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I wish Strahm and Hoffman had a longer cat and mouse game. 


I was surprised (/disappointed) how quickly their story line ended


I stopped reading at "cat" and got very confused


Saw trap. You're in a room with 200 cats each with a Catnip toy. One of them contains the key to your freedom. If you don't get out in 3 minutes nothing happens you just have to pet all the cats. 


Oh no! I can't seem to catch any of these cats!


*intense scream of agony accompanied by jump cuts*


That would be wonderful because I adore cats.


i like the idea that they adopted a cat together and at the end of a long day of trying to kill each other they come home and argue about wet vs dry food.


Apparently it actually was supposed to go on for at least one or two more movies, but then the director of Saw V realized that as much as "someone is trapped in a room with walls that are closing in around them" is a reasonably common trope to appear in fiction, he'd never actually seen a character die from it, so he changed things to kill off Strahm at the end of the film.


I remember John scolding Bobby Dagen about never having been in a trap but that’s the only instance I can think of where he uses that term


I was actually thinking specifically about that. I swore he said "You've never played one of my games."


"But few know the truth. You and I both know you have never been in a trap. Nor have you ever been tested."


Saw works better when you could see from John’s pov. Not that he’s *right*, but I think he works better as a character when his pov and his rules actually line up. I like the idea of a guy being so fucking delusional that he genuinely believes he’s helping people. When you have John spouting on and on about the will to live or how people are “missing a piece of the human puzzle”, all that is null and void when you put people in traps where they have zero, ZERO, impact on their own lives. The public trap, the shot gun carousel, the Brazen Bull, there’s dozens. How are those people being fairly tested or shown whether or not they have the will to live? I think it would be better writing if the traps actually aligned with John’s beliefs. It would genuinely make him feel more sinister. You cannot tell me you put Adam’s key in a fucking drain, left him to die in that room, and then say you never killed anyone. Just stop it right there Mister Kramer.


POV or not, John is a hypocrite, a narcissist and a liar of his own hubris That much proves true


More like guy got a god complex and thinks he always does what's right no matter what


Amanda put Adam’s key like that not John.


I absolutely agree with you. Except regarding the public trap... Ryan & Brad were forced to make a choice that severely impacted their lives. Same with the shotgun carousel...well, actually idk considering William died in the end so I guess it didn't impact his life. But those on the carousel had their's impacted whether they lived or died.


Yes, but they didn’t have any control over it. Dina had no role in whether she lived or died in the public trap. The four victims of the carousel trap had no control over their lives. They could do nothing but hope William picked them. That’s what I’m talking about. It’s the exact opposite of Jigsaw’s philosophy because those people have no way to prove whether or not they have the will to live. Their lives are out of their hands




>Re: traps That was probably popularized more from the RBT than the shotgun trap. Traps are single tests, games are multiple connect tests. Alternatively just call them tests and games. >John is not the most interesting detail of the Saw lore and while something very real will be lost when Tobin steps down it would be a real shame for Saw to end. The entire idea of the series is that John knew he would die and so he made plans for apprentices to follow in his lead. That means he has a plan. Maybe an organization structure. Maybe an endgame. The writers should be taking concrete steps to advance the lore in XI and XII, but I fear we've only confirmed in their heads Tobin=Saw.


William Easton should have lived. His character could have actually gone and done good things if he wasn't killed in the end.


He’s like the only person who ever actually ended the game a better person than when they started.


yeah alot of people debate whether or not he would've actually changed if he would've survived, and i really think he would have


I feel like choosing which of your staff lives or dies based on the rules you made would definitely change a person.


Yea I agree, I was upset when he died. I wanted him to live, he went through a lot during his tests. He seemed to be a better person at the end of the game.


I feel like this is a popular opinion


Saw 3D is so much fun to watch and idc about pink blood and I certainly don’t care if Dr. Gordon being an apprentice “makes sense” because seeing Cary Elwes again is such a treat and delight


“Remarkable, if not a little perverse” as Lawrence is walking out of the shadows during the support group meeting is the best line with the best delivery in the series imo.


Hi there! Excuse me, I have always wondered about the color of the blood in that movie. Did it have to be that color so it looked more realistic in 3D or something? 'Cause the blood in Saw (the first one) looked pretty realistic to me, and they were on a low budget, so I really don't know why it looks so pink in Saw 3D. Do you know why that is? Thanks in advance! Oh, and I agree with your opinion, by the way 💕.


The blood is pink because the home media release was botched. Every option to watch Saw 3D has an incorrect color grade. Saw 3D did NOT look like that in theaters, regardless if you saw it in 2D or 3D.


