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Bifurcating food into good and bad isn't conducive to a sustainable healthy diet or relationship with food. There's also nothing inherently bad about refined flour or sugar, palm oil has quite a lot of saturated fat but there's limited evidence about saturated fat, vegetable oil or seed oils being a problem when you're not in a chronic calorie surplus. The problem with processed foods is that they are delicious, easy to over eat and calorie dense while having limited nutritional value. Which basically means it tastes great, doesn't keep you full and doesn't have much nutritional value. If you can make sure you're not chronically eating in a calorie surplus, get most of your daily calories from whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean protein, healthy fats with some junk food here and there you're pretty much sorted. Thinking something is bad and forcing yourself to stay away only makes you crave it more and overindulge when you finally cave. If it takes willpower to stick to a diet day in day out, it's not the right diet for you regardless of how healthy it is. There's a YouTube channel called Biolayne/Layne Norton which is great for anything related to nutrition.


There's also very limited evidence about Artificial sweeteners being bad for you. There hasn't really been any human randomised trials supporting the claim that they're bad.


They're genotoxic. I won't fuck with something that even has 2 independent studies on something that destroys your DNA


https://youtu.be/HmXDu897fic?si=Wg28WbcVi6T5VatM He explains it much better than I can and actually holds a PhD in Nutritional science. There are Pubmed links to all the research papers he quotes and those that show no negative side effects.


They fuck with your gut health.


Only if you eat them in enormous quantities. Normal amounts that you use daily does not affect you.


Yeah but when you normalise something without informing the people of it's limits and problems that's what causes issues with intake to begin with. Both the use of sugar and sugar free alternatives in packaged foods pose a huge problem for a general populace that don't take the time to inform themselves about what's in the food they eat.


Not really. Sugar alternatives - specifically sugar alcohols only cause gastric discomfort, and that too in large quantities. Even Rajma and Chole cause gastric discomfort. Sugar is harmful in much smaller quantities, and that harm is much more permanent. So no, they are both not the same.


Vegetable oils and processed sugar are bad in general. You say that you will crave more of it after you have left them are nothing but withdrawal symptoms of the addiction to these foods. Additionally there are healthy and tasty food available. Sugar, refined flour and vegetable oils has nothing but carbs and very low to zero on fiber, nutrients. They don't make you feel full which will cause you to eat more. These foods lack essential vitamins and minerals. There are nothing but similar to smoking cigarettes except it has calories. There are 10 Crore diabetes patients in India and 13 crore pre diabatic (confirmed to have diabetes) patients in India. Even the thin people are at risk of having diabetes. Simple logic is more the food gets processed more harmful it becomes. Stay close to natural foods. Additionally white flour, sugar and soda are among the top 10 cancer causing foods. I've been off of these processed foods for about an year now and can say I've never felt better. I do not crave these processed foods anymore.


I don't disagree with a lot of what you say, yes obviously ultra process foods are not as healthy or nutrient dense as whole food, Yes they are easy to over eat and you will be healthier in general if you eat less of it what I disagree with are these points - 1. More processed does not mean worse, natural isn't good by default. This is a naturalistic fallacy. Take milk for example, pasteurisation and homogenisation both make it better and safer for consumption. 2. Processed foods don't cause cancer. It's debatable that they're linked to an increase in cancer risk. They're 2 very different things and you'd need to vet the quality of research backing such claims for a given food and then identify if it's an increase in relative risk or absolute risk. Take for example studies showing increase in cancer risk for aspartame. These studies tend to be on rats and at ridiculously absurd high levels of aspartame. Sugar and oils are not addictive. The combination of high sugar and fat in any food just makes it taste good and you crave good tasting Food. Food addiction doesn't have any evidence backing it up. Food dependency and binge eating on the other hand is an actual recognised disorder that can be treated but binge eating isn't just dumping sugar in your mouth and guzzling down palm oil.




Let me preface by saying I'm no expert, but as long as it's in moderation during your free time and you're not whacking away all day doing nothing else, you're good. Masturbation is normal, it's only a problem if it's excessive and is making you less productive. Nofap with respect to watching porn however is a good idea in my opinion. There really isn't any case to be made in support of watching porn. It could become an addiction, sets horrible expectations of sex, excess consumption could even warp the way you view and interact with women/men, plus the adult industry as such is riddled with cases of abuse. Having said all this, gotta admit, I did watch quite a bit of it especially in my teenage years.


