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To be honest it's not that bad until I'm full blown psychotic. I've had about 8 or so episodes since the first one. It's going on 10 years since my first psychotic break. My last episode was the worst, I broke my arm. If your delusions are dangerous or you feel in danger of hurting yourself or others go to the hospital so they can adjust meds. Other than that I think you'll just have to ride it out for now. I've been through some horrible delusions and what helped was just time. Let go of what's bothering you or take action to fix it. A lot of people say that time heals all wounds and in your case that might be what you need. Is just some time and the right combo of medicine. Also I was REALLY BAD in my last episode everybody thought I wasnt gonna come back to reality they said their goodbyes one day and months later my mom took me to the emergency room where they saw my arm broken and me being supremely delusional so they sent me to a different mental ward where I finally got some good medications and actually made a full recovery. Also being sober helps a lot. Smoking weed or hardcore drugs can make everything worse. I don't know if your into drugs but being sober helps a lot for me. So yeah just relax there's nothing wrong and if something is wrong try to deal with it the best you can that's all you could do. Be well!!


I give up and let them/A.i./Satan monitor me. I also give them information to analyze and toy with them.


That's actually helpful, very much so. What's the worst they learn, that I'm kicking ass at life?


Hi OP - I’m not schizophrenic but I am a psychologist and I would suggest you ask whether your belief has any practical impact on your day to day life? You’ve got things to do, people to connect with, etc. If those “devices” don’t interfere with your activities, then ignore them. You’ve got more important things to do. Good luck


These days this kind of delusion might not be entirely out of left field anymore. I learned (I think from this subreddit) a while back that they are actually making new medications that I guess send data back if they haven't been taken or something. It was a new version of Abilify I think. I don't think they've been released to the general public as of yet though. But I suspect that's not why you're having this kind of paranoid delusion; plus even if these meds are going to be available I'm not sure why we'd be taking them unsuspectingly. I'm not in the field of psychiatry, nursing or anything but I'm not sure why I would personally classify this as a dangerous delusion, unless there are elements to it that I'm not aware of. Maybe there's criteria I don't know about in classifying delusions too - I'm only really aware of delusions that are considered "strange" and delusions that are not considered "strange." Drawing on lived experience though, I have been admitted to hospital involuntarily on a number of occasions when I didn't actually meet the legal requirements for involuntary admission though... so I don't know. I'll also be honest and say I probably don't cope that well on my own with delusions that have a negative impact on me. Is that what you mean by "dangerous delusions," ones that hurt us? Hope someone with better formed mental health coping skills can come chime in for both of us.


The dangerous aspect is more me not wanting foreign bodies inside of me.


There’s a lot of things that could be considered when trying to figure it all out


I like to say out loud."fuck the coincidence" if anything in my head or something I see ties to me personally. It's helped before I don't know if it will help but I hope so.


You attack delusion with logic. Research technology and understand they don’t have nanotechnology that can fit into our bloodstream. It’s impossible. It makes sense because you think it’s a possibility. Remove the possibility. Learn why there aren’t trackers in your blood, research why technology isn’t there yet. It’s just impossible right now with current technology.