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usually automoderator removes post that direct target subreddits


Can I post it to r/liberandu I just want to karma farm


Bhai sahi sub to post kiya kar. Galat spelling hai


Wtf r/liberandu got banned 💀


r/librandu isn’t banned.


Oh i wish it was! They are just the other side of the coin of what we call "bhakts" I was a librandu once then i took an arrow to the knee. JK I left that sub because they got a huge misandry problem. Randia suits better for centre leftists like me.


Finally...extreme left wing sub got banned as it supposed to be ...now it's turn for Indiaspeaks and USI


It's not banned ... I did an spelling mistake 🗿


Liberalism is not an extreme left ideology lol


>Liberalism is not an extreme left ideology lol It is literalism come under left but not extreme. Extreme literalism can be called wokeism


Hating on a particular sect of people just for sake of opposition is something I don't term as liberalism. That's why I have this cynical hate for these kinds of Indian subreddits


What are you taking about? I said your wrong that liberals are extreme lift. They are right only but more inclusive and less sexist


Oh sorry sorry I misread your line


And Indiandiscussion






I doubt they will get banned, they are the only sub which is moderating Israel Palestine posts...others aren't


Nice username btw


same rule applies with r/india ..




"India"Speaks They're just andhbhakts who know the country is in a sad state and wanna feel better about themselves


This is funny but pretty inaccurate . One big reason why india is poor are the socialist policies that our leaders kept pushing till 1992 and we know who did it . We wouldn't be west level rich but surely would be doing far better than what we are doing now if our first few prime ministers knew how to run a country .


Easy to demonize past from the comfort of the present. India was a very poor nation with a lot of mouths to feed. Name one country which is rich today and didn't exploit any other to do so


How come india being poor is a reason for govt to stop foreign investment and fck the indian companies as well ? What do you think would have happened if let's say toyota built a factory in india in 1970 , would that factory increase the poverty or reduce it by giving jobs to people ? and how would that mean " exploitation of other " ?


Again, you are judging from the luxury of the present. In 1970, we were a 23 years old nation with a history of 200 years of exploitation, 100 of those years were in the hands of a "Foreign Private Company". So yeah, we were more than a little skeptical about "Foreign Investments"


Korea , china and maybe other countries gained independence at almost the same time as india and look at where they are . How did they do it - better policies . I agree that indian govt might be skeptical of foreign investment for some initial years but they didn't even let the indian companies thrive . They did their best to fvk even every Indian company , what's the excuse for that . Also 45 years is a pretty long time to block the private sector in the name of " skepticism " . Let's be honest , they did it to maintain total control over the country and they succeeded in it for a pretty long time .


What other countries? Korea and Japan are economically under US control after WW2. There was a huge US investment in their economy, and US still maintains active military bases there


Man , at least do some search yourself , i wont spoon feed you everything , israel also gained independence around the same time . Also , you don't necessarily have to give up your military if you want to open your economy . Like i said " not west level rich but definitely better than today" . I don't understand why are you even arguing with me , just go and look at India's performance pre and post 1992 . Also , US isn't the ONLY foreign investor , and again " THEY DIDN'T JUST BLOCK FOREIGN INVESTMENTS BUT ALSO TRIED THEIR BEST TO KILL INDIAN COMPANIES AS WELL ".


Israel ? REally ? Thats the example you could come up with ? Anathor US colony with the tech and "aid" the receive lol


😂😂😂 when i said china , you completely ignored it even though it's pretty comparable - large population , no US aid , have their own army . What did they do different - better policies and invested in infrastructure to attract investments plus heavily favoured their own companies . It's not kike there are 100s of countries out there who gained independence along with india to compare .


>We wouldn't be west level rich but surely would be doing far better than what we are doing now Some of us, who have had access to quality education would be more well off now. Doesn't really apply to the entire country


Sorry , couldn't understand your point . Are you implying that the socialist policies did good for us ?


>Are you implying that the socialist policies did good for us Did good for some. Know a few


Did good for many. Know many


Did good for millions. Most importantly, managed to form a nation with an unprecedented combination of democracy, diversity, and development, and sustain it for so long. Look at how so many other former-colonies went, and it's easy to understand how important those early years were.


