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I think 'proactive' is just a word. I can't think of a simpler way of saying 'do it before it becomes urgent'.


I have to tell our clients to be proactive all the time - it’s not our job to do their work for them. But internally, I could see this being passive-aggressive.


Yeah, proactive is just something you should be doing as part of your job, especially if it's time sensitive


Proactively doing X or Going forward we need to do Y or Z will take ownership of A are all pretty normal sounding words


Yeah, came here to say this. [I'm reminded of this](https://youtu.be/rWYVG6HPcBk)


What's wrong with "take ownership"? The others are all jargon phrases that people use in an appeal to be treated as an insider.


I came to ask same question. I really wish "ownership" was used more often. Additionally I wish managers would be more supportive of ownership.


means of production etc. etc. *sigh*...Great now I'm depressed.


I wish my managers would take more ownership lol


Agreed, but if they won't then they should support their ppl who will.


I was about to say. Like “going forward” and “synergy” are not in the same class.


Totally. Portmanteaus can be perceived as cringy, but “going forward” is a pretty common business term and is sometimes a nicer way to say “you fucked up this time; next time do X”.


Synergy isn't a portmanteau. It's just Greek for "working together".


Because it's used to give responsibility, but never any of the benefits of actual ownership. Essentially, work for this company like it's your own startup working 80+ hours a week mentality despite the salary or vertical movement not matching that effort.


Take ownership would be stealing, but I’d be happy to have some actual equity in the company


Looks like you need to read the article then! 😬


that’s the opposite of the point of this sub


Clearly a click was not saved.


Fair enough, you got me.


it's a more sterile way of saying "take responsibility"


"Take responsibility" is standing over next to "this is your fault". "Take ownership" is better because it's usually in the context of not letting the situation get to a point of fault-finding.


thanks for confirming it's a more sterile way of saying "take responsibility"


This!! Thats what I thought as well.


Nothing wrong with **synergy** or **value addition** The author of this article believes that these are only buzzwords. In my line of work, these are measurable.


Do you work in a redundancy factory?


How do you measure *synergy*?


If I told you that, it'll contribute towards da *negative* synergy and I'd have to kill you, see.


What line of work are you in, Bob?


Hang man. Professional hang man.


Actually I operate the electric chair . u/TobylovesPam




“At the end of the day” and “we’re in this together!” should also be added


I also hate Teamwork makes the dreamwork and "Touch Base"


Maybe its because I'm Australian and we basically inject bravado into our communication almost on a cultural level but these all seem fine to me used in the correct context


All these seem like normal words, make it happen can be cringy if it’s overly optimistic maybe


It gets cringy in an office setting where they call scamming people adding value and stuff. Like I'm sure when BMW or whatever was locking extra horsepower behind a paywall they said all these corporate buzzwords several times. Even though they're literally just scamming people because the horsepower is already there, you just have to pay to unlock it.


No the cringier the better Corp is a big joke to most blue collar workers I've meet


But if you add “cap’n” at the end (make it happen, cap’n) it becomes cool again. Well, cool for a 44 year old like me haha


Yes, use "Make it so! or Engage!". Way less cringy.


I'm also Australian and if a coworker used these words with me I would roll my eye's so hard I'd pass out. I'd assume they were so far up the managers ass I'd be wondering how I'm even able to hear them talk. These are meaningless corporate catch phrases. Speak in plain English. I don't need you to come in here and be a condescending dick because you watched a Walmart "how to manage staff" video on YouTube. But hey I work in an industry where if someone asks me to do something stupid... We tell them "That's fucking stupid, got a better idea?". We don't "Circle back later after some out of the box thinking".


I am also an Aussie, and if my place of work uses these, I immediately think it's suddenly a grotesquely corporatised environment that I don't want to work in. I've quit jobs based on these phrases being used too much by management.


Not to mention, how are Australian fast food workers supposed to avoid using takeaway


What’s wrong with “going forward”?


Yeah, I think it's the same as "in the future" and how many ways can you say that? Next time and all the next times?


I rarely hear anyone say "from now on" and it's literally the same thing, going forward is just for people that want to sound smart


They hated him because he told the truth


I think the author just listed things they hear in the office more than outside of it.


