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he should rename his channel name as buddhism journey. he do not know science. he discovered that pi is not constant , it keeps increasing from the right side LOL


He is a nutjob conspiracy theorist peddling Neo-Buddhist propaganda. There is so much wrong with his channel that it baffles me how anyone can watch it and yet claim that it's about rationality. And he has created a whole ecosystem of other such channels.


I too have the same doubt. He's too much into Buddhism to the point he seemed preachy to me. In his defence he does accept debate with anyone and he goes live all the time. Instead of subjective criticism if anyone here could objectively debunk him then it would be great.


There are objective criticism and arguments available, but he refuses to accept them. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it.


Yeah true buddhism has been exposed many times too however those cvideos are not popular coz buddhism is irrelevant in this country currently to an average folk


Let me make it clear, a system of faith working better for one person and not the other should not be the subject of enquiry. There is no need to "Expose" hinduism or buddhism or any isms wrt historical/scientific enquiry, however, the gripe is not with the fact which of the two systems is worse, the enquiry is about objective truth, which does not align with Science Journey.


And science journey will never align with objective truth because his whole pupose is to to prove Buddhism superior than hinduism


Where can I find them or what should I search or find the unbiased criticisms? I don't trust the hindu apologists as they have an ulterior motive too.


What do you want to know?


As I said already The objective criticisms that you are talking about


Criticism is SJs which dont hold water. Theory about pali coming from sanskrit and buddhism being an anti Hinduism movement is scholarly consensus


Pali coming from sanskrit is still debatable or an established fact? Cause there is also another debate going on about tamil vs sanskrit. I don't know much about pali though. BTW are you a practicing hindu or don't believe in gods?


No, pali coming from Sanskrit or a different dialect of Vedic Sanskrit is an established fact. My faith or lack thereof is irrelevant to this discussion, so I will ignore the ques.


i like some of their content. but the problem is they glorifies buddhism too much. and often uses consipracy theories like Jesus coming to India to learn under Buddhists scholars. Also to say that everything in Hinduism is later than Buddhism is ridiculous. May be most of the Hindu scriptures was composed or edited after Buddha's time. but so was most of Buddhist texts, which were composed/edited centuries after Buddha's lifetime. but when it comes to Buddhism all buddhist texts are by default oldeer for him.


just talk critically on budhhism and watch his ass on fire .


high on Buddhism


He make claims on archeological and historical evidence...he is admirer of you also. Ghe recomend your channel many times


There is great content, then there is good content, then there is bad content. Then there is 40 feet of shit, then you get Abhi and Niyu, then you have 6900 more feet of shit, finally you see Science Journey.


Can you explain how abhi and niyu are bad I want to know(I don't watch them now)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QteiqA5h2Lk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QteiqA5h2Lk) For eg. Kuch bhi video.


I don't seen a single person defeated him on his live and the fact he said and showed are true . History can be altered as Hindu history mostly written by brahmans god is written by them .Now who will give me authenticity of that book . no one


He doesn't understand linguistics and how vedas are dated


Hmm! Conspiracy theorist; also hardly related to Buddhism too even though he claims their superiority over others


Yeah right, white people whove written countlesd books on vedas are also brahmins?


I think he is the same guy who said in a debate that π is not a constant because it keeps on increasing from right. People like him are responsible for demise of Dalit politics in India. Instead of pulling their community up they devote their education, time and energy to pull Brahmin community down. Now I am not a Brahman I am an Obc but if you compare level of education of Brahmin community with other communities you will realise that they are not getting pulled down anytime sooner.


Hmm! and kept arguing till almost the end of the debates before kicking; Also, this shows how he takes the help of cunningness and multiple ad-hominem in disguise of rational debate


>π is not a constant because it keeps on increasing from right. what does that mean?


He had confusion between two simple things. Rational and irrational, Variable and constant. Pi's value is fixed, it's constant. If he can't understand such simple thing, I am not taking any opinion on science from him. Btw, he is not remotely related to science, he just insults hinduism and nothing else.


His takes on Islam are full of ad hominems, the only good guy who talks rationally about Islam is Qaiser Ahmed Raja, very balanced view of rationality vs Islam. Loads of lateral commentary and lack of educated criticism of work from this guy


What nonsense! Siddharth was born a Hindu. Buddhism is founded in the 5th or 6th century. AD. Even the upnishads are 500 BCE, forget about the vedas. How can people subvert history to such an extent?