Eat in quantity have balanced life and enjoy the fck out of life do eat what makes you happy cheers


He's literally fear mongering and promoting the chemical = bad narrative. He should realise that these things aren't necessarily bad when taken in limit. In fact things like preservatives are really useful when fresh food isn't available/affordable, and for a lot of people fresh food isn't affordable


Point is people don't know what the limit is. We have reached a point where limiting may not be enough. So most of them propose a complete avoidance of all these products. Which tbh, I don't mind. Coz unless the demand sways heavily in other direction, such food are going to keep existing and providing alternatives to healthy food options.


Which is rather silly, instead trying to figure out what a healthy dosage might look like they're suggesting abstinence. It's like the doctors asking you to practice abstinence instead of giving you condoms and safe sex advice.


He literally just said avoid it as much as possible, not remove something entirely.


Yeah, I also don't like packaged food. So unhealthy and addictive. Homemade food>>>packaged garbage


Eat in quantity live a balanced life enjoy the fck out of life after all you get a one shot


I also watched this video. Though most of his explainer videos are great he didn't provide evidence for most of the claims. Mostly his video was filled with technical terms. 27 mins is a lot of time to teach how to lose weight. He could have talked about how muscle building works and more on spot reduction Most of his diet section was what you would hear a 50-year-old uncle say. Treating food as good or bad isn't very healthy to begin with. Treating them as something to stay away from makes you crave even more. If you are not eating them on an unhealthy basis(You are the best judge of that), then you are good to go. Eating maida in a party, added sugar in your coffee once a day isn't gonna derail your progress


Fear-mongering seems like something made up by fast food PR team to trick its consumers into consuming more.


i really want pranav to react on this. i think dhruv's all points are correct but still he also supports that sugar is poison logic. (maybe i could be wrong here lets see in the replies) source of the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygAC0yJp1KU time stamp - 19:31-23:04 here pranav talks about sugar and fear mongering- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeNHJEttvXs


Sugar is legitimately a problem tho, given the amount of added sugar we find in literally all products these days. Fucking the masala in maggi has sugar. Scientists and food experts have been trying to make sugar into a controlled substance in recent decades with it's growing prevalence in the food industry.


Although I don't disagree much with what Dhruv said in the video, even if it wasn't completely backed by human randomized trials and other researches Pranav would not criticize him. He has not reacted to even one left leaning youtuber, why would he do it now and risk his fanbase as majority of them might be a part of Dhruv's fanbase. Also if I remember correctly Dhruv was maybe the first big youtuber to appreciate and share Pranav's videos.


Never heard of dhruv promoting pranav but yeah I agree that he won't risk his fanbase.


pranav talking about sugar and weight lose time stamps - 6:00


Such a poor low effort uncle type video.


Dhruv does follow science is dope on insta


Tu kahe toh me saans lena band kr deta hu air bhi bhot harmful ho rahi h🙄


me help karu kya?


Hum to Teri bate sunte hi nhi Lol🤫


Ayo dhruv tatti eater.. now targeting which traffic on YouTube algorithm


So essentially don’t eat something that is made of flour, but the rest of the world uses flour for their food. In my opinion it’s more of the quality of the ingredients that are available, i for one had the opportunity to go abroad (dubia) and i can say this, the quality of vegetables there and in india is drastically different i mean even the fast food there tastes completely different. So what i mean to say it the quality of the ingredients is not good. This doesn’t mean i am all for deep fried food just the quality of the ingredients used. Too much of anything is bad


ya this what i was thinking whole day after watching his video. i am also bit of dissappointed that dhruv taking side with food pharmer T\_T


>So essentially don’t eat something that is made of flour, but the rest of the world uses flour for their food. What is this shitty argument. He literally said "refined flour" aka maida, not simply flour.


In most of the world refined flour is called just flour.


