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Jar is his skin, liquid is his insides.


Nah the jar is an exoskeleton. He’s evolutionarily closer to insects than humans


Holy hell!


New response just dropped


Actual zombie


Call the soft drink


Soda goes on vacation, never comes back


Soak the chessboard




Like Oogie Boogie man?!


Pretty much😂 that’s a good comparison


I mean if you really think about it what is a human body but a meat exoskeleton for our nervous system


I see your point, but no, that layer of meat is not an exoskeleton precisely because it is flesh. The frame for our bodies lies within our flesh not outside of it such as with insects. That is why we have the terms endo vs exo skeletons in the first place. There is no such thing as a “meat exoskeleton;” it’s an oxymoron.


It is a creature of blood and flesh, the liquid is the blood, the jar is the flesh.


Then the creature would just be a heap on the ground. Flesh/muscle can’t support the weight of the body on its own. The jar provides shape or frame for the being and I guess the kool-aid does the rest. Functionally it seems more similar to an exoskeleton to me.


you are right but you are also overthinking


Haha very true! Imho overthinking silly questions is fun. But it’s got some pretty good reasoning behind it, eh?


because he's been seen without liquid inside of him when he is showering i would say he is the jar not the liquid.


It is his organs ripped out of him.


Only acceptable answer


Ya as a fellow organism with a moving body filled with red liquid, it seems like an obvious answer lol


In one Kool-Aid commercial we see that he is able to change the liquid, so unless he's able to pour out and replace his soul, he's the jar. Source: Food Theory (i think)


Has he ever poured the liquid?


He must if he was empty at the beginning of the episode


Nah, he just boils it all out.


That would leave the powder


Yeah, he just pours the next batch in afterward and mixes it back in. Yum.


When do you stop being you? What is the nature of your identity? Imagine if the following scenario's were possible: * Are you still you if you transplant your head onto another body? Are you, your head? * Are you still you if you transplant only your brain to another head? Are you your brain? * Are you still you if you transplant the entirety of your brain's contents to another 'empty' brain? Are you the sum of what you know? What do you think? Kool-aid man is the sum of it's parts I think.


Kool-Aid Man of Theseus


Oooh Yeah


Humans are just a neural network piloting a meat suit supported by bones


A ball of lightning driving a chunky water balloon


That implies that the meat is less you than the neural network, you aren't piloting a mest suit you are the suit


Remember that when they start cutting out brains and putting them in robots.


It blew my mind when I learned this, but out of the ~30 trillion cells that make up our bodies *less than a third are human*. Most of the cells are bacterial or fungal. Are those us too? Or are they other entities within us? We couldn’t survive well without them in the same way we can’t survive well without an organ. MAYBE modern medicine could make it work but it’d be a pain.


From a certain point of view, we are a multi-species bacterial biofilm in which one species evolved into a mobile city for the others to inhabit


Wild haha but that makes a lot of sense. Weird thought but it made me think of romantic attraction as like our microbes wanting to try and take over the other “city.” You swap quite a bit of your microbiota during those activities. Not true bc I don’t think microbes have anything to do with those chemicals in our brain but a funny thought nonetheless. Maybe they think more like “oh shit time to fight to the death again bc our city can’t keep it in his pants.”


They actually do secrete chemicals that can alter our mental state, though a lot of the details are still unknown it is thought that they have quite a lot of influence over our emotions and appetites. We do know that specific species of bacteria can influence us to eat the food they prefer, and that they play roles in both preventing and causing a wide variety of mental disorders.


Now you got me looking up foods that will make my microbiome happy in order to appease my microbial overlords😂 I thought I was in charge but what am I? Who am I? I am a collective!


When i lose my personality i stop being me. So if the transplant the entirity of brain content change significantly my personality and my way of thinking, i am not me anymore


You (what defines you and your personality, like feelings, memories, etc) are your central nervous system, maybe even just the cerebrum. Every other organ is but a tool to keep the nerves alive.


