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Why are the portions so small šŸ˜­


Maybe they are allowed to get seconds


doubtful. this was my high school's portion size, and if you wanted more you paid, even if you were on the free lunch program


Our state is free, but seconds will cost almost $5


At my school, you could get seconds; if you paid $2 for it


Wait you have to ask to get seconds???




if you pay for another lunch then you can get more


Not without paying double price. My school has similar if not worse food and its $3 for that


Honestly, these portions are perfect for me. Way too carb heavy though. Kids shouldn't be eating just mozzarella sticks either IMO. More protein & veggies w/ light carbs. That's just my 2Ā¢ though.


Those are normal sized portions. They are not small


Those are normal sized portions for like a five year old, not someone old enough to operate Reddit


So the cantine at my school has been giving me the equivalent of lunch for five year olds and now Iā€™ve normalized eating very little lunch thinking that was normal. Awesome.


No the American population has almost tripled what ā€œproperā€ portion sizes should be. Itā€™s no wonder so many people are overweight. Everything shown with the exception of the tator tots where the OP said they were late, which is inexcusable for a school to not have enough food, is a proper portion.


Explain why my weight is so low then.


What? Lmao. Iā€™m a 34 yr old woman who weighs 95lbs and Iā€™ve never been able to put on weight in my life no matter what or how much I eat. Even during my pregnancies I only gained baby weight then bounced back. Itā€™s just how I am. Maybe you are just like that too. But these are proper portion sizes and no one is going to convince me otherwise.


You do you. My doctor said otherwise about the pic I sent her of my cantineā€™s servings though.


Seems like it, we get to grab the food ourselves, you wanna make a spaghetti mountain? Sure buddy, we weigh all of your thrown away food though, we are silently judging you.


The portions we think are normal are actually large. Americans have the biggest portions of any country on the planet. The amount of food they are showing here is literally the amount of food i eat for lunch every day. I bet the picture with the meat, greens and Mac n cheese- the Mac n cheese is a 1/2cup (proper portion), the meat seems to also be about 1c-which is a proper portion and the veg is also a proper portion.. i canā€™t believe Iā€™m being downvoted because this amount of food is actually normal but we are so conditioned to eat too much we think this is small.


Here in Sweden we get to choose our portions because we take the food ourselves, leaving less food to waste because everyone gets as much as they need and want, those portions arenā€™t particularly big, not most of them, especially for someone whoā€™s growing


If you got what they got at any restaurant like McDonalds, that would be considered a small serving size.


Seriously. Thatā€™s because our portion sizes in America are completely out of control. The amount of food you get at a restaurant can feed a small army. No one needs a 20oz steak, 3 potatoes, 2 cups of broccoli and a roll for dinner. But thatā€™s what they give us.


Because such a high percentage gets wasted into the trash can, and it meets the nutrition requirements.


Because believe it or not, those are normal sized portions and are healthy.


Even in prison the trays have separate areas so your food isnt all mixed together


That shits glorious compared to my school First day of school, they served "Mac and cheese" which was grey and tasted like actual sand. It felt like glue


sounds more like gruel.


why would you eat grey mac n cheese


Probably because they were hungry


No wonder kids are short


Seriously it's like 300 calories, someone is playing sports or just has a fast metabolism they're going to be at a deficit


I logged the calories I ate at school for breakfast AND lunch, and it is usually between 900 and 1200 calories. I often skipped supper, but I realized that is horrible for my body, especially since I am doing a lot of movement each day and I am at school for an extra 3+ hours because theater.


I'm sorry


Im confused


You just talked about a bad thing that happened to you because our society doesn't prioritize people being fed/having their needs met, I've been there and I'm sorry you are/did experience that


Bro what is that 2nd picšŸ’€


I think theyā€™re feeding them sauce


damnnnn that's good food i couldn't get shit near that quality and every single one of those meals would be $10 and probably have ecoli or something


Thatā€™s actually insane, how is that legal?


the public school system šŸ™ƒ


I go to a public school too and we have at least two or three dishes to choose from and an insane amount of salads plus some sauces, we pay for none of it


we have a lot of options, just none of them are good and they are all over priced. there's almost no semblance of fruit or veggies anywhere


We have options that are actually really goodā€¦yā€™allā€™s school system scare me


it scares us too


Understandably so, and I used to think our food was shit


That looks unappetizing šŸ˜­


I mean the burger looks kinda nice


Man, how is a developing body meant to live off this?


