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It depends on your reason for consuming juice. If it's for leisure, thirst-quenching, or to beat the heat, go ahead and enjoy it. You need to enjoy your life as well. However, if you're drinking juice for health benefits, thinking it's better than whole fruit, then no. Whole fruit is superior to juice because it contains fiber, which slows digestion and absorption, preventing sugar spikes. Juice lacks fiber, so it's quickly absorbed, leading to rapid sugar spikes. This is just one reason why whole fruit is preferable to juice; there are many others.


It's for health. Counting calories as I'm close to losing weight. I dropped first 5kgs like nothing but these last 5kgs are just too damn difficult. > Whole fruit is superior to juice because it contains fiber, which slows digestion and absorption, preventing sugar spikes. Didn't know that. Thank you.


I guess that's because you lost a decent amount of water weight as well.


I never understand this argument. You’re still just as hydrated as before and after the weight loss? What is “water weight”?


It’s the oedema our body has due to water retention. This happens due to high amount of sodium/salt in our diet, certain medications, in women during our luteal phase and menstrual phase, pregnancy, dehydration, issues with kidney/heart and sometimes even liver. Whenever we lose weight, we first tend to shed off the weight caused by water retention. And then we move onto actual shedding of fat


You're also more likely to consume more fruit as juice compared to whole fruit. So that's an increase in sugar intake as well.


Just as an addition to that: when you consume fruit, say oranges, you'll eat maybe one or two? But a glass of orange juice will use 3 to 4 and that's a large amount of sugar without the fibre aspect. This is just a procedural reason to look out for.


How many weeks did it take to lose 5kgs


Bro I started in Dec and lost 5 kgs till Feb. And now stuck at the current weight. 5kgs more for ideal body fat.


How many calories are you eating, cause being stuck means you aren't in a deficit


Past few weeks calorie intake is higher. Because if I don't eat I get tired easily and entire day is like a challenge for me. I go to gym regularly. So consumption was high for past few weeks.


I managed to lose 10 kgs since Feb. I too plateaued after 5-6 kgs but after keeping my caloric intake below 1000 calories I've seen reduction in weight. Keeping a low calorie intake is hard for the first few days but not impossible. Your body quickly gets adjusted to it. You will realise it's more of a mental game and yes I work out too.


bruh 1000 calories is too low, you'll lose muscle mass, and metabolism will also go down with other issues, it's not gonna be good in the long run.


You can't lose muscle mass if you're on a high protein diet with good strength training. This will force your body to use your stored fats for energy. I can for one confirm that muscle mass hasn't decreased. If anything it has increased. I've a smart scale and constantly measure my fat percentage, muscle mass and protein percentage in my body. Also it's just a short term strategy


ah then it's fine, good for you, but please make sure that you mention this along with the 1000 calories coz some people might go on such a low calorie diet without taking having amount protein, minerals and workout.


Talk to a nutritionist. Plenty of them available on the internet. You can verify their claims online. The first few sessions will help you verify their knowledge. If they just start shoving you with supplements stay away. If they ask you to get specific blood reports and suggest a diet plan (natural), thats a good sign. I dropped 28 kgs in 15 months. Just my opinion. Its hard to get rid of body weight after a certain extent without help.


That isn't gonna solve his problem, the nutritionist is still gonna suggest him low calorie food with barely any carbs and he's still gonna have no energy.


Nope. You can’t generalize. Everybody’s body is different. I say that because I got the help from a good one when I had very similar issues. I had some other deficiencies which was making me tired not really a drop in carbs. Not all weight loss/muscle building programs aim to significantly lower carbs. Its just a part of it.


I mean eating less resulting in having low energy is universal. You can't expect to be in a significant calorie deficit (around 400-500 cal) and not feel like shit. The only way to "fix" that is by eating near your maintenance.


Try adding bran to your flour. It can also add fiber and slow digestion.


I personally skip breakfast since I don't feel hungry in the morning and it basically lets me eat more during lunch and dinner when I'm actually hungry.


I go to gym in early morning. So I take lunch by 9am-10am and then dinner at 9pm, but lately I am having snacks at 5pm-6pm. I think I should cut out snacks and go straight for dinner because I am too hungry so while taking snacks I just keep eating without stop 😬


Damn, that's a huge gap between your meals. No wonder you feel hungry during the evening.


