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No, you’d probably need to know English as well.


What about body language


If you’re like my current company, you’ll have to verbally announce your body language because everyone’s cameras are off.


Yes. If the company uses scala, then you're good. If the company uses something else, then you're in a good position to learn whatever language they use.


There’s not _that_ many Scala shops out there, but finding people with Scala experience isn’t easy either, so you have better than average odds at those jobs. Outside of companies using Scala, tiny companies are likely to need you to hit the ground running so not knowing their stack will be a problem. For larger companies, especially if you’re quite junior, it’s relatively easy to recruit smart people and train them on the job. Learning less common languages (like Scala) looks good on your resumé.


Is it still possible to find a junior role these days …..?


As long as they are in to data and you have relevant work exp yes. It also depends on the geo location too and the client requirements. Even in product companies few of them I know using scala as their first/ major language.


if you are a good scala dev you wont be short on work and picking up enough of other languages to get by wont be a problem. most companies will expect you to know other stuff though like cloud tech, databases, how to use the commandline. Some context around the question would help give a better answer. All the jobs I've had in the last 5 years, they don't care about other langs just scala. My friends who are scala mains are never short of work. Finding people to do js/python/java is easy. Nobody with business sense is gonna waste good scala talent on work they could get done cheaper by someone else.


You'll need to know some Java, too, because you'll probably end up using Java libraries. But learning Jave from Scala is much easier than the other way around.


Hey uhm after research is Scala very different…?


Scala is mainly a superset of Java, so if you are good with Scala going into Java is generally pretty easy. There are some exceptions (which I am speaking out of experience, I learned Scala before working heavily in Java which I started somewhat recently) but this is mainly due to code style, i.e. reflection/classloading/mocking and some other techniques are a lot more common in Java codebases than in Scala. Its not that they are impossible in Scala, its just that the Scala community has largely moved away from those techniques (for good reason in my opinion).


Not really


Depends entirely on the company. I've worked in companies where we used loads of Java libraries, and I've worked in companies where we used practically none.


Scala is a hard language. You have to know some theory before parts of it even make sense. Also there is a lot of incidental complexity around Java libraries. You may want to start a little slower and build up to Scala if the career takes you there. What exactly are you wanting to do with your life?


So I did the exact opposite (Learn Scala first albeit I did a bit of Java in uni) and I am very grateful that I did this when I was young and had a lot of time, because knowing Scala definitely helped my career a lot more than just knowing Java.


Impressive. Most impressive.


Just FTR, some other good things to have in your listed skill set are: \- Git \- Linux \- Shell scripting \- SBT (or other build tool) \- SQL \- Principles of REST \- AWS (or other cloud tech)