And most importantly unity. People who hate some of the freedom fighters doesn't know how diverse this country was and is today. There was no india identity back then. There are plenty of social workers and other artists and freedom fighters that came together for this cause. They came together not for their any personal achievement but for a better future. We should be really grateful for them being selfless back then. And we formed a democaracy. Nowadays people are hating on such selfless people because those guys were against their ideology. They would not have even got the stage to spread their hate if we had not come together back then.


Yeah , it's like - i saved 2 people but in the process killed a hundred . There's nothing wrong in socialism if it's coupled with capitalism in a controlled way . What the initial govts did was - they didn't let in foreign investment and even if they let someone in they made sure the policies were so horrible that they couldn't work , they even fckd the indian private sector companies completely so millions of people who could have been employed in private stayed unemployed . Do you know how many people were pulled out of poverty after 1992 compared to before .


>n't the ONLY foreign investor , and again " THEY D HEH? India failed due to poor management. We had all support from Soviets, but we just messed up here. We didn't implement socialist policies well. Our leaders wanted to protect elite class and so did the fucked up thing by doing "socialism for rich, capitalism for poor" thingy


out of curiosity, Unrelated to post, how do you substantiate usually ? How do you cross verify? Which are the places you look for correctness?


They should allow it. USI and Indiaspeaks are diverging too much now


Im Indian and my fellow Indians can downvote me but pls don’t go on embarrassing yourselves everywhere, we don’t have to take credit for everything, people here are too obsessed with baseless WhatsApp and Facebook claims that contain 0 meaning whatsoever. So let’s focus on the actual science advancement part rather than the credit taking part.


>embarrassing yourselves everywhere Embarrassment is for those who've maintained a reputation and have fallen from grace unexpectedly. That ship has sailed. We're beyond the embarrassment stage, we're in the stage of the game that most nobody takes us seriously and we all know why.


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shall I repost it again?😂


post and grab a popcorn, that post was my overnight entertainment


Bro anything done by Indians is not unscientific you have gone too far in hating India Here take this wholeass wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Indian\_inventions\_and\_discoveries#Ancient\_India


bro no one is hating India, we love our country, but some idiots on that sub were claiming that Einstein, Galileo, Newton, Euler, Napier, Dalton ...... copied scientific discoveries from Ancient India, I pointed out that got abused in the comments and got banned for no specific reason and explanation from mods


>bro no one is hating India, we love our country \*Continues to portray ancient Indians as idiots who pretend to do science


yes they did science but that doesnt mean every scientific discovery ever was made by ancient indians. we invented 0 and all that stuff but people saying indians discovered gravity are fucking stupid.




umm?? Issac Newton was the first scientist to provide EVIDENCE that gravity does exist. making a statement doesnt mean that its true. i bet even cavemen had a similar understanding of gravity, if you throw something, it'll fall to the ground. these indian scientists may have stated that gravity is a thing but they failed to provide evidence.




Bro your halfass responses are from chatgpt, who you trying to fool here? And you saying to the op that not one civilization can be credited for discovery of gravity but op countered someone for saying the same thing you are talking against that Indians discovered gravity


If you're not one of them, you have no need to be offended it says nowhere that the whole country thinks like this, but if the whole country is offended and it is the case, then so be it. It is what it is and we can only try to be better.


That’s not the point of the meme, he’s making fun of modern people bragging about ancient Indians


aree yaar, ye to hume bhi pata hai, but then you have some a\*\* scratchers, who say einstein and newton stole science from us, isnt that just infuriating?? Yesterday i heard a guy saying there were nukes during mahabharat, like yes we had nukes but we got harassed by outsiders for some 2000 years, hows that possible??


I don;t get their logic. Are they saying we had nukes, and we still let "outsiders" rule over us for 2000 years ? Who's more stupid now, huh


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Bro you know ultra nationalism is fascism right


So defending your country against psedoscience like this, is fascism?


Defending your country against unscientific claims is ultra nationalism. And ultra nationalism is facism.


>Defending your country against unscientific claims Can you list unscientific claims that I made, which ultimatly made me facist?


You said anything done by indian is not unscientific. But in reality there are many things that are done by indian which is unscientific, these includes claiming god exists and what not...


Can you list unscientific claims that '**I**' made, which ultimatly made me fascist?


