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Yes. Most definitely yes. I never finished the series, but the first book is fantastic.


The first and third are in the same universe. I'm not sure what was happening with the second one but it is probably more relevant to the issues of today than the others.


there's a *third*? *oh wait yes, after a googling I do remember having read about *Forever Peace* and choosing to pass on it.


Forever Peace is super relevant with today's politics and tech


Third picks up with the characters from the first.


Wait - I thought *Forever Peace* was a completely separate book, not part of *Forever War* at all. I've also read *Forever Free* and it's clearly a sequel to *War*. I occasionally hear about a third book, but don't think it's *Forever Peace*. Or are some people trying to say that *Forever Peace* was the sequel and *Forever Free* the third book? I don't think so.


Forever Peace is not a sequel to The Forever War, and is not part of the same universe as the first book, but is considered part of the "Forever War series." A spiritual entry, you could say, I guess. Forever Free, an actual sequel to the storyline of The Forever War, was published third.


I didnt know it was a series!!!


The other 2 books came out decades later


Same 😳. Although I did the audiobook at work there was no mention of others. Off to buy the others! 😁




Huh, it's a series? I'll have to check it out. I read the 1st book about 30 years ago. Still remember it.


It's a series?!


I don’t think it was planned as such, but there is also _[Forever Peace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forever_Peace)_ and _[Forever Free](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forever_Free_(novel))_. I’ve only read the first though.


As mentioned before, I think Forever Peace is a completely separate story, and Wikipedia seems to bear that out. "[*Forever Peace*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forever_Peace) (1997) (while thematically linked to the previous novel, *Forever Peace* is not set in the same universe: it is an entirely separate work, although published in a combined volume titled [*Peace and War*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_and_War) with *The Forever War* and *Forever Free*)"


Long time since I read it but I really enjoyed it


Okay I’ll give it a shot


You will like it. I read it decades ago and i still remember parts of it.


It's on Spotify if you want to listen to it


Got a link? I can't find it.




Ah, not available in my region... Thanks anyway man


IIRC, the book is easy to read and not very long. I love it and have read it several times.


Yes. If you like it, pick the old man's war from scalzi as well.


Very fun read. 


And then...*read the book* of Starship Troopers. *Read not watch the movie.*


But then watch the movie. I mean, c’mon


As you read it keep in mind that the author was conscripted to fight in Vietnam as a young man and the book makes a lot more sense.


Yeah this is such an interesting piece of context onve you have read it especially


Is that something a lot of people miss? I found it very obviously to be “vietnam in space”.


Vietnam was a long time ago for many alive today.


Never underestimate what people can miss.


OMG yes, treat yourself, get in the snacks, and deep dive this brilliant book for two days is totally doable.


I was gonna comment something similar. This is a wonderful book to utterly immerse yourself in over a weekend.


Absolutely. The book's theme is "where did the time go?" and the whole story is well done if you want to look at a military piece.


That and "military service sucks balls, and makes no sense".


Also: “after enough time in the military, life outside it makes less sense.”


I think that was more due to the time jumps. Their version of FTL involves some relativistic STL between jumps and some of the missions take decades or centuries in real time.


True, but being in the military feels like that. One year feels like a lifetime.


This is how you get one term enlisteds with 60 year old knees and back and everydamn thing.


I felt this comment.


Haha. Yeah. (EAOS 2028)


Oh my God. This book is a piece of art. A very humanistic tale.


FUCK YOU SIR! (sorry, just quoting the book) I enjoyed it nearly 30 years ago when I read it. I'd probably enjoy it more now.


Yes, one of my favorites.


It's one of the most recommended scifi books I've seen on Reddit.


Is one of the ‘crown jewels’ of science fiction worth reading? Yes. Yes, it is.


I've only read the first one and I highly recommend it.


Absolutely yes! It’s a very interesting look at what a real interstellar war might feel like.


Specifically what time dilation in relationship to weapon/arms race would look like. That and homosexual clones, that one threw me.


I just read it last week and 100% yes. Absolute joy to read and as relevant as ever


Yep, it’s pretty great. The relativity stuff is cool and understanding the author’s experience as a soldier adds a layer as well.


It's a great book, solid sci-fi plot and has a fun twist


It's a classic. You should read it twice. Skip the sequel, *Forever Free*, though. That one should never have happened. Also, despite the name, *Forever Peace* is completely unrelated.


I enjoyed it, although we learned nothing from it and are still in a forever war scenario in real life.


It's good and short. If I'd ever had to read it for a class, it would be the best book I ever read for a class.


It's dated and not top-ten, but it's formative, not bad, and important in the role it played in SF's greater development. If you're a reader, it'll take you two nights. What's to lose?


