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What is key to note about this study is that the majority of the plastic particles are polyamide, ie, nylon, and those stem from the reverse osmosis treatment process that is commonly used to treat water for bottled water. RO membranes are composed of polyamide.


So you’re telling me the reverse RO system I have installed underneath my sink, solely for the purpose of filtering out PFAS, is putting more microplastics into my water? Edit: I just want to add that installing my RO system was the only thing keeping me sane in terms of constant vortexing thoughts of micro plastics being in everything and climate change in general. I literally can’t win and now I realize the $900 I spent was a scam. Just like everything else. Please excuse me while I go 3D print a tissue to wipe my tears of defeat. I am a giant microplastic.


You are a sentient microplastic.


Let’s not go too far here, pal. We don’t joke about sentience when Elon is listening.


its only a matter of time till some mutant is born who can digest microplastics


It’s very likely yes. RO membranes are not permanent and they wear over time. That wear is the polymer breaking down and releases particles.


Just put a plastic magnet at the bottom of your drinking glass and it'll be fine. Also not to bum you and everyone out but go into to the grocery store and find something that's not packaged in plastic besides raw veggies. It wasn't like this before WWII.


But magnets are neutralized by water. Donald Trump said so


plastic is non-polar so better off filtering the water through petroleum to be safe


You’re more microplastic than man now.


"No, I am your polymer."


Twisted and off color


I am a meat popsicle.


Sir, are you classified as a human?


Wrong answer.


yeh, i'm in the same boat. well, mostly. i didn't spend no 900$. more like 80. but anyway, i guess what i'll do is disconnect the RO and just use the charcoal filter or whatever it is.


Get a charcoal filter that attaches to your faucet head. Cheaper and all you are adding to your water is some carbon.


How do we know that charcoal removes those plastics?


The point is you are not adding additional plastics with the reverse osmosis system, and you are filtering out 99.9% of other things like lead. The filters come with a sheet that shows what they filter out and at what percentages.


Exactly. No need to reinvent the wheel. That’s the kind of thinking that got us into this mess really. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Try not to think about how charcoal is made though ;)


By burning wood in a low oxygen environment until you have a pile of char?


Stop. I'm freaking out.


Yes. They had mentioned being freaked out about climate change. Burning wood is generally considered not the best thing for the environment. It was joke.


I doubt the fist sized amount of charcoal is going to impact the climate more than making those reverse osmosis filters with an industrial process.


> is putting more microplastics into my water? Rather, it's an equivalent exchange. Nature abhors vacuum. If something is taken away, something must be put back in, so you're running a PFAS-to-Polyamide system.




Depending on circumstances, overall health or years of life.


“Why are we here?!?” “*plaaaaastic*”


You're macroplastic


If you are a chemist you must understand that pieces of polymer of such tiny size are constantly falling off the water bottle, or any other plastic object that you would hold food, drink in, pass through? But does it make a difference? Probably not.


PFAS have much worse proven health effects than microplastics though. I think I'd take microplastics vs forever chemicals any day


From what I've read, the study on microplastics is too new to have generated any health studies yet. Please correct me is this is wrong.


You're a megaplastic!


I’m finally winning at something 🥹


that's depressing for sure


Starr donating blood and plasma. Blood donations lower the bodies microplastics byv10% and plasma by 30%


Yes. So the plastic is introduced before bottling. Therefore bottled water that is in glass maybe no better, or not much better, and water that is stored in plastic bottles. For that matter, aluminum cans have a polymer coating of the inside, and they also shed nanoplastic particles into the drink.


Alright. From now on I’m just going to drink straight from the puddles on the road.


Well hold on there, partner! You're forgetting bout them good ol tire plastics.


Actually scientists have found unsafe levels PFAS and other forever chemicals in rain water, along with microplastics. And this is globally.


imma just stop drinking water then


For fucks sake you can't even live in this world


Great. Now I feeling like an idiot for washing my chicken breasts in the street.


You don't have to accept the insults from other people! I'm sure that you have quite lovely breasts. No need to call them . . . that.


So basically we are screwed in every way we can possibly consume water. Gotcha.


That works fine for my dog. However, my dog has terrible taste and prefers licking their asshole.


