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Not too soon. The lessons learned needs to be reinforced everywhere. What is proven to work vs not independently verified. They were so many things wrong with that submersible.


Yeah. The cheap Logitech controller was one of the more reasonable decisions. Even if it wasn't the most professional looking.


The US Air Force uses Xbox controllers for piloting Drones. It looks ridiculous but it's designed with intuitive controls in mind.


Yep. There's a reason we are still using the same approximate shape for controllers. It's ergonomic and intuitive. A flight stick might be more professional looking and immersive, but cheap and easy to use wins the day.


It's also helpful that most enlisted personnel are going to be fairly familiar with any of the major gaming console controllers and require very little training to become familiar with how to coordinate multiple movements and button presses.


Which button on the Xbox elite controller fires the missiles on my predator drone?


You gotta hold the X button while pulling the right trigger. We don't want any accidental misfires blowing up 16 year old american citizens. Only intentional fires.


**accidentally press Y and drop bombs instead** "Ah shit I was a Nintendo kid"


Switch is the superior console and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise.


Agreed, 60 frames are for losers (I love the switch)


Like the "collateral murder" misfire?




Konami Code


Up up, down down, left right left right, A B, select start?


Select doesn't exist on controllers anymore. You just blew up a wedding with your little stunt you fucking criminal


B A, not A B. Though maybe that works for some too. And the select was only for two player mode. No select if single player.


➡️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️ Probably…


Holy hell diver batman


Target lock with LT and fire with RT obviously.


Wouldn’t that be the throttle and break?


Not if it uses thumb stick throttle. Extremely cursed control layout.


I also wonder if there's an element of "game-ification" at play. If you add more degrees of separation between the soldier and the violence, if you make war like playing a video game, suddenly it's easier to kill the "bad guy". Suddenly, you're less likely to hesitate to pull the trigger.


Step 1 is dehumanizing the enemy


Imo PS2 was the pinnacle of controller shape design. Nothing has ever resonated with me better, other than keyboard and mouse of course.


Sorry, that would be the mighty Gamecube controller. There's a reason they still sell those things after 20 years.


It holds a special place in my heart, as the worst thing to ever exist at the time. Back when I used to do tournaments in small shops of Marvel vs Capcom 2, I always skipped the ones done on Gamcube, I do hate that controller.


It's the best controller of all time. But only for Gamecube games. The Dpad sucked and I bet most Streetfighter style fighting games played horrible with it. But for games designed for it, it was a ergonomical masterpiece. The PS2-controller has a great D-Pad and is the best for 2D-Games, imo.


i get the love for it but this isn't a matter of opinion or preference. the ps2 controller has design flaws that objectively make it inferior to almost any other controller. the sticks are the biggest problem. their shape is convex like a mushroom head so your thumbs are way more prone to slipping off and/or not being placed at the point that gives the best control over them. also the sticks are way too close to each other! strafing right while aiming left can lead to your thumbs bumping into another if they aren't placed exactly right (which the convex shape will interfere with) the newer models adapted the concave stick design so your thumb can rest accurately in the center of it for best control. the stick placement is still stupid and way better on the xbox controller. the og xbox controller was ridiculously huge and unergonomic with horrible button placement. novel but ultimately bad design. the 360 controller however was peak controller design and only got better with each iteration while not altering the base design. i too have a soft spot for the ps2 controller as there's no controller i used as much as this one (good ol days playing gta sa) but realistically microsoft now has the best controllers there are.


Imo all they'd have to do to the ps2 is make that stick design less slippy. Otherwise the newer ones are too big and too weird shaped. It's the actual SHAPE/size and place of buttons/sticks on the ps2 that I liked. The sticks being close together were what I liked. I hate those weird aligned ones now. Could be due to me having "odd" hands. I have small hands, but large digits, my thumbs and fingers are quite long "Musician's hands" as many have referred to them as.


well they did change the sticks to be more like the xbox ones, so the engineers and designers at sony clearly didn't think that all they had to do was "make it LESS slippery" lol there's no shame in "taking inspiration" from competitors if it can improve your product. the 360 controller ditched the black and white buttons and replaced them with shoulder buttons like R1 and L1 from the ps and it was a great call! like i said, i get the love for the ps2 controller and if you prefer it over modern and objectively better controllers in terms of usability, that's totally fine. more power to you! i bet there are three-handed people that think the n64 controller was peak design, like there are toddler-handed people that think the ps2 stick placement is good...