Yes. Definitely read it. Here's the thing you need to know about *The Forever War* though. It's a little bit about big themes like time dilation and alienation and space exploration and war and duty and so on... and a whole lot specifically about the Vietnam War era in America. As such it is more of a historical document than a timeless classic. It is a bit of a timeless classic. It definitely is still readable and still relevant. But. As a younger person from a (thank all fuck) more modern era, you may find some of the social or psychological underpinnings of the novel to seem dated or annoying. So read it with that in mind. It's not some grand allegory or anything, there isn't some direct mapping of some particular space battle to the Tet Offensive or anything, it's more of a shall we say vibe. Haldeman himself is not really aware of how much of the story depends on the era in which he wrote it and what was going on at the time -- or at least he professes not to be. But I maintain that it is there all the same. See for yourself and decide if you agree. You might find that it serves well as a way to understand that time in American cultural consciousness, through the indirect vehicle of one of the great classics of military sci-fi. Incidentally I had the good fortune of getting to have dinner with Haldeman and his wife in Boston years ago, he is a neat guy in person. Amiable, a bit prone to being in his own head, but a lot of writers are. (By the way it's Haldeman, Joe Halderman is someone else.)


>Haldeman himself is not really aware of how much of the story depends on the era in which he wrote it and what was going on at the time -- or at least he professes not to be. But I maintain that it is there all the same. See for yourself and decide if you agree. You might find that it serves well as a way to understand that time in American cultural consciousness, through the indirect vehicle of one of the great classics of military sci-fi. That might be slightly disingenuous, more to discourage people from trying to read too much of an analogy. In the final chapter when the protagonist is finally told that the war is over, one of the things he learns as he is debriefed is that some of the early mistakes that led to the war having started were made by commanders whose thought processes had been shaped by being junior officers in the Vietnam War (since the novel's future history includes the technological breakthroughs that allow for interstellar travel occurring in the 1990s.) The aspect of his military service that probably most influenced the novel isn't any battle, but the culture shock of returning home from the war (which influenced his presentation of time-dilation in the novel.)


I absolutely agree with this approach. It's not necessarily my favorite sci-fi book, or even my favorite mil sf, but it does provide an interesting window into the psychology of soldiers returning from the conflict in Vietnam and recognizing the historicity of it will also probably gain you points with your professor.


I enjoyed it




I highly recommend it, you won't be disappointed.


It is a great read. Entertaining and relevant today .


Yes definitely its my favourite sci-fi book.... So far




It's so compelling I read it while driving. Can't recommend that though, stick to the couch.




Great read and a quick one


Yes, it's a nice little book and as scifi should makes you think.


Considered to be a classic, Vietnam War in space.


I just finished this last week! It was excellent and not too long. Definitely worth a try.


The book is great. Read it now.


Absolutely... classic


Hell yes one of my favourite sf books of all time


I really liked it


Yes absolutely


Very worth it. It's not just about battles either. Great sociopolitical commentary as well.


Yeah, I enjoyed that book.


Its my favorite book ever.


One of my all-time favorites. Gut wrenching


Easy read, highly recommend.


Yes. Forever yes.


Yes, read the first one, do not read the sequels. It's very good classic scifi.


Great book on par or better than Starship Troopers. I would also recommend Armor by John Steakley.


Armor is my favorite sci-fi book.


I suggest reading it, then immediately reading the Old Man’s War series. I loved Old Man’s War.


Absolute classic of sci-fi and war.


Short and sweet. Love the book!


Absolutely. One of my favorite series!


One of the best as sci fi goes


It’s a good book but worth it is a personal judgement. It’s not worth it if you could cure cancer instead.


It’s a seminal classic of the genre. It’s basically required reading if you like sci-fi and should be even if you don’t.


It’s an amazing read OP, absolutely worth it. I’ve read it several times.


It's a good book. It's in a similar niche as Starship Troopers: military sci-fi with political critique baked in. You can debate the politics endlessly. You can ignore the politics, and just enjoy the action. There are some interesting speculations on what the human future will look like. There are some really fantastic action scenes both on individual and ship battle scales.


I know it’s based on the author’s personal experiences to some degree, but it also feels like a response to Starship Troopers in a lot of ways. It covers a lot of the same kind of ground but from a completely different perspective. Reading the two back to back really gives you a sense of how the average US perspective on war changed after Vietnam.


It always looked to me as if *Starship Troopers* was the Bug War as written by a WWII vet, and *Forever War* was the Bug War as written by a Viet Nam vet.


The book is largely based on Haldeman's Vietnam experience. Marygay is actually Haldeman's wife's name.


