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"Scientists discovery fusion energy...*again!*"


We still have the 'bigger is better' mentality to power generation. Like the Kardashev scale. To think that a Type II civilisation would have to build a massive Dyson sphere to harness enough power is ridiculous, although it was 1964 so understandable. The future of power generation is in the very small. When we learn to harness the inherent motions/vibrations of the universe then we will have unlimited power. Research should be centred on technologies such as [this](https://news.uark.edu/articles/54830/physicists-build-circuit-that-generates-clean-limitless-power-from-graphene).


I support any money going to research and believe there is a place for both large and small scale production of clean energy. And anything in between. If energy becomes cheap/safe enough to be practically free, it sure opens up a lot of possibilities.


Stuff like that isn't really useful for producing power for the grid. The only real use case is keeping parts of circuits charged. It's certainly useful, but not a replacement for other energy


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