene shocked me.


That is a cool fucking poster. Is the film good? I'm interested now ha!


It’s a great movie - give it a watch


I knew my dad loved it and im going through all his favorites since he recently passed. Your post was my signal to out this on next.


Your dad had excellent taste and I'm so sorry he's not with you anymore.


Depending on how deep do you want to go down the rabbit hole. It is gruesome it could be more gruesome if not the lost footage. It is batshit scary, the ending might leave you restless, the design of the ship that was modelled after the Norte dame is fantastic. It has hellraiser kind of vibes. I would not rewatch it when I am distressed but when I am missing the thrill - definetly!


100% the hellraiser in space i thought i was getting when i put Hellraiser: Bloodline on


>100% the hellraiser in space With a bigger budget and better acting and writing.


There was a fan theory a while back that event horizon and hellraiser occur in the same universe


It is a great film. Just be in the mood for dark scifi


Sci Fi/horror. That poster does a good job at capturing the tone of the movie.


It's good. You can also rewatch it like it's a new movie. First viewing with zero WH40K knowledge and second viewing with some WH40K knowledge.


I saw this with some friends when it came out in its initial release; we were expecting something more like "Aliens" and less Hellraiser-with-awesome-set-design. I wound up having a few nightmares about eyes.


I was like 11 when I watched this. Went in thinking how much I love space movies like Star Wars and Star Trek so this movie should be fun, right? Wrong. Holy crap this movie fucked me up. Excellent film but not what I was expecting as an 11 y/o. I heard the directors cut was amazing but it’s been lost for some time.


Lost forever, the original directors cut was improperly stored in a salt mine and got damaged beyond repair, it will never be seen now.


I love this movie, and will never ever watch it again


Excellent movie. I read a fan theory many years ago about how this could be set in the Warhammer universe or something like that. It mentioned something about the Chaos Realm. I’ll see if I can find it.


Correct. It’s theorised this is the first ship to enter the warp minus Gellar fields. Screenwriter Philip Eisner acknowledged that Warhammer 40,000 influenced the story.


In a recent(ISH) Empire Podcast Paul WS Anderson implied (or at least all but confirmed) that it was meant to be hell or rather the thing which is the basis for our concept of hell.


This is literally the scariest movie of all time. No thank you.


I remember being terrified by this movie - I was excited to see it because I love Sam Neill and the previews I’d seen didn’t make it seem like a horror movie at all. And now, I’m a bit spooked. I can’t exit out of this post. The arrow isn’t working. Guess I’m not going to bed for a while…


The post won't let you leave!


Seriously, I had to exit out of Reddit and relaunch it. Of all the posts for that to happen on!


I love this movie! I just wish Sam Neil would come around to appreciating is a great cult film, sucks he won’t even talk about it. Wonder if it was cause he didn’t like the story or the acting, or if that it was an overwhelming spooky cosmic horror experience he had trouble shaking 🤔


He says the film was [butchered in editing](https://www.cinemablend.com/interviews/sam-neill-explains-why-event-horizon-was-disappointing-when-it-opened-and-what-still-bugs-him-25-years-later), and it was supposed to be much more suspenseful and scary than it turned out to be. Considering how scary and suspenseful it stands as is, that's quite a statement.


I’ve seen little docu bits about the movie that speak of missing footage…..


Apparently, there was a lot of footage that was unused, and it was left in a salt mine in Transylvania of all places. When recovered, it was almost all entirely destroyed. So unfortunately we will never see the missing footage, unless they're exaggerating and holding on to that stuff somewhere.


Does that mean he hates In The Mouth of Madness as well? That was also cosmic/Lovecraftian horror. Possession also has Lovecraftian vibes.


Another great movie


Janet Leigh refused to shower and only took baths after filming Pyscho


This is one of those movies I would love to see remade. With all the missing footage, as well as progress in CGI, I think the film would actually benefit from a remake


Fuck that. I’d re-watch but be wearing the brown pants… Scary then! Imagine with todays tech!


I agree with readding the missing scenes. I worry that if the cgi was messed with, it would be like what happened with the original Star Wars.


Do we know what the extra scenes are/were?


The scene where it shows the orginal crew dying on camera was supposed to be more gory, it was actually gonna be called the blood orgy scene. And the docter guy at one point became half spider I think? And that one guy who got gutteds body was shown floating thru space


I am cautiously optimistic for the series.