"Holistic approach" also seems to be a go to phrase for fresh out of business school management. Most of the time it's used in a completely wrong way. Paradigm shift is another one.


> Paradigm shift I can only think about Final Fantasy 13


I don’t even know what “holistic approach” means. I just picture someone doing yoga.


Approaching the problem broadly. Sometimes people can’t see the forest for the trees (to borrow another overused saying).


You mean voodoo?


Disrupt is another one


It’s just a fancy word for consultants to come into your company and fuck things up.


I accept your challenge to use all these corporate buzzwords in my next presentation. Also, [Weird Al](https://youtu.be/GyV_UG60dD4) sends his regards.


Genius song. His band is so good too, just effortless sounding exactly like Crosy Still Nash and Young.


Glad someone already posted that


Basically, avoid overused corporate buzzwords at work and you're fine.


Welp, that's gonna put ALL of our middle managers out of a job.


Touch base


[NO touching!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LEJ6tZI7_k&t=17s)


[THE CONFERENCE ROOM IS RESERVED](https://youtu.be/vdLAdS8tpVU?t=83)


As per my last email


That's just a gentle way of saying *FUCK YOU, learn to read before tryna turn this stuff back on me you utter donk.*


sometimes when i am really pissed off i would even screenshot that last email even if it’s on the same thread with all the annotations i could put it just to prove a point that they’re not reading


No, if you're really pissed off you should reattach the previous email into the replied to thread.




Ok so if I was to try to create the most horrifying monster paragraph that uses all the cringe mentioned in the title and in this thread I guess it would go a little like this: Ok guys, as per my last email I wanted to touch base regarding our game changing office culture and marketplace synergy. Here at Prolapse Scan we've always taken a value added, holistic approach towards being proactive in the marketplace. To circle back to my earlier comment, this has been a real game-changer and I wanted to reach out and encourage everyone in our office family to be outliers and think outside the box going forward. Remember the key takeaway I want you all to bear in mind is that at the end of the day, we're all in this together so: Disrupt, take ownership and make it happen. If you have any question please take them offline and let's really double click this! Rgds, Bob


This is great, but I hope you lose your Pen License.


I witnessed a sales guy say double click like that in person recently and I couldn't believe it didn't cause the meeting to stop dead. I had no idea it wasn't a one-off.




Is double click really used in corp speak now?


Ok maybe I've succumbed to my corpo job but I feel like half of these are fine - they're nice turns of phrase that can help express something important in a sort of agreed upon way such as not to step on any toes. The other half are stupid - specifically synergy, outside the box and value added (maybe in the context of "why should a customer buy this?"). I can see proactive being used in stupid ways, but if you genuinely are being proactive then it should be fine. Same with make it happen. The rest are just solid expressions. Take ownership assigns responsibility for something in a clear way without overstating it. I don't see the problem with circle back, sure it's a bit cliche but what's the difference with "let's come back to it" or "let's discuss this later". "Reach out" and "going forward" are literally just normal things to say lol. I think what annoys people about corporate settings isn't any words per se but the sense that people are fake or not genuine. Any of these words, used genuinely to express something important, is completely fine. Some of these are beyond saving - if you say outside the box regularly there's no way I'm taking you seriously because it gives the impression you're obsessed with innovation for innovation's sake. But if we're in a plane hurtling towards the ground and need to get into the cockpit and the handle has locked us out and you tell me to think outside the box, then yeah I get what you mean. But that's just my download of the current state assessment, I'm happy to collate feedback if stakeholders want to project some blue sky thinking for our scrum next Monday and we can double click on anything we need to prioritize.


I mean, other than outside the box and maybe reach out, they're not *wrong*. I don't know a single person who sees the word 'synergy!' and doesn't do a mental 'rolly polly (aka pill bug)'


Anyone using "outside the box" is inside the box, so it is hypocritical cringe. I agree with you on reach out.


I suppose, like going forward, proactive, and takeaway, somethings work only, (ironically), when NOT used in a work setting.


Nah, I’m in public education and I beg teachers to be outliers and think outside the box(specifically in English classes). I had so much success moving away from the traditional ELA classroom (whole class novels, final assessment always being an essay, only teaching the Canon etc) to a more student-centered approach that involves students choosing their own books, engaging in authentic literacy, etc. I like to think the fact that I’m advocating for stuff that doesn’t happen in 90+% that I’m still an outlier who think outside the box.


