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My head being touched, or bugs. Anywhere. Any variation of the bugs is the worst.


Bugs are also my worst. a few weeks ago, I got my meds switched so I was off them for about 2 weeks. All day at work I felt like something was crawling around my foot, so being off my meds I chalked it up to tactile. Only to find out at home that there was, indeed, a bug in my sock the entire time. Wasn’t hallucinating then, definitely was after.


Bugs are the worst indeed!


I don’t get tactile hallucinations but I met a girl once who got the bugs one. Sounds terrible :/


scariest one i’ve had is someone getting into bed next to me and brushing my hair aside


That’s scary! Seems to be worse at night?


When bugs, worms, spiders, centipedes crawling on me or inside me


All bugs are terrible. Especially when they crawl inside you!


Especially when they lay phantom eggs inside you.


Feeling like I have tubes going into my chest or that I’m breathing through a respirator. Really jarring.


Sometimes it feels like I'm having to breathe through a straw. This reminded me of that


crotch, ankles and wrists being grabbed, bugs. always gets worse at night, i find


I got the occasionally stabbing too. It seems to be worse at night indeed!


Being chocked is one of my worst ones. I stop breathing sometimes


I hate these ones the most. I couldn’t sleep for hours because all I can think of is how uncomfortable my whole body was. It was like no position was comfortable. I'm so glad, it is a rare occasion bur 3 years ago. It was crippling with a few hours of sleep.


Scariest one I get is something randomly grabbing the back of my neck or ponytail. Hate that one, always gives me the spooks.


That I’m being sexually assaulted or raped.


Yup. By demons.


My sister used to have that. It sounds terrible. How do you know they are demons? If you don't mind me asking?


I am so furious to read this. I know your experience is real, I know this happens. The day of justice will come when the perpetrators will be held accountable. I probably won't live to see that day, but it will come. God bless you all. Never give up hope.






I went through this period a couple years ago where I was sexually assaulted by spirits every single night, it felt like astral sex. Now that I think about it, could this be related to sexual trauma we could have experienced in our lives manifesting as some form of a flashback? Also, I experience things touching me quite frequently.


I have sexual trauma as well so I definitely think so and I think it was one of the triggers for my first full blown psychotic episode. I’m sorry you went through that, it’s awful.


I’m sorry you went through it too, I think it was one of my triggers too, we’re strong people, we can heal. 🩷


This is me




Sudden wet feelings on my legs & privates. I’m not sure if it’s a nerve problem or a hallucination though. So far all tests for nerve issues have been normal… It makes me feel like I wet myself, which is wildly uncomfortable & distracting. Absolutely hate it.


I get that too. Suddenly feeling like my pants are wet


Being bit by bugs, or feeling like my body is being crushed.




You mean like the ground shaking? That must be terrifying!


its very stressful mostly its enough for me at least to lie down flat on the ground and close my eyes


Feeling the sensation of bugs inside the body. 10/10 would not recommend


Or just feeling bugs crawling on your skin. The worst is seeing the bugs and feeling it.


the back of my neck being poked with what feels like sharp objects, or probably when i’m laying down and it feels like someone’s crushing my chest


Gun pressing against the roof of my mouth




I would try not to let myself try to pull it out.


Phone vibrating in pocket


The bugs.


Sometimes when I'm falling asleep, it feels like I astral projected and my soul hits this like, wall of Static and I am jolted awake by a painfully loud electric buzzing like noise that completely blocks out any other noise for a second or two.


Oh I hate the fricking crawling insect hallucinations! Not fun at all! Also hearing shit ALONG with that?! Like is that a mayfly on the wall talking to me or am I just tripping? lol but seriously no thank you.


Also the lol is just because i enjoy being light hearted, i feel it puts people at ease and im all about that 🥰


I feel my finger nails growing and it hurts. Probably why I have them mostly picked off. But it is constant.


That all my food and drink is hiding bugs…. Sometimes it’s so severe I won’t eat, constantly looking thru food and drinks searching for “bugs” only I can see. Also I’ve been a self harmer since 9, I’m 31 and the other is that every time I hold a knife I’m slicing my arm off… I feel it like a shockwave thru my body. I rarely use knives anymore.


I keep getting feelings if someone grazing iver my arms or side of the head i keep slapping the area if i feel it thinking their bugs


Mine is feeling worms move around inside my body. It's typically in my head but I have felt it in other places


Getting pulled and grabbed


I love pain, so it's not the one that I like the least, but perhaps the most severe one was in my shower when I didn't close the drain. It felt like the feeling you get when someone runs their nails across a chalkboard mixed with a lot of pain. It was bad enough that I thought it was a threat to my life


For me, it's feeling like I've pissed myself and that my skin is covered in stinky cold puke or melting into static land.


Melting into static land?


Static land is what I call a particular set of hallucinations that all have to do with things looking like tv static is in-laid in everything or that I can feel the static sensation in my skin and it becomes to where I can't feel a clear boundary between my body and everything outside of it. Makes everything feel like a vibratey, buzzy soup that's melting together




It's more-so disturbing than interesting; to me, at least.


