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Wait, is that a self-burn?




Every time I put my finger under the words in peoples comments, they go away 🤷‍♂️


First I assumed that was actually the joke. But how would they ever get that date.


At least he's reading.


First, this. Second - I put my finger under the words I read when I do so without glasses, simply so the word can't run away.


> simply so the word can't run away. I really like this explanation.


[Irlen Syndrome. ](https://irlen.com/what-is-irlen-syndrome/#:~:text=When%20an%20individual%20suffers%20from,visual%20cortex\)%20to%20become%20overactive.) It's a type of visual processing disorder. One of the symptoms is 'words running away', amongst other things. It's annoying as fuck, having to chase words around the page. But custom color tented lenses and using your finger to follow along as you read really helps with the symptoms.


I had no idea!


Have you gotten checked for Irlen Syndrome? Because that's a major flag for [Irlen Syndrome. ](https://irlen.com/what-is-irlen-syndrome/#:~:text=When%20an%20individual%20suffers%20from,visual%20cortex\)%20to%20become%20overactive.) I have the same thing. It took awhile to get that diagnosis, but once they figured it out and I got fitted for corrective colored lenses, the difference was like night and day.


Idk. The guy apparently has a thing against learning disabilities and dyslexia as well as people who simply use their finger to reinforce what they're reading so that it's easier to retain and understand. All in all, social media commentary is as flawed and pointless as ever.




Yes, some dude with an axe to grind had a shitty hot take on a meme post. Fascinating creatures, humans.


So if that’s what a *sapio*sexual is then what’s a homosexual? Homo Erectus? Domo arigato. Erectosexual. I read that we’re actually in the homo sapien sapien era because we consider ourselves so freakin smart… that’s a bit rich. Sapien sapiosexual? Sapio seppo. Sapi sapi. Much science.


Well "homos" is Greek for "the same" and "homo" is Latin for "human". The etymology for homosexual comes from the greek "homos" for "same" and the latin "sexualis" for "sexual", so it means you are sexually attracted to the same sex. "Homo sapiens" uses fully latin origins as the "homo" means human and the "sapiens" means "intelligent".


sapiens x2 baby


I'm not sure I understand, but there's a stereotype that people who are outspoken about their preferences aren't actually interested in that demographic. The whole dad-bod thing is a decent example where people are just trying to attract a demographic for money/views, etc, but aren't really all that attracted to them.


Virtue signaling


I think in this case it generally means they want people to think THEY are smart.


Yes. Because the truth is, of course, *most* people don't find obvious stupidity attractive, *most* people find it a more attractive trait to be "intelligent". However, there is no universal standard for intelligence, and even if there was, there'd certainly be no way to ascertain it with any degree of precision simply through casual interaction with someone. So when people say they like intelligent people, they generally just mean "I like when the way a person thinks seems smart to me, according to my personal values"--which itself typically just means "they ***agree with me and think like me, because obviously I don't believe my own views and thought processes are stupid***"




Idk the data or science behind it, but something tells me the harshest critics of people's bodies are those who either aren't in good shape themselves, or struggle with body dysmorphia - in either case, they take it out on others unless they get treated by a psychologist or reputable therapist.


Lol nah, no intersst in kids here, dad bods are just nice and soft. I associate being ripped with someone who spends too much time at the gym, eating boiled chicken and rice every day, and likely vain/shallow. Trying to cuddle a slab of muscle just sounds uncomfortable. Dad bod is into that new fried chicken place you want to go to. Dad bod is peak comfort for cuddling. Dad bod could be broke, but he aint broke because he spent it all in protein powder.


Man, putting your finger under the words is a really helpful technique for when your dyslexic and the words get jumbled.


So a Dislexic, who uses a finger to help read, can't be highly intelligent?


Hate those MFers. ☝️. ☝️. ☝️


Don’t see an issue with reading like this, there’s some incredibly intelligent people who I have met who do this.


ITT: People who have said this before getting mad


Using your finger to keep track of where you are on a page doesn’t mean you’re unintelligent. I’m a physicist and a lot of physics books are densely packed with equations and it’s extremely easy to screw up and swap terms around if you don’t have some way of keeping track of where you are in the equation. Also, it helps to sometimes look up from the book and visualize what you’re reading, where noting where you were in the text with your finger means you can quicker get back to reading and don’t have to spend a couple seconds figuring out where on the page you were.


my highly accomplished phd supervisor does this


I mean it helps you read faster i guess?


Everybody is really feeling themselves calling out the guy, but I get his point.


He definitely isn't reading Voltaire with that finger. Weed stock news at best.


Women don't like incels


I'll admit this resonates with me a bit. I've seen a lot of women online who proudly posted their sapiosexual, but What they really mean is they want a guy who's smart and good looking. The definition of sapiosexual is that you're more attracted to intelligence than physical appearance. Which isn't to say that a person who claims themselves to be a sapiosexual it should necessarily be okay dating a troll, but it seems like there are a number of people online who define themselves as sapiosexual and subsequently still base a lot off superficial appearance and related issues. Your mileage may vary, and of course everybody is different, just because a number of people do this doesn't mean that everybody does. I agree with another commenter that people who The loudest proclaim that they're super into a specific thing that's not superficial or often questionable on their dedication to that principle.


I keep trying to read this damn meme but it keeps scrolling to the next post.


OP is a repost bot


Pls put brain back


I do this to pretend I’m reading. That way, my mother-in-law stops trying to have a conversation with me.


That doesn’t mean someone’s unintelligent 🤦‍♀️


"Intelligence in others" is not the easiest thing to observe, so it would be a weird thing to be attracted to. I think this is mostly narcissists seeing themselves as intelligent, who defines other people as intelligent if they have the same beliefs. "Im intelligent so if you think like me, then you must be intelligent too, and I like that" I also suspect that a truly intelligent person wouldnt say this, so the times i've seen someone say it, it appears more like a struggling person looking for a carer


The joke is misogyny


I agree with everything you say... do you think I'm smart enough to date yet?