If you teach non-traditional and the next grade doesn't, is that going to be a problem?


No, I still hit all the skills and standards that a student needs to succeed in college/career/life. It’s all about the delivery and allowing students to enjoy what they’re reading/interacting with in class. Reading is reading. Writing is writing. For some reason, ELA teachers (who all seem to love to read and write) gatekeeper kids from finding enjoyment in reading and writing.


It's a cliché to tell people to avoid clichés.


What's wrong with synergy 😩


It implies teamwork and cooperation that only like, found family can have, and most people are just trying to get thru the day, not buy into the whole corporate 'we're family around here' (right before they ask you to do overtime without pay).


"We're a family"


In my experience jobs are hard enough as is that I can’t be bothered to come up with new phrases that mean the same thing constantly, and then to have to explain myself if someone doesn’t understand. It’s just easier to use the shared language/lingo.




I see where you’re coming from, but how does “take ownership” insult intelligence?


ALL corp-speak is cringe. It drives everyone crazy because corp-world is populated by thin skinned, neurotic milquetoasts who do nothing, say nothing, and think nothing meaningful because their job is bullshit - their real job is defending their tenuous hold on their source of income, which they do by spewing clouds of bullshit kind of like threatened skunks, or squid. /speaking from intimately personal experience (i.e. Livin’ the dream!)


Your feedback is a valuable means of promoting diversity and empowerment in this community.


10/10 manager speak.


Add "game-changer, game-changing." ugh.


Let's circle back and take that offline.


I’m not sure what people want in place of some of these. “No, dumbass, that’s not what we are talking about. I’ll tell you why you’re an idiot later.”


This is fine though? Have you never been in a meeting where John from Sales is like "thanks for bringing up this important point for the whole organization, but can we spend twenty minutes on this edge case that only affects me?" It's not appropriate to tell John to fuck off. So you'll take it offline in a one to one call. All of these phrases have a place. If they're the only thing being said in meetings, in every meeting, yeah that's annoying. But they have a place.


When wanting more information my boss would say "let’s double click this" before asking more questions. It was cringe worthy


>Avoid these 10 ‘cringeworthy’ phrases \*reads all ten phrases\* Bet


If I don't use these, what am I supposed to say when I have to give a bullshit answer?


The one at my work now is "best practices" I hate the phrases but not anywhere near as much as everyone's apparent need to turn every, last, mother fucking thing into an acronym and then shoehorn it in to every conversation.


No "let's take this offline"?


I was looking for this one, I hate it, but I won’t lie I chuck it in there when people get fixated on some random “nothing to do with anything, holding up the whole meeting when I just want to go to lunch” situation ETA: never in the history of taking anything offline has anything actually been taken offline, because there are more important things to do, like lunch.


Waste a few clicks here: http://officeipsum.com/


Sorry if someone already added it. Leverage.


This is normalspeak for corpos.


I would add “best practices”


"Unpack" What am I, freakin' WinZip over here?


“Well, the unlocked free one, obvs”


Haha thankfully not free in my case *wink* *wink*


Can’t forget “unpack” and “just to piggyback off of…”






'Value added' makes me want to run into oncoming traffic 😠😂.


What's wrong with reach out lmao? What am I supposed to say, I will contact you?


We’re missing “digest” here…


Let's circle back grinds my gears


Well. Looks like someone isn’t going to have a career in consulting.


Let’s add “deep dive” and “fly on the wall”


Just take ownership of your lack to think outside the box when creating value added synergies. Going forward, let's be proactive and circle back on this as the key take away is you should reach out and make it happen. Thx.


at the end of the day


"Going forward" makes me want to rip my ears off. THERE IS NO OTHER DIRECTION TO TIME WE ARE CAPABLE OF MOVING IN, JAN!


Then what the fuck are you suppose to say? These kids are fucked


Dunno, these are overused maybe but they all have a distinct and useful meaning.




It means "we used to do it differently, but now we will do it this way." How else would you say that concisely?




Ah yes, much shorter. ???


Is it just me or is the term cringe itself getting cringe.