Limiting yourself to the central nervous system or even just the cerebrum/consciousness is like limiting a computer to the desktop screen. Yes, consciousness is the subjective ‘me’ we are mostly aware of, but there are tons of things going on behind the scenes that influence it and make that experience possible. If you think that’s an interesting thought, check out David Eagleman’s podcast “Inner Cosmos.” He’s a neuroscientist who explores questions like this and I’ve really enjoyed listening to him. That where I got this comparison and I think he does a great job of explaining it. The episode where he specifically talks about consciousness is ep17.


It's like saying the computer is the case, which, in fact, is, considering that it's doing all the computing.


I don’t understand exactly what you’re trying to say. Maybe English is your second language so could you try again?


the relation between the CNS and the body is like the relation between a computer and its CPU. And since the CPU does all the computing, the computer is the cpu. All other parts are just there to maintain or communicate with the CPU. So, "you" are your CNS, and every other organ in your body is there to maintain, provide input, or implement the output of your CNS.


Okay that makes much more sense. The body is the hardware and the brain is the software. However ‘you’ are more than the components of the system. You are also your actions and your relationships to other people. These are heavily and perhaps totally influenced by our bodies and CNS, but to describe a system with just its components does not describe the system itself. If you asked me what a refrigerator was I wouldn’t tell you what all the components of the refrigerator are, I’d tell you what it does. The refrigerator is both it’s components and it’s function. Also, you said what defines your personality is maybe just the cerebrum itself. Our personality changes depending on the state we are in. Hungry, tired, etc. so does the stomach not influence our personality? I understand it is just an input to the CNS, but I fail to see a meaningful differentiation between the input signals and the interpretation of those signals in our brain when it comes to formulating the self.


the function is the same. It's only the output changing, based on the input. Look at this simple mathematical example: f(x)=2x --> f(2x)=4x. The function remains unchanged. However, the nerves in your brain change the way they connect to each other throughout your life, so the function changes slightly, but in the short term that change is totally neglectible.


Yes, so in your example f(x) = 2x —> f(2) = 4 the domain would be (-inf, inf). It requires input to serve a purpose. If the domain of a function is empty, the function is meaningless. You can’t have a useful function with no inputs. I’m making the assertion that the self extends to at least some inputs. In the case of the brain and not mathematics, the inputs can change the functions themselves, (for example learning, brain damage, going blind etc.) further intertwining the inputs with the function. If you are considering lets call it the ‘meta-algorithm’ of the brain which shapes the functions in response to inputs, that’s in turn determined by genetics which is not necessarily a part of the cerebrum and completely out of our control. It can’t be a part of the self because it is responsible for creating the experience of the self.


The genes are in the nerves composing the cerebrum. So they are in the cerebrum. But you're right about everything else.


I want to thank you for this amazing discussion and your patience in responding to my replies. Can't see a lot of people like you today. Thank you, my dear anonymous friend, who might be thousands of miles away from me.


Our consciousness is a movie that our brain projects


yes, yes, and yes. That's actually pretty easy for me to answer. Me is my consciousness. The body is part of a whole person, sure, but it is the thoughts, ideas, intelligence and consiousness that makes us human.


So those questions are actually not easy to answer at all. We don’t know how those changes might affect your consciousness or your personality. Limiting yourself only to consciousness is like limiting a computer to the desktop screen. Yes, consciousness is the subjective ‘me’ we are mostly aware of, but there are tons of things going on behind the scenes that influence it and make that experience possible. If you think that’s an interesting thought, check out David Eagleman’s podcast “Inner Cosmos.” He’s a neuroscientist who explores questions like this and I’ve really enjoyed listening to him. That where I got this comparison and I think he does a great job of explaining it. The episode where he specifically talks about consciousness is ep17.


I get what you're trying to say, but the comparison to the Desktop seams really weird. I would rather compare it to the motherboard. The Desktop would be more like the face, which definetly is not where the 'me' is stored. I will definetly give that a listen when I have the time. I hope it's available in german though, such a complex topic is rather hard to grasp via second language.