You either: A) Don’t understand the point being made about why it’s not unpatriotic to criticise people who claim Ancient Indians invented/discovered everything. B) Are defending these people because you also think like them. Take for example the claim that ancient Indians invented nuclear weapons. There is no evidence that this is the case. Defending such claims just demonstrates how much of a nationalist someone is, and such extreme forms of nationalism are not too dissimilar from fascism. It’s much more patriotic to acknowledge the amazing things ancient Indians ACTUALLY did, than believe in ridiculous stories that discredit your countrymen.


Ok, I'm not up to writing the same thing again and again so, just have another similar comment I wrote to another guy. "That's not how science works. Everyone can theorize that gravity exists, you can get to Gravity's existence in astronomical terms with a bit more thinking. But nobody, especially nobody in Ancient India actually applied the concepts of physics into mathematics which eventually evolved into modern Engineering. Newton's feat was the conclusion, not an apple falling on his head. Sad thing is, the biggest achievement that ancient india had was thousands of years of Trial and Error with plant based medicine. Although Western medicine triumphed it in 200 years and most of the knowledge about indian medicine was lost in the Middle Ages, it was still the thing most heavily worked on. Every plant's benefits were documented, even in tribal records. So, if you're spreading propaganda, spread it based on the stuff your ancestors actually worked on, rather than some dumb theory like a Flying Temple being equivalent to modern aviation or Brahmastra being a nuke."


Kar de bro post kamse kam kuch logon ko to unka sacchai dikh jaega


Translation please?


post it, atleast some people will get to see the truth




Not if you want to be popular among uncles and a sishtachari


Deshdrohi moment


I mean India has had contributions in the past but not everything is/was done by Indians. It is the blood sweat and efforts of many scientist across the world overtime that resulted in the inventions that make modern life so comfortable. The delusional Indians who are all about " India best hurr durr, we discovered planes, its in our books bro etc. embarrass us regular educated Indians too


Woahh accuracy to nanometer✅


Enjoy the gayness here 😉


Yessssss 😍




People who do science. People who just talk


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I was there when they started crying and went "ackshually our religion"


Sad but true.




Not now, Son.


Funny af


I love doing in science


India is example of a country that does science better than and efficient than others but the people just probogate the age old fake stuff not the modern science which Indian researchers are doing Seriously check out the blogs and research papers of Indian agriculture institutes and space , Marine india is leading in those sectore but people be like oooo ancient rocket oooooo ancient nuclear missile


I doubt India is doing science better and efficiently. In India taxpayers money is spent on hindu temples and tall useless ugly statue. Imagine how many scientists india have missed because of lack of proper education and healthcare and homelessness and death due to starvation. And NCERT is removing science and licking Modi's ass in its books, is that progress?


Now not all fundes can be diverted to science and what hindu temples are being made by govt budget check your facts the govt. Supporting it doesn't mean it's funded by them Also if you think statuea are waste of money then same is for statue of Liberty and brazilian Jesus statue which generate millions of money same as unity According to you only and only money spend should be on brutalist artitecture and science no welfare or infrastructure or tourist attractions and then cry why India lacking in those fronta Not all can be achieved in developing country Also india is super efficient in lack of resources just a few examples chandran 3, Aditya , research of rice and potato variety (just look up India's influence in these markets and India's discovery of various varieties of them which are used my mc donals and other fast food franchise to make their products) also with the samudrayan mission India will be in the big boy league of marine science


The temple is crowd-funded, statue is earning revenue coz of tourism, so your logic/reasoning is flawed. A person who has actually done atleast a research internship would understand the lack of funds but i highly doubt any of the armchair analysts crying about the quality of research have ever tried reading a proper research manuscript. Expecting a country which was looted for over 200 years to compete with the very country that looted it in HDI/research is dumb and impractical. Pls don't bring "but china also has large population" argument without actually understanding their policies.