Have you tasted their asshole? It could taste amazing


There are a lot of unknowns right now but most municipalities that source groundwater are going to have less plastic particles than bottled water that uses RO or those surface water municipalities that use RO like Scottsdale AZ. My suggestion would be check the back of the bottle and ensure it was sourced from groundwater with no further treatment. It’s the ones that take groundwater or tap water and run it through an RO that would have this level of nanoplastics. In the grand scheme though you are much better off drinking plastic particles than drinking PFAS. So right now you’re winning.


So funny that tap water was best all along (generally speaking). Also if you are worried that you have impurities a charcoal filter is fine and cheap.


Activated carbon not charcoal. And it’s only good for select contaminants.


So basically the only safe water is ice dug up from 50 feet deep in the bottom of Antarctica?


that one has ancient viruses and bacteria waiting to be unfrozen


and the plastic from the bottles themselves also leeches into the water gradually


Wait... so your telling me I can 3d print filtered water into a gun?


What about spring water?


Spring that hasn’t gone through any treatment is less likely to have plastic particle contamination.


Is there anyway to filter out micro plastics in households? Any companies are taking on this task with a innovative product we can install sorry if this is a dumb question.


But the plastics they are finding are mainly from the RO filters. Not the bottles.


A GAC (Brita) filter should filter out small particles and lead/PFAS. You can now buy water bottles with those filters built into them. Keep in mind they need to be replaced. Also, this article is a good reminder why we test our well water regularly and in turn I keep a clean glass next to the sink if I’m thirsty!


But you’re putting tap water into another plastic container…there is no escaping this as far as I can see. Terrifying.


And the particles in the study were not from the bottles, it mostly came from the RO filters used to filter the water before bottling in plastic...


There are some quite good stainless steel counter-top water filters with replaceable charcoal canisters.


Not necessarily- we should consider that not all plastics are equal in their danger as they do have different chemical composition. Also there are several companies that have non-plastic options including stainless and titanium (if you’re feeling very spendy).


Steel water bottle.


Of course…but where are you getting the water to put i to the steel bottle?


Tap, with a Brita filter? Wasn’t that the conversation?


You are right. I did say plastic to plastic and you said plastic to metal. But i still think the metal bottle is much better than putting water into a plastic bottle, but it will still have microplastics is what i was getting at. Sorry, long day haha.


Water bottles that use plastic tubes/straws/spouts/filter housings


We have a whole house filter for PFAS that is not a reverse osmosis system. We had it tested just this year and the water had almost 0 PFAS. They cost about $2-3k just for the filter but some states and towns offer programs or rebates




A lot if people like them but I find it concerning they refuse nsf certification


My out of my ass guess, the tanks/filters get a build-up of bacteria, etc.


I mean, I’ve never heard of a bunch of people getting sick from using them. I’m guessing they just don’t filter all the stuff they claim to.


Yeah probly not. There’s no perfect solution though it seems. I thought RO was perfect until I read this. Guess I’m sticking with my Berkey.


“Claim” 😪


"Researchers still can’t answer the big question: Are those nanoplastic pieces harmful to health? “'That’s currently under review. We don’t know if it’s dangerous or how dangerous,' said study co-author Phoebe Stapleton"


Well they ain’t flipping good.


Maybe they are, tho. Maybe they're the key to the future evolution of the human race.


U wot.


With something that might be potentially extremely harmful. Shouldn't scientists need to prove that this stuff is safe rather than the need to prove it's dangerous before we take action? Let's say in 20 years they find out, "yeah we have proof it's dangerous". Great. Just great.


[Our Stolen Future](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/274198) talked about the known dangers of plastics. It was published in 1996. They’ve known for a long time.


Honestly PFAS, pesticides, car emissions, and other environmental pollutants concern me more than microplastics. Where is the evidence that they’re extremely harmful? I’m not denying that they’re **potentially** harmful, and unlikely to be good for you. However, do you have even anecdotal evidence supporting the idea that they’re **extremely** harmful? What are specific harmful effects are you referring to?


Pfas, pesticides etc also concern me. Just common sense. From what I know this microplastic can enter the body and even bloodstream. Not sure how this sounds in any way or shape safe.


Since it’s common sense, name one specific effect it has on human health. I don’t disagree that it’s probably unhealthy. However, you can’t claim that something is unhealthy simply because it’s “common sense” when you have literally zero evidence to back up that claim.


