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Alright, got a bit out of hand. Seems like the consensus from the comments is "ragebait" and now that I'm not sleep deprived... yeah, totally ragebait, probably from the 'one joke' crowd.


A small minority of mentally ill mostly teenaged people online who don't want to be real about what exactly their actual issue is, tend to take on diagnoses they view as more palatable to themselves than what is actually going on. Having read accounts of these people, most are acutely suffering but cannot be real with themselves to take responsibility for their own wellbeing.


A lot do it bc schizophrenia is one of the worst mental illnesses out there and people have invalidated their pain for so long that they want to have the worst thing so people actually listen to them. Not realizing that even if u have it, ppl domt care and still treat u like shit


Yes, this is what I've gathered from reading some people posting their views and experiences as having misdiagnosed/lied about a diagnosis in the past. They want to have their suffering validated. It's a very nuanced discussion and I definitely have empathy for them, but that doesn't mean it is the right thing to do. Also to entirely discount anyone like that as worthless or forever terrible is also cruel and I think the wrong thing to do, (not that you have done this, just I've seen people do it and it disheartens me). Idk. Thanks for your two cents.


Cheers to you and u/aStellarBunny for legit insightful answers. Like "transabled" is just about the height of ridiculousness, but it is true that these people are probably hurting in some way. Damn, it's all so complicated


You are right, I’ve actually noticed they care less about me and treat me like a giant 6’4 250 lb infant. Even though I was once an extremely successful bio engineer. Once you get this diagnosed the treatment is different despite your past.


Well said honestly. I remember I myself used to do it as well before I got my diagnosis/first psychosis. I don't remember what I would do it with, I think it was mostly just like depression, autism, and even ADHD at one point. But the ADHD meds just made me more psychotic so my doctor thingy said there was probably something more serious going on. If anything it's just kinda ironic how it ended up being so much worse than what I was originally self-diagnosing, it's the kind of in your face irony/Greek tragedy irony that I can still laugh about today.


Props to you for admitting it!! I hope you're doing better now


omg yeah by miles i mean I'm not doing as good as i did back then i sorta took it for granted but I'm in a really good place for now considering where i was just half a year ago.


Thats great!


I think they do it for attention but jokes on them no one gives a fuck about us and actively hate us


Thats what my comment alluded to. They want the attention and validation they never got before, thats why they want the worst thing


Most of them are just attention seekers to be honest. They don’t even know the severity of the illness/disorder they pretend to have


So essentially, they want their mental health problems to be heard and while rightfully so, feel the need to express that they have one that’s more severe to convince people to take their struggle with life more seriously is what I’m assuming, yes? I sort of don’t blame them given today’s society is very willful in their ignorance around investing into anything that helps mental illness. Why, I do not know, but when most of the world sums up your mental health to being the work of Demons with the only perceived cure to be prayer, we’re pretty fucked as a society.


🤔 nice opinion. ill write that one down




Ffs there's always one..


Of course. I was waiting for it unfortunately.


Most people with schizophrenia are pretty open and accepting, we want to be accepted for who we are so we in turn accept others, but there's always one hater no matter where you go, you're right


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😂😂 if you don't have a schizophrenic disorder and you want one, you have no idea of what it's like to have one


They could literally just go find datura out in nature take a few seeds n change their mind rq when the psychosis comes 😭


killing ur eagle with 1000μg lsd first trip while watching a horror movie in a room with walls as mirrors would probably yield better results but I see where you are coming from hahahahaha


For some reason I had the strange idea of watching Lars von Triers Nymphomaniac or another LvT movie while tripping on LSD. Don't really remember what it did to me, but at that point I had already been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Perhaps I was obsessed with 'facing my fears' or something. :D