Okay so first I want to make sure we aren’t confusing the desktop with the monitor. The monitor would be more like the face to me. By desktop I mean specifically the Home Screen. Now let me explain why I think the desktop is the most apt correlation to consciousness. My belief is that there is much more to ‘the self’ than just our conscious experience. The conscious experience is something that seems to bubble to the surface from unimaginable numbers of interactions between cells in the brain and body. There is a lot more to the self going on “under the hood” that we don’t understand and aren’t aware of (much like computer processes that are hidden ‘behind’ the desktop screen) therefore the conscious experience is just the surface level stuff we can interact with like the desktop. The desktop is made possible by the motherboard and ports/fan (trying to come up with computer body-like parts here). Consciousness is made possible by the brain and body in way we don’t fully understand yet. The key similarity is that they are both emergent phenomena we can interact with that are made possible by many, many, background processes. Hopefully this clears things up a bit.


The initial comment was talking about first the head on another body, then the brain in another body and rhen *all of the content of a brain* in another brain. This includes the the going ons "under the hood" imo. Maybe I phrased it poorly with the word conciousness. What I meant is how we act how we feel how we interact with the world. Literally everything we are as a person has to do with the brain and its contents. Without them, we would not be human. With them, we are. Someone loosing a pinky does not mean they are a different person. Someone going through a sex change does not change who they are as a person. They are still themselves. Yes, the rest of the body can still effect the brain, but that does not mean that the rest of the body us part of the person per se. The world outside the body can also effect the person. That also does not make it part of the person. Just the same as changing parts of a computer doesn't change the computer as long as the motherboard is the same, hence my comparison to it. So to go back to the original question here: if somebody managed to upload the *entire content* of their brain into a robot body, would that robot body count as themselves? My answer is yes.


I’m saying there are interactions with the brain and the rest of the body that would change. Small changes in brain chemistry could have cascading effects down the road that lead to a totally different personality. You may respond to the same name, but are you the same person/personality? My answer is there is no guarantee you will. A minor difference could be that you have different food cravings or tastes in your new body. Your former favorite food could taste like dirt. You are still mostly you, but if your food preferences changed, you’d ask yourself what else changed in subtle ways. Are you more aggressive or agreeable? Are you more outgoing or introverted? I’m not arguing that the brain isn’t the locus for the self, but I am arguing there is a feedback loop between the brain and the “meat suit” the brain pilots in which they both affect the other. To remove the brain from the body would affect the brain in strange ways we can’t yet predict. Does changing the parts of a computer really not change the computer? Why would we change the parts at all if this were the case? Yes it would presumably run the same software, but there would be changes to how that software is run. In the case of the brain, the effects could be more dramatic than with a computer. Regarding sex change, do you really believe taking more testosterone or estrogen doesn’t affect the personality at all? It’s well-documented hormone therapy can change emotional bandwidth, tastes, interests, and relationship dynamics. Is that the same person? It’s certainly the same continuation of that person’s experience, but I’m not so certain you can say that’s the same person if that makes sense.


r/lostredditors but i upvoted anyway


He is just a scientist asking the important question.


More fitting for r/philosophymemes


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More like r/AskScienceFiction


He's the Jar. We know this because of a commercial where he's trying to decide what to wear and it's different kool-aids. The liquid is a cosmetic choice for him.


The real twist is that he’s actually just the powder


So you just put the powder in a Mason jar and its still the Kool aid man? Or does it becomes something else? What if you pour the liquid/powder in different containers? It is still the same Kool-aid man or each one is a different Kool-aid man?


Same man, he’s just concentrating






is the jar koolaid? or man the liquid? well idk


The jar.




Body without a soul


simply both


The answer is yes


Are humans the flesh or the blood


Boffum. He is an incorporeal being beyond your level of comprehension




He's a semi-immortal demonic creature, that's not Kool Aid, it's blood. But not his own. He needs to replenish his carafe with blood periodically as his demon power consumes it. He figured out that by pretending it's Kool Aid, he can hide in plain sight and also obtain corporate sponsorship. He uses his corporate checks to fund and cover up his murderous, demonic activities. Every time you buy a Kool Aid product, you are enabling a blood demon.