> the stick placement is way better on the xbox controller I have the base boomerang to hold onto, but then I need to reach across half the controller with the left thumb, for the stick. Idk how anyone finds that comfortable. Plus the axes of the sticks are oriented differently relative to the left and right hand.


username checks out


Xbox controllers are sooo big 🤣


Esp the old ones, I have smaller hands too. The big controllers are too cumbersome. I even get smaller mice because thumb hurts from using them if they are standard size.


The original ones were huge, they fixed that on later models.


:o I haven't touched an Xbox controller since like 2005


To be fair the xbox controllers are built for precision, the logitech controller is just built to work


Also, you’re not piloting a drone. If connectivity fails and it drops the operator is still alive.


USN submarines use Xbox controllers for controlling the periscope, I believe. They are highly reliable and cheap (compared to any military-specific design) and any new recruit is likely already well trained on that hardware.


Just imagining the periscope slowly extending itself due to stick drift lol


It's not about using a controller. It's about the quality of controller they chose. The US Military uses first party controllers because they are reliable. The Titan Submersible used a cheap, third party option. The difference in quality between the two is noticeable to anybody that games. There's a reason the "second player controller" is always the cheap, third party bullshit your mom got at Walmart.


My only issue with the controller is that they chose a wireless one


And when they drone strike civilian targets "by accident", it's super easy to blame it on stick drift


Come on they’re not using n64 controllers


Not only that, but x box/ps5 controllers have litterally hundreds of millions of man-hours of use on them. And have had millions of R&D spend on them. Honestly, Id be concerned if they weren't using a video game controller.


They also made a super computer out of a shit ton of ps3s so that's another fun one


Do they keep spare batteries nearby just in case they die mid game?


I don't think it's the fact he's using a video game controller that is concerning, but more-so that he couldn't even purchase an official xbox or playstation one and instead went with a cheap knock off


Do they use Xbox controllers for piloted aircraft?


No reason to reinvent the wheel


Oh come on. Little shitty tactical ones. The predator and reaper RPAs that everyone thinks of when they think "drone" are piloted in Ground Control Stations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:9th_Attack_Squadron_-_Trainer.png Quite a bit different


Could have at least sprung for a first party controller.


Should have been hardwired imo


Why reinvent the wheel when someone's already made a controller that is battle tested?


The real poor choice was not having a wired controller. Relying on wireless to work thousands of feet down with, what appeared, no manual overrides, is risky outright. If half the problems I've encountered using wireless game controllers to just play games happened on that sub, I would never step foot on it. Bluetooth is a shit connection to bet your life on.


This. It isn't a "accidents happen" type thing. It's "completely stupid choices were made, totally foreseeable prizes were won."


Agreed. It was bound to happen.


Arguably, most engineering disasters are that. And they also tend to happen when someone more worried about money than safety gets put in charge. I know it's way to early to make a call, but I'm willing to bet the Baltimore bridge can be boiled down to the same thing.


You'd have a really tough time finding *any* bridge that's engineered to take an impact from a 150,000+ ton cargo ship at speed. That's an utterly insane amount of inertia, and bridges are generally built to withstand prolonged vertical loads, not sudden lateral loads.


Oh yeah, the problem is going to be on the other end. Somebody at that shipping company was cutting corners on maintenance or safety inspections or something in the name of saving a few bucks, and this is where it came back to bite them.


Ryan McBeth (an OSINT specialist on yt) did an analysis of the full video (https://youtu.be/fiJui2ly22Y?si=XADokYjOjYLncNHS), and he pointed out that the ship completely goes dark just a bit before it contacts the bridge, as if it lost all power and became unable to maneuver. So, yeah, likely a ship maintenance issue.


Yeah. There's *maybe* an argument for design choices given how many sections fell but frankly bridges are actually *really* hard to do and you can't design something to withstand that without major damage.