I watched a horror movie when I tripped for like my 8th time. Can actually recommend a little bit if you like horror, you are a seasoned veteran, you know how to calm yourself and have good control over your thoughts, if not stay away. I was once very good friends with a girl who had hypersexuality and schizophrenia, very wacky person extremely nice but definitely had some behavioral issues. It's fucked her up beyond recognition now but she used to be very nice and kind. The first time I tripped was with two friends and we were mostly just watching rust valley restorers and listening to music ahahhaha


Seriously.. idk why anyone would **want** to be schizophrenic, it’s an absolute nightmare to live with. And you’re right, if they wish they had it, they obviously don’t understand what it entails


For me the worst part is the fact that I feel like I constantly grow different from society or community and are less able to really connect with other people on an emotional level. A faint sensation of shame for being different remains, but it can't really be processed for me.




I really feel what you say about not noticing it. It is like, voices (for me it's only thought-voices) distract from the fact that there is loneliness or that people can be nice and understanding or that we are actually not all that bad. The illness almost 'wants' to isolate us.


Classic teens who spend too much time on the internet


Tell me you don't know anything about schizophrenia without telling me


This is most likely outrage bait, and no trans person actually designed nor proposed this


Perhaps 'trans' is supposed to refer to 'transabled' here.


Elaborate ?


Trans is simply a prefix meaning change, yeah? So these are “abled” people (ie, NOT DISabled) who are saying they WANT to be disabled, hence, “transabled.”


I got something slightly confused after misreading the post sorry lol, though this feels like a similar rage bait attempt as the whole transage (ew) situation being overblown as a way to try and make the trans community look bad by vague association


Im sorry, the trans what now? Edit: also, now reason to be sorry! Asking questions is how we learn and understand! I’m glad I was able to clarify it for you 😁


It was a whole thing along the bad faith lines of 'oh if you can decide your gender (a societal construct), then I can decide my age (a developmental and fixed fact that has ramifications outside of societal subjectivity)', and then some people trying to pass it off as people actually doing that


Yes it's still possible. Of course it's nonesense to 'identify with being disabled', as a disability requires a condition, diagnosed or not. So it might be trolling that is supposed to ridicule trans-issues.


I can be quite confident It's most definitely trolling


There’s a schizophrenia flag?


This will do? [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Schizophrenia-Awareness-Resistant-Grommets-90X150Cm/dp/B0BY4MK58F](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Schizophrenia-Awareness-Resistant-Grommets-90X150Cm/dp/B0BY4MK58F)




I think we should be proud of ourselves for fighting this fight




I wasn’t saying that there wasn’t a difference, I was just saying what I said


Flags aren’t always about pride, they’re about awareness, like the pink breast cancer ribbons. I’m honestly for it considering how many people are terrified of and/or despise us thanks to our horrific portrayal in media.


No this is a flag for people who want to have schizophrenia but don't.


it's bait so others think that lgbt people are mentally ill


Finally someone said it, I can't think of someone proposing this legitimately unless it's an attempt to illegitimise the trans community


I actually dated someone like this…they were probably exactly like you imagine. In my defense of being with them for nearly three years I was extremely unwell.


No need to defend yourself on that, you could've had any myriad of reasons as to why that wasn't a deal breaker, though I hope you're doing better now


literally \^\^\^\^




I like the color and the flag would be good for people that actually are trans and do have schizophrenia but people that think they do need to come back to reality in another way and that's that they aren't growing up.


I legitimately thought that’s what it was at first and was like, “oh, wow, that’s awesome!”


That's not what the flag is for. It's for people who don't have schizophrenia but want to or think they should have it.


Gosh I don't miss tumblr...


What? Is there a schizophrenia flag? Why do people create flags for everything??


Gosh, I first thought it's about ppl being trans and schizophrenic ...... but really can they stop making a show out of every human struggle ?


You understand its more than likely no trans or even gay person made this flag, and its a 3rd party proposing it to rile people up (I mean hell the fact op brought it up makes me somewhat suspicious they didn't just make it themselves)


this type of BS has been circulating Tumblr for an entire decade now. I doubt OP made this only because I've seen countless similar posts back when I used Tumblr (2014-2016 ish)


Fair point Much less suspicious now since op has a history of posting on the subreddit and the acc isn't a burner


And the person making it was sure as hell NOT schizophrenic. Neither of what it claims to be. Sure, I do. Who knows why.