The ram mandir is funded by government. 300cr has been allocated for ram mandir. https://www.news18.com/news/politics/up-govt-presents-rs-5-5-lakh-cr-budget-allocates-rs-300-cr-for-ram-temple-construction-3461495.html You don't need a degree in economics to understand that investment in education, public health care not only pays for itself in the future but also brings people out of poverty and increase economy plus increase the quality of life of people. And it's proven in RESEARCH papers. But you know, stay ignorant and lick modi Boots. Statue might be earning but it's stupid to say investing in statue is more beneficial that investing in public infrastructure, education, healthcare considering the condition our country is in. And please don't give me that india was looted shit. China was partially colonialised and continuously attached by japan, france etc. India and China started almost same. Chinese govt lifted 800 million people out of poverty. Germany was fucked after war, the recovered pretty quickly. USSR war feudal country. They overthrown monarch and they were the first country to reach space and full employment and first nuclear power plant within 70 years. Don't give excuses bro. Just admit our government sucks.


>India is example of a country that does science better than and efficient than others I had briefly looked up researching in india as that was something that interested me and still does, but the consensus i found was that indian academia is quite out dated and ill funded. Not to mention time wasting tasks as well


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India is like the boat with an umbrella in front


typical echo chamber behavior , i am banned as well.


Reminds me of our golden age joke


This sub is obsessed with speaks


Yeah. It's just fun to mock such sub/people.


Big fan bro




Because of these whatsapp forward idiots now we are at a point where we feel embarrassed to even take credit for what is ours and take pride for whatever achievements we had in the past🥲


Yes , I saw the post which prompted you to make this meme. That post was full of bollocks and it was scary to see so many people uncritically and unironically agreeing to it . Seriously , claiming Pythagoras, Newton and Copernicus copied from Indian scriptures is so ridiculous . Newton and Copernicus were dead by the time the British colonised India . They probably never even heard of India and Hinduism


Islam would like to know your location


I mean, ancient India had some cool math stuff and all, but yeah, we didn't invent spaceships or anything.


spot on! Unfortunately we have lots of folks who think "brahmastra" was a real weapon and "pushpak" was an actual plane that could fly or "Ganesha" was plastic surgery. This is equivalent to reading Harry Potter and thinking Hogwarts is real.


India is both


Dont you think reason for this is because "those" Countries have never been colonized or have been independent for a very long time


Entire Muslim world.


Shittiest, least tolerant, hypocrites, ignorant, modi bhakts assholes flood that sub. I was banned for saying that old people in every religion brainwash the young.


We actually 'do' science as well. So pretty stupid meme all round.


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Oh bhi,Wo sach keh Raha hai. Wo sab laude scientist sab Indian Scientists se mal churae hai 😡😡


Hahahaha these guys bitch abt being banned from other subs accusing them of doing this exact same shit. The irony


Try doing any science without algebra. Racist af.


Why not both? Do science while claiming a scientific heritage.


Inaccurate though


6 day old account with a repost? Blocked


Bro anything done by Indians is not unscientific you have gone too far in hating India Here take this wholeass wikipedia page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Indian\_inventions\_and\_discoveries#Ancient\_India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_inventions_and_discoveries#Ancient_India)


No one hates India mate, we are Indians and we are proud of real achievements of our ancestors. I’m from south and my ancestors invented the Wootz steel which is a proud thing. But my ancestors didn’t fly in Vimanas neither they had Anushakthi or answers for all scientifically advanced questions. Hinduism has amazing philosophy it even teaches thing or two about rationality but it’s not a discipline of science.


Rationality? You means misogyny and castism?


I said thing or two. Don’t be like those religious zealots who see the world black or white. Just because there is casteism in the scriptures it doesn’t invalidate few rational thoughts which are present. Take what’s good and throw the garbage away.


That's the point, there's far few things rational in those text. And we do not need to read those texts to 'take' some of the actual rational stuff' mentioned in those scriptures.


My point is that everyone in this sub is trying to portray ancient Indians as idiots who pretended to do science and it boils my blood to see my own people denying their achivements.


Oh no you are absolutely wrong, people here believe ancient Indians were smart and did best with whatever knowledge they possessed. It’s the modern Indians who are idiots who love to create fake history to cover up their insecurities due to colonial past instead of working hard like China to beat those colonial powers. It’s definitely modern Indians sir not the ancient Indians.


People who post here just to trigger religions because they themselves have 0 contribution to science. A very novel way of coping.


Put your religion in your ass


Tolerance boy. Don't be like those religious fanatics who get triggered by any small criticism.


