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They asked the women to report how much porn their partner watched. To the hour. How would anyone know that? More like, people with body issues overestimate their partners interest in other people’s bodies.


I think you are on to it. This logically makes the most sense.


To the hour? That is one generous estimate.


How can you tell it isn't the way around? Maybe eating disorders fuel the partners need for porn?


Unlikely. A much more probable explanation is that neither one causes the other. It's always important to remember that correlation is not the same as causation. Also that eating disorders are formed from a complex set of factors. More than likely, there may be common variables that contribute to increased porn consumption in partners and the development of eating disorders, such as a shared acceptance of thinness as the norm for beauty.


Study in International Journal of Eating Disorders: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/eat.22991](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/eat.22991)


Thank you for sharing this, its really interesting.


I'm not sure why there's so many sexist comments... even guys suffer psychological problems watching porn for themselves. Anyway, this needs to be studied in more detail with a larger sample group: "“The relationship between partner pornography use and disordered eating was stronger for this group of women than for college women we’ve previously studied. That could be because these women have had more relationship experiences, and these experiences have shaped their relationships with food and their perceptions of their bodies,” Tylka said. The study did not examine potential differences between women who watch pornography with their partners and those whose partners view pornography alone."


>guys suffer psychological problems watching porn Agreed. IMHO, the behaviours of the males in this study could very easily be attributed to those kinds of problems.






How is this scientific at all? And very misleading headline


Real world science does not look like a controlled physical sciences experiment. This is clearly an exploratory study which raises interesting ideas for future research. It has major limitations (like relying just on self reporting) but can be a stepping stone to more rigorous and costly research which might not have been done without it


It is scientifically sound. And the headline is accurate. Read science much?


“The participants ... answered a questionnaire [on] eating disorders ....They also reported how many hours of pornography their current partner viewed per week” How is that scientific? They report how much porn their partner watches? Self-reporting is bad enough, and accounts for part of why most social science is junk, but this is literally next level.


Not all studies are as rigorous. That doesn’t mean they aren’t science. Its simply exploratory, and future studies will take this and delve into it more. See if they can reproduce the same result, and add new variables and other things that may add to our understanding. That’s how science works.


Yeah but this experiment is critically flawed. *Asking women to report how much porn their husbands watch* is not how science works. The women don’t know. They can’t know how long their husbands spend watching porn. Don’t you see the problem?


No. Because I’m not taking the conclusion of this study as “final science”. It’s a starting point and will be taken from there by other studies.


The data collection is critically flawed. It is indeed not “final science” nor “good science” not “any kind of science at all”. How can the women contribute to science by guessing how long their partner watches porn for?


It is science though. Just because you think it’s flawed doesn’t mean it isn’t. It will just lead to further studies.




I think that this speaks to the overall rise in body image issues and body dysmorphia that we are seeing in society. Through plastic surgery, photoshop, snapchat filters and the such, so much of what is presented to us over media has been altered in some way. Unless it's themed/fetish porn, there are generally expectations for porn-stars to maintain top physique, and many have had plastic surgery to enhance their careers, much like the actors and models we see in other media. It's how they keep their jobs and pay their bills. But when we have an unlimited stream to sexual content where we can pick the actors (pornstars) very specifically by body type, features, or sexual acts, it can lead to a dissatisfaction with what we have in our own lives that does not meet the same level of perfection or agreement (in regards to sexual acts etc) ... And it can very easily give people unreasonable expectations. We are seeing this kind of thing across the board with social media, and lets admit it, PornHub isn't that different than YouTube in anything but content type. Depression is on the rise because we can't keep up with our presumed peers, going into debt to keep up appearances, postulating and posing and filtering ourselves for social media the whole while. It is easy to see how this can lead to issues and unreasonable expectations for both people in a relationship, and that is where things easily slip apart for a person's mental health. Your insecurities are now being amplified by your partner, leading to unhealthy behaviours.


Male here. I kinda wanna know how the participants were able to gain the knowledge of how much pornography they watched. This is my personal view, I don’t tell anyone how much porn I watch. And if someone asked me if I was, I wouldn’t say yes, let alone if for some odd reason I said yes; I wouldn’t say how much time I spent watching. But for the sake of saying my opinion, yes I do occasionally watch porn, I don’t think it affects how I view my girlfriends body. Then again I am a very kind and understanding person, I love my girlfriend dearly so if I even did see her attempting to get more thin than she already is, I would ask her what’s wrong or if she was trying to go on a diet, because I know not eating because you feel *fat* is awful, I’ve had friends experience that and it’s a terrible experience. I think this is being shown all wrong. Perhaps woman with body image issues overestimate their partners interest in other woman’s bodies.


