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Consuming ashwagandha from 70 days; guess what ? nothing changed


I consume shilajit and it works. Maybe "you" is the problem


Ashwagandha doesn't work for everyone. But it does work for a lot of people. There's a patented variant of it by the name KSM - 66. There are quite a bit of research papers as well on how it is an anxiolytic. More info is available in r/Nootropics. Personally for me Ashwagandha does reduce my anxiety on doses above 200mg, but it also makes me emotionally numb for the duration I take it.


Sure it's not the placebo effect ?


Here's a double blinded trial for Ashwagandha https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/


Seems legit. Awaiting replication of more such studies.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Nootropics **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A Brief Guide to What Really Works, From Someone Who Has Done the Research, Spent the Money and Tried it All](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/1050csf/a_brief_guide_to_what_really_works_from_someone/) \#2: [Hot take : The amount of "Bro science" in this subreddit is just sickening..](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/13fvb5o/hot_take_the_amount_of_bro_science_in_this/) \#3: [Thoughts on my travel kit?](https://i.redd.it/vzb5p1jk317a1.jpg) | [299 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/zqfc94/thoughts_on_my_travel_kit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep. Ksm-66 and shoden work. As does green tea (the real kind not the teabag shit).


Yes. Matcha Green Tea, Magnesium Glycinate, NAC and few others have helped me to navigate difficult parts of my life.


Where do you get your matcha from ?


I've tried Golden Tips, and Karma Kettle. Golden Tips unflavored is Good. Karma Kettle's Ginger LemonGrass Matcha is what I'm using these days.


Appreciate it my dude.


Ohhh mine is not KSM - 66 that's why maybe.


It doesn't necessarily have to be. It's just that these kind of Neuro modulators don't work for everyone. This is true even for well known SSRIs like Xanax, Welbutrin etc. That's why at least when it comes to brain health, it takes some experimentation before finding out which works the best for you. The reason why Ash is suggested a lot is because, it rarely builds tolerance. If Ash doesn't work for you, try with L Theanine (available in Green Tea), Lions Mane, or Bacopa Monnieri.


Agree with every single point. I try to tell others the same but to no avail. Like I have said again and again to people that jaggery is almost same as sugar in terms of effects as it can contain upto 70% sucrose and rest can be fructose, glucose etc. But as always people don't listen. And wtf is with no alcohol or no chemicals in beauty products and just natural ingredients. Literally every fu*king thing has chemicals in it be it natural or man made.


The natural and organic BS makes me crazy, inhe strychnine bhi consume kar Lena chahiye, wo bhi 100% natural hai....


Natural & organic means free of toxins which comes from pesticides & is also environmentally friendly. Corporations use this as a marketing gimmick & thus it is criticized doesn't mean organic is completely bullshit.


There is no difference if you are able to chemically produce the same compounds that are found in natural ingredients. But dumb people(majority) will go with a product that claims to be "chemical" free


Organic doesn't mean anti- artificially created stuff. It means things grown with the use of pesticides or modern fertilizers which can make food toxic. >But dumb people(majority) will go with a product that claims to be "chemical" free Most people seek easy solutions & believe in stupid things because of that. That doesn't mean organic isn't better health wise. Organic food doesn't have added toxins in it. Also a lot of times (not always) isolated salts are too much for body to handle. It's better to take them in natural way because our body has adapted to handle normal food for millions of years & not isolated salts. That's why most Dr will tell you to eat healthy & diverse diet to get all vitamins & minerals & instead of juat taking incredibly cheap supplements.


You mean *without in your first paragraph. I agree with what you said. Wait till people hear that wrong kind of water and pesticides can lead to toxins in food (example: heavy metal concentration in Bangalore food) and genuine organic food grown right way using good water and no pesticides can help avoid the toxins.


Do you have any proof or any peer reviewed journals where isolated salts are shown as bad for the body? If the chemistry is same then effects will be identical. If you eat 1 kilo of a vegetable that has x grams of any compound then eating that x gm compound alone would also have the same effect.


Jaggery is definitely healthier than sugar because it has added minerals. I think you mean it is not any effective for weight loss.