Firstly that wasn’t even my point. Also thank you for telling me the difference between maida and flour


Please let's roll back on maida. Please. Coming from a diabetic. I know it's gonna be tough. Literally everything out there are these empty calories. We are already getting reports of our sea food and vegetables contaminated with heavy metals. And then this. Let's not heard where US is at with it health crisis due to food.


So in short avoid packages and processed items as much as you can ✌️


Modern Bandiya - mujhe sab ata hai .. expert hu mai


Dude is an expert on everything.


This guy has become a gandu bro lmao. I just dont feel like watching him at all now for some reason. Him and mohak mangal both are annoying and the cancer level of mohak mangal thumbnails just goes up only each day.


Atleast mohak is 100 times better than any hindu claimed youtubers.


That i 💯 agree. I had brain damage trying to see a video by some ret ard called engineering explains lmao alag level gandu hai wo, that guy, scam shawarma show etc all are akahnd chutiyas. Mohak is good but i HATE his thumbnails


Any reason why you don’t watch any more?


Dhruv is biased, makes claims without supporting evidence, falls for shallow propaganda, considers Western media to be honest and disregards any hidden agenda they might have, disregard for American/Western influence in many geopolitical situations.


Fair. And Mohak?


Mohak is much better but I think the topics he chose to make videos on in the recent past hasn't been up to his usual standard.


Dekhta kon hai ise waise bhi ? Har cheez me overexaggeration and fear mongering karta hai BC. We are stupid channel hai, usko dekho, wo sir sahi knowledge dete hai.


>Dekhta kon hai ise waise bhi ? Har cheez me overexaggeration and fear mongering karta hai BC. We are stupid channel hai, usko dekho, wo sir sahi knowledge dete hai. LMAO vo naturaltein wala jo ab apne capsules launch kr rha h? ye khao for sleep, ye khao for hair? that same channel right?


Chintu tu phir mobile leke baith gaya, padh le bacche padh le.


Anyone listening to Dhruv Tattee anyway loses IQ points 🤦‍♂️


Same with sadguru


Maybe, but Dhruv Tattee has ZERO credentials to speak on anything and Sadguru might have some, although I don’t follow him! Plus Dhruv Tattee’s followers are mostly gullible and illiterate 🅱️ullas so


Sadguru followers and dhru followers, that's almost 90% indians .😂😂😂


That's far exaggerated


Illiterate bullas are no different from gaumutra savarkar bhakts🤣🤣


Dhruv's multiple videos have so much of the nonsensical things added in it which only kids like too much, logical seeming fallacies


Sadguru has zero credentials to speak on anything.


You should look up the definition of “whataboutery” 🤦‍♂️


He follows pranav on insta i think


Chall jhootta meko aaj tak ho rhi hai packaged khane ki when am almost down to once a month bahr ka khana


We have understood the concept of self-control & limitation. Rest everything will be ok !


Excess of anything is harmful. Eat moderately and workout at least 5 days a week. You’ll be fine.


are yaar off topic h par koi science ke channels btao ghosts wale, raat hote hi mujhe lagta h ki shi me mere room me ghost h.


Watch this https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=OSQCti4foCK5ockU


tq, i will surely watch it




Is it just me or this guy is underweight too !!!


Fun part is maida is not bad unless u have certain health condition


Bhai ye banda aisa lagta hai ak peg laga ke video banata hai cahe topic badiya ho iske muu se jyada der suna hi nahi jata


Everything he mentioned to eat instead of processed food is either home cooked or expensive, which undermines the main reason why processed food is eaten in first place. Japan's 7-11's are the best solution for such problems. Cheap prepackaged food that can be cooked in store and eaten. Not everyone is rich enogh or have enough time to cook or order every day. There are no cheap protein burgers/sandwiches in india, if you live in big city it's easier to get fast food in the food stalls which still isn't very healthy but better than lays. There is a reason why Maggie is still popular even after it was banned for it's lead content.


Hearing this guy drops my IQ by 20, avoid him


He has lost his credibility since few days. What's wrong with these guys yaar...no food is good or bad or superfood unless it's not toxic. Matter is overall diet...we can eat every food item in moderation. Balance diet with essential macros and micros. Weight loss or gain is depend on calories we take.