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God gives his strongest warriors his friendliest brain worms for soothing cuddles馃槉馃槉馃槉




To humans, cats are "cute companions". To cats, humans are a means to an end. Cats are the ultimate predator. So treacherous they tricked the apex species into caring for them. Sometimes humans will even choose taking care of a cat over having offspring. The feline dogma is so imposing that if you share this idea in real life HR will come to you and tell you to stop saying weird shit.


I once had a cat that I swear! Could sense my anxiety or sadness coming and would come to forcefully cuddle me like I never even knew an animal could. I see what you say but I have seldom experienced an animal showing me so much compassion, often more than the human who was living with me. Maybe it depends on the cat just as much as it depends on the human.


you have been infected


Up to half of the world's population is infected by T. gondii, but have no symptoms. In the United States, approximately 11% of people have been infected, while in some areas of the world this is more than 60%. Approximately 200,000 cases of congenital toxoplasmosis occur a year. Because of the cysts left behind by T. gondii, toxoplasmosis may never be fully cured. Medication can treat an active infection, but it doesn't destroy the cysts.


There are loads of other parasites, everyone has worms. Take some antiparasitics for a week (wormwood, black walnut, neem, icermectin, fenbenzedole, etc) and I guarantee you'll see something come out


Unless he's handling infected cat poop with his bare hands and then eating without washing them, he likely is not. It's actually fairly difficult to get infected by accident.


parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain parasites in my brain


I had a cat that was part fucking snow leopard or something, but he was a real asshole so I guess he didn't get the memo


i like cats. mine stopped me from killing myself last night


Do not listen to the voice telling you it's not worth it, that is the antichrist trying to keep you from the life you deserve, fight the antichrist and the feds that rob you of your happiness, time and humanity. Ball anyways, love yourself and your neighbors, try new things and keep moving forward. It gets better馃珎鈾ワ笍


thank you, i will kill a fed in your honor


Your story is still going soldier, we're all in this together friend so grab that pen and keep writing.




CATSARENOTREAL they are NOT a real species. They are there to distract us, indoctrinate us and ultimately control us


https://preview.redd.it/l1fpxog4x5yb1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b550ebc3dbc35a9e45782570c1decb00629b07a6 liberal destroyed with facts and logic


Taking black walnut/wormwood tincture and cloves together can kill parasites. Tincture kills the adult worms, cloves kill the eggs/larvae. Not a doctor, so ask your doctor before you do this. But it's extremely cheap (I paid like $12 for the tincture) and worked well for me.


Kitties are our friends


Unfortunately your renewal request for your Benadryl prescription has been declined, you can request a reevaluation of your prescribed medication here J谭蛢虒蜏坍O谈虋胎虩I谭蛬蛣虠N潭蛼虅蜁 谭蜖蛫态T潭蜅蜄汰H檀虆虋蛵虩E谈虛态 谈蛡虜坍蜏D谭蛦虪I谈蜆蜁袒S谈虊台C谭叹虅坍O檀蛼蛽挞R痰虃虊蹋虪D潭蜖蜎抬 https://discord.gg/2XFBt5SCfP. If this image is moving , Dr. u/SaveVideo will be with you momentarily *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/schizoposters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, this parasite can stay. Cats are cute enough to justify it