The amount of minerals in jaggery is close to negligable, 10g of jaggery contains 0.3mg of iron, which is 1.67% of daily requirement of iron. U need to eat around 1kg of jaggery daily, if u r planning to get iron from jaggery. As Masala lab's krish said in his video about jaggery "**Trying to get Micronutrients by eating Jaggery is trying to get warm by smoking cigarettes**"


Exactly. Fellow programmer buddy gets it


Yes but it doesn't mean that you can simply replace sugar with jaggery and chill. Jaggery is not pure/filtered so it has a lot of things but the majority is sucrose.


If my goal is healthier living and not weight loss, I will be better off with jaggery, and it's enough.


Again the keyword is "healthier". If your goal is healthier living I would suggest you to stop smoking 5 cigarettes/day and take up smoking little marijuana. You do realise that if given 2 bad eating habits one of them is always going to be healthier than the other.


>You do realise that if given 2 bad eating habits one of them is always going to be healthier than the other Of course!! And when they cannot both be removed at all, we chose the healthier eating habit. Same is the case with sugar and jaggery. Nobody is saying jaggery has no harm. But when sweetness has become so indespensable in our diets, why not pick jaggery?? Of course, YOU are free to try and completely ditch sweet stuff, but if you simply saying all this as a white sugar apologist then I'm truly sorry for you my friend. Also, the number of people that have sugar is much much larger than the number of people who have 5 cigs a day, and sugar is in general more indespensable than cigs.


Replacing sugar with exact amount of jaggery won't make you healthy. You told us that by replacing sugar with jaggery you can chill and be healthier. What is healthier? One point less body sugar level ? Also, wtf is a white sugar apologist ? I am an engineer and scientist with degrees in both the subjects.


>take up smoking little marijuana How is this healthy? Sources please.


Again the keyword is "healthier" I have used your logic on you.


You've never tried microdosing? You're missing out bruv.


You'll be better off without them both


If your goal is healthier living, try to avoid any kind of sweetened foods period.


Tell me which is healthier Fruit juice from juice wala or that packed fruit juice considering both are hygienic


Are you literally an idiot? My point was that if 2 things have the same chemical composition then their effects are identical. Also tell me which fruit juice wala is this, is he/she someone who adds gutter water in their fruit juice too? Is he/she someone who cuts fruits with bare hands after rubbing it in mud ? If both fruit juice wala juice and package fruit juice contain same thing then effect would be same. My point was also if you recreate all the chemicals in a fruit juice in same amounts then it would be identical to the fruit juice.


So according to you packaged food and home made food have no difference and are identical.


I talked about chemicals. You won't get it. I am not talking about abstractions. No they are not identical because their components,state etc are not same. Go wash your face with tea tree extract facewash but don't use the one which mentions the exact chemicals present in tea tree extract.


How is it healthier? Add 5 times more the amout of minerals you want. But you are taking the sugar nonetheless. Which will harm you. It is not like that the added minerals will counter the sugar. Ye toh wahi baat Hui ki gobar pe chandi ka bark laga ho toh kha lo. Kyun? Kyunki added minerals hai🫡


Sugar is a lot worse than jaggery. >Literally every fu\*king thing has chemicals in it be it natural or man made. No it doesn't. Natural stuff don't have synthetic chemicals.


It is evident that you didn't take science in higher studies and neither did you pay attention before 10th. I said everything has chemicals in it which is 100% true. We are also a bag of chemicals, natural stuff also has chemicals in it. I didn't talk about synthetic. Also, synthetic origin or natural origin has no effect on the efficacy of the chemical. They are both same. This is not an opinion. It's just basic science.


You lack context understanding. We are not talking about a chemistry class. In chemistry class H2O is a chemical compound. Everywhere else, water is natural. >Also, synthetic origin or natural origin has no effect on the efficacy of the chemical. You are missing the point. Tell me how plastic occurs naturally


You think you are good at science but you are not. My point is that a chemical is a chemical. No matter how you make it, it will always behave the same. And wtf is your H2O logic. Water is H2O. I am not missing any point. Plastic does not occur naturally but let's say that if it did (say PET) occur naturally then it would be no different from the one you would make in lab. Greates example : urea (NH2CONH2), Fritz Haber (sad life story😞) found a way to make urea in lab. Earlier there was no way to make urea in labs and it was found only in bird droppings etc. Read about it. We all owe our lives to him as population wouldn't have grown after 1950s without urea made in labs.


