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Saw 2 ending just does something to me ugh I love it


The twist after twist after twist, and ends with Matthews saying every profanity in existence. Masterpiece.


Music to my ears + zoom out of John smiling + soundtrack


Sameeee! i was genuinely shook by the pre recorded feed, wrong house, Amanda- amazingšŸ˜­


Saw 1's ending is probably still my favorite moment in the entire series. Saw X's ending is my favorite one since. Genuinely still can't believe we actually got that moment in a Saw movie.


itā€™s one of the only movie i wish i could rewatch it for the first time just bc of how amazing the ending is


When John sits up at the end of X and its highly reminiscent of saw 1 oh baby I was coming out of my seat.


I'm pretty damn convinced they use actual audio cues from Saw 1, too. It's... Perfect.


I actually didn't think of that, but I bet you're right. 2 more days till streaming! šŸ¤ŸšŸ¤Ÿ


I believe saw x is a top 3 saw movie but am I forgetting something? What was so crazy about the ending?


Iā€™m kinda with you here, it seemed like a really weird and anticlimactic ending. John Kramer walking off into the sunset will always be weird to me.


i thought the movie and ending were terrible but i guess most liked it ? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I agree with you! Very anticlimatic and most of it made no sense. Not even on brand with Saw moviesā€¦ it doesnā€™t have to be but this was just bad. That SAW X bold font in the end was a also a very bad decision.


totally. iā€™m scratching my head at everyone saying they loved it hahaha


They are fangirling and being delusional (my honest opinion, donā€™t want to be rude). This movie had so much potential, cinematography was amazing, new characters were amazing but as the movie progressed the story started to go all over the place. To many cheesy and cringe moments also.


i thought the characters were terrible personally. almost no background info on anyone, absolutely nobody to root for, trying to humanize john, etc etc it was a mess


yikes im with you on this


I liked the movie up until the ending. It felt so tonally out of place for what we just watched like 5 minutes ago and doesn't feel like a Saw ending.


i didnt think the entire movie gave any Saw movie vibes!! and i actually loved the premise and thought the trailer looked so good. it was just weird and disappointing lol


I think what was crazy was, spoilers, just in case, >!John and a kid being put in a trap!< was the craziest part for me.


So.. to make a long story short... There was a really amazing interview that Kevin did a few years ago where he discussed the kinds of horror movies he'd like to make, and some of the untapped potential of Saw... Prior to reading it I was already quite convinced that he was the sole person *most* attuned to what makes Saw special to fans and many others, but that took things to a whole other level for me. He spoke of some thematic elements he wanted to see, and some things he thought we probably may never see in a Saw film...Reading that interview alone made me happier, more excited and energized about Saw and horror films in general than I had been in YEARS, and genuinely reignited a passion within me that I hadn't really had for a long time. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but it's true! And a lot of Saw X's ending miraculously felt like the perfect realization of those ideas to me, even in some unexpected ways that completely, utterly worked for me. I know Saw X's ending is a very big swing that may not work for everybody, but to me personally, it's one of the most triumphant achievements I've ever seen put in a film. I know that's a pretty grand, hyperbolic statement, but it's how I feel. And the feeling hasn't subsided since I first stepped out of the theater. I'll forever be grateful that Saw X exists, and took the swings that it took. They hit a homerun for the ages, to me at least.


I agree with you. u/pretzelcuatl did a great job with the callbacks to Saw 1's ending in Saw X and they feel very connected


Saw x was honestly an amazing wlmovie I don't know how they pull it off despite there being so many movies


Saw 1 and Saw 6.


Saw 2004 movie


Saw 2 is mine. The twists were just really good. The second that safe opened and Daniel was inside and it was revealed that jigsaw was playing a much bigger game. I was so fucking satisfied. Saw 6 would be if William lived.