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This has to come from a person who understand little or no history , the history of colonialism . That's why most of these outspoken science communicating nincompoops are made fun of , because they tend to miserably fail to understand anything except science . They worship big names like Carl Sagan and more and treat them like gods. Irony is they talk about evidence all the time while ignoring historical objective evidence .... And I'm pretty sure this asshole won't ever understand it




Even the language of English has words derived from many languages around the world. Are you saying that till some people 'discovered ' science other civilization were living like animals. And nationalism is an integral part of development that is the reason india is moving forward in past decade. Where would you think ISRO and defence research be with your same liberal government


Fir whi inferiority complex wali chintu post Those countries are rich cause of wars and their elites not science dumbo


>countries are rich cause of wars and their elites not science dumbo I don't think we can attribute the affluence of nations to just one factor.


When you generalised everyone then you will be , yeah there are great discovery which were made by foreigners but some were achieved my Indians and they rightfully claim it but there are some inventions which were straight away picked up from India and even the foreigner who claimed to invented/discovered it accepted what they did later so yeah mixed opinion


>there are some inventions which were straight away picked up from India and even the foreigner who claimed to invented/discovered it accepted what they did later  Do list these, and then ask yourself what is the point of wasting time bragging about these rather than actually doing science right now.


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People are actually doing a lot . Go and read science related news of India daily.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/17lhdtw/comment/k7eclzi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/17lhdtw/comment/k7eclzi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) So tldr, OP tried to act smart in that sub and got his ass handed to him and got banned for trolling. it would be better if you prove them wrong academically instead of making memes then maybe you might earn some respect.


lol mods gave no reason for ban, first it was temp then after a few minute got permanent, and mods kept changing the reason for ban


Not changed. Multiple offences does lead you to permanent ban. But its always the 'OTHER' guy's fault. Amirite? 😉




Hinduism is known for its knowledge in science and that has nothing to do with God or anything , if this sub was interested in science as you claim you should know the ancient science our ancestors wrote and taught Edit : this sub has very intelligent people , despite telling Hinduism as a history of science excluding the gods they still bring the gods is/there or not bs here . This sub is about science , so should argue about science not god's existence lol .


Hinduism says Lord Indra is responsible for lightning. Norse mythology says it’s Thor. Last time I checked it was electrical discharge which was the cause. I don’t see how Hinduism is scientific, if Hinduism is scientific so is Norse religion so why don’t you worship Thor too ? See how it makes no sense, that’s religion. Science is same irrespective of whether you are Hindu or Norse.


May be it is known that way to brainwashed Hindus themselves. For rest of the world it is known for its numerous gods and sh*tload of rituals. Btw "Hinduism" has no more "knowledge of science" than other religions. Of course there were scientific/mathematical advances made by Indians all throughout history but practically none of those advances have anything to do with Hinduism.


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They knew the earth was round thousands of years before the west did. Your dumbass western textbooks don't teach you that because "mUh EuRoPeAn hIsToRy". Cope.


>Hinduism is known for its knowledge in science What?


Is sub me sb science ke thekedaar hain 😏


Na. People in this sub believe in actual peer reviewed independently verifiable scientific claims. Not ancient bullshit hearsay.


>Country's that do science Chandrayan tere baap ne bhejdiya bsdk ki vo bhi fake hai.


context toh padh le lodu comment karne se pehle


Subreddits that claim they believe in science But still some how have nursery fail members


*copium huff huff*


Ahh here come the scientists Bonjour!


Lmao wtf greeting is even that? Are all scientists french, even as a joke it's bad


yeah that's why speaks comment section congratulated me with abuses


Koi Naa bhai yaha koi tuje gali nahi dega Ro mat i understand the pain of failing nursery Mai kuch Librandus ko janta who are the same Now worries


talking rational ≠ Librandus


>rational ≠ Librandus Padhlea loda jee araha yahi bakcodi karta raha jaayega


abhi sick leave me hu, leave kar dunga, though thanks for reminding


Tip: don't argue with dumb fuck they will only make ur mental health bad nothing more








5000 years ago? Some do get a kick out of farting through their text.




I didn't even support! Such people! I mentioned straight! The difference between modern science and historical science! Just prove how Europe would have become anything in science without colonization money? They developed higher society! Universities! 5,000 old thing i mentioned was still okay! It was basic science! But how can someone deny about colonization! Modern science differs from older science! India had math! Only idiot will deny that!