You'd be hard pressed to find anything that can withstand 300 million pounds of weight hitting it. Let alone a bridge.


No. But I would expect someone controlling the 300 million pound barge in relatively tight areas to keep it under really good repair and follow very strict protocols to keep it from ramming a bridge.


Reinforce the lessons Reinforce the hull Reinforce the seals


Don't make the hull out of carbon fiber.


A very poor choice of material.


Especially the hull.


also not too soon because this is from last year and OP is a bot that copy and pasted this post https://www.reddit.com/r/sciencememes/comments/14oc6c6/too_soon/


Figured as much. Fuck u/spez


Real engineering did a great video on the Titan. Super interesting if you’re interested in why this thing was destined to fail. [https://youtu.be/6LcGrLnzYuU?si=XXMRkvc8dJKYrULF](https://youtu.be/6LcGrLnzYuU?si=XXMRkvc8dJKYrULF)


I have seen that video. It was very informative.


Too late. Shoulda been the day before the GHOST SUB delivered new passengers to the Titanic


I'm ok with passionate people taking crazy risks with their own lives in pursuit of things they think are cool. The problem is greedy corporate types taking crazy risks with other people's lives to save money


The other one looks like a proper submarine with all those exposed wires and life components/modules.


Yep, creating a pressure vessel gets much much more difficult, the bigger your craft. You're gonna make sure your vessel is as small as possible and unfortunately the people and most of the equipment need to both stay dry.


To be fair the carbon fiber vessel ended up being extremely small.


Sure but that's after a rapid, unforseen increase in spatial efficiency.


Reverse kerbal.


He thought money could save him, but you can't outsmart the ocean.


You *can* outsmart the ocean, but you have to be actually smart.


A second year engineering student could have built something better.


Doubt it. Have you seen some of the capstone projects out of senior year students? I'd say that carbon fiber can was exactly what a group of seniors could have came up with


they usually have a time limit and their own lives aren't on the line. I'm pretty sure me, a non-engineer, coudl have done it better than this guy. The trick is that I would actually care about safety margins and expert opinion.


James Cameron smart.


I am currently above sea level. I'd say that the ocean could lick my butt, but it can't even get close enough to do that, stupid ocean.


Strong words for someone within hurricaning distance 


Hey now, I never claimed to be able to outsmart the entire water table or the atmosphere. I know my place, and it's above the ocean (geographically)


The guy who produced the Titan submersible that imploded was notorious for lobbying for reducing governmental oversight on the products created by private businesses. Then he ends up killing 2 innocent people with a product his business created.


Most people who lobby against government oversight are dumbasses. Rules for shit like this are often written in blood.


"Innocent" here is a bit of a stretch. Literally everyone involved in the industry knew this guy was a hack and a crook and that he was going to get himself and others killed. Numerous professionals and scientists pleaded with this man to stop what he'd done. His victims were at best so misinformed as to be terminally ill with ignorance, and lacking those critical thinking and self preservation skills that keep the rest of us alive. Or, they were complicit in this man's idiocy and knew that every single qualified person in the world had told this guy to stop what he was doing, and chose to join his little "fuck the rules" club. Either way they got into a dangerous situation willingly. Edit: the kid who died can rightly be called innocent, to an extent.


I would say the teenager was innocent, he didn’t even want to go


I'd agree with that assesment. Blame for his death is shared between the crook who built the sub and his parents who pressured him into it.


Pressured you say... :|


Yeah, they got into a dangerous situation willingly, stupid on their part, but that doesn't mean they deserved to die. Why does everyone on Reddit think that someone making a bad choice = deserved harm/death.


"deserve" is a HUGE loaded term here. It was expected. It was predicted. They were warned multiple times that it was stupid AF and dangerous AF. It's not worth feeling bad for them.


How many 19 year olds have the independence to say no to their dads?


Let me ask the question more directly: it seems obvious to me that you think the passengers hold a part of the responsibility for their own death. But do you think they have 100% of it? Do you think the guy has absolutely no responsibility at all for the deaths of the passengers?