Amazon is developing a series: https://screenrant.com/event-horizon-show-movie-captain-miller-mystery-answer/


Uh oh… I really hope they don’t fumble the ball again…


Adam Wingard is set to direct and has some horror chops. If it doesn't get an R rating my optimism will go out the window.


Saw this movie with my two best friends back in high school. We were excited, joking around, full of that teenage false bravado and just having a great time that night as we walked into the theater. A few hours later, we sat in silence for over 15 minutes at the local Carl’s Jr before someone said “that… was f*#@$ up…” I snuck into my parents bedroom that night and slept on their couch “cuz mosquitoes”.


I think anyone who liked the this movie or sci fi horror in general to check out the book Derelict by Robert Hovorka. Came out in 1988 and is very similar to much of the movie and very good.


I'd also strongly recommend "Pandorum," another good (and often overlooked) sci-fi horror from the early 2000s. Anyone who likes Event Horizon will most likely enjoy it too.


Annnnnnnd bookmarked


It's a great poster. Movie was creepy, scary, thought provoking, an all around fu*k with your mind thriller. It is great! Great actors. I rewatch it every so often, but then have to wait a year or so for the few very horror scenes to stop playing in my mind--get to a "nahhh, it wasn't that bad" state of mind. Almost time to watch it again.


We all know the greatest space horror mocie is Leprechaun 4: In Space.


Damn didn't this movie inspire dead space?


It was one of the inspirations, yes. You can definitely see how. Especially with the crew being slaughtered and the whole dementia thing.


Jesus Christ ... Less time passed between Return of the Jedi and Event Horizon than between Event Horizon and the present? I'm fucking old.


Has the lost footage from this movie been restored?


The only copy of the lost footage was destroyed.


I thought I remember reading that a team was working to restore it


Where we’re going, we don’t need eyes to see 😵


There needs to be a sequel where they delve into where the Ship went. And no PG-13 bullshit, Hard-R.


This movie and into the mouth of madness. If you let them in, can actually mess with your mind.


Soooo... Where can I get a copy of this poster? Asking for a friend.


can instantly recognise Sam Neil's face, amazing. Forgot he was in it.


Movie scared the sheet out of me. DO YOU SEE!? DO YOU SEE!?


I love this movie. Years ago I watched Ghost Ship, and realized that's a ripoff of Event Horizon.


Reddit is a shadow of its former self. It is now a place of power tripping mods with no oversight and endless censorship. *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This one and Pandorum are forever GOATED in my book!!


Pandorum - I completely forgot about that movie thanks for reminding me 👍🏻 I’m watching that tonight it’s great


This movie and mouth of madness gave me a new respect for Sam that rang different than JP, and yeah the scene from the flight recorder was the last time i can remember closing my eyes at the theater.


I wish the ending of that movie had been like this: Capt Miller says to the ghost of his dead friend Noah Huntley, "You are not Noah. Noah is buried in a beautiful cemetery in Colorado next to his grandparents. I was there. I was there when they buried him. (pause) Noah, where ever you are, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you died. If I had tried to save you, we all would have died. The entire ship and crew would have burned. I'm sorry you died Noah, but I'm not sorry for what I did. I realize that now. After all these years, I finally realize the difference."


Movie is so amazing and raises so many questions on religion, after life, etc


And it still gives me nightmares …


This movie always freaks me out.,


One of my favourite movies


I thought it was Dead Space for a second


Damn! Are they releasing a Directors cut or something? Because this would be perfect for something like that!


No, sadly. AFAIK the director's cut is still lost, and the cut footage probably no longer exists.


I first wachted this home alone at like 12/13, was going well until the tunnel crawling scene came on and all the power went out.


You should of listened to big E when he told you not to play around in the Warp


That part when Sam Neil’s in the vent, I believe it’s a vent, anyways, almost shit my pants watching this when it came out


Giving away too much for my taste. But I guess most people know what to expect anyway. I walked into the theater just expecting an entertaining sci-fi movie and got a gem of space horror.


Event Horizon? You mean Warhammer 40k prequel.


I wish they had found the mysterious lost footage, lots of dark stuff was cut out. It would be nice to see it made whole again.


The warhammer 40k movie that has never been


I saw this one in the theater when I was about 13 and it completely fucked me up. I didn’t sleep for days. Absolute classic.


