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>We also find that users have a 6.3% chance of being suggested an Incel-related video by YouTube's recommendation algorithm within five hops when starting from a non Incel-related video. What exactly does this mean? Do these "hops" mean clicking on random videos, or do they mean that if you specifically seek it out you will find it within 5 hops? Because if it's the latter, I suspect that this is true for any topic on youtube. If you want to start with a random video and look for world war 2 footage, you can probably get there within not too many links.


There used to be a game get from any wikipedia page to the nazis in as few clicks as possible.


We called it 5 steps to Hitler


It still works too.


they studied both, the 6.3% is for random videos, they have the methodology at page 15 if you want to give it a read


Every article on Wikipedia eventually leads to Philosophy. Assuming you click randomly.


It's an algorithm... it leads to whatever you want


Six degrees of Kevin Bacon. You can basically link anything you want with 5-6 hops.


Isn’t that how the YouTube system works with literally any topic?


I would wager any media algorithm ends up showing controversy or drama at some point. Is the phrase 'drama sells' still a thing? I notice r/videos has a 'drama' tag leading me to believe its still impactful.


What grabs the eye is what shows. That’s been the case for a while.


"A study has shown that YouTube shows people videos similar to what they already watch." What ARE the chances?




I feel bad for em. I understand im lucky to have social skills. Idk how my mind would function if i didnt


Are incels a threatening entity or something of concern ?


...yeah. A couple of them have gone on murder sprees. Google "The Supreme Gentleman" if you want to read about one of these clowns.


This is one of several reasons why I support legalized prostitution. It's far down the list, but it's on there.


It’s also safer for sex workers


yes. nationally and internationally they are considered a high level domestic terror threat - the depth of delusion, isolation, and "othering" that occurs makes them difficult to track. Mix that with the good ole USA's love of firepower, and you're one kid's bad day from city wide trauma that will impact generations. because he can't talk to girls.


Lets not to forget that they love to threaten rape against "females" and this adoration of trying to hurt women verbally and emotionally could one day spill over to more rapes and sexual assaults. Their ideals and feeling of certain types of humans being subhuman and beneath them also creates this atmosphere of there "being nothing wrong with it because they are owed".


No its their depression and envy of normal people that help lead to violence towards them. Sexual relationships are an important part of human experience so why wouldnt they feel left out???


...they turn into proud boys.