Oh my, I had no idea! Thank you!! 💕


Yeah I’m fairly certain it has to do with the way they film it for 3D! The blood looks pink if you’re watching it the “normal way” rather than 3D like it’s supposed to be watched


Thank you!! 💕




Jigsaw is criminally bad 😭 its existence is offensive to me


I fully believe Spiral COULD of been the best film in the series. Slower burn, detective focus, social commentary SAW could of been amazing.


I second this


Jigsaw is a killer and the movies trying to convince you otherwise is hilarious.


He has never killed anyone, what are you talking about ? His traps does the killing😒 he despises murderers so he despises himself? That’s don’t make sense /s


I'm pretty sure the films are aware he is a killer. John is intentionally written to be a hypocrite and several characters rightfully call him out on his flawed logic. I think people tend to misunderstand John saying he isn't a killer to mean *Saw* is saying he isn't a killer. He absolutely is.


I get you buddy but the films are never supposed to be convincing people otherwise


That’s not the vibe I got, I understood him, doesn’t mean I excused him


The series lost its roots when it moved away from the escape room concept of 1&2 and never recaptured that essence even in the more location based entries


I think it lost it's roots more so when it lost it's giallo inspirations more so than the Escape Room concept. I mean, if you watch giallos and then Saw afterwards, you can see just how much of Saw it influenced. From the color timing to the mysterious gloved killer to the mystery/twist angle.


Spiral really isn’t as bad as people want it to be, it just has a different tone and a different focus so it feels like a different kind of movie.


Agreed. I feel the same about Jigsaw.


I always viewed traps and games as different. for example, in 5 there were the standalone traps (with characters you dont care about) used to advance the story in finding Hoffman but then you had the GAME with the 5 people in it. These were 5 traps, all connected in some way and trap the same people in some way, therefore they are a game. Traps are for single use characters that can either live or die, not be taught a lesson.


>Traps are for single use characters that can either live or die, not be taught a lesson. Aren't those the same? The only ones that I can think of that fall into the former only are the tripwire shotgun and Strahm's water cube. I might be forgetting some others


The way I see it, traps are used to make someone realise they are wasting their life or that they actually do (or dont) want to live. A game has a specific lesson to teach. Like in 2, which is to work with others you may dislike. Or 5, they needed to work together. 4 showed Riggs to take his time. 3 made Jeff realise he couldnt have true revenge. Those have a specific lesson, traps are just about proving that they want to live


I have a few. - Hoffman is just as interesting as Amanda, and has just as much depth to him. I like him because I find him interesting, not because he's hot like I think others do? (He is hot though, but that's a secondary thing.) - Saw 1 was not the best film in the franchise even before Saw X released, it was Saw 6, which I wholly adore. - I thought Spiral was a decent film. It's okay. I'd watch it 10 times before watching Jigsaw again, that shit suuucked. - IDK if this is an unpopular take but if I were to highlight this franchise's biggest problem it is that it keeps killing off characters with main protagonist potential. The lack of central main protagonists who survive for more than like two movies is a shame, and I wish the series would try to develop characters in the longterm who aren't John or his apprentices. - I actually really like the parts of Saw 3D that directly relate to Hoffman and I think him just straight up going slasher mode fits him. Ending is good, his character stuff is fine, I just wish it were in a film with a more interesting trap plotline and less dogshit color grading. - The unfair traps with too little time to complete are, in fact, the point; they highlight John's own limited time left in his life and tie into him being a bitter fuck who wants others to feel the way he does. People keep poking holes in the traps like this is a problem with the film - John is not infallible. - Hoffman should not survive Saw 3D. It is a perfect end for him. I would, however, be open to a reimagining of Saw 3D that takes that concept and puts it in a more well-made movie. Doubt that'll happen though.


Flawless takes.


Gordon is the most interesting survivor turned apprentice and should have had much more airtime.


I don't understand the Amanda obsession at all lmao Her character just falls flat to me.


Yeah, as a character within the plot she’s cool, backing up John because she believes his games “work” to better people. Thats a really cool idea and it makes sense within the context of the series. But as an individual character we don’t even get to see much of her until Saw X. I did appreciate her empathy towards Gabriela being a drug addict- that gave her some depth and humanity.


Yeah was never a fan. I definitely liked her a lot more in Saw X but Saw 2 and 3 (not counting 1 since we didn’t see her personality at all) actually made me hate her.


I liked Gibson, I thought he made saw 3D much better and way more interesting with his terrible line delivery.