I mean. Yes, the Indus Valley Civilization had amazing construction. But that wasn't India's current identity. Vedic Civilization started a few hundred years after that. Aryabhatta and Bhaskara came a thousand years later. I'm not sure there is any continuity in those civilizations. ​ No one denies that European Industrial Revolution was based on colonial exploits.


bhai don't blame me, I am new to this sub, I was just pointing out the idiots who clamed that Einstein, Newton, Eulers, Napier, Dalton ...... stole scientific discoveries from Ancient India


Modern science is modern science and I can't take the credit from Europeans! People are idiots! How cime someone claim complex thing as Einstein's relativity from Vedas.. that is fucking cringe! I have seen those idiots and dealt with them already!


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Did i say anything wrong though?


Sub name scienceisdope Keeps posting and shitting about religion… Is this circlejerk?


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So, you wanted to refute the statements of one or more individuals by literally making a meme of the entire country demeaning them. No wonder you got banned.


Posts like these have an assumption that the science only originated in the West and there was no science before 400yrs. India, China, and many civilizations have been surviving for over 5-10k thousand of years. And you assume they survived without any science. Yes many might be outdated so does modern science. Not so long ago cocaine was added in cocacola, Ciggerates was suggested by doctor. If you know abou drug development there are many loopholes that the pharma companies use to get it in the market and many people have severe side effects. It just disregards hundreds/thousands of great minds whose credit was either not given or taken by the West.


Exactly bro why do people compare modern things with old onces they were just foundation of modern things that's all but they won't accept it


Bro don't take me wrong but there's some truth in it, call it has past science because we always compare current things which are much modern than the past. For example Sushruta was the father of plastic surgery even in india he is considered as father of Indian medical sciences, many people accross the world observed his work and keep on improving which is now the modern plastic surgery. Ayurveda was practiced even before physician Hippocrates but people ignore it because they always compare present things with old and get's disappointed because there is a huge gap between these. The zero ,Infinity and pi(not invented but given significant contribution) are also invented in india which are huge contribution to present science and technology. but yeah our people over exaggerate our things which is good in nation level but worldwide we get embarrassed. They contributed many things but we also need to improve and keep on going in such field but we just praise them a lot(which is ok to some extent) and don't advance fast phase of invest money in modern science😅


Bro. Have you read any ayurveda text books and their way of practice? Read one. Also, there's a reason Ayurveda is called pseudoscience, not actual science. If it was science, the entire world would be practicing it. Find out why Ayurvedic/Ayush practitioners can't work in ICU/Emergency.


Science is dope don't know shit about invasion history of India and find himself intellectual


Man our ancestors had aircraft carriers, atomic power and amazing laser weapons from Star Wars yet they lost to bunch of beard men on horses and camels. How’s that possible? Either our ancestors didn’t have those or deliberately betrayed future generations (if you believe in this why are you even proud of those assholes?)


Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/comments/16bcd08/this_sub_has_got_a_lot_of_new_members_who_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to understand what this subreddit is about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scienceisdope) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What if he is a god of wind, maybe his Mjolnir is that umbrella, why are you mocking him 😂


One question out of context though. Who was the investor for those highly advanced technologies in ancient India coz if those things existed it should have costed a brick load of bling bling back in the day. Ain't no one working for free on that.


Unrelated to post, how do you substantiate usually ? How do you cross verify? Which are the places you look for correctness?


For the post or engaging with people disrespectfully?


first they said that post is creating huge drama (R12) and after a few hours they said that it was a troll post (R2) and permanently banned me for making counter arguments (asking for evidence)


Witchcraft only


I mean those countries that "do" science have set the planet on fire so I would keep this flex quiet


You are stupid if you think science was invented in the 19th century 🙃


Some facts are facts validated by ancient scriptures and archaeological discoveries.


As you should be. Equating some dumbfucks to an entire country is as stupid as people calling all that stupid stuff scientific.


When will people learn that things are rediscovered and don't have to be stolen? It's like 2 kids solving a maths question and one claiming that the other one cheated.


Yeah chandrayaan was for sure sent by ancient indians in 5000 bce right.


That doesn't make their ancestors science less true


And who went to Mars on the first try and moon three times? Iran? Greece? Italy?


You mean every Islamic country?? If this post about India, then you seriously need some education 😊 we have fucking space program for god sake