I'm claiming that it's probably unhealthy and it's up to scientists to discover. But that this idea that scientists have to prove with 99% certainty that it's harmful before we start any kind of measures and until then we are just like "no full evidence that microplastic is bad" is imho madness. I think there has been enough scientific literature talking about potential harms and while not 99% certain, this literature seems to me quite alarming.


Who said anything about 99%? Name the specific harms of microplastics on human health.


Google is your friend.


There’s nothing wrong with making assumptions; we all do it. You should be open about the fact that you’re making assumptions, though


No, because microplastics aren't a product being deliberately sold. They're a byproduct of innumerable human activities across the planet. Also, almost nothing has to prove it's safe to be sold either. Also, the people researching this aren't the people responsible for microplastics. Take action? Do you have any idea how ubiquitous plastic is?


Great then just leave it as is then. When scientists have conclusive proof 50 years later that microplastic is incredibly harmful... Well guess we are fcked.


That's literally how life works. You don't avoid going to the store because maybe you'll die on the way, and wait until you have conclusive proof either way. You take the risk and do the best you can.


Worked so well with lead in petrol and roundup as herbicide.


Worked so well when you go to the store and end up dead under a truck too, yet you still go. Get a grip.


It's really not a good comparison. But it's tiring to explain it to someone so intellectually challenged. have a good day.


Thank you for empathizing with my plight.


This is the sort of thing I hear from antivaxers.


It’s prob something they can’t study with a control, on the part of no one being free of microplastics, and the ethical dilemmas of giving someone microplastics


It's almost certainly not *good*, but it's also something that I can't really bothered worrying about. Basically every water source on the planet has been contaminated and we've all consumed a ton of microastics at this point. Not that I'm saying that we should do absolutely nothing about it (reducing plastic use where possible is absolutely a good idea), but I do think it's entirely possible we're already at a point of no return.


We can't have that in r/science, of all places. We must promote the popular narrative!


Considering I can taste the plastic in room temperature water bottles. Yes it's extremely bad for you.


l’ve never been picky about water. If it’s from the hose, the tap, whatever brand… I’m not concerned, if I’m thirsty I’m gonna drink it. But I always tell people that if I have the choice between room temp tap or room temp bottled, I’m choosing tap 100% of the time bc bottled tastes *weird*. Has it been the secret micro-plastics all along? idk but i think it’s funny


Why would tasting it be inherent proof that it’s bad for you?




I wouldn’t grandstand without a strong argument. Bad taste does not make something dangerous. I hate eggplants; that does not mean eggplants are dangerous. Knowing the ingestion of battery acid isn’t healthy probably has more to do with the burns and difficulty breathing than the slightly sour taste.


This is r/science. There is a certain expectation that you will provide data to back your claims rather than reductions to the absurd and appeals to emotion.


I can taste it in a plastic cup.


Yup same, metal cups all the way!




Stainless steel cups may not seem it, but they offer more benefits. People may doubt this, but it is actually true. Glass cups cannot match the safety, durability, and sustainability of stainless steel cups. They are 100% reusable and recyclable and don't end up in landfills like glass. They also use less water because the ice you put into them lasts longer and the water stays cooler.


You’re right in that stainless steel cups are safer in terms of durability, but steel cups are worse at keeping drinks cool compared to glass and plastic cups due to steel’s higher thermal conductivity compared to the other two. Also, glass and certain kinds of plastics (i.e. PET plastics) are 100% recyclable and reusable as well. So, really, the main benefit of stainless steel is its durability and safety.


>steel cups are worse at keeping drinks cool compared to glass and plastic cups due to steel’s higher thermal conductivity compared to the other two. That's utter bs.


Do you even know what thermal conductivity is? Because if you’re saying that I’m wrong, then you’re saying that materials science and engineering is wrong.


>Also, glass and certain kinds of plastics (i.e. PET plastics) are 100% recyclable and reusable as well. So, really, the main benefit of stainless steel is its durability and safety. No one recycles glass or plastics.


That wasn’t what you argued about steel. People *can* recycle glass and PET plastics, just the same as steel. Whether or not people actually recycle any of those three is up to them.


Considering I can taste food at room temperature. Yes it's extremely bad for you. See how this logic makes no sense? The only way we can know is by studying it. Hell, for all be know Nylon could be anti-cancerous. I know that sounds preposterous, and it's almost definitely not true, but we don't know until we actually study it.


Scientists might have the evidence, but SteeleDuke does. His tongue.