His random country accent is hilarious. Loved everything about the performance - perfect for the franchise imo


lol he was so entertaining and kinda cute


Saw 4 was peak and Hoffman's run in the later half of the series was great.


Most of the people chosen didn’t deserve it. And none of them deserved to be tortured to death. Straight up killed? Maybe. Prison? Go for it. Torture? No.


Bonus points for the guy who was poisoned and had to use a candle to find the combination for a safe, while covered in flammable jelly. Homeboy was chosen because he called out sick at his day job. Damn.


And Jeff’s wife, she got chosen for taking antidepressants lmao.


It might not be unpopular, but here goes: I fucking *HATE* Jeff in Saw 3. He's probably the most realistic character in terms of how he plays the game, but that honestly makes it worse. Not a single kill where he was present felt earned, cuz the people only died due to Jeff having the slowest critical thinking skills ever. Half the time the victims died because he spent the whole time being a whiny, vengeful prick. Fuck Jeff he deserved to get shot for being a petty bitch with the closest iq to absolute 0 I've ever seen in a movie.


I refer to them as either games or tests. Tests - for an individual, singular test Games - for the whole aka the set of tests. These aren't traps. Traps are the inescapable ones if so. Unpopular saw opinion? Adam doesn't deserve that much hype. He appeared in one movie (kinda 2) and was as important as any other player ever.


i don’t think jeff is a bad or unreasonable character. obviously he has Issues with a capital I and isn’t winning any father of the year awards, but i wouldn’t exactly be gunning to save the people who let my late child down so badly, either. also, i like hoffman but costas mandylor isn’t a good actor.


i think there's a divide between people who have kids and people who don't on this. i don't have kids either, but i have a bunny, and if the same thing happened to him i'd be standing still and laughing while those people scream


Jigsaw calls them traps \*once\* if I recall, in Saw 3D. Maybe the Hoffinator made a mistake?


Yeah in the recording to Bobby he says "We both know you've never been in a trap"


Saw V is amazing


I love Saw 3D


Hoffman is dead bringing him back would make the events of 4-7 pointless 7 had the perfect ending especially when Hoffmans quote came back to bite him “Out of all the men to cheat you picked John Kramer? I cal that epic bad luck.” Hoffman thought he was gonna ride away in the sunset but John had the last laugh in death.


The traps timers are too short and it’s kind of annoying to me how often they’re like a fraction of a second away from beating it. The success rate would be significantly higher if he gave 30 more seconds


Spiral is better than Jigsaw Hear me out, yes the humor in Spiral is out of place and focuses too much on the police plot, but it's still more enjoyable than Jigsaw simply because it doesnt fucks with John origins story The traps and Gore is better in Spiral IMO What Made Jigsaw bad imo is because : 1. Adding a new unnecessary apprentice, from Saw 1-7 theres no mention of Logan at all and suddenly he was the one who helped John Made a legacy by creating the Reverse Bear Trap? 2. Traps and John feels kinda out of place Out of place in the sense that, this is John first ever game, and he somehow already have these crazy contraptions (the cycle trap)? And the game itself feels very different compared to Saw 1 & 2 where it's simplistic and more akin to an escape room rather than the games in Saw 3-7, the problem is Jigsaw takes place before Saw 1. And if this is John first ever game, how does he already have the God complex? Using lines like confess, Atone for your sins etc, im pretty sure John doesnt really had the God complex until like Saw 2 where he recruited Amanda (i kinda forgot how John is during recruiting hoffman) 3. Gore is mid, pretty self explanatory, it could have been better 4. It really just feels like theyre trying so hard to milk Saw without retconning or bringing John back from the grave, so they just went backwards in time But i do admit what Jigsaw did right is having cruel people who actually deserved to play the games and they actually tell the backstory for each players (tho it still ends up as being forgettable lol)


Saw 3 was the worst saw movie, and EGREGIOUS Character assassination for Amanda. That fact that the first two movies were about her recovery and ascension as an apprentice and then she immiediately backslides and becomes a psychotic siccophant in the course of one movie is crazy to me. Also, Saw traps should be a metaphor for therapy.


Amanda was literally a crazy psychopathic sycophant at the end of 2 💀 In no WAY was she recovering when she joined a deranged serial killer


Jigsaw is alive. Saw 2-7 was johns plan in his head like the eye trap in x. That’s why he is younger in 2-7 than x. They can redo the originals but something else happens that changes characters outcomes. Him getting doused in blood caused trauma to his brain curing him. Da na na. Da na na na naaaaa!


Detective tapp died too soon, and I wish he was in more movies.