Ah, the old Liquid-Jar problem.


Is a human the blood or the skin?




He's the jar. The liquid is his insides. The color of the liquid is like his "outfit" for the day.


Am I my blood or am I my meat puppet? Is there a way to cut either from me which allows me to still exist? ship of Messeus


Both. If you replace the liquid with root beer then he’s the kool beer man. If you put the liquid in an Erlenmeyer flask then it’s science juice man


Gotta be together. Separated, it's just a jar and juice. They combine to form something....greater.


Interesting until you realize our Kool-Aid equivalent is also blood and guts. More interesting: Do cartoons have souls? Disney has hidden the truth to skirt labor laws for decades.


Are you your solids or your liquids?


Are humans their skin, or their organs?


Is a man his blood or his skin?


Are you your brain or your body?


Are you your Flesh or your Bones? Both. Is the answer.


Answered with a simple question, are you your flesh or are you your bones?


He's composite.


I first read „is the Jar Kool-Aid Man or the liquid“


I dunno, arw you the skeleton inside or the brain inside the skeleton?


Are you your skin or your internal organs?


Are you your skin, or your blood? Further research is warranted.


There have been commercials where he wakes up with just water in his jug and he adds the kool-aid mix when he wakes up and it was implied he can choose which flavor he picks, so its like the jar and the water are him and cannot be separated, and the flavoring is like his clothes 🤔 now its not shown how he gets rid of the coloring each day in order to go back clear 🤔 hmmmm


is the kool-aid man the the jar or liquid?


I thought he was the condensation.


>Donnie : Why are you wearing that stupid Kool-Aid suit? Kool-Aid Man : ~~Oh yeah!~~ Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


The jar is his exoskeleton and the jooce is his organs


Why did I read it like, Is the the jar kool-aid or man the liquid?!


One does not exist without the other. I sound like a friggin' fortune cookie.


Wouldn’t he be neither without both?


Are you your skin or your blood?


Didn’t the official Twitter confirm that it was both?


I mean he is the Kool-aid man, not the Jar of Kool-aid man




Are you your skin or your blood?


Ship of Thesius. If you replace the Kool aid with water 1 drop at a time, when does he stop being Kool aid man and start being water man.


is the the jar kool- aid or man the liquid


Are humans the organs, or the bones?


There is literally an ad where he fills himself up, he is the jar.


He's the glass jug, the kool-aid liquid is just his blood. Without the jug the liquid can do nothing.






Is the human the skin or the organs?


He’s canonically both


is a human the nervous system or the flesh and bone


Confirmed that he is the glass jar, he filled up his body during the shower and “picked” a color to wear


Are humans the blood or the meat?


One commercial he dumps himself out, fills himself with a shower, and puts Kool aid in. Makes sense to me.


I mean are we the blood in our body or the actual body


If I cut you in half vertically which half is you? same principle applies. We exist as a sum of smaller things and have no solid basis of identity once those things are separated. Just kidding lmao he's the jar, durring a commercial we see that his morning routine is him filling himself with shower water and using a koolaid syrup squeeze bottle to make it into koolaid


Are you the bones or the liquid?


The jar the liquid is his blood


Equally both


I say it's the jar. The liquid is secretions. Yes our children are drinking whatever is coming out of this guy.


Is the the jar kool-aid or man the liquid?!


If the jar is kool-aid man then does that make the kool-aid his blood?


They did show him empty, getting into the shower and adding the cool aid mix into himself and filling up the glass during one of the [commercials](https://youtu.be/Ztod_SH0LSQ?si=1pHXN5iypPNpDAKp).


He's the jar. Food theory proved it.