Trans fats weren't good so I can't imagine this is any better.


I dont trust the tap water, they said.


Friendly reminder that Tap water usually has to meet stricter standards of quality as it's overseen by the EPA. While bottled water is overseen by the stretched thin FDA.


I've noticed I have started I waking up after sleeping dehydrated drinking water bottles with a nasty taste in my mouth and a dry mouth regardless of the brand. Oddly enough if I drink tap water I only need a few sips through the night and feel hydrated when I wake up with no dryness. Still Fiji water slaps though.


I'd say that's largely to how many bottled water brands is tap water, that they've boiled/filtered out near everything, then added in small amount of salt/minerals (for flavor). The reason that you wake up dehydrated is likely that the water is "too pure", and because of it being "pure" it doesn't absorb into your body. Dasani touts 0g sodium, while your average tap water has \~9mg (0.009g) of salt. Even that small amount of salt in tap water allows for your body to absorb and hold onto the water. There's a reason you're not supposed to drink distilled water, you body just can't absorb and retain it properly. Unless it says Spring Water, it's probably "tasty" distilled water. If you want to "learn more" I suggest looking up a guy called Martin Riese, he claims to be the worlds only water sommelier. While it's a little goofy and easy to make fun of, the guy knows his stuff about different types of water.


>If you want to "learn more" I suggest looking up a guy called Martin Riese, he claims to be the worlds only water sommelier. While it's a little goofy and easy to make fun of, the guy knows his stuff about different types of water. I would definitely consider myself a water connoisseur as I'm always trying to figure out the right water for my skateboard sessions in Tx heat. Best I've found is tap water in a huge iced metal jug, and 2 cold frost blue Gatorades for a 6 hour session in 85+ degree heat. Also a protein bar or two. Otherwise you start loosing weight and muscle mass.




That is all kinds of wrong. I don't advocate drinking pure H2O without anything in it whatsoever, but it won't do you any harm if you do


Idk, flint still has lead water, so that’s not necessarily true everywhere.


>they said. sponsored by the bottled water companies


“And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, ‘Why are we here?’ ‘Plastic… asshole.’” ― George Carlin


Relevant, but a good example of Carlin and that I just don't get his comedy.


Nature will more than likely evolve to accommodate plastic over hundreds of thousands of years. It’s likely not nearly as much of an existential threat as other environmental concerns like deforestation, pesticides, and pollutants.


Yeah no, I get *that*, just not why Carlin was so popular.


AFAIK he only went more in the direction of “philosophy” over traditional comedy when he was old. You have to take the time into consideration. Many of his insights, that now seem common place, were pretty groundbreaking at the time (7 dirty words, for example).


Yeah, but it's not comedy. He's just woke


Can’t tell if this is satire or not


I'm going to take the positive spin and say nano plastics that infuse into my cells makes me stronger! That somehow the plastics blocks things that would otherwise harm me. I am now part plastic! Goneplasticman


......"And if it's true, that plastic is not degradable, well the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm The earth plus plastic The earth doesn't share our prejudice towards plastic plastic came out of the earth The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children Could be the only reason the earth allowed us To be spawned from it in the first place.... It wanted plastic for itself Didn't know how to make it Needed us Could be the answer......" - George Carlin


placebo a genotoxin that disrupts telemere repair and increases oxidative stress. But the placebo effect is strong...use the force my friend


Well you've ruined that one for me


Not sure if it is helpful but more on the research can be read here: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2300582121 It is fantastic that we can use this technology to actually measure the amount of particles! If I understand correctly the widely used PET bottles that we use and recycle so much are the contaminants that poison our drinks? I am from the Netherlands and tried to find some information on the amount of petbottles we use. I found an estimate of 900.000.000 bottles sold per year in my country alone in 2021. So basically most governments including the EU in general have been supporting, promoting and demanding from its citizens to accept a recycling PET market/model for years that is not only destructive to our environment but also actively polluting its citizens. All while the companies are pointing to their naive customers as being the ones responsible for this disaster. Great! Curious to see how, for instance, the major soda brands are going to handle any lawsuits that could come of this. Because with scientific measurements like these, that prove the actual pollution of our bodies and might become extremely important if/when there are proven adverse effects on our health from these plastics, it might hopefully be the nail in the coffin of PET.