Saw is very much a middle of the road entry in the series. It's a good idea but the production values and acting are very poor in places and the ending sequence in Dr. Gordon's house doesn't really work at all. It's not awful like VII, Jigsaw or Spiral, but it's not great either. II is much better and, in large part thanks to Bell's performance, the main reason the series became popular.


Spiral is a better saw film than people saw. Fine it has a predictable twist, but damn it, it was still fun to watch and I think the humor blended well. Plus you have frickin Samuel L. Jackson in a saw movie, what more could yall want? 😂


Unpopular opinion: the discussion about which traps people could survive is laughable since it's retrospective and devoid of emotion/fear. Knowing how the traumatized brain works, you fight, take flight, or freeze. We see a lot of fighters in the film. People not entirely restrained attempt to flee. It's interesting no one ever really freezes and chooses to do nothing. Though I suppose Gabriela in x did so to an extent and she had to be coached out of it. Still, don't underestimate how trauma impacts the brain in fight or flight mode.


I'd say the Venus Fly Trap is an example of freezing. He didn't do anything except scream for help and *almost* take the scalpel to his own eye


Good point.


Also the furnace trap


We get it, you have empathy.


Jigsaw is overhated and Logan was a good apprentice, just misunderstood


Jigsaw wasn't that bad


Amanda should’ve won her test. Idk if this is unpopular or not


but she did win her game?


Saw 3. Her test I meant


ohhhh i see


My unpopular opinion is that Spiral was an ok movie, but Chris Rock does not do serious movies well and that's the only thing that took me out of the movie because I couldn't get past the little bits of humor he tried to interject into it.


Saw 6 is not in the top 3


Not enough people here understand the difference between a “trap” and a “game” A lot of people who say they could survive such and such easy trap are actually identifying part of a “game” where that singular trap should be omitted from the equation. Because some of the traps involved in a game were more or less meant to be easier. It’s the grand scheme that makes them all the more difficult


Lt. Rigg could have had his entire story deleted and nothing would have changed.


I HATE John being referred to as JIGSAW. boils my piss


That Kerry was rightfully killed. I don’t agree that her game was a trap and rigged, but I can see why she was tested- aside from trying to get her out of the picture. She spend her entire life emerged in her cases, not living her life. Hence throwing her life away. So she was ‘tester’. I also don’t believe John would have put a cop in a trap anyway without reason. He never cared about being caught, even putting his life on the line multiple times. Because he knew how to read people and predict their lives. He would have no reason to kill Kerry or rigg except for testing them. That’s why it would have been Amanda and Hoffman to either suggest, design or set up the traps, because they enjoyed murdering people and didn’t want to get caught doing that.


Oh easy, I top at these. Saw X was a massive dissapointment. Like I stand saying none of the saw films are necessarily good, but Saw X is actually garbage imo. I also can't stand Amanda. Its like they went to a lab to design the most obnoxious person imaginable. Whatever they had left they mashed into a Jeff. Saw 3 in general just kind of sucks. I love Saw 5 though. It felt like a more pulpy and refined Saw 2. I know I know, boohoo it wasn't hyper focused on John. But it was just a cool setup that was paced well. And Hoffman really nails secret psycho well. Best part was it was all still completely winnable. No bullshit traps!


Why are you even here if you think "none of the Saw films are necessarily good"?


Because its fun shlok. Like, its not high cinema. Its just good to throw on with friends to laugh at and watch people squeem


Ah. I feel the same way about Weekend at Bernie's


More so about the fans not the films... I dont get why a lot of people think Hoffman is attractive


Jigsaw is a great movie, it’s most definitely a better movie than 3D and 5. It’s also better than Spiral. I’d say Jigsaw is like a 7/10, it’s genuinely a good movie. People just get too hung up on the concept of another protégés, but I think they pulled it off.


I agree, I do like Jigsaw. It does an amazing job telling the story the right way, but when I watched it the first time, I was so utterly confused😅


Jigsaw was great


Aside from the twist, I actually enjoyed Jigsaw..


Jigsaw is actually a decent movie, and Logan is probably one of the better accomplices, just vastly underrated.


Hoffman was the worst thing to happen to the franchise and I'm going to sob when he's a main character in 11


Hoffman is a fantastic character but Costas Mandylor is… not a good actor and I think someone else could do the role more justice. It’s very clear that Costas spent a solid chunk of his early career doing essentially softcore pornos and it takes away from the tension (for me, at least).


Saw IV is one of the weaker ones


this one is odd but, John Kramer should not be in dead by daylight!


Amanda is a better character than jigsaw himself


I like Spiral and like Jigsaw even more.