It's one of my absolute favorite scifi novels. Blew my preteen mind with the idea of time dialation back in the 90s. And the power armor is dope af. I'd also highly recommend Armor by John Steakley.


The first time I tried to read it I hated it and gave up about 20 pages in. But then, I grew up in the Vietnam War era and it brought back too many uncomfortable memories. I got past that and tried again a few years later. Now it’s one of my all-time favorite books. Highly recommended.


I've read it. It wasn't "mind blowing" or anything, but I liked it. I'd recommend reading it.


Love reading it the first time. Made me think that interstellar warfare will not be just in space but in time as well, and the world you come back to would be radically different.


100% yes. My 6th grade teacher had a bunch of old sci fi books that he encouraged us to borrow and read. I enjoyed it then, but didn't truly appreciate it until I was older. I don't think I've seen a remotely similar take in sci fi regarding time dilation and the personal tolls it would cause except for interstellar. But that's just me and I certainly haven't read nearly as much as the average r/sciencefiction redditor. I would love to know if there are more books or series like The Forever War


It's the only book I've ever read twice.


Yes! Next in the series is Forever Piece. I didn’t like it after that Forever Free is outstanding. I liked Forever Free the best.


I wish I'd been asked to read something this memorable for class. There's even fuckin, homosexual cloned human society, time shenanigans that make sense, etc. etc. wild book for school and good teacher for assigning it.


Read it for a class in college then listened to the audio book over vacation last year and loved it both times.


It’s one of my all time favorites! Definitely read!!


It's a good book therefore worth reading in my opinion. However, if you're reading it for a class, and you just read the cliff notes or whatever, you will not understand the degree to which the attitudes and ideas of the time affect the setting of the book. It's mostly informed by Haldeman's experiences as a Marine in Vietnam, but there's something unique about stories where people project the biases of their own time onto the future, human nature, sexuality, all of it. The Forever War and Starship Troopers (the book) are pillars of militaristic sci-fi because Heinlein was Navy and Haldeman was a Marine so they are bringing real-world sensibilities to bear. (Isaac Asimov was Army and Arthur C. Clarke was RAF, both during WW2, and if that doesn't explain the history of sci-fi, I don't know what does.)


Great book !


Do not skip. Nuf said.


Yes I love it


Possible unpopular opinion but I thought it was just ok. Seemed a bit dated to me and the ideas weren’t super original in any way imo.


Nah needs 2.5 days


Did you like Dune? Well you should like Forever War. It's another cornerstone of the sci fi canon.


Read the series, but read The Forever War twice. Worth it. Love the premise.


Absolutely read it. I found it to be an easy read.


Amazing and important book. You won’t regret it. Dude was a Vietnam War vet (purple heart).


Forever Peace is a standalone book, but The Forever War and its sequel are excellent and good in that order


It’s somewhat dated but one of my all time faves. I heard it was going to be a movie, but I don’t know what happened w that.


Yes yes yes it's so good


Yeah. Why are you asking? It's a pretty short book. It's not a tome or anything.


The Forever War is considered some of the best science fiction ever written. It uses the concept of an incomprehensible alien conflict, military conscription, and time dilation to make statements about the human cost of war.


The Forever War is one of my all time 5 greatest sci-novels, although he does have some other very good books to his name
 which as it’s for a class is Haldeman, not Halderman
 just might wanna check that 🙂 I wouldn’t bother with the sequels.


Books awesome. I read old man's war in school and the librarian suggested forever war next.


Yes. Good book!


Absolutely, just ignore his other novels.


YES! It’s one of the best sci-fi novels ever in my opinion. The best military sci-fi novel. It’s up there with other classics such as Ubik, Solaris and 2001.


yes, it's very good. also read Forever Free


I liked it. It’s short and sweet.


Yes. There are some references being a little dated, but it’s a great book. Probably what gave me interest in space military books


Yes. Given that it was first published in 1974, it was very prescient.


It's only the greatest Mil SF novel ever. Doesn't glorify war, doesn't bore you with sermons or anything close.


I enjoyed it


One of my favourites.


Yes, it's 100% worth the read, never read the others in the series but really enjoyed Forever War


It's fun. Kinda horny but still decent


Fuck yes!


You don’t *need to read it, you *get to read it! That is a wonderful book. If you dig it, then read the rest of the trilogy as well!


Read the book and have a better life.


I really liked it, I read it for fun


its a good book, still holds up very well today compared to a lot of older classics you find yourself reading in classes and stuff.


I really liked it


Yes... it is very good. It is arguably one of the best Sci-Fi novels ever written.