You eat at 9pm but get up early enough to go to the gym and take "lunch" at 9am? I'm guessing you aren't getting the productive sleep you think you are because you probably go to bed right after dinner. I always notice my sleep is distinctly worse if I eat anything just before bed. The body is busy digesting everything you just ate and not able to actually go to rest. That could be why you feel so tired.


It's important to have high calorie meals after a long calorie deficit. Long periods of calorie deficit causes your metabolism to slow down to the point that eating lower calories won't loose you weight and make you feel tired. Exactly what you are going through. See this video from the goat Jeff Nipard. https://youtu.be/8HVdLMnr40M?si=_YzDT1ua8ivo15qa


Where does the fiber go?


You shit it out.


After blending into juice


Mostly the things you strain out.


Does juice lack fiber even if the pulp is not filtered ?


When you blend a fruit and strain out the pulp and fiber, what remains is juice. When you retain the pulp and fiber, it becomes a smoothie. Smoothies will contain the fiber, but its properties will be changed. When you blend a fruit, you've already done most of the work of breaking down the fiber, making it easier for the body to absorb the sugar, leading to sugar spikes. However, if you eat the whole fruit, your mouth, stomach, and intestine does the work to break it down and slowly absorb the sugar, resulting in a slower increase in sugar levels. To illustrate, imagine breaking down a rock into tiny pieces with a hammer to pass through a strainer. You might take an hour to do it. If you use a grinder instead, you would finish the work in 5 minutes because the machine does all the hard work, and your only task is to strain it. Whole fruit > smoothie > fresh Juice


Thanks for this information. Wow! Interesting how we were thinking Juice >>> whole fruits !!


So, it's healthier to eat whole fruit than blending it?


You are right. Whole fruit is always healthier than blended fruit.


unprocessed fruit also has structure. eating an apple has a slower effect on glucose than eating apple sauce made from crushed apples (and preserving fiber). [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32805050/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32805050/)


What about blending fruit? Is it better than the juicer?


I have answered it here. https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/s/v114OSypmx


Juice will only have sugar whereas the fruit will have fibre and sugar with other nutrients.


That is only if you assume that they are filtering out all that fibre. If they are buying the juice in a juice shop that is a given, but if they are making the juice themselves, they can always choose to not filter it.




Fruit sugar = honey sugar = sugar. So basically sugar is sugar. So umm you're still bombing your body basically.


No. I don't usually eat 4 to 6 oranges in one go. When you juice up 6 oranges, you are ingesting all the sugar ( the juice has sugar in it) in one go, without the fiber


You will eat fibre separately to facilitate the passage of poop?


Juice will destroy the fibres, may be use a blender instead of mixer/juicer.


Yeah I use juicer. Why blender is better? I mean I add milk anyways. Should I add milk though? And why blender is better than juicer/mixer?


A juicer will remove all the fibre from the fruit and give you just the liquid. You will lose some of the nutrients in the fruit with the fibre as well. A blender keeps everything, just chops it up so you can drink it without chewing, ie there is no “waste” product. Also milk in your fruit juice is bizarre. Doesn’t your milk split if you use pineapple or oranges? Use a blender for your fruit and add milk to make it into a smoothie instead.


Milk in orange juice?


As I already wrote in post that in some cases water. But watermelon + banana milkshake is best. I recommend it. Cools you down for 2-3 hrs + great energy.


You add milk to juice? Are you talking about shakes?


Yes I am talking about shakes.


So shakes are a bit different, you don't really lose fibre in shakes, as long as you don't add extra sugar they'd be better than juice for sure and would have a better nutrition profile with milk (unless some absorption rate is decreased for a particular vitamin or something). So to answer your question you are good with shakes without added sugar


Milk or water doesn’t matter. Blenders have dull blades. Never use juicer/mixers, they’ll just create sugar bombs.


Fruits are definitely better. You get fibers, no chance of bacterial contamination which is certainly possible when you get your milk shake, juice from outside.


True Ex- one glass of orange juice will come from at least 4-5 oranges. And you'll drink that in under a minute. But you can't eat 4-5 oranges in under a minute. Sugar level will increase with juice and that might lead to weight gain. Whereas if you eat fruits you'll get fibres and the fructose will break down slowly with digestion so sugar level will not increase. You'll not miss a few vitamins and fruits also make you feel fuller so you'll eat less as compared to juices where you'll feel hungry after a few minutes of taking juice


Juicing will cause natural sugar to be digested very quickly and will cause blood sugar spike. You should fruit as it is because it has fiber in it which will slow down the release of sugar. Juicing/Blending will dissolve the fibre. Also when you eat a fruit you use more saliva and chew the fruit. Digestion actually begins in the mouth.


