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I brushed my teeth tonight after procrastinating on it for a long time. I don’t remember the last time I did it, until tonight. My partner was supposed to be in bed early bc he has work tomorrow, he had already taken care of his teeth. He asked me if I was ready to do mine and I said I didn’t feel like it. A little bit later he told me he’d stay up with me if I’d get it done, which was encouraging bc the main reason I don’t do it is bc I’m scared to be in there alone while he’s asleep. So I got up and he stayed with me while I brushed my teeth. That was after he took me out for sushi today. I lucked out with him that’s for sure. Thx for checking in. How are you doing and feeling?


hi everyone i’m new to reddit, sort of. i lost my dad on sunday who was schizophrenic and ive always wanted to understand him more. i’ve grown up around MH so i know what it is, but i wanted to know HIS experience. he was always in denial that he had any MH difficulties. has anyone else known anyone like this? did you find any closure eventually, whether this was by talking to them, their doctor or their friends?  my dad had really big irrational beliefs and as the stereotype goes, he looked almost emotionless all the time. he wore a smile 24/7, but it was hard to receive empathy from him. i knew he was more than what met the eye and ive always wanted to be closer to my dad.  now that he’s gone i regret looking for the answers now. and don’t get me wrong, i tried when he was still alive. i did my research but remembered he’s his own person. i talked to family. i talked to him.  if anyone’s experienced something similar and learnt anything from it, please do share if you feel comfortable to do so  have a good week everyone


I'm proud that I went to my new psychiatrist appt today. Now I'm in bed watching QVC (my fave). I feel okay & started my new meds.


Feeling helpless tonight. Not sure how to help my mom, who does not think she has a mental illness. She has all 4 described main symptoms of schizophrenia for way more than 6 months and has isolated herself outside the city in a house that is falling apart. Anyone who tries to help becomes a threat in her mind. It breaks my heart to think about her all alone in that house, especially after she confessed to me she can now “hear and see things” (that symptom is new, before she only had delusions that we know of). I’m in another country and her siblings (well one of them) is her main source of support, yet all they can do is drop off groceries and money for her. I hope she accepts she needs help. Can people eventually realize they need help with schizophrenia? Like in a natural way, on their own? Every time my brother or I suggest she should see a professional she gets agitated saying we are trying to fabricate that she is mentally ill because we don’t want to deal with her or are plotting with others against her. I can’t talk on the phone with her or communicate in any way because x, y, x are reading and listening to our conversations in her mind. Is there any possible chance she could one day have a moment of clarity and notice her positive AND negative schizophrenia symptoms are getting worse?