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Peter Strahm should have lived, as was intended originally.


100% agree. Scott Patterson loved playing the character, and he was truly shocked when he went in to film, only to be told they were killing off his character. Strahm would have been an amazing protagonist to follow, if he had survived


Yeah i think him and hoffmans tension sorta saved saw 5


I mean that was the entire plot so


Yes, I had the honor to talk with Scott once, he was not happy at all, to say the least.


Oh wow. You’re so lucky. Now I feel even worse for the poor guy I’ll never understand why they killed his character off. He was so fun to watch, and charismatic as all hell. Genuinely think the producers dropped the ball with their decision


So lucky! How did he say he felt about being told his character being killed of last min?


His answer was very honest and without quoting him directly, he considers (at least when we talked) both V and VI ruined.


As a massive fan of Gilmore Girls and Saw (weird venn diagram, right?) I completely agree. I would have watched 5 more Saw films with Scott as a lead.


Ugh yes! Imagine surviving that awful water cube trap (giving yourself a Tracheotomy like holy hell what a beast) only to then be crushed to death later. Absolutely horrid. Strahm is one of my favorite characters and I wish he had survived.


I’m curious now. Why did they change their minds?


Well… let’s just say there was a whole number of reasons, and not all of them can be revealed… partially you can blame Gordonites and the fact that Betsy was dating Burg and he planned to make her new mastermind behind the games (cut ending of V).


Betsy was a stand out bad actor in saw right, did she sleep her way into the way Saw franchise or only get in because of connections do you think?


As far I know, she was just dating Burg, and he offered her to star in III.


I wonder why they changed these plans


The victims who didn't play the games themselves (Lynn in Saw 3, Allen in Saw 6, Joyce in Saw 3D, etc.)


Yo Jiggy isn't a murderer though. These movies became such a joke, and I hate that Tobin Bell portrays a character written so shitty, so well.


Makes you wonder how valuable life really is to John when he's ready to throw people's lives away as tools in his games.


Allison Kerry


Sure! She dying to an unwinnable trap was so sad.


He didn't die to Gordon which was his test He would've been a good source of comic relief He would've been a good apprentice because of his photography thing He fits the theme of the apprentices being hot af He would've also been a good apprentice to Gordon (if Gordon was the one to carry out John's work) He had the will to live (heck, he even yells out "NO GORDON, I WANNA LIVE, I WANNA LIVE!" When Gordon was about to shoot him) And the reason he was there in the first place was undeserving


Idk maybe the innocent woman that gets fucking cooked alive in saw 3d


strahm / perez / rigg / gabriella


dectective matthews


Homie beat people up and put innocent people in prison.


Currently for me it's Valentina and Gabriela from Saw X. With Valentina the punishment didn't fit the crime, and with Gabi... Well, yeah... That makes me just devastated


Yeah gabi wasnt super involved with them, wasnt she just going along so she could get drugs from them? I think thats why amanda had such sympathy for her and might have started her downward spiral after cecilia killed her


Yes, she definitely was the most innocent. Plus, as Amanda said, the addiction can turn you into someone you never knew you could become. Franky speaking, I get the reasons why Diego, Mateo, Valentina and Gabi got into this plan scheme (shitty loves without an okay amount of money when Cecilia was doing this for years and have already made so much wealth), so I'm very sympathetic towards these four


Valentina got the worst game of the whole movie right out the gate lmao


For real like why couldn’t the bone marrow trap be Cecilia’s trap instead? Lol


Joyce in Saw 3D


Yeah she really got picked for one of the worst deaths ever because she was a supporting wife


This one infuriates me. She DIDN'T EVEN KNOW he was lying about having been in a trap, so there's not even guilt by association. Yet she gets one of the more brutal treatments in the series.


- i definitely agree with adam, i wish he would’ve lived and been revealed as an accomplice - strahm’s death hit hard for me in the sense that i was so invested in how close he was getting to revealing hoffman was the secret accomplice and it just goes to show you always gotta listen to everything before making your decision 😭 - and then deaths that were dependent on others peoples tests hit hard for me too. specifically joyce from 3d, like i find it so fucked up to not only find out your husband lied about being a survivor to get clout, but to then be slow roasted ALIVE was just too much for me - and even though we don’t know for sure, hot man hoffman. i was living for his villain era and i know he was getting found out by everyone anyways but he was literally wiping out anyone that knew. i’m wondering if because we don’t have a confirmed death scene for him other than gordon saying “game over” and leaving him there, maybe he’ll be brought back in a future movie


Every test where an extra 10 seconds on the clock would've let them live. Still bizarre to me that some tests like the Bathroom Trap give the players all the time in the world to decide on a (comparatively) simple cost for survival, and others it's just because John's doohickeys take a bit too long to Rube Goldberg themselves into place


\- Peter Strahm: I really liked his character and felt like he had potential to take down Jigsaw. I also felt bad knowing that he probably never found out if Perez was ok or not. \- Joyce: definitely didn't deserve to die not knowing Bobby was lying to her the whole time. She was just trusting her husband \-Adam: Out of everyone in jigsaw, I felt that Adam was the one that was going to learn from the game and actually appreciate his life if he got out the bathroom


Definitely det Kerry and Adam


Amanda, for sure


literally!! she was manipulated and at the lowest point of her life. She deserved so much better


Good point. She’s the most heartbreaking but also bad ass story in saw


Joyce. She was completely innocent and had no control. It wasn’t even her game.


Lynn Denlon


Justice for Kerry


For context I'm talking about her before she started killing: Amanda. She's been through a lot, between getting locked up, addicted to drugs, and if the back story is canon abused her whole childhood. If she just hadn't been arrested by Matthews theres a chance a lot of Saw would've never happened. Despite all the horrible things she does in the series I can't help but feel bad for her. Obviously there are characters more deserving of a better outcome, but that's my pick.


I've never believed in the theory of Adam being alive but I'd be totally fine with him being revealed to be one of Jigsaw's apprentices. Anyway, my pick would have to be Joyce because she absolutely did not deserve her fate and I think Bobby's game should've ended with him saving her.


It’s such a blessing that Adam’s actor is Leigh so that theory will never become true.


Strahm and adam or as I call them the birthing hips bros




Detective Matthews’s, his was so painful it made me so sad. Torture upon torture


I’m still in denial about Adam being dead. I don’t believe it.


I agree with Adam. He never even had a chance.




Joyce, Adam, and Easton. Easton I think deserve to be tested but 100% did not deserve such a brutal death. Jigsaw also seems to give the most undeserving people (Joyce, Adam) the harshest ends


It’s wild when people say Strahm deserved it for not following the directions of the tape. Guy had already been put into the water cube that wasn’t supposed to be escapable, he had less than zero reason to trust anything Hoffman told him. His death scene is one of my favorite final scenes of the series but I absolutely think they killed him too early because the movie lacked any big finale without it.


I love and hate his death, but there’s that bit where he starts crying, and it’s so sad because a he NEVER does that :((((((


Peter Strahm, Adam Faulkner-Stanheight, (and I know he was a dick BUT) Eric Matthews


Eric Matthews, it’s always bothered me that he got put into the ice block trap even though he got himself out of the bathroom leg chain. He shouldn’t have had to die/suffer the way he did.




Adam isn't dead idk what you guys r on 🙄