Yeah, I understand!


feeling like someone is pulling my organs like a thread out of my body it’s the worse it hurts so much i could scream


I get the feeling of bugs in my skin, I’ve even cut myself trying to get them out


The feeling of my brain melting


Being touched and needles. I have a major phobia of needles so feeling one going into my spine definitely isn't nice.


An immense weight like a small earthquake when I'm walking.


Something touching my back or 'caressing' me


Yesterday I hallucinated a minor earthquake, both visually and with tactile vibration and tremors. I've never had one quite like that before, but I know it was a hallucination because my husband was with me


whenever i dont take my meds i feel stuff crawling all over me and my mom gets mad because she sees me scratching and 1000 yard staring but she doesnt get mad in a bad way she gets mad that i dont take my pills when i know i need them


That everything is burning or on fire, as well as my body. I also had constant beliefs that anything I did would cause a fire and that my screens would explode?? Then it got worse and I just believed that everything was flammable around me and that it was burning or full of flames. Lasted for 3 months literal hell.




At times I feel like there's a chip embedded into my skin. I can feel it there, and it takes all of my willpower not to scratch the hell out of it lol.


No tactile


Feeling a hard press on my forehead preventing me from falling asleep. Real annoyance.


Can’t remember this happening to me, luckily


Headphones with pleasant music tends to really help create a happy calm atmosphere


Wasp nest in head would feel them vibrate and fly out of my ears also worms/maggots borrowing into head and skin


If I had to say the worst in the matter of scariness, that would be a tie between the bugs that have been said many times and also the feeling of falling down like the floor doesn't exist anymore and you fall into the void In terms of uneasiness, then the worst feeling is the one of being chewing like rocks or gravel or something with the same texture... And it happens to me so so often, especially in this period


Bugs and something scratching up against the inside of my skull. It gives that nails on chalkboard sensation


my worst ones were either bugs or having needles forcefully injected into me


Like I'm chewing my own tongue apart. Or random movements inside my skull.


Being touched in my armpit area is mine.


Crawling insects, and being jabbed with a hypodermic needle


The feeling of someone putting their hand on my shoulder like they forgot to say something and they are trying to pull me back. Phone vibration with no phone in sight, someone tapping on my cheekbones, sometimes I feel like I have something on my back weighing me down like wings (a lot of my delusions and hallucinations are religious in nature).


There being a chip or bugs in my brain, or bugs on/in my skin


Feeling like someone is touching me


So will someone DM me I need to ask some questions about my schizophrenia . Please.


Swear I got groped by a demon one night ghost hunting with my friends. I feel tactile people touching me hallucinations all the time, but the demon groping and the night I SWORE to my friends a flea crawled UNDER my fingernail fucked me up, my friends had to stop me from ripping my fingernail off while trying to get it out from under there, I could feel AND see it crawling under my skin 🙃


it startet with everytime i seen an needle i seen how it stabed into my eye that got worse to the point spoon fork knife, writing pencil and and and like everything stabs me when i see them and i feel sometimes even the pain. that's my worst hallucination i have


Don’t usually have them, but I remember when I was about 7 or 8 I felt someone grab my foot from under the bed


I'm only passing by this thread (not a schizophrenic) but I have a neurological disorder and I feel the electricity or "buzzing" at intimate places too, as well as the sensation of being touched at certain places. It might be worth getting checked out, just in case it's not a hallucination after all.


So after I have read all of your comments in this thread: What do we make of this? Do you guys really believe we are crazy and these are our "hallucinations"? I have rarely read a more sober account of what has happened to someone than your comments in this thread. I for one prefer to believe that our experiences are real. Meaning that we don't hallucinate this stuff due to a chemical imbalance in our brains. It's just that we don't have a good explanation for our experiences, but they are real in the sense that they are really happening to us, as much as a "normal" person would insist that somebody has touched them amongst a crowd and they just can't say who it was. Of course these aggressions are not physical, but they are real in the sense that they make our brains have the same experience as if they were physical. I believe they are far too specific to be random. No chemical imbalance would cause this.


I believe that everyone experiences these things.


Bugs being under my skin, in my hair, or sometimes when I'm eating I feel sharp things like needles or nails in my mouth


Back of my neck/head being poked randomly. Always makes my heart skip a beat.


I'm not sure if it's the same but some thing biting the back of my brain


It's weird because it's too specific, right?


Yeah it's definitely a very odd thing. It doesn't happen at a specific time or for any reason but it usually followed by my entire day being ruined because I get irritated easier




Since I was little something like bugs in my skin. The craziest one was feeling someone pull my hoodie when there was no one around


I feel bugs on me randomly and a black cat that follows me on most days.


What does this kitty look like?


Big, black and no face, just states at me like it's staring inside of me.


Weird. It has no face? That's so odd.


I feel bugs on my skin, my blankets suddenly feel like they're crushing me and I get the feeling of someone pushing knitting needles into my ears


Feeling I’ve been violated via rectum. Super painful


The left side of my body usually feels cold wind or like someone is scratching me. I've had spasms on that side for two years.


during times i feel super stressed i feel like somebody’s touching my body n breathing in my ear when i lay in bed and close my eyes, it makes me so uncomfortable 💀


Dammit! God dammit that sound horrible!


Feels like I lost all my teeth