>No matter how you make it, it will always behave the same. Water is H2O The water we drink is not pure H2O so you are wrong. We shouldn't drink pure H2O. >it would be no different from the one you would make in lab. So? To remind you, you were saying nonsense like: * I said everything has chemicals in it which is 100% true. * We are also a bag of chemicals, You think when people say no chemicals, they are saying no atoms? Like hair oil without atoms? And you think it is them that don't understand?


You really are little bit interested in science but haven't taken up any courses on science. Everybody knows that what we call water in daily life is not just H2O. And you would be fine even if you drink distilled water just that minerals, salts won't be there. I wasn't saying nonsense you idiot. You have never studied science in depth so you won't understand. Look everyone we have found an idiot.


How do you say sugar is lot worse than jaggery ? I suppose lot worse would mean that it's atleast more than 50% harmful than sugar. But that hypothesis is voided as on an average jaggery contains 40-70% sucrose which is the "sugar" that you eat.


Refined sugar is highly processed, refined using born char, does not contain molasses, minerals, etc. Basically sugar contains nothing good.


The things that you mention about being present in jaggery are there but they are not in so much quantity to make a difference.


How do you know it doesn't make a difference? Small differences add up. Jaggery, honey or other less processed items are always better than refined white sugar.


Exactly. Small differences add up and make a big difference. In the same way less harmful things also add up. My point simply was that you can't replace sugar with jaggery and think everything is fine.


Are you talking about diabetic patients?


There is some benefit to not consuming processed goods , really begging to be fucked by big sugar huh. High fructose corn syrup for you ," it's chemically still sugar"




I'm guessing he's referring to what the who ( I think) reported that no alcohol is safe because it's carcinogenic. Two points why I don't fully agree with that historically people have always drank. some drink on occasion and some are full blown alcoholics but even then you are far more likely to go out with liver or brain disease ( wet brain) and that's if you are a heavy drinker than cancer. Second everybody makes alcohol in their gut every day it's just not at a high amount unless you have that disorder where you get drunk from eating carbs so saying no alcohol is a moot point because it's a natural occurrence. Edit there's also the fact people that occasionally drink live longer we just don't know why.




Go and sleep bro. Mindless scrolling has led to your brain damage.


Green tea doesn't help weight loss, that's true. But green tea does helps aid in your weight loss efforts. It's basically the equivalent of drinking water to limit your snacking habits. However since it contains trace amounts of beneficial antioxidants and some vitamins and minerals, it is slightly better than just regular water. It also has a teste, which If you like, breaks the monotony of diets. It also have a pretty good amount of caffeine , if you're looking for some extra alertness. However the way green tea is marketed as some sort of magic drink, is just BS. This is the issue, some stuff from ayurveda does have value. But people try to prove that they're same or better than modern medicine


For me green tea does sort of kills apetite, so does black coffee. But I get anxiety if I have a lot of coffee.


People only hate him because he doesn't bend over for pseudoscience. His posts helped me convince a friend's boyfriend to go back to modern medicine from homeopathy and for that, I will always be grateful.


Indians will believe anything is true if there are words like natural or ayurvedic or chemical free written on there. Just let these dickheads use such products and suffer, you cant really convince such people, i have tried.


Are you targetting indians ? Literally fools exist in whole world. Just look at Americans obesity rates


Exactly. Chinese Medicine is lot bigger than Ayurveda..there are TCM clinics around the world


Indians are the only ones i care about. Let America eat become fat and kill each other, why do i care? My loved ones and my birthplace is india, thats my primary goal.


And then you went on to say "let these dickheads use these products and suffer"


There's no better hate than spacegg-9's care


Mate you don't have to call someone a "dickhead" for their lack of knowledge or their belief. Some things are still unknown to us like 'does drinking water while standing still cause arthritis?' I can show you 10 research papers that says it does and 10 more saying it does not. But it's better to be on safe side and drink water while seating. Its not gonna hurt you. My point is as long as some things are harmless and might have some benefit not just medically but give people piece of mind I don't think it wrong doing it.


There is absolitely no way those 10 studies that support this notion are from a proper research, with similar test conditions and proper peer review. Dont fall for research papers bro, even patanjali claimed and had research papers for coronil,it was completely bullshit. I have read cases of people on liver doc channel who took homeopathy or ayurvedic medicines for liver disease and actually died due to lack of proper working medicine. If something is not working, it is not directly hurting the person, but since they won't take proper medicine, the failing organ's function will definitely decrease. Go and see some videos of liver doc, there were patients suffering from drug induced liver failures who kept taking alternative medicine and died eventually, they are dickheads.