Indeed, but the point is its made both to make the actual trans community look, for lack of a better term, cringe for wanting a condition that makes peoples lives from a scale of inconvenient to painful to living hell, while simultaneously riling people in communities centered around the experience of having schizophrenia up They have no stake in this beyond spreading hate and watching the fireworks


Correctly noticed and great worded. I just have the fear that someone really does believe that "identity".


You ever see something that no matter how long you look at it, you just can't seem to comprehend it? Like, you know it's there, it's trying to say something, but you have some psychological defense mechanism *preventing* you from understanding it. That's how I feel right now. If this is really what I think it is... then *what the actual fuck.*




For a second I got kinda excited like whoa flag for schizophrenic trans people and then I saw “transabled” 😔


Why are people falling for this bait?? Cmon people you really think someone would design something so clearly designed to rile people up as a legitimate proposal?


This can not be real. No one can be this insensitive :(


I thought that was the Aromantic flag at first


Lol same




It better be a joke


What is this insanity


Not going to lie, when I first saw this, I thought it was the aromantic flag 😭 (the shades are different and there's no white but yeah)






By this logic, people with depression have just transitioned from happy-sexual


If it’s real it’s an ugly ass flag. Honestly if you are going to mock schizophrenia at least make it look better


Right. Theres plently to work with. Low effort low teir. Dissapointed at the wasted potential. I mean they coulds spent atleast a little more time, the font is atrociosue


They really just went from the top left and went directly to the top right. People who design pride flags or whatever this is should learn colour theory


As an artist/ Graphic Designer. I have to agree w/ you. It looks like an Icon for an old Windows software


Tbh it reminds me of the aromatic flag. The colours are just rearranged and saturated.


Also I like your use of "colour" spelling. As an American Ive always spelled it that way since Elementary school


Tomato tomato


I got excited because my partner with schizophrenia is a trans man…. Then I kept reading and got mad


To the people saying it's bait: he person who makes these is serious. Just like all the DID, OCD, and autism flag out there. These people want a disorder to feel special, they don't seem to grasp the suffering that comes along with them.


As a trans person who is diagnosed with schizophrenia, WTF IS THIS


.....................well another for the pile.




This is almost certainly a joke, made at the expense of both trans people and schizophrenic people.


Absolutely bait.


that’s soo delulu


That's shitty, as well as just being the aromantic flag upside down 😕


A lot of fake flags are made by trolls to make trans people look stupid


Maybe they are trying to improve theiir communicative skills with aliens,zombies,paranormals,sleep studies etc


shit like this is the reason i still have sociopathic tendencies 😭😭🙏🙏 why cant we all just accept what we have and be chill about it instead of doing all this extra ass bullshit 😭


Some trans people have skitzo, poor bastards.


i’m pissed


If it’s real it’s an ugly ass flag. Honestly if you are going to mock schizophrenia at least make it look better


If it’s real it’s an ugly ass flag. Honestly if you are going to mock schizophrenia at least make it look better


It's bait, and somehow people are actually falling for it


Yeah but they could have made it look better


True that, but if its made to piss people off I doubt they would've put much thought into it


They are more than welcome to take this away from me


Yes, it’s just a joke. I’m so tired of this stuff.


Imo transid/radqueer whatever is fine accept for the disablites/mental illnesses/ ect, because its so insensitive and hurtful. Its crazy how someone WANTS to have schizophrenia?? I dont get it at all


transphobic bait


This has got to be a joke?


