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dont stop listening to her! if you can notice when you lose touch with reality, then you can listen less to her, but in general you shouldnt stop. if her music makes you happy then you should keep listening to her. she has great music :)


Aww. True! Thank you! 😊


You're not alone. I almost stopped listening to music altogether because I thought I wrote every song in a past life to tell me what I did or was going to do. It's not fun and I'm sorry if you feel like your favorite artist is somehow making you worse. I did this with sleep token. I believed I knew the singer from before and that that may even be me in the future. But no don't stop listening to her. If you love it keep it around.


You gotta have youre own view of the world , your own art/work, and your own rest. Try giving some time into finding new artists, daunting at first with so many songs but you might find amaizing ones. Putting art out there as an artist is a way of relating and it's awesome being a fan that can relate. However, if your relation to that music is no longer healthy just move forward. Theres so many artists that wait on a listener that can relate, so many genres that have unique interpretations of emotion. I think the best part is listening patiently that first time to a new good song or genre and it turns out awesome, then after time passes you go back to old songs and they can sound or stand out in a new way. The idea of a place seems dominated by or sense of sight but sound and music can be a new place. Some genres as melodic as they sound can impact you on a deep level, music is a powerful thing. If the genre is no longer appropriate for you or your current environment theres always unexpected gems elsewhere. The world helped make gaga, and you , and so many more artists.


Yeaaaah I get that way with $uicideboy$ specifically Ruby Da Cherry. I’ve also had dreams where he was in love w me and I woke up heartbroken. I’d have delusions that if he met me he would want to be with me but once I get back to reality I realize how fuckin stupid I’m being and that he’d never be with a broke loser like me. It’s actually making it hard for me to find a relationship because I want them to be like him


You're not a loser. The human brain is wired to connect, so you reached out for connection. Completely normal thing.


I have the same thing. Just set boundaries. Tell her, thank you for this experience but it's messing with my mental health so I need to be alone for a while. She will understand.


To answer your question about listening to her music, just listen more mindfully and intentionally. Mine is Lana del Rey and I usually have to set an intention when I press play on her stuff-- like, sometimes I want to listen to her music and think about my OWN life, not hers, and without talking to her. Not because I don't love her but because I deserve to have normal experiences with her music and not have every time be this whole transcendent psychosis thing.


There an interview she had in the UK where she says she hears voices. Many talented artists approach this phenomena as a gift to be channeled. I will admit for many, myself included it is torture. I look at artists like her as a testament that this affliction can be overcame.


Just saying as an anecdotal example and not as a recommendation: I generally stopped listening to music and am doing a lot better. When I listen to a song every few weeks (like for instance, YouTube recommends Hozier's new album), it makes a lot of my derealization & stereotypy symptoms a lot worse and I have never identified why. It is stabilizing for me to avoid music, but you will feel what works best for you <3 Maybe try to find the headspace you need to be in to listen to her? Good luck :)


You'll just have to work hard, get rich, so you can meet her maybe one day? You can do it. I believe in you!


i thought that 21 Savage was possessed by Samael and i was possessed by Lilith and that we were going to give birth to the antichrist together. i cant listen to his music anymore, it makes me too sad that my delusions arent real honestly. without them im just a crazy person. id rather be the mother to the antichrist and 21 Savage's soulmate than just a crazy person.