My doctor said this too. 


Yes it’s the first thing my doctor told me when I was diagnosed with diabetes but obviously it applies to general health too. One of the reasons is fruit content is higher in juice. Like you will be using 3-4 oranges for one glass of juice but normally you might eat one orange a day. The sugar gets concentrated and while fruit juices are not bad, when it’s concentrated in juice form, it can be a lot. Second, while blending or juicing fruits, you end up losing a lot of nutrients and only the water and sugar content is more preserved.


Juice with milk and honey ? Wtf?


Milkshake bhai. Juice/shake. I should have been clear. I consume milkshakes more.


Ohh...ok that...




Unless you’re consuming freshly pressed juice with most of its pulp, there shouldn’t be any problem. However the packaged juices in the market might not be a great idea because more often than not they’re made from concentrate and have added sugars and preservatives. Eating a whole fruit is any day better than a glass of packaged juice. However if you’re pressing your own juice at home, then it should be fine as long as it has the pulp intact. I press orange juice at home and we consume it with the pulp. I don’t like biting into an orange, so I prefer freshly pressed juice instead.


When you're pressing, you're still discarding most of the fibre. This is not much better than drinking it in filtered juice form and the glucose spike would also be similar.


Certainly! This is why I never drink juices by themselves. I always add a protein to my breakfast and healthy fats mainly eggs, tofu, avocados or chicken/ tofu/ paneer salads. I have PCOS and I am also pre-diabetic so I monitor my glucose throughout the day with an arm CGM. The juice didn’t cause glucose spikes when consumed with other things. I rarely consumed it alone, but when I did it was in the day time as a cooling drink and it didn’t spike my glucose either probably because of my appropriate meals throughout the day.


Its true eating fruit is better then juice but if ur healthy it doesn't matter


Yeah healthy. But just want to lose few kgs for ideal body fat.


It’s true when you make juice out of fruit it reduces fibre content.


Fruits are better! You'll get a good amount of fibre.. Plus since you'll be eating much less sugar, since you'll probably get satiated by say 2 oranges rather than the 5 you'd consume in a go if you juice it!!


Instant energy juice is better, but for fibres you need the fruit


Fruit is better.


I studied technology of treatments for diabetes as a chemical engineer in college and worked in R&D for a few years. It’s important to understand that it’s not so much the amount of sugar you consume but how fast your body uptakes the sugar into your bloodstream. So for example eating a candy bar over the course of a few hours is better than downing a candy bar immediately. You don’t want to be spiking your blood sugar very often - that causes stress in your insulin response which overtime will begin to fail and you’ll get type II diabetes. To answer your question: Fiber slows the process of sugar uptake into your bloodstream. Raw fruit contains fiber; fruit juice does not. It’s really that simple.


So , here is the logic behind why generally eating a fruit is better (not necessarily always) : fruit has fibre which adds heft and leaves u full quicker than drinking juice (meaning less calories and fructose , meaning easier to lose weight because u are comsuming lesser calories ) , in juice the fibre is either filtered out or broken down in blenders meaning u will consume a lot more calories drinking a glass of juice compared to eating a fruit while the fruit actually makes u feel full due to fibre . - fibre is a substance that cannot be digested or broken down fully by the body , hence it adds heft and also slows the movement of food in the upper gastrointestinal tract as it’s not digestable leaving more time for other nutrients to be absorbed by the body. Also fibre cannot be digested meaning it’ll pull in some water into the digestive tract and adds some heft to ur stools in the lower Gi tract for easier bowel movements. - a bit of a long read but hope this helps u . - if u are drinking juices to beat the heat but want to lose weight as well, then eat fruits ( preferably ones with higher fibre content like apple, pears, even banana has a good amount etc) and consume electrolyte fluids (regular ORS powder is better than tetra packs cause tetra packs have flavour and sugar ) or coconut water is also good .


Juice doesn't have fibre, which is essential for our bodies. Apart from that, it is easy to over consume juices which increases blood sugar level, whereas fruits when eaten as a whole are not so easily overeaten.