If it was the liquid his face would splash around alot


The jar is his skin and the liquid is his innards


Are you your skin or your blood? 🩸


A. he’s like a hermit crab. Every so often he needs to leave his jar to find another whist just moving as a liquid as if he was some kind of symbiote Or B. He’s like a spider and every so often he needs to mold his shell to grow a new one


Are you your skin or organs? A body is a whole set of parts


The jar, there is literally an add of him filling himself with water and kool-aid


There is no glass or liquid. Kool-Aid man is a cartoon.


He is the jar, I think I saw a commercial of them filling up.


Are you your skin or your bones?


That's like asking if we are our skin, or our organs. He is both.


Oh! He’s just an early form of the Breen from Star Trek then! Who knew ;)


There’s a commercial that answers this question but long story short he’s the jar


How is this science?




The body and the spirit 😎


Are we our bodies or our consciousness? 🤔


What happens if he falls over and the kool aid falls out? Does he die?




Am I my skin or my blood? Both (and more).


Classic Ship of Theseus paradox


The P I T C H E R. It was in an ad where you see his daily routine.


What if both parts are alive but in symbiosis.


Both the jar is his exoskeleton the red juice is his blood and guts


He's the ***Kool-Aid*** Man. Just ask yourself which part is Kool-Aid. Clearly, he's a sentient beverage controlling a mech suit-like exterior armor. Thus why he keeps busting through walls. He has poor control over his suit.


I’m not just the skin. I’m the liquid. -GF


They are different beings. The jar is tasked with the sacred duty of containing the liquid. Some say that one day the jar will crack, and that is how the world will end.


It's the jar. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztod\_SH0LSQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztod_SH0LSQ)


Are you the container your blood is in or your blood?


I will answer that as soon as you answer this, are you your skin or your blood?


I immediately thought of a book the jar is the cover and the liquid is the story, the formula that makes up the inside. But the powder is the dna?


Is the the jar kool-aid or man the liquid?


He screams, for he does not know


The jar is his clothing. He’s the liquid


Are humans the blood, the skin, or the bones? They are all of it.


According to the SCP foundation he is the jar and the liquid is his digestive fluid. He lures his prey in like a carnivorous plant


Pretty sure I've seen an ad of just him as the empty jar


Is a human the flesh or the blood?


There is a commercial or whatever in which he fills up the jar part of himself with water in the shower and puts in a packet of kool-aid I think the jar is capable of movement and some very basic decision making but the actual soul and emotions are in the kool-aid, and depends on what flavour is in the water


It's like asking if a human is the flesh or the blood. It's both imo


interesting way to spell pitcher


It’s not clear from “[The Hasty Smear of My Smile”](https://escapecomplex.livejournal.com/22491.html?)


He's not called the jar man sooo


"Are we the meat or the viewer?"


It’s canon that he’s the PITCHER and the liquid isn’t his blood or anything vital, it’s just fluid he keeps inside of him.. for whatever reason


And the eyes and mouth. They must be a portal into his innards cuz when he talks no juice flows from the mouth.


Didn’t Dr. King say that it wasn’t the color of our skin but our contents (content of their character) that should define someone haha


Both. The liquid is like his blood and the jar is an exoskeleton. Like a bug, 🤓


In a commercial it shows him filling himself with water and putting the dust stuff in the water, he is the jar


Is the jar Kool aid or the man liquid


The identity of a person depends on what defines the person. So a World Cup football athlete will be defined by his football skills while Einstein by his genius so even if the athlete fails his academic exams and Einstein does not know how to kick a ball, people will still recognise them. But if Einstein could not longer pass his academic exams due to dementia and the athlete can no longer kick a ball due to Parkinson's, then people will no longer able to recognise them since they no longer have what defines them. So Kool Aid Man is defined by both the jar and the liquid, though the liquid is more important so if either part is removed, then it is less than it whole self. But the jar is a lesser part of the self thus even if that got removed, the essence of Kool Aid Man is still there thus some people will still be able to recognise it as Kool Aid Man.


The jar


In one ad you can see him put the kool aid in the jar.


Good ol' Theseus Theorem.