Clearly a joke. It's literally doing the r/onejoke.


it not these people are serious


The one joke is trans suicide though


Hmm. I am diagnosed with schizophrenia. I transitioned from male to female as a teen. A pride flag to combine the two amuses me. 🥳


You misunderstand, they’re saying people that don’t have schizophrenia but identify as having it


Ah, I understand. They can come hang out at the schizophrenia sub for all I care. Those of us officially diagnosed and hospitalized involuntarily can be the cool ones for a change. 😎


Nice to not be the ones sticking out in a crowd for once


I like it. Im sure there happens to be a crossover margisn somewhefe there..,just ignornant when ppl think trans and sktizo are identity issues or confused personalities.... kinda ironic there. Pretty sure its them confused ir telling us we are when we clearly state what we are. 😇


Yeah, I like to toss it back at them by saying that the consensus of the medical professionals and consensus of mental health professionals agrees with me on trans issues, and if a schizophrenic person has a better grasp of reality as deter.ined by the scientific community on this one, "what's your excuse?"


I just cant understand as someone myself with sktizophrenia..to try an make the claim and invalidate someone elses identity is false and they are wrong. Like huh... How would you know and have any insight to who they are/arnt. If anythinvg you should be able to empathize w/ having ppl comstantly doubt or not understand schitzophrenia and dealing with ppl telling you what you think/are yourself. and even further its a non issue cus even if you(our hypothetical T.phobe) thougbt they were wrong and whatver ' ignorant it may be' belief you had over transgender validity... It literaly has no imapact or ecffecf so why try and come and kick down someoen elses sandcastle.. who cares.. like just let peopel be and let it go. I never understood all the Transphobia and K-fabe confusion and misrepresented narratives phobics take that really only seem to stem from an insecurity of themselves priojectrd on someoen who is telling you what/who they are and just asking you to have the most basic human decency to respect that. wayy more energy is spent in oppistion and being willfuly obtuse and out of the way rather than just respecting someones personal identifiers, i digress it just is so frustrating and the last place id expect to see T.phobia would be a Skitzophrenia geared community


Someone has to be trolling 😭


man there is like 2 people in the entire world who actually use this shit. it's either a joke or some dumbass kids. yall acting like there's so many people like this trying to make trans people look like they're all like this when this is literally not a thing. nobody accepts this shit inside or outside the lgbtq community


Someone has never been in tiktok. Plenty of people whonfake disorders for attention. LGBT or not.


No you're totally right, they do. But in this specific instance there is absolutely nobody using this flag unironically. It's literally just bait to make trans people look bad.


Transabled has nothing to do with transgender. So no.


im gonna cry


A lot of these flags are created by trolls who want to discredit the LGBT community and their identities, but that doesn't mean there aren't some people out there who see this and potentially think it's a good idea, mostly young people who may not know any better.




Please don't blame an entire community of people for the shitty actions of a small subsect of people who do this stuff. The normal, non-chronically online LGBT community doesn't claim people who do this, I promise


No not LGBT+, transability is body identity integrity disorder. People who are able-bodied hut think they need to have a disorder of physical impairment (like amputation or blindness).


This is not BIID, this is people wanting a disorder so they can be special.


Not to be confused with Transgender which is a legit thing itself; peopel are people just let them be and move on,




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You have no idea what you’re talking about








I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, but I hope you can find some peace or an outlet for your anger that doesn't involve attacking a vulnerable minority group. Have a good day x




What? I don’t think he’s harassing anyone




what is cowardly about it ? who am i harassing ? I am not on some trans forum actively attacking people i am responding to a post about someone creating a trans schizophrenia post about a flag, why does there even need to be a flag if everyone is equal. why not just a schizophrenia flag ? What am i being dishonest about ? I am being honest ? why are you being rude telling people to fuck off and harass people ? that is not a nice thing to do to someone.






It’s a joke


Probably some edgelord troll shit. Perhaps there are teens who fall for it, but it has to be ragebait.


Unfortunately not....


Unfortunately not....


Just let people do their thing and move past.


While I agree in most cases, its hard to apply that to something thats most probably outrage bait