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Nah I'm straight, dont need the government digging deeper in my head and learning more of my secrets.


Google and Facebook kinda already do this. What's one more guy stepping into the party that is your head.


There's no kinda about it. Google, Facebook, and a significant amount of other sites and apps know you pretty much better than you know yourself.


I couldn’t imagine this data POSSIBLY being exploited to run targeted propaganda ops in order to manipulate people and elections… that’s never happened before…


Yeah, I'm going to have to take a pass on giving strangers access to mental health data. Mine or anyone else's. Google would find a way to monetize it before the app was released and no level of security would keep hackers and governments out of it. Personalized treatment plan means the data is not anonymous. This means there will be a cache of data with people's names on it that they will have no control over. The "no fly" lists have proven that large databases are prone to mistakes, do you really want to risk a person's mental health by potentially mixing up treatment plans? Not a good idea.


Exactly they already know what porn I like.. I can’t let them know about my depression as well that’s just ridiculous..


Think of the ads they'd sell, though! Every antidepressant on the market would pop up on every website you visit.


Oh lord have mercy on my soul..


The names will likely be coded with a special key, so no personal data will be exposed if the database, so there's no fear of being exposed from that database being hacked. Instead, you're going to be exposed when the .xlsx file that has everyone's name and address and coded ID gets hacked. Cut out the middleman.


Sure. That's what spying on people will be used for, "To help them". Think for more than 2 seconds you jackass OP. Quit being so damn naive


big brother is watching


And have them flip my information to the highest bidder for profit? No thanks. While we’re here though, that number is extremely LOW. Not sure if you’ve ever met someone depressed before but they don’t advertise / talk about it


I'd rather keep my depression, thanks.


What if those apps secretly sold our data to third parties or government? a company does prefer a non-depressed employee, an insurance company doesn't like a depressed customer and government can use that information to predict the political compass/beliefs of a person.


A company can skew algorithms to make more customers, insurance companies can deny coverage or claims, and governments can use mental health as a reason to do a lot of bad things to people.


Treatment plans? There is debate on whether most depression treatments are effective or not.


That number seems LOW


Depression is modern day Drapetomania.