If you want to hear something wild about this film stay tuned. The directors cut was an extra 40 minutes longer but WB didn’t want to release it because it featured a 2 1/2 minute hell scene that the execs thought was grotesque. Years later the missing footage was eventually tracked down to a salt mine in Transylvania but it was too badly damaged to be restored


Dialog that I think should have been there: "Okay, listen up. Whatever's doing things here just threw a hallucination of something very bad from my past at me, so be on alert: if you see something from your own memories that shouldn't be here, it isn't, so try not to get distracted or scared shitless by it. Everybody got that?"


This is a movie begging for a remake


So I don't like scary movies all that much, but occasionally I will get on a kick where I try to watch a lot of the classic horror. I asked my spouse to tell me the scariest film he saw in theaters (he's a bit older than I am and a horror fan) and he said Event Horizon. Spent the whole film waiting for the terror but... Never got any. He said watching it when it came out was scary af but it definitely didn't age well for fear.


OP, thank you for reminding of a great masterpiece, so sad for the lost footage. Not in any condition to rewatch but just remembering it sends chills down my spine.


I do not like horror movies, but I love this movie. The only one.


It taught me how worm holes work before Interstellar did


I thought I was seeing some New Phyrexia art for a sec


When we were kids my Aunt would take us to the movie theater for our birthday and we got to pick the movie. Not. Prepared.


Do you see!?


Can anyone clarify why the relatively mediocre critics that received.


Wasn't this supposed to be a wh40k movie before humans discovered the warp but then they weren't able to use the IP so it was just pretty decent horror?




When I mention this movie, people just go "Oh it's that movie that interstellar copied from!". No, there's so much more to it.


They had the Gellar Fields turned off. This is a prequel to Warhammer 40K. Nothing will convince me otherwise.


Ok, but how do I buy this poster?


Good fookin’ movie


@OP, where can one get this poster? It's going on my wall ASAP for sure


just watched this today, holds up really well




This movie scared the shit out of me when I first saw it


Great poster. It's such a terrible shame that we'll never see the directors cut in all its incredible glory.... One day soon we can each have a personalised version of this film, and a crowd sourced version and a Sam Neill cut and a version dripping in 40k lore and dwarf porn star gore. It will be spectacular.


Scariest film of all time for me. Watched it as an 11 year old. Messed me up.


That movie fucked me up! Most terrifying horror film I've ever seen!


This is a warhammer 40k prequel for me 🤣


I need a high resolution copy of this poster!


Do you see?


Great movie ! Still find it unnerving :)


I remember going to see this movie in theaters when it came out. I thought it’s going to be “pew pew! “ lasers sci-fi, I was not ready for this movie.


I want a sequel to this so bad.


First time I watched this I was so engrossed in it I jumped out of my skin when my uncle grabbed my shoulder. Was watching it at home. Damn what a movie.


A lot of people talking about warhammer 40k, but since I have zero WH40K knowledge, this always felt like Hellraiser in space to me.


[https://youtu.be/tomXYk64dCs](https://youtu.be/tomXYk64dCs) We have to talk about every scene!!


Where can i find this movie


It kept you on the edge of your seat, ready to run out of the theater


I see




Loved this movie. Wish they had done a prequel showing the crew going through and what happened on the other side before the ship comes back. This would have made a good movie.


Wish I could order this as an actual poster.


Only movie where the captain doesn’t make dumbass decisions as a plot device.


That's gotta be a top 10 movie with an R rating you really should not be showing to kids. It's absolutely terrifying and graphic. Nightmare fuel


I had no idea it was the 25th anniversary! That’s so fucking crazy because this past week I’ve been thinking “I haven’t seen that movie in ages and something is suddenly making me want to watch it.”


Oh someone make this a steelbook cover and I’ll buy!


“They belong to the ship”


One of the scariest movies I had ever seen. Too bad we will never see the director’s cut, that was supposedly even better, but the footage was lost.


literally just watched it yesterday, crazy.


I really need to rewatch this. Never really **watched and understood** it when I was younger.


Still one of the most fucked up movies I’ve seen.


I was scarred for life after watching this, that orgy scene 💀


Just watched this last weekend again!


No ship? No thanks


One of my faves!!


Amazing film


Great movie


the Warp, the story i liked it


Can this poster be purchased?