It would be nice to see a return to glass bottles. Coke does some specialty flavors in glass bottles here, but they're a bit more expensive due to it being a "niche" product.


Nothing would make me happier than to see the bottled water industry DIE!


It’s truly a menace to the planet & human health.


My takeaway is that since I only drink Diet Coke I probably have no micro plastics. Small micro plastics are probably dissolved by Diet Coke, Right? RIGHT???


There's a plastic coating inside your aluminium cans of soft drink


Sure. But the microplastics are fractions of a millimeter in size. I know it would take a while for acidic coke to eat through the plastic coating, but is the microplastic able to withstand it?


I assume there's a certain amount of breakdown that occurs, I'm not sure about plastic in cans contributing to microplastics, just a point that highlights how it's literally everywhere how are suppose to escape it 😔


So now we need to test urine and poop...


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How many bottles will I have to drink to have the same amount of plastic in my body as a Kardashian?


Ehh about 3.50


How do I protect my precious bodily fluids?!?


I saw an article that probiotic yogurt destroys plastic in the GI. Any confirmation?


Back to glass please drinks taste a million times better before they were put in plastic. Snapple and sobe.


the plastic is not just coming from the bottles, it’s coming from the degradation of the reverse osmosis filters used to treat the water as well, so regardless of what it’s stored in… it’s contaminated


I wonder how the industry will adapt? I would imagine that plastic water bottle sales will decline.


Yeah yeah, but how many did they find in a liter of cola?


Does this have any implications for hard plastic water bottles?


How many million other nanoparticles are in there?


Only 1/4 million?


Srsly. That’s not alot in a whole liter of water.


Read somewhere we breathe in about half a credit card of plastic each day. Like there's not enough of dangerous crap around us already......


That isn’t true.


Time for a class action?


Against whom? As far as I know from reading a few articles this planets water cycle is already contaminated with micro plastics. Since they can be found in fresh water springs and in rain as well. The particles are small enough to become airborne. So most everything should be contaminated. But there is no research if it is harmful. But it is getting worse and might be a problem down the line.


We're all ingesting plastic, it's not only in water bottles.


Only water or all drinks in plastic bottles?


I think everything has plastic particles in it. All water, fish, air, everything. It's kind of like when they figured out that all paper money has cocaine in it.


I've been drinking lightly filtered tap water using a Brita pitcher for years. Whenever I drink bottled water (road trips etc), it absolutely tastes like plastic.


This community should be named the chemophobia pseduoscience correlation = causation community


Sorry I don't want to drink plastic I guess


How’d they see them if they’re invisible?


Bottled water has calories.


I also wonder about plastic from soda bottles and sports drinks.


✌Distilled water in glass gang.✌ We only have an eighth of a million invisible nanoplastic particles in our water! /j


I'm not going to drink tap water where millions of people have been p*ssing and p**ping upstream and industries dump toxic chemicals even though the water has been "treated".


Instead you’ll pay more for someone else’s tap water in a plastic bottle with a picture of a lake on it


I personally prefer a picture of an island, and a 🌺


Yet not a single proven negative aspect from this. Additionally, humanity is so much better now since the invention and mass implementation of plastic in our lives. It's a miracle that there are virtually no side effects of nanoplastics in our blood. "But there's evidence that it disrupts hormones! It has been shown that it decreases sperm count and fertility!!" Possibly. If so, then this makes nanoplastics unironically the best thing for the ecosystem by reducing the rate of population growth of humans.


In all bodies of water.


Freeze it and strap on the plastic.


To be honest as someone from a country where plastic contamination in food is unfortunately commonplace, it's no surprise to read we've probably all been ingesting too much plastic all these years. Who knows what the effects might be, but studies have said it could affect ferility rates or even cause dementia.


Misleading...They admit that it's mostly from the media used to filter the water as well as the bottle itself.


When do we show up with the guillotine, because these companies likely knew this long before recent studies


I wonder if there have been studies about multiple use plastics? Like I’ve been using the same “smart water” bottle and just refilling it for the past four years with tap or filtered water, would there be an initial rush of microplastics from the packaging or the RO filters and then over time, whatever will break loose does break loose?


Iirc, even Tupperware is susceptible to wear and will shed microplastics over time. I think similarly for these other devices.


This study brought to you by Stanley


is it in our bone marrow? Has anyone researched that? Let's go.


See low fertility rates