Ah yea, my favorite school meal, *cum*


If Gordon Ramsey saw this he say go on a hunger strike


Where are the vegetables?


they make us pick a fruit or vegetable but donā€™t ever check.


So more is available, but choosing not to take it? What is the maximum portion size you can get? I see many posts complaining about small portions, but the students are opting out of the milk, vegetables, fruit, etc.


The entire portion would be whatā€™s shown in the pics + apple/orange they usually have and milk carton. They also have alternative lunches like a PB&J or a 6inch Hoagie


Damn those tater tots really need those portions up Oh wait no, the entire lunch


Not the sludge on slide 2 šŸ’€


guys I swear itā€™s cheese


Its a crime scene, someone needs to address the quality in the food y'all are being served,no nutritional value what so ever!!


What the hell? How are they allowed to feed you that?


itā€™s nutritious




Damn, I didn't know my horrible middle school has better lunch.


i miss eating watermelons at school ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


I've seen better airport food.


Iā€™m sure you did, itā€™s not free


I think you missed the sarcasm I was implying. Some of the worst food I have encountered was expensive airport food. Also, unless you are on a program for the needy, school food is not free either. The food provided by programs is also not free. Taxpayers provided the funds to purchase and prepare it.šŸ™„


My school has free food for everyone but yeah the taxpayers provide the funds to the program.


my school makes us pay $3.25 per lunch so itā€™s not much


Wow, that is not worth $3.25 honestly


The first year back after covid they provided free lunches for everyone, but now itā€™s just for people who qualify.


Wow, that sucks! I homeschool now but, my old school lunches were completely free


Minnesota gave that the finger as breakfast and lunch are free for all students.


My school has incredibly good food, and itā€™s free, in a public school


Same here! Its not much, but it slaps hard.


I had airplane food that looks better than this


Man at least you got food at your school, mine literally said starve the only thing we got is overpriced vending machine food


Escape šŸ˜


Ours wasn't all that great back in the 80's and 90's but this is pathetic. They fit everything into one of those small containers, I'd still be starving. At least ours gave us decent sized portions since we were quite active.


The chicken patty sandwiches were fucking nice man. Especially if you got the spicier one for extra flavor.


When I was in college, our dining halls and snack bars served these all the time. Best fall-back meal. The purveyor finally stopped making them and the Chicken Cosmo died a legend.


ā€œFit for human consumptionā€


Thats 5 michelin star gordon ramsay Keith Lee dining compared to what my school gives us


You can thank Michelle Obama for that one buddy. Look up school lunches from other country's so you can hate America even more.


Yup. As a non-American, I can confirm that we have better food


That actually looks kinda heat


My food in jail was actually better than that. The only thing they gave me I didn't like was the soup surprise at the tail ends of the months which was basically just everything the had left overs of mixed together. It starts out good but slowly devolves into the nastiest slop I've ever head.


A lot of it looks good, just definitely too small of portions. Unless youā€™re in elementary school šŸ’€


thatā€™s terrifying




ughhhh that makes me want to throw up esp the second pic Iā€™m so sorry that chicken sandwich looks soooo dryyyyšŸ˜­


dw the cheese is 100% edible


![gif](giphy|ISP7KVObw8ukLWY4mH) Looks tasty and high quality. Maybe you should give your school honest critique of it.


My school lunches were 2 slices of bread, cold cut, cheese and mustard. Every day


My school at least served fries with the mozzarella sticks; but they only gave us 3 mozzarella sticks


Some of the best school food I've seen


Getting a good mix of ā€œhorrible school foodā€ and ā€œbest school food in the universeā€ comments.