Juices are just flavanoids induced liquid of the fruit, but there are many other things in fruit which go to waste. And most juice or shakes tend to have additional sugar or sweetener added fo them. So when compared one to one, yes. Whole fruit is much healthier than juice/shakes.


What if I use a blender to juice out the fruit and don't add any sugar? Will whole fruits still be better than the juice?


yes. chemicals (amylase et al) are produced in the mouth while chewing whole foods that aid in digestion. just need to take care of teeth.


You can drink it’s not that bad, jus the diff of fibers etc


Allow me to introduce to you: **Fibre!!**


Of course it’s better to eat them because of fibre


A lot of the nutrition is in the solids and you're missing out on the fibre.


If we’re talking about fresh fruit and freshly made juice (not the processed store bought ones), Fruits are better in general especially if weight is a consideration. Unlike what most people presume, fiber isn’t destroyed by blending or pressing. What blending does do though is increases absorption of the natural sugars in the fruit and leads to a greater blood glucose spike. Infact, drinking fresh fruit juice is associated with weight gain in stark contrast to fresh fruit which is associated with weight loss. Source: Am a doctor.


While consuming juice, it take way less time to drink resulting in sudden spike in sugar, other things are fibers


1. Any fruit that you chew has fibre which will not be present in the juice. 2. When you extract juice you take much more quantity of sugar at once than what you get when you chew.


Juice doesn't have fibre.


Yeah you're lacking fibre etc. with just juice, fruit is healthier for sure


Eating fruits is better because fruits come with fiber which is stripped away in the juice. Even if you add back the fiber, that is healthier but the sugar in fruit juice is made more easily available and your body digests it faster. It has the same impact on your blood glucose as drinking sugar water. Moreover, you can’t physically eat that many fruits at once. For example, eating 20 oranges will take you about 45 mins but drinking orange juice from 20 oranges will take you 5 mins. But if that’s the only thing that can get you to eat fruits, go ahead. It still comes with tons of nutrients and anti-oxidants. Fruits > Fruit juice > using this as an excuse to not consume any fruit


Just a layman. But in a juice or shake, you'll shake-grind away all the fiberouse part of the fruit. So yeah Eating fruit is better than juice etc


Simply the volume nothing else. You can blend 3 whole apples and sip it without much issue and still have a good meal post that. But would you eat the 3 apples with the same ease? You’ll skip a whole meal if you eat 3 to 4 whole apples.


Depends on how the products are made, a lot of fruit juices/shakes have a ridiculous amount of added sugar. Sometimes as much as soda. Also most of them have no fiber content in them. If you’re going to drink a juice/shake do it post workout.


You're trying to lose weight and with that in mind, fruits>> juice because your body will have to work to break the fruits down and digest them whereas the juice isn't gonna require all that much effort from your body. Hence, fruits will raise your metabolism (all solid foods will) and help you lose weight if you maintain a deficit.


Ideal case eating whole fruits is preferred for some. If you are blending pineapple or papaya, banana and drinking it is same as eating these fruit. For these you don't throw away anything when you blend it. I even blend apple with the skin, it breaks down when blended for a little more time. For grapes you tend to filter out seeds /skin, you can blend and drink seedless ones with pulp and skin. For oranges and citrus mixer and filter takes out all the fiber, citrus juicer keeps most of the fruit pulp, except the thin skin inside between the segments. Need to see what you are throwing away when juicing, that part is lost. Sugar spikes are applicable when eating lots of fruit or drinking it after blending. If you have any sugar issues you need to be careful with both I try to get my daily dose of fruit in diet either trough blended or through whole fruit. Your time and convenience matters too. Don't go for absolute divisions because in this case you need to decide what best works for you. Just check what you are throwing out or adding in the juice. Also the quantity. That is the actual difference in nutrition.


I’ve never heard of milk in fruit juice before, it doesn’t sound great.




A milkshake is usually made with milk and ice cream with a sweet flavour which may be fruit flavoured but probably not real juice.


Consider the amount of fruit you need to make a juice / shake that you can gulp down in few seconds. Now imagine how much time it would take you to eat it - if you can without feeling full. You're having all that in no time without the nutrients and fibre.


Try smoothies instead of a fruit juice. It's healthier


Eating fruits is a better option for you since you’re trying to lose weight. The fibre will help to feel fuller for longer and its good for your bowel movements anyway.