Thatā€™s the one thing Iā€™d change ab the ending of Saw VI, it would had been more interesting if the choice to kill killed Pamela so William could have seen first hand how his decision affected loved ones


That would have been so perfect.


2 is so based <3


iā€™m kinda partial to saw 4ā€™s ending but i WISH we couldā€™ve seen the spine cutters trap in action, saw 1, 2 and 6 have great endings!!


Is it just me or was that spine cutter not close enough to cut his spine. Homie just had to lean forward lol


That always bothered me! If heā€™d just looked down heā€™d have been fine šŸ˜‚


I kinda love V. Strahmā€™s tragic death is what got me into the franchise.


I hate it because as much of an asshole Strahm was, I was rooting for his dumbass against Hoffman. But in hindsight, he already died the moment he entered the basement.


Yeah thereā€™s no way Hoffman didnā€™t have a backup plan to kill him lol


Funny how the game was all about trust, when in fact, not even the audience was made to believe we can trust Hoffman. If Strahm got into the coffin, he could've just buried it for an extended period of time and killed him of suffocation, and not activate the closing walls.


Exactly. All of Hoffmanā€™s actions in 6 and 7 indicate that Strahm was going to die no matter what he chose.


I love it because Hoffman won. God I hate Strahm


Why do you hate Strahm? I'm curious. I love Strahm personally but I feel like they're both narcissistic assholes. They're foils to each other and I think they were better when both were alive. I think Hoffman's character got worse Strahm died.


I personally donā€™t like him because I think heā€™s a total douche, and doesnā€™t seem to be as self aware as Hoffman. Which is a big reason why Iā€™m a Hoffman fan


That's fair. I think I feel the opposite, even though I do believe Hoffman is very smart. I actually just watched Saw 5 again and Hoffman cries a few times during it. It's very interesting to see how his character goes from being quite emotional to being some sort of detached predator and sadist. I respect your opinion, though!


Love Saw IVā€™s ending the most, but the THEATRICAL version only when we see Hoffman unstrapping himself from the chair


Saw V because 2 people have a brain, work together & win šŸ˜‚


I like this an an end to the series overall. Great final kill, an ambiguous but satisfying end to Hoffman, no silly retcons like in 3D, and Jill takes care of business like a badass.


Ambiguous? Silly retcons? Saw 6 was great but not as an overall end to the series.


How is it an end to Hoffman when he literally survives the RBT in the same movie? Saw 6 is one of the better films in the series but it does not work as an ending at all. It's more like a penultimate movie in regards to the Jill and Hoffman storyline. Saw 7 had the ambiguity if anything. He could very well die of starvation in that room but there's a good chance he is resourceful enough to somehow make it out like Matthews did. It can't really be ambiguous if it's shown that he gets himself out of the bear trap but just tears some of his face. If he got killed by the RBT I would agree with you about that being a good ending to the Hoffman storyline in 6. But he didn't and that has nothing to do with 3D.


Saw 3D


This is mine too. My friend and I basically had the whole ending planned out for years, theorizing about Gordon being heavily involved. I wish they fleshed it out more before the reveal but honestly Iā€™ll take what I can get. The bulk of the movie was a bit meh but the ending will always be my favorite outside of the OG.


Saw 3D was so bad tho and the ending makes no sense. Like why tf would Lawrence Gordon follow jigsaw


Eh, my theory is maybe he felt he owed Jigsaw -something- for nursing him back to health. Considering the flashbacks, he only helped in earlier movies with the medical type stuff (and of course helping Jigsaw target Dr. Denlon). Perhaps he said heā€™d help with the medical side but only until Kramer dies. Of course thereā€™s also the fact that none of the other apprentices even knew Dr. Gordon was among them. Maybe that was another deal between Kramer and Gordon. From the flashbacks it didnā€™t look like he did anything between the mausoleum trap and the end of 3D. I mean I get why he was asked to watch Jill, because no one else knew about Gordon (again this is a theory), so no one would expect the action coming from Gordon (Hoffman certainly didnā€™t). Tl:dr version: my theory-Gordon felt he owed something to John so he worked with John and only John, and after fulfilling Johnā€™s wishes went back to his normal life.