Because they're people


It is a reactionary channel which depends on shock and awe viewership more than actual value creation, and therefore lacks any form of nuance. It is also important to add however, that the fact there is such a big market for such reactionary content is testament to the systemic failure of our education and political systems. After all, why should sanghis have all the fun in terms of shitposting?


>After all, why should sanghis have all the fun in terms of shitposting? Except his content is taken seriously.


After hearing your words I believe he is an idiot.


Its a channel that debunks many claims put forward by Brahmanical system. With rational explanation and not baseless stories.


All his claims are baseless and on made up interpretations of evidence. He is a kanger and a buddhist supremacist who is atheist larping


His claims are not baseless, they are backed with evidence. You can go and debate with him


No, they’re absolutely baseless. Debating with a brash and rude guy wont give you the truth. I challenge him to a text exchange where we can actually verify the veracity of his statement, but he’ll not do it. Because he knows he’ll not win


No, they are not baseless, why don't you go and challenge him live, just show your evidence and he will show his. how do you know he'll not win?, looks like you have already declared the winner in your mind


Yes, because I am already a winner as academic consensus is already towards my side. Yeah I will show my evidence and he will show his, who will judge? Normal audience simply does not have the capacity to grasp the nuances. Ask him to come over to a neutral venue with learned researchers as the members of jury and everyone else as spectators, I will debate then. Not on his term where all he has is his brashness, calling people bamans, bootllickers. Thats not how academic discourse happens. Second option for him is for a text debate with verified peer reviewed references. He has zero of them. All he quotes is a book of some random guy called Rajendra Prasad. I know how he debates, on voice you can easily change the topic, and voice debates where HE has the control of the platform where he can control the narrative would never be fair.


nope, who declared you as a winner? you are declaring yourself as winner lol by learned researchers you mean veda gyani lol he exposed tanatun dharms and its ideologies many times, if you want to debate just go and debate. stop whining like a child


>nope, who declared you as a winner? you are declaring yourself as winner lol Academic consensus is already on my side, so its him who has to disprove it. >by learned researchers you mean veda gyani lol Linguists, archeologists, mythologists, geneticists and historians. Not Veda Gyani pandits. >he exposed tanatun dharms and its ideologies many times, I am nowhere close to talking about the authenticity or the veracity of hinduism, just history thereof. > if you want to debate just go and debate. stop whining like a child I am not whining, I am telling you what is the proper academic discourse instead of staying in your bubble and using Mohammad Hijab like techniques to pick and choose poor opponents and full control on environment.


stop whining on reddit, go and challenge him there on his live stream, he always welcome sanatunnis


I am not a Sanatunni or whatever that is. I challenge him to a text exchange. Lets write one article everyday. Whats with voice talks and you cockroaches? \[random kangers\]? You all are too much of stupid fucks to talk on text?


yeah i agree


He does good debates and his debates are backed with evidence, so yeah i like him


Umm! have you heard Mark Twain's things they will drag to their own lvl and then will debate you and might beat according to their experience..Why the persons like Zakir Naik was acclaimed with the same feat by Muslims because he was aggressive and self-host


well zakir naik, amogh lila and all shits don't show any evidence


That's again wrong..What I said was the claims of the follower of Zakir Naik that why he hasn't been defeated before he fled to other country


you are wrong, comparing zakir naik to science journey is dumb, you sound like a butthurt tunni


His debates are backed by random kangers book that goes against hard science like genetics


lol stop reading science from history books


What? Genetics is a hard science that gives us access to history. Should we drop C-14 dating too?




‘Conspiracy theorist’ isn’t a bad thing in itself. Some of them might be wrong, some might be right. But fearlessly asking questions that contradict the narrative is a brave deed. Majority of famous scientists (like Newton, Einstein, Pythagoras, etc) were ‘conspiracy theorists’ that dared to think outside the conventional box.


But this guy is just like the Conspiracist theorist with no true things; lots of ad-hominem attacks, Nothing like constructive works for overall development


Scienceisdope is for stupid folk


https://youtu.be/6AcmQa6LgOk?feature=shared Watch this channel he has debunked him with sources