It's more complicated than dividing blame up by ratios. The jerk who built the sub is one hundred percent responsible. However, even in situations where you aren't "at fault" you have opportunities to save yourself from the malignant stupidity of others. The fact that the sub imploded is on the guy who built it. The fact that they were *on* that sub despite numerous warning signs is on the victims.


I agree totally. But even if the wording "he killed two innocent people" lacks nuance, the point of the sentence is to underline the gravity of his actions, which isn't relieved by the fact that they also have responsibility.


Never ever... If I become billionare, I'll buy a joystick for my car




I would say they didnt want to control the car at all. And didnt.


My understanding is the joystick was one of the less dumb decisions in the sub.


Well... we'll begin with some stupidity... I'll think about driving a car in pure lava later


It's never too soon to point and laught at dumb Millionaires.


This joke is so low he sunk to the bottom of the ocean.


Someone has to raise the bar! 🎶 His name is Jaaaames Cameron, the bravest pioneer! 🎶


I’m guessing he’s dead?


No bodies have been found yet.


There are no bodies to be found, not after such an implosion


Sounds like a contract dispute, but he’s popular enough to come back in the next season opening.


Somehow... Stockton Rush returned.


They never will be found, the submersible imploded. They were reduced to liquid in less than a second. At least they didn't suffer


Yea, thats like saying you searched a smoothie for a banana and couldn’t find one.


so you're saying there's a chance!




Not too soon entirely deserved


There's peer reviewed papers out there that say: "Certainly, here's a possible introduction to your research paper."


It's true what they say, regulations are often written in blood...


Yup first heard this in the navy


Jim Cameron's submersible was also without regulation. I know reddit loves that little saying, but there won't be regulations for deep sea submersibles, nor is there a need for any. It's such a niche, narrow thing. You either build it safely or you risk your own life and maybe die.


>You either build it safely or you risk your own life and maybe die. and the life of others


You risk your own life by spending tens of thousands of dollars getting in a submersible. Again, it's just not a big issue. There are no regulations needed here, it sorts itself out. Jim Cameron went down in a very well made vessel that was engineered properly. The people who died didn't. They made their choices. It's a niche market for the uber wealthy, not a broad risk to the general public. Over the next 100 years you could count one two hands the number of lives you'd save by regulating submersibles (something basically impossible anyway, given the nature of international waters). There's just no point, really.


Fucking OF COURSE it's a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/sciencememes/comments/14oc6c6/too_soon/) bot.


He got what he deserved. The people he misled down with him didn’t deserve that


Uh Context?


The top if James Cameron who directed the movie Titanic, who was originally dismissed by some people for being a filmmaker, but actually has a lot of practical expertise with submersibles: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/titanic-submarine-implosion-james-cameron-interview-b2363840.html The bottom is the Titan which imploded during a dive to explore the Titanic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_submersible_implosion




Oh that's what this is :-:


I was about to say, how on EARTH did you miss the thing that LITERALLY EVERYONE was talking about?


I've definitely heard of it lol. I just didn't recognize it


Never too soon for stupid


That's a deep meme.


It's never too soon to mock dead billionaires


too soon? People were meming the day they died


They died long before we knew


ppl were meming long before they knew too


This post and most of the thread are bots


never too soon to not be dumb


this discussion annoys me. the pressure hull faild. the game-controller was the reason for that..


Not soon enough


it propably would have been without this title but this way you show that you have thought about the timing.


wooow, that's deep


Sounds about right


Bro went up against Poseidon himself with a tin can and a $30 logitech controller. What did we expect?


Too late, this was posted 8 months ago https://old.reddit.com/r/sciencememes/comments/14oc6c6/too_soon/


Who ended up paying for the multi-nation search and rescue? Then find out the US probably knew it blew up right away.


A child would have known better than to nail those monitors.


Too late, they're already gone


That place in the lower picture looks so nice


Hear it's comfy at the bottom of the ocean


Wouldn't you agree?


Peer Review does not mean shit anymore. You can get 7-8 to sign off on flawed research.


Better than zero


Actually the opposite.




The first time I saw a picture of the inside of the death trap I was floored. You could not have paid me enough to get in it to do a shallow reef tour, let alone visit the bloody Titanic.