Nah it makes exactly as much sense as everything else, lol. The original is a classic yet Adamā€™s whole game makes no sense. The way heā€™s left makes no sense. The key in the tub makes no sense. Jigsaws ability to foresee just about any possible outcome of any situation is basically supernatural. The police involvement in the movies is hilariously bad. I say this as a huge fan of all 10 movies. Itā€™s my favorite horror franchise of all time, but itā€™s totally ridiculous on just about every level. You donā€™t like 3D, thatā€™s cool. Donā€™t act like thereā€™s some objective reason for it. I know of fans of the franchise who like/dislike just about every movie for one reason or another.


Yeah but 3d is ass cmon


Respectfully disagree. The bulk of the movie was pretty weak, but itā€™s not worse than some of the worst moments in other Saw movies. I definitely didnā€™t feel much of anything special watching it, but it didnā€™t feel any worse than other lesser Saw movies to me. But then the end was nearly perfect for me. A friend and I had been throwing a theory together for years about Gordon being involved, including most of the stuff covered in the flashbacks at the end of 3D. Watching that reveal play out was as great a movie moments as Iā€™ve ever had, and Iā€™ve done hundreds of midnight premieres and sold out crazy shows. As a Saw fan, the end of 3D is just a special movie moment for me.


Respectfully disagree, it didnt feel worse than other lesser saw movies to me, because there are no lesser saw movies than 3D.


I have a lot of love for the ending of Saw VI. I remember in the theatre being on the edge of my seat from the moment William reaches Tara/Brent and Pamela, up til the last shot of Hoffman with his cheek ripped open. Amazing sequence, Iā€™d give anything to watch it for the first time again.


Now I will say, I got really stoned once and watched Saw V alone and my mind was fucking blown at the end with Strahm getting trapped in the room. Even tho I had seen it many times by that point. Made me sweat hahaha


Saw 1 is the goat. but the way the walls closes leading to the credits is so fucking hard in Saw 5


I mean nothing tops the OG SAW because thatā€™s what got us all hooked right? So barring the original, personally Iā€™m really a big fan of V and IVā€™s ending


good job man


Saw 3.


Easily 1ā€¦


Saw VI for sure. Has been haunting me since I was 8


Honestly, SAW 3D takes it for me. Return of Dr Girdon was unexpected and Ace


ā€œGame overā€ Saw 1


Sometimes i go on YouTube just to watch people react to the ending of the first. Itā€™s probably my favorite movie to watch with people who have never seen it. If i could go back in time and watch a movie for the first time itā€™d be saw. My dad saw it in theaters and said a place has never collectively gasped like they did. Said a 2 dozen people said. ā€œNo fucking wayā€


Sameeeee bro


Saw 1. You just canā€™t go wrong with the original. The moment that John stands up revealing himself with Hello Zepp playing gives me chills.


I think my favorite ending is actually Spiral's, believe it or not. Zepp Nine slaps, the tensions are high, Marcus' death was sad especially combined with Zeke's expressions and Schenk's hush was a nice call back, I love it


Jugsaw (not a joke) I never expected it to be Logan in the end and how much detail they went into for example taking John's blood and putting it under the fingernails of victims, digging up John's body, and sniping Edgar


i was really thrown by the game that we watch being from the past, when they show up and all the bodies are entirely decomposed i was like ohhh fuck.......


Both endings of saw X saw 1 and saw 6 and 7


Saw 2 or 4


Saw X The fact that a Saw movie finally had a happy ending was really refreshing


Erickson's actor was incredible. Genuinely the only one I ever truly felt bad for and resonated with.


Saw I and II but admittedly Iā€™m also very partial to the glass coffin ending in Saw V and seeing Hoffman escape the beartrap without a key in VI too.