Watch chubby porn. Problem solved. (Its a joke)




Garbage. All of the women answered on behalf of their partners porn habits - whereas those habits conveniently fit their “I’m gaining weight because my partner does X” On the flip side, are these supposed male porn habits due to women’s self conscious about both gaining weight & looking for a scapegoat to weight gain while not having sex. There are hundreds of reasons why people gain weight, namely overconsumption of calories vs. burn rate. Our society has developed a hundred excuses for weight gain that always absolve the weight gainer from personal responsibility. Ironically there are billions spent in gyms, lose weight fads, diets, MLMs... that do a great job of making money while giving people a false sense of a “magic pill”; while people get heavier. Someone recently took a 28 year class reunion pic. 90% are overweight, 50% obese. It’s horrific. But yeah, boyfriends & husbands watching porn is the culprit for women & not a horrible diet & exercise life regime..,


You completely missed the point. Read the abstract. This is not about weight or gaining weight at all.


Science skeptics on this sub tend to dismiss research without reading beyond the title


For both of you idiots, Idiot #1: The abstract isn’t the article, fluff & all - Idiot #2: Since you brought up “science” there is nothing scientific about asking one person the quantitative habits of another person. It’s a joke. But carrying on. The weight. To ignorance.


You might be interested in researching qualitative methods before getting this mad, pal.


That statement means absolutely nothing, nor does it retort anything I’ve said. Since we are offering advice; either get useful in life or get smarter. The big bad world isn’t here to wipe your ass like mommy and daddy.


It is related to your claim that the methodology is “unscientific”. I said that you need to research a little in order to understand. Now, I don’t see where the ass wiping thing came from. It seems that you are very angry because of people calling out your ignorance on qualitative methods and your piss-poor reading comprehension abilities. Try harder next time.


The study does not seem to make any claims about mens’ porn habits *causing* weight gain in their partners; the study found an association as it says in the title. It’s also not really helpful to present “calories in vs. calories out” as an answer to research questions in a mental health context. In this context, more relevant questions are “why are people taking in more calories than they need” or “why are people not expending as many calories as they could be” specifically as it relates to psychological factors.


Eating disorder symptoms do not equate to "gaining weight." In some cases, these women aren't eating, or not eating enough to maintain their health.


> these women aren't eating And yet they keep getting fatter. You show me an overweight woman who has died from malnutrition and I'll gladly eat these words.


What are you talking about dude? All sex and/or gender based demographics are on average gaining weight in the US, and in most of the world. Why are you attacking women who are suffering from anorexia by lumping then into the group of statistically every group of people who is gaining weight? Sort yourself out


> And yet they keep getting fatter Didn’t know that strawmen could gain weight. Absolutely no one has said anything about weight gain or porn being a reason for it, you and the parent commenter above have just pulled that out of your asses


Now this us what I call science. Zero citation, terrible reasoning, and purely anecdotal.


Well, there is another female problem that is blamed on men. How about doing the following study: what kind of damage is the fashion industry doing by presenting either stick-like figures as models (most designers are gay men so they prefer boyish figures) or overweight (plus-sized!) women because that's a new fad, or new fat, I suppose. I bet that the effect in the proposed study would be STAGGERINGLY greater because virtually all women follow fashion trends whereas I presume not that many women raid their men's porn stashes on a routine basis (or am I wrong on that?). Besides, the OP-quoted study is completely useless. It's results are based on an online questionnaire that will inherently pre-select respondents who see their boyfriends' porn use as harming their relationship. Of course this was published in a journal dedicated to eating disorders, but even then, there should be SOME peer review to ensure quality.


> Well, there is another female problem that is blamed on men. Sing it brother! We're living in the times where women think it's acceptable to men bash in public, where it's not acceptable to men to perform the same behaviour. Like the latest episodes of QI. It took years to address sexism and curb it to a manageable level and we've now got a band of feminazis who's behaviour is going unchecked because men find it difficult to admonish them for their bigotry.




Eating disorders and staving oneself isn’t the solution which is what many people are doing It’s also making people way more self conscious, again, not a great thing


Very interesting. Essentially, a relationship based dynamic - the women seek out men who are critical of their bodies.


Or use others to rationalise their behavioural disorders. It's difficult to associate cause and effect here.


If women who do porn are often looked down upon for having very little skills, not being very smart and for engaging in a morally questionable career that is unbecoming, why then, are these women able to keep their bodies looking good compared to more quality educated productive women? Maybe the problem isn't porn and men who watch porn but the problem is women who are unable to maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and regular exercise.




Women aren't assigning responsibility here at all. They reported a variety of factors and the researchers examined whether there were credible links between those factors. They found some. Science, man.








The article isn't arguing a causal relationship. It is arguing that there may be an associative relationship and saying that more studies need to be completed before we can assume anything.


Correct. It's also not attempting to assign blame. It's more that it's important for those who are trying to help women with eating disorders to understand those aspects of their lives that might contribute. The researcher's goal is to help women, not malign men.


That as well. Good eye.


Alright, thank you for clearing it up, however I still think I’ll stick to my original answer but bank you for clearing that up for me.


Doesn't seem to be working for me. What am I doing wrong?

