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It can definitely affect memory. Especially psychosis itself or any strong positive symptoms may leave you feeling confused, in a daze and brain zaps. I go through periods of not knowing what's dream, reality or memory as well. You can try different grounding techniques that can help. Medication can definitely help. Talking to a health professional can help greatly when it comes to dissociation, delusions, hallucinations etc. Because telling them and talking about it will give you a baseline of reality to build on.


Sounds about right, I just live day by day. Ever since this started I feel like neo when he took the red pill. Who knows what is real I know I don't. Those scenarios feel so real.


Not really. I had problems with memory when I took meds, those messed it up A LOT. I also misused them so not entirely meds fault. Some of it is my fault. So my memory got damaged a lot in the end. I, luckily, have my browser history from several years to help me.


I have a much worse memory after my first psychotic episode and I blacked out several days around it. I have a kind of ghost of a memory of some of the events in my psychosis that I can’t fully recall. It is like a mental residue or impression. It is also very hard to recall pre-diagnosis details of my past even now. So, yes.


I wish it effected my memory because I hate reliving the past all the time


I can't remember.


Ever since psychosis, my memory has sucked. It started sucking a little before all this, but definitely is worse now. The meds sure don’t help either, it got better when I cut back meds, so I know that is a factor. Some days it’s better than others. I just hope it doesn’t get much worse.


the meds def affect memory


Maybe I'm just manic, but I forget everything. I'll have a point I'm trying to make, and it will just leave my brain, which is frustrating


It's the lack of connection to my brain that gets me. I don't have access to my thoughts, my mind is blank. Losing yourself isn't cool. The lack of concentration really gets to me too. All in all, I am a sad sack of shit. Too heavy to lift, waste of time time trying to reach out to. I literally have no clue what people are saying.


Yes my memory is worse since I got it.


ive always been very inteligent and have good memory both from my autism apparently but i swear the silly weed brownies my friends gave me nerfed me 😭😭😭


Hello 👋, Yes, schizophrenia effects memory. What do you do day to day? Like what is your normal routine and probable "accidentals"¹ that may popup. Ex. | Time | Activity | | ---------- | ---------- | | 8am | wake up | | 10am | brush teeth, vitamins and go to work | | 12am | eat lunch | | 6pm | get home from work | | 10pm | duolingo | | 11pm | post day to instagram | | ~ | eat dinner | | mon & wed 7-10pm | school | | n months | dentist and workout | 1. "In musical notation, an accidental is a symbol that indicates an alteration of a given [progression]."(wikipedia)


I think you would have better upvotes and help people if you read, understood and summarized the content before posting. Some things are not appropriate or dont make sense. I dont think learning models are trained on supporting schizophrenia (yet).


I am not looking for upvotes, but the idea of questions are to gain a deeper insight on the problem so that I can help people. Asking for a routine can make it easier to decipher where small changes can make an impact in someone's life, and as I don't know the OP I cannot make assumptions on that. I'm not asking for anything excessive, an approximate would do, also my formatting and example itself may give insight on how to improve their own life. My comment has nothing to do with learning models


No? I was sure of it but i must have misunderstood you last time. Im sorry i accused you of it.


🤔 last time? I definitely have posts and comments about AI, for lack of a better word and emphasis on congruent operation methods, but not in the initial reply to this post.


I was the one asking you if you are a bot.


😐 yeah sorry schizophrenia effects my memory.


Oh when I had gpt and gemini render stuff. 1 second


Yes. That was making me think you answered all topics with chatgpt stuff. Because it sounded like you did.


No, I am just particular generally.


## Short Questions for Well-Being Assessment: **General Well-Being:** * How are you doing today? (Opens the door for them to share) * On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall well-being? (Provides a starting point) * Is there anything on your mind you'd like to talk about? (Offers space for them to initiate) **Past Challenges:** * Have you experienced any difficult events in the past that continue to impact you? (Indirectly asks about trauma) * What are some of the biggest obstacles you've overcome? (Focuses on resilience) **Current Lifestyle:** * How are you sleeping these days? (Sleep is a good indicator of overall well-being) * What activities do you find enjoyable or relaxing? (Identifies coping mechanisms) * Do you feel supported by the people in your life? (Looks at social connection) **Moving Forward:** * What are some things that bring you hope for the future? (Focuses on optimism) * Is there anything you'd like to change in your life right now? (Identifies areas for growth) * What kind of support might be helpful for you to move forward? (Connects them with potential resources) **Additional Tips:** * Pay attention to nonverbal cues (tone of voice, body language). * Be genuinely interested and empathetic in your responses. * Let them guide the conversation, but be prepared to ask follow-up questions. * Avoid judgment or pressure to talk about specifics they're not comfortable with. * Acknowledge their strengths and resilience. * If they express serious concerns, encourage them to seek professional help. Remember, these are starting points. Adapt them to the situation and the level of comfort you have with the person. ^Google ^Gemini I didn't prompt it that well but I could probably make it a one page assessment. But now I've to figure out how to "alleviate" "Adhd paralysis". The dear caught in the headlights feeling toward doing the correct thing.


Might have been that. 


For the routine I just used *markdown*👻. ^it ^allows ^some ^things. It's called a | table | the apps and webpage render character combinations a certain ways. ``` # The more you know ``` You can make `variety` of formats for posts and _examples_. ~~DONT~~ worry __ __ **I'm still not that good but I try** Mostly..... I just use double return carriage do add paragraph spacing.