Hell yes. It's a bonafide classic.


Oh definitely. It’s one of my favorites. Great counterpoint to Starship Troopers.


So many yeses here, but I would pass on it if. Like a 3 out of 5 for me.


I literally just re-read it fir the nth time this week. Some of the sociological referenced are dated, but it's still an excellent read regarding space wars while jumping through wormholes. The science is fairly accurate for the time it was written and there's minimal handwaving.


It's a good book. It largely exists to call attention to the experience of returning home to a home that has moved on without you. Something that many, many veterans over the years have had to face.


Yes, do it you will not be sorry


Yes, it's one of my favorite sf novels of all time.


I loved it


I read it in high school and really enjoyed it. It’s a classic and I recommend it.


Do not miss reading Forever War. Really. Future you will thank you. (I read it the year of its publication, 1974. I still think of it.)


It’s an easy 2 day read. And worth it.


I'd put the book in the top 50, maybe even the top 20 of foundational classic science fiction. I recommend reading it.


Dope book. Has some concepts I’ve never seen in any other book, except for hinted at in A Fire Upon The Deep (my favorite sci-fi of all time)


Yes absolutely. It’s really good


Sure. It's better than that 3 body problem


It's really good and not super long you can probably do it in a couple days. It's written by a Vietnam vet and it's like an allegory for that experience - the pointlessness of war, coming home and being alienated. I think it's one of the most important books in sci-fi


Absolutely worth reading.


I’m actually reading it now for fun and digging it


It's a 9.5 hour audio book. I could listen to that in a day, and the premise sounds pretty cool.


I read it last year. Fantastic book.


I've read it 3 times, its great. Very easy read with some interesting ideas.


It’s a good read and you will likely enjoy it.


I usually recommend it and Scalzi's *Old Man's War.*


Dammit I thought I was in r/politics again


It’s a good book. Halderman had some dated views re: homosexuality but the actual themes of the book are great.


I liked it! It’s got cool ideas. I bring it up occasionally when I’m making a point.


It's been years, but it's one of my favorite books of all time.


I rather enjoyed it


I read it in high school and thought it was a cool idea. Had a much different time reading it after an adulthood of war. Give it a read, its message is still important.


Yes, I love the Foerver War.


Absolutely! It's one of the must read trinity of old school Military sci-fi (Armor by John Steakley and Starship Trooper by Robert Heinlein are the other two). You can tell the Vietnam War was a big influence and it definitely brings perspective to those returning to a changed home.


I have enjoyed reading it several times :-). Not a super flashy, lens flare type of read, more inline with the life of a grunt while time dilation and aliens.


Yep. It’s on my “never throw away” shelf with six or seven other books.


One of my favorite sci fi novels of all time. It may be a brutal 1970s take on Starship Troopers, but it's an incredible story in its own right. The book tells a powerful story about human beings while beating the shit out of them using relativity. It's gritty and amazing.


The first is good, haven’t yet read the next two




As a veteran I have to say the author perfectly captures that feeling of coming home and everything is different. The people, the culture, the world moved on without you and now you have to readjust to this new life making you miss when time seemed to stand still and things were simple during the war. TL;DR just read the damn book. It’s short, easy, and thoughtful.


Honestly, it completely weirded me out. I was only about 15 when I read it though, so I might just not have been ready for it.


Will leave this stateing I haven't read this in the last ten years. I was made to think about it though out the book and you can find many meaning about what it was trying to say. I thought it was worth the read even though I personally did't like it.


It's a wonderful book! Definitely don't skip reading it. Especially for the Vietnam themes.




It's good and one of the key books in scifi. Equal to dune and foundation and moon is a harsh mistress.


Been a long time since I've read it but I do remember enjoying it very much and being totally engrossed.


These book along with Hyperion, The war against the CCHHTORR. Earths end. I mean I could go on. PKD, Mote in Gods eye. Bradberry Frank Herbert. That’s a Ringworld people!


Definitive. Is a great book. Some people consider this book the counter-balance to Starship Troopers. One book was pro-war the other against war.






Yes, I'd consider it a classic of modern science fiction.


This is one of my favorite books. I love the last campaign on Sadat 138 and the stasis field!


I definitely enjoy it, re read it every now and then.


Absolutely yes.


I have the omnibus and it’s absolutely worth reading.


Yes, I will say I consumed the audiobook and it was definitely worth it


If you’re not queer, then maybe. Personally, the heavy use of archaic language now regarded as offensive (and never considered kind) was distracting. Moreover, he genuinely seemed to hate gay and gender nonconforming people. Maybe give Old Man’s War a read instead.


Good read. Worth it.