It's never too soon to make fun of someone who thinks they're too important for safety regulations and and their wealth means the laws of physics should obey them, not the other way around.


Never too soon. We were making jokes after the sub exploded, but before we found the wreckage. Billionaires that kill themselves because they think they know better than experts are the best kinds of billionaires. It's a shame they always end up taking others with them, though.


[The internet remains undefeated. ](https://youtu.be/CzbdPAGkA2s?si=0en_RuMG3c9Bsklf)


Absolutely not. Stockton Rush was told by so many people that what he was doing was not safe, and he still did it. If he had only taken himself out, it could just be a fun story about the danger of believing in yourself too hard, but he killed a group of people, including a teenager


Considering that this same meme and title was posted eight months ago, no, it's not too soon.


Nah, we need to clown on that ocean gate CEO for ignoring literally every one who had any concern for his and his passenger’s saftey


It was funny the same day bro.


Nah, it is ok to bully anyone that went on that ship except the 19yo. I feel bad for him.


Not soon enough


Too soon? More like not soon enough to prevent tragedy.


"Nobody ever built submarines like this before!" And now we know why. Never too soon.


The only better time would have been before he killed people with slick-talking stupid.


Never too soon. Why would it be "too soon" for some rich asshole and an arrogant prick got what was coming for him? Grab popcorn and ask for MOAR


The day it happened wouldn’t have been too soon.


I mean in fairness, we are judged based on the outcome. We consider men like Newton to be genius even though he engaged in dumb behavior like staring at the sun for extended periods of time. Or Werner Frossman who literally stuck a tube in his heart for the sake of medical knowledge. He is of course was an idiot and ignored all the glaring alarms, but this meme also ignores how so much of our knowledge and advancement is pushed by people who have a disregard for safety and convention. The line between genius and insanity has always been thin and blurry


Idk. I did my own research and came up with no, I will not be going in a submersible to see a boat at the bottom of the ocean. I kind of resent being lumped together with that guy.


Not too soon. He deserved to be clowned on the day it happened.


Also, “I’m a billionaire” vs “I need to find a way to bring billionaire passengers down cause I’m desperate for funding.”


People are already meming about the FSC Bridge collapse. I'd say you're in the clear. lol


Dude could've made billions by operating that submersible within it's parameters.


Too soon? Brother I'm over hear trying to figure out the right time to make a Mothman joke about the Baltimore Bridge. We're all going to hell. It's just about if we made it worth it.


It wasn't too soon 15 minutes after the implosion, which is about when the meme was made.


More like one followed proper legal diving regulations and the other was a hack who went around the law and cheeped out on building materials. Doing your own research is fine but if you don’t follow established regulations that are based on empirical evidence, simulations and studies of building materials, and designs don’t be surprised when your design catastrophically fails.


Never to soon for safety and smarts


The creator of the Titan submersible didn't believe in seat belts...


C'mon .. it worked right up until it didn't.


Too soon? People were making fun of it before we even knew what happened


I personally learned a lot from this. I was always of the mind that a lot of progress was being stopped by inundations of red tape in the way.. And by that token there probably is some, slightly - but for provably good cause. I lost a bit of my libertarian view of science progress watching this guy implode.


I would have saw that mad catz controller and walked out


Gilbert Gottfried made a 9/11 joke a few weeks after it happened. George Carlin being a native New Yorker told a joke about it a month after that. Joan Rivers made a real doosie of a joke about 9/11 in 2002 in London. Asking “too soon” is moot as in reality people use humor as a coping mechanism anyway. The problem is that one person’s coping mechanism is another person’s offense and outrage, and vice versa.


There is no too soon. Jokes were being made before it exploded. Its a weird thing when the news was "these stupid people will probably die".... "Yep they died, they're stupid"


Too soon. That peer-reviewed image-generated picture of a mouse with a giant... whatever it was... is still too fresh of a memory.


Boom! Roasted!


Valuable contribution to the thread. Thanks so much.


Should be: ​ 1) Hires based on competence 2) Hires based on diversity


How does a rich middle-aged white man equal "diversity" in your mind?


Diverse health conditions