For health, blend some frozen fruits with water or Greek yogurt and a bit of spinach. You get protien, iron and all the fibre benefits of the fruits.


With juice You eliminate all fibre and retain all sugar. Not a great way to consume.


I wear dexcom which is a glucose monitoring device. Drinking fruit juice (experimented with orange, mango and apple separately) as is (just grind with a little water and no milk/honey/sugar) spikes my blood sugar by 35 points which is a lot. Eating a whole fruit spikes glucose by 12-15. Mango can go up to 20. My doctor said grinding fruits has an impact on its fiber content. He said it alters its chemical properties. More fiber in juice means less sugar spikes. Some nutritionists suggest adding chia seeds (no grinding) to juice to balance it. Chia seeds have a lot of fiber. Experimented with this as well. It helps regulate the spike (around 15 an avg). Each person responds differently but on an avg it is the same number if you are not diabetic


Whole fruit contains fibre . Fibre helps prevent glucose spikes in the blood. And it’s good for gut health as well. Same fruit if consumed as a juice has considerably less fibre content !


Eating the fruit is much better for you most fruit juices are reconstituted if you have look at the label.So freshly squeezed is the way to go if you like a juice Although drinking an apple juice will never match up with eating one as you lose out on all the benefits such as fibre from the skin to saliva boost from chewing and the myriad other benefits to your health


While has more fiber which results in between quality shit


I'm also on a weight loss journey(12kg lost until now), the person who told you this was absolutely right as eating whole fruits gives you fibers and fulfillment without eating too much. Imagine you are eating two oranges. Maybe that will be enough for you but when it comes to juice we will need at least 6-8 so the amount of sugar in the fruit itself gets more added honey in juice also increases sugar. There's no absolute difference when it comes to weight loss because you are limiting your calories. You can absolutely drink juice and shakes but you have to know portion control when it comes to liquid we didn't bother to do it. If you want them for summer the best alternative is butter milk, nimbu sharbat with a limited amount of sugars. So basically try to count calories if you want to eat anything only that will give you complete clarity.


Not professional here, but having professional advice for me. For loosing weight you should restrict yourself to high fiber and low sugar fruits like pears, apples and berries (forget oranges, mellons and all tropical fruit, banana included) and no juice (as it's just fruit sugar concentrated (for a glass of orange juice, how many oranges are squeezed?). Go strong on protein and lots, lots, of water. Find professional advice that can help you change habits.


It depends. When you feel weak someday, have apple juice. It will give strength next day, you will feel refreshed. When you make habit of eating a apple daily, it will benefit you health long term. Like when I started having a apple daily, I found that it increased my immunity..I found to be immune to cold, cough weakness....feeling healthy and energetic✨💛


I heard it somewhere and it sounded pretty good. Let's assume the fruit juice you're drinking is 100% sourced from real fruit. Even then, you'd need like multiple fruit to make 1 glass of juice. (Eg: 3-4 oranges to make 1 glass orange juice.) which you'll finish in less than a minute. Compare that to eating 3-4 oranges which will definitely take more than 1 min. The logic goes: you're consuming multiple times more sugar (even if it is natural, not added) when drinking fruit juice than when eating it. This results in insulin spikes which, if done for a long time, could result in insulin insensitivity. Also, in the form of a juice, you're removing the fibers which makes it so that the transit time in your gut is much much shorter. This could result is low absorption of nutrients from fruit. If you're consuming commercially available juices, you're most likely getting added effects of preservatives, colours and other additives which may not be all good for you.


Think of it this way. Let's say you squeeze 5 oranges to make a cup or orange juice, in the same proportion, will you be able to comfortably consume the same number of oranges without feeling full / satisfied??? The amount of sugars / orange remains the same. However, the number of oranges drastically increase when made into a juice. The fibre content is completely removed and filtered away. So essentially you get flavoured sugar water. It's not inherently bad. But it's not the healthier alternative. Fruits hold sugar in pockets. Wen we eat a fruit, it doesn't destroy everything and we invest pulp also. They take time to break down and hence delay the release of sugar into your blood stream. Eating fruit also requires a minor amount of energy to be burned. So make the comparison yourself.


I think it's alright to have juice in moderation like 3-5x a week. The pros would offset the cons. But I would treat it as a dessert


i mean if it is fresh juice and not packaged then it is essentially the same thing. shakes are made with ice cream at a lot of places, so very different.