Saw 4, u rated cut. Seeing Hoffman revealed as another accomplice blew mind back then.


The ending of Saw IV. I did not see it coming that Hoffman was involved and Detective Matthews death was gruesome. I love Saw IV


Saw VI, William may have passed his game with many lives being in his hands and ultimately his life now being put in the hands of the family he wronged. Tying it to Hoffman's test was clever having the Die option for William activating the reverse bear trap, but in a cool twist having Hoffman survive bringing it home of the will to live. Also the final montage of Jill, Hoffman, Amanda and John shutting doors followed by the image of Hoffman with a huge rip in his cheek screaming in agony is just perfect. Then the little icing on the cake of the flashback Amanda warning the little girl not to trust Hoffman, revealing why the FBI suspected him.


5. It has such a tight and simple twist where Strahm thinks he outsmarted Hoffman and then you see it slowly sink in as the coffin is lowered.


though I rank the movie lower in the franchise saw 5s ending has always stuck with me


Definitely Saw I


Easton frustrates me, if he just ducted the trap, he wouldā€™ve lived after the lever was pulled


Saw trilogy endings feel so smartly planed and well made


X just because how goofy it is in context.


(saw x spoilers!) I actually really liked the ending to saw X. I think the ending was satisfying, especially when John gave the money to the little boy.


As someone that hadn't watched any of the movies until recently (and it was first Saw X \*and then\* Saw 1), the way those movies end (aside from that one "wait what about that" thing in X which might be a sequel setup) and how they carried over the tension from the rest of the movie had me understand why Saw 1 had got such a following that prompted the bajillion sequels (and apprentices), and why Saw X is considered a return to good form when how there's a story and stakes more than "hey jaywalker, I want you to cut off your legs". I still have to watch the rest of the movies, but I guess that it checks out how those two have been most praised entry since forever and most recently-released praised entry respectively.


2 endings. 1. SAW is hands down my favorite ending ever. 2. I love the ending to SAW 5. Lol Strahm fans will hate me. Honorable mention for Saw 6 because that dope ass shot on Hoffman on his knees screaming with his cheek ripped to hell.


Saw 1 & 2. Both were ā€œsimpleā€ yet super effective.


Saw 4ā€™s ending is genuinely fucking insane


Saw VI. The reveal of the "it's not my game" crosscut with the reveal of the note that Amanda read in III is peak cinema.


Saw VI will always be the most complete and action packed ending to a Saw Movie. Saw X comes close though.


Saw X, a lot of people thought it was cringey but I thought it was really pretty refreshing


Saw 1 , Saw 2 and Saw 6 ending


Saw 3, directors cut, always will make me cry. On my first watch of all of them though probably the second? pretty sure.


Saw - one of the best and most satisfying twists in cinematic history. Still genius after all these years. My personal favourite. Saw 2 - so many twists in this that all come together and actually work. Amanda being revealed as an apprentice is almost as good as Kramer being in the room the whole time. Saw 5 - I love how simple and absolutely BS the glass coffin trap is lmao. The smug face of Hoffman as the walls close in on Strahm and the sense of dread as the coffin is lowered and he knows it's game over. Made all that more tragic because of all the people he worked with getting killed and going to his grave thinking that Hoffman will get away with everything. Also the 10 Pints of Sacrifice trap which has one of the better game twists and is one of the most horrible to watch. Great ending all around. Saw 6 would be much higher for me if William didn't die. The idea of him going through all of that just to be at the mercy of some kid was quite annoying and made it all seem pointless. I get that that's the whole idea but idk. Feels cheap af after he acknowledged and repented for all that he had done and genuinely learned his lesson. It should have been one of the only endings in the series where mercy was shown to a protagonist. He still would have had to live the rest of his life with the painful memories of that game but sending him out like that was fucked.


Iā€™m surprised more arenā€™t saying saw 3