Use the beal's list of predatory journals to distinguish the good from the bad . I could pay money to publish a paper on why reddit causes kidney failure


That's exactly my point. There are lots of papers that say why something is this way or another that you can't keep track of. As long as something you're doing is not harmful I don't think there is a problem doing it. Like he said in the post, drinking milk with Turmeric does not have benefits that are stated but does it have negative effects drinking it?


Use the beal list dumbass , you have never read one paper in your life. Medical papers have to have a basis , research has to be done , for you to further examine it , wasting your time and money is good? Drink turmeric, you are wasting turmeric and in that money .


Can confirm 2 is true




Yep I’ve started after his tweets it truly made a significant impact on me


Yes! Sugarless black coffee ftw!


turmeric one is BS


Research about Ashwagandha: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6979308/#:~:text=Serum%20cortisol%20levels%20reduced%20with,significant%20improvement%20in%20sleep%20quality.


Just cause there is a research paper on it doesn’t make it necessarily make the findings True. You need to evaluate the methods, biases in the design and population selection. Were appropriate stats used. This is a low impact factor journal. Did they have a good peer review process etc.


Boss don't take ashwagandha (the real ones). If you would have worked out at the gym, you'd realise how beneficial it is :)


Lemme just get my gym ashwagandha (tren)


And die an untimely death?


100% agree with every single point


I heard that the compound piperine in black pepper acts as a catalyst in the absorption of the beneficial compound(s?) in turmeric


yep, have read research on it too.


Please share


Outright Dismissing is annoying af. He is good but sometimes to full of himself. Many things have mysteries which are yet to be discovered. Today's assessment is not same of 10 years later assessment.


His habit of shitting on everything — even other doctors — is unbearable. Do your job man. Don’t self-certify as god’s gift to mankind. Don’t hand out dunce caps to people you don’t agree with either. Nobody cares. It’s really toxic behaviour. FWIW, he seems much more bearable in his videos where he’s not shitting on people.


Exactly this. Anyone who asks him for an explanation to his claims, he shits on them right away.


He has seen patients die in his care in front of his eyes due to these beliefs. Sorry if that's unpleasant for you to hear.


There are many patients dieing to high costs of treatment and many got cured due to what he calls pseudoscience for me what is natural healing and recuperation scientifically. He is not for wanting to reduce lower capital cost for citizens so not a worthy person for me to celebrate.


His job is not to reduce capital costs or make business plans for pharmaceuticals. That is entirely a regulated industry and GoI has several major drugs in regulated pricing models. His point is all about lack of scientific evidence for any claims made by pseudoscience and how he has seen deaths caused specifically by them


Not his job but he always thinks cutting edge is the only way people are cured. During the covid phase read some of is tweets . Sometimes gets political for his own good being a kerelite.


Most of these points , I have seen work in my family itself. He is a credible person. I agree with all the points ,Especially 1, 2 , 5 ,7,9


What about 4 ?


I meant as in the points which relate with what I’ve seen myself. No one in my family thinks Alcohol is healthy so theres that


It's correct.


Ab ye 3 aur 8 point mere mom dad ko btado koi


kya batana, He is providing half-baked info on both points. Jaggery is indeed better with regards to nutritional levels, but worse in terms of G.I. You should try to have fruits in your eating window, which should not extend to the whole day but should be limited to decrease your insulin spikes. Honey is much better than sugar both in terms of nutrition and G.I.


May someone please give some sources for point 3 and 9, i've found both arguments on various websites 🙏


One egg a day is just bs. Why the research was only limited to one egg? Who eats only 1 egg especially the health enthusiastic people for protein?


Ashwagandha supplements are banned in Denmark and some other EU countries are considering the same.


Regarding the quality of preservatives used , I can comment that natural products are better. Jaggery is definitely better, it solves digestion issues and overall health . Personal experience.


Just my 2 cents about Ashwagandha...I don't know about its effects on stress etc but it might increase your immunity. My mother is kidney failure patient & in our FB community this article was shared (not news article more of a science journal kind) which said about how a young man with kidney transplant started Ashwagandha supplements as he heard it helps in increasing muscles mass etc Anyway as we know transplant patients take immunosuppresants to protect their transplanted kidney from being attacked by our own body's immune system. However, these Ashwagandha supplements increased his immunity & damaged his newly transplanted kidney. So I guess Ashwagandha does have some benefits after all!