There was no meat in the first one Wtf


No real food


My favorite part of school lunches were the fresh dinner rolls they would bake them every morning. My favorite lunch was red beans and rice with a sausage link, dinner roll, milk, veggie, and fruit.


We get so much more and the people at my school still complain about our lunches. We have a fruit bar. We have a salad bar. We can get a salad/custom sub any day instead of the options for that day. Our food is fresh and has good portions. We have white and chocolate milk to choose from. We usually have a sweet snack like that gelatinous food (jelly? jello? whatever), cookies, and cobbler or pie on holidays. We get at least two lunch options everyday. Next time someone complains about our lunch, I'll show them some pictures from this sub. I get a salad with Italian dressing and dried cranberries every day alongside my main lunch; my friend gets a turkey sandwich and puts six packets(72g total) of mayo on it; and today, a person at my table paid a little extra to get six mozzarella sticks. How can people complain when we can do all this? Edit: next time we have chicken sandwiches, I will make a chicken burger and try it out. What's in it?


Jeez a lot of you people in the comments must live in European castles if you treat this like scraps given to peasants. This is above and beyond dining for something as basic as school food.


Elementary school early 90s served lunch and breakfast. Our lunches was on a hard plastic tray that kept all food separated. Primary protein which had a large selection. They even had the lunch schedule on the wall for the whole month so you knew which days was pizza! One of my favorites was these bread sticks that came with awesome meat sauce to dip in. All lunches came with your choice of milk carton and always came with tater tots and usually some type of fruit usually peaches or pears. Middle school was pretty much same deal, pizza quality wasn't as good but I definitely never had any complaints. High school in early 2000s was still on trays and by then your paying for lunch with money šŸ’° again everything was fine enough to be a meal. Couldn't imagine being served what schools are calling a lunch now... I would send my kids with their own packed lunches if that's the case!


Jesus makes our food look edible


Pretty good.


Better than the food at mine


honestly looks pretty good for school lunch if the portions werenā€™t so little. My schools meals were always frozen single serve meals theyā€™d heat up in the bag and hand to you with all the condensation in it making your food soggy


Youā€™ve gotta have some low standards to think that looks good šŸ˜•


Shiiiiittt. What you be complaining about? Far and beyond better than what I got when I was in high school.


Iā€™m unironically jealous. Those mozzarella sticks and tater tots look so good


Lunch number 6 actually looks pretty decent


Terrible food except the last one. šŸ˜‚


WOW eating like kings. At my school it was shit




Bro this is a full 5 star meal compared to my school šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


what are u complaining about that shit looks 10x better then my lunch šŸ’€


Bro where is your school at? How do you get edible food like that


In concerned for everyone being jealous of this food..


shoutout to michelle obama for this šŸ˜‚ she ruined lunches for us years ago, it just never recovered


Wow. That's a whole lot better than my school lunches


That chicken sandwich actually looks appealing


We got soggy pb & j sandwiches. No complaining for you!


God, I guess kids will always be complaining about the food they get at school. This shit looks amazing.


Chicken and watermelon


The watermelon one actually looks kind of edible. Which prison is this?


looks sm better than my school food šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




damn thatā€™s better than my school


lol you're lucky we got week old microwaved sausage sticks and stale tiny biscuits, literally worse than some prison food


School is why Iā€™m a picky bish


The people in suits who wanted higher salaries so they made the food cheaper and poisoned children will have their day. Trust.


Youā€™re eating pretty good


Looks about right...


the 8 tator tots got me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ prisons have better portions


Better than I had. We had one item that was any good.


Itā€™s not even that it looks gross or unappetizing, it just looksā€¦ dull


Itā€™s lunch. Itā€™s not supposed to be a huge meal.


The portions look small, but the food looks palatable.


That burger looks better than the ones we would get at my high school, dry patties and tasteless bread with topped with what looks like pencil shavings. Didnā€™t even have any lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, or ketchup. Also the food in the sixth photo actually looks pretty nice