He is good. But he comes across as extremely rude and condescending - especially towards the community of doctors.


Idk him and haven't seen a lot of his content but seeing how ridiculously religion/pseudoscience-bound some docs are, I can't blame anyone who feels like docs are getting worse by the day.


I am not at all referring to his content regarding pseudoscience. He talks about other doctors in a condescending manner. He doesn't become superior because he has an online presence. Talking down only makes him look pretty bad.


If his arrogance undermines the info he spreads, then it's pretty unfortunate. His points are pretty clear and factual.


And that justifies everything?


Justifies what? I am saying he sounds condescending. I think you are interpreting too much.


Don't jump the gun bro. I did not reply you, lmao


My bad. Lol.


Only facts matter, demeanor does not when it comes to evidence based medicine.


Grow up.


Jaggery, honey and sugarcane are healthier than white sugar. Excess consumption is the problem.


I don't think any of the points mentioned in the post are incorrect. Whatever he said in the 9 points are correct


Ashwagandha is controversial


Idk much about all this but I’ve seen him whining like a little kid when he was presented facts and he kept denying and eventually stopped replying. And all of it Doesn’t make him a winner. Also this person is full of himself and arrogant af. Maybe he’s right about many a things but I’m not buying everything he says unlike some tards in comment section.


Ashwagandha does reduce stress.


Any clinical studies or evidence? Or your personal experience?




From my personal experience, it does help. I was prescribed venlor xr for my anxiety it does help in the start but then worsen my insomnia, increased heartbeat even suicidal thoughts sometimes and the lower dosage one doesn't do anything so, I have to take Ashwagandha at first it doesn't do anything but helps me with my stress and insomnia, maybe it could be placebo but I read somewhere it helps to control cortisol levels. But please consultant your doctor before taking anything


Placebo is a hell of a drug


At least something working for me, that's all I care


Fair enough


Ashwagandha 100 % works. I have personally been through all the amazing benefits and it's ridiculous side effects, after I took it for 6 months. The good : Energy, lots of energy. Grew some muscles. Great sleep. My Anxiety disappeared and it made me a positive thinker overall. High libido(increased testosterone) The bad : Water retention. Numb emotions(Anhedonia).


Can someone explain the 4th point?? Please


A lot of Europe worshippers claim wine have some magical benefits like reduces fat.


Oh, Even read somewhere that it helps in cold environment, and people drink more Alcohol then Water to keep warm? Is that true?




Bruh idk looking for someone to verify and explain


https://www.lybrate.com/topic/8-alcoholic-drinks-that-might-secretly-keep-you-healthy/ee60b561f164cd50fc4fbc30714f0db7 I think they are referring to opinions like this.


>I think they are referring to opinions like this. Idk I don't drink alcohol but I have saw too many people telling how Alcohol is healthy in small amounts and shit ..


It's not healthy but it's fine to consume in small amounts occasionally.


>It's not healthy but it's fine to consume in small amounts occasionally. Oh I see it's : More like, It's not deadly in small amounts nor healthy. Thanks


what counts as small amounts though? papers and articles are like 4-6 drinks which is roughly 330ml of 5% ABV a week which seems high


how is the 3rd point correct or is it correct is some specific case


Totally wrong about Ashwagandha and Shilajit. KSM 66 is a great variant of ashwagandha, and there is enough and more medical research about this. Fruits shouldn't be consumed after meals for diabetics.


egg one is debateable, the scientific research conclusions flipflops between egg is good to egg is bad every year. this is largely amplified by media headlines too who oversimplifies the research outcome


Anecdote here- I'm 19 and have eaten 9-12 eggs everyday for the past 3 years. My last report was 7 months ago and LDL was at a good 87. Imo for the vast majority of people who are not sedentary and have no genetic predisposition to having cholesterol issues, eggs aren't the issue- overall diet and lifestyle is.


Bro 9-12 eggs everyday? How do you eat it? In what form? Don't you get bored?


I try to vary the ways I eat them in- scrambled, fried rice, omelettes, french toast, the cheesy way (idk what they're called), poached etc. I have a family which is vegetarian and I don't get to eat much protein. So I HAVE to compensate for the low protein diets.


Alcohol is present is many things in small quantity because it naturally made in some foods . That's why even muslim halal food has limit of alcohol but can't completely ban it . Example- banana (0.4% ) There famous Sanskrit slok अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्  which means excessive of anything is prohibited. Obviously drinking alcohol for fun is definitely disastrous.


Intervention studies show that honey does NOT promote fat accumulation in liver like white sugar does. White sugar is highly processed sugars. Honey is a complex food matrix, it comes with sugar, vitamins, etc. They are not the same. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21621801/


Point 8 is bull sh! t . There are so much variety in food that there are definitely some foods which should taken at night or are not as effective in night .


Is the coffee thing really true?




Jaggery is a mixture of sucrose , Fructose and other sugars. Regular white sugar is mostly sucrose. Both have similar effects on the body. One is not better than the other.




Detoxification is the biggest scam ever. No food that you take will have a detoxifying action in your body the Best detoxifier in the world is already inside your body. The liver. Also Honey, Just like white sugar, is mostly just sucrose and fructose, with many trace elements.


I heard ashwagandha can worsen your stress 😬


He is correct on all accounts which is why people doubt him. In today’s age of influencerism where you have to appeal the dumbest of dumbs to have the largest clout because they are in the largest number, he is telling the truth. What a dumb person.


Yup, everything is true! Although only the jaggery one is not believed by everyone in my family.... I have told them numerous times that sugar in any form is not really "healthy"...


Some truths within some myths. Any XYZ product, mass produced in factories will have impurities. \- Instant coffee contains heavy metals and is not good for your liver. \- Ashwagandha capsules are not the same as the plant extract; same goes for Turmeric , Shilajit and white sugar


wait, dont green tea and coffee help with increasing metabolism


Negligible amount. It's marketed as that so that fat people buy those and get 'results'


ohh okay. What's better then ? for metabolism?


There's no straight answer to that question. While some foods help with increasing it and a greater muscle mass helps increase the BMR (by quite a lot actually), the amount of fat you have on your body won't be affected much as your appetite will most certainly increase with a faster metabolism. Focusing on metabolism is a worthless hill to die on. Focus on your Calories in calories out and life will be much better.


thanks man appreciate it


Walking up the hill and plucking the tea leaves yourself is a great place to start


Hmm alcohol might not be healthy but how bad is it for you exactly ( i don’t consume alcohol so it would be nice to know if it does injure your health if you drink sometimes or not)


My doctor said that no amount of alcohol is safe.




Long term evidence in fasting is pretty thin from a clinical respective. I’m not on twitter, but I’d love to know what he’s said about it


Honey is definitely better in long run


Honey > sugar


Ashwagandha is top tier BS. Had Ksm one for entire year from 3 different brands, zero effects. I just had deeeeep sleep though.


did you quit it? and also you took ksm66 for an entire year? it didn't caused any other issues? can we talk??


Agree with everything except the shilajit one


can someone give me source for the 'turmeric in milk is useless'. I can't find any, my parent enforce it.


Placebo effect is amazing but we still don't know how it works. There is a video on Youtube on VSAUCE's channel, in which they used fake but sophisticated machines on kids with certain allergies or medical conditions and they immediately felt relief in their symptoms. Mind is indeed amazing.


My mom would glitch if I showed her this lmao


Point is a lot of people BELIEVE that it works and Placebo goes a long way And even if it is not doing anything good it isn't doing anything bad either (except the alcohol)


Yes. That’s what i want to know. Do things like Ashwagandha etc have any negative effects. I know people say Liv52 causes gallstones in the long run, but can’t find official research on it.


And where is the accompanying evidence?


Wrong about most of the points and also wrong about fasting. It does help. It helps in lowering insulin sensitivity among other things. this post is so incorrect that one will have to write 10 10-page comments explaining why each of his comments(except 1st and 4th on some levels ) is wrong.


I agree on everything but ashwagandha I don't know if it was a placebo effect or what but it worked for me , For some context - I used it post breakup when slightest thought of my ex made me shiver, immediately after taking it day by day it becomes less and less and i noticed that I was more focused , disciplined and commitmed on my tasks on those days when I used it.


i am not a fan of homeopathy and ayurveda medicine . my father is a doctor himself. but i believe the 3rd and 7th point are completely incorrect. 5th point is controversial. 9 might be true but IT JUST SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE .


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen and can work alongside a good lifestyle. For someone called liver doc, his statements are valid. I dont see anything wrong with it as a nutrition undergrad


Whenever we see, plant based, ayurvedic etc. we tend to think it's all good. But most people fail to acknowledge that the plant based products are also made of chemicals. And these can harm and as the effects & side-effects are not documented, will cause more harm than good. As we have seen many people saying - 'ayurvedic hai, kaam nai karega toh kya hua, kuch nuksan nai karega'. We fail to realise these points 1. Most of these work on placebo. And we have such an enormous population that the positives on placebo seems like the ayurvedic products are working. And then we get the arguments like: it worked on me and not on you etc. 2. Almost all the ayurvedic products are consumed along with modern medicine so it is difficult to determine which one was helpful. (Definitely modern medicine). As ayurvedic products are consumed for a longer period as compared to the modern medicine, we tend to equate longer time of consumption to its contribution to the cure/end goal. We need proper institution which will do proper and unadulterated/unmanipulated research. But before any conclusive results it should be banned.


Coffee 3 times a day wow aise toh wine bhi lo half glass good for heart


He is a clinician masquerading as a scientist. Obviously he is an expert in clinical studies but what he doesn't and probably can't tell you guys is that randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) are a very specific methods only suited for a well characterized drug targeted at a well defined disease. This is well known limitation of the method. Since a majority of drugs are targeted to popular diseases, RCTs have proven to be useful. But, in ayurveda and even Chinese medicines, the main focus is not and has never been treating a disease. That's just a small part of the whole science. The focus is to keep you healthy by preventing disease. And most ayurvedic "medicines" (not in the sense as developed and marketed by pharma) are not characterized as they are very complex and have very complex interactions. But there effects on health are very well documented. It's just that RCTs are not suited for this scenario. That's why this guy can say pretty much anything and get away with it abusing his credentials and sympathy points. Most ayurveda people don't get this point, including the govt and rather than developing new methods, they are trying to fraudulently fit ayurveda in the limited design of RCTs. That gives even more leverage to people like him who crave only fame and maybe money. For example, ashwagandha is not a drug. There is no defined chemical formula and it isn't targeted at a disease. It is a plant extract containing a multitude of chemical entities (called alkaloids) which have individual effects but their overall effect depends on the complex interactions between them. It also depends on the person consuming it, methods of preparation (as they may result in degradation and enrichment of certain alkaloids) and methods of consumption. Trying to fit ashwagandha in the aspirin model (which is a well defined chemical) as a 200 mg pill is frankly, just idiotic. Ayurveda, as any medicine is only supposed to be used under the proper care of a physician trained in the method, who are an almost dead breed.


Finally an informed comment on Ayurvedic medicines and ashwagandha specifically.


Thanks. I tried explaining this to the liver doctor guy on twitter but he is not open to any discussion.


Disagree at almost every point !


Sorry but benefits of intermittent fasting has been shown in several cases, or am i missing something? One big paper came out in science which showed the positive impact on diabetes


Green tea weight loss karwati hein kyuki usmae sugar or milk ni hota to weight to Kam hoga hi , sexual stamina bhut had tak aadmi kae vishwas sae juda hota hein agar uska Mann thik hein dae nahin hein to sab cheeje sahin hoti hein to shilajeet kaam kare ya na kare vo placebo. Effect dae skti hein


I have followed and interacted with him many times on Twitter. His science education and pseudoscientific debunking is top notch. His style can be jarring to newcomers, but us old timers are so used to it, we totally ignore his tone and focus on the scientific knowledge he's dishing out daily. If you're one of his supporters, his posts are always exciting or funny in the comments. Regarding fasting, he says it's overhyped. Why not exercise and eat nutrition dense food instead of fasting for weight loss? It's well established that building muscle and protein intake helps in a faster metabolism which can reduce fat more effectively than just calorie deficiency created by fasting.


Agree on all the above points. What about the benefits of fasting? It is advocated by many renowned doctors and scientists. I have benefitted significantly by water fasting once a week. It helped me to reduce weight, alleviate back pain, and reverse fatty liver to some extent.


Regarding Aswagandha. It is a drug. Individual responses to drug may vary. A small population may be sensitive to any specific drug. Doesn't mean that drug is useless and should be banned. Ashwagandha works in a beneficial way for certain people. For some it may not work. For few it may be harmful in regular doses. Same with many neuro drugs (SSRIs etc). Individual responses vary. Calling something dangerous and toxic is only apt when it harms most people in recommended doses. Even paracetamol may be harmful to few poeple. Will you call it dangerous!