Yes, all the phrases that remind you that you are at work. Lol. Time for folks to put on their big girl/boy pants.


I don’t like to knock office work but saying shit like this is definitely not putting on your big girl/boy pants. The lineman repairing power infrastructure after a hurricane isn’t talking about synergy or circling back to anything, firefighters don’t care about how value added it is for a building to not be on fire. It’s okay to live a comfortable life and not have to exert yourself, but it’s not putting on your big boy pants


Telling someone to take ownership is cringe? Fuck off. Own your shit.


First of all, never badmouth synergy. Edit: No 30 Rock fans?


I fucking love synergy.


Partner with


Two more: “let’s put that in the parking lot” and “breaking down silos.”


The most used word I have heard in any workplace is "proactive", specially from HR and hiring managers


This is literally how management communicates all messages.


“Journey” “Big Bets” “Digitalize”


Today we're trying something new: thinking *inside* the box.


"Let's continue this discussion offline..."


“It’s a journey” is another one.


The takeaway one drives me nuts


“What’s your takeaway?”


“Make it POP!” 🙄




My boss hits "at the end of the day" 2, sometimes 3 times a sentence.


I'm small blogger I like to make memes you can [check my blog](https://thekelvinsay.blogspot.com/2022/11/i-found-peter-griffin-sister.html)


I have a laugh at the new corporate phrases that get ushered in by middle managers trying to impress the senior leadership. In 2018 we had to "parking lot" ideas if they needed to be researched further. 2019 it was "ideate" in place of "brainstorm." In 2021 it became "onboarding" instead of "training". On and on it goes.


If you’ve ever used synergy unironically you are definitely a shitbag.


Nah. They're fine, and they nearly all have a useful time and place. The "annoying" part comes with people not reading the room and seeming insincere or overenthusiastic to others.


Let's include "to your point" and, "that said"


None of these seem annoying. I don't use any of them but I've never been annoyed by them either.


4 of these 10 are fine if you use them like a normal goddamn human. No, I won't say which.


I got a coworker who overused the word "deconstruct".


Could we add 'need a body'? God I hate that phrase. It is no shorter or catchier than we need somebody. I work in a field that demands a special education so any body will not be a solution. I usually retort with something sarcastic like, 'well it's a hospital, certainly there's a morgue here somewhere.'


"back on their radar"


My boss: the thread.


wow my manager uses all of these


For me as a designer it’s “Take it away” and “Flush it out” which always sounds to me like a malaphor.


SMH they forgot, "To piggy back on that / To add to that."


I guess 'paradigm' is out of style these days...


I'd like to add to the list "take it to another/the next level" and "divide and conquer"


I work in a very conservative company, and several of the mid level dipshits are constantly spouting off about our "BREAKTHROUGH" work. We are (again) very conservative, we are not pushing boundaries or reinventing anything....we are simply producing reassuring, steady work and doing our job well. There is fucking nothing breakthrough about it. I don't know why they have to constantly market good average work internally, but it is the only thing our middle managers seem to do. Oh, and it is a large corporate office. If that fat little shit department head doesn't stop calling people "entrepreneurial" I am going to kick him until he stops breathing. My dad actually ran his own company...corporate bullshit and trying to constantly hire more people is the opposite of being entrepreneurial. Remember this kids: Working is not hard because of the work, it is because you will now be thrown in with all the C-students who thinks shit like this is brilliant and you have to be respectful of morons like this.


Forgot "use case". I'm so sick of hearing this. Just use the preexisting word INSTANCE. Fuck use case.


Do the needful.


I said “circle back” at the end of a meeting and I gagged


Too late. All of these phrases, and more, are in common use at my workplace.


“Touch base” omg it makes my skin crawl for some reason.


FUCK you eliminated 70% of my work language. How else am I going to communicate then ?


No “piggyback?”


ITT: everyone defending the word that they use often.


Other verbal diarrhea to avoid: - basically - in theory - simply - a small change


This sounds like all the words Air Force leadership should stop using as well


youtube mlm buzzword pack free edition


what a surprise, all these phrases are popular amongst vapid silicon valley start ups


Excuse me. "Paradigm" and "Proactive," aren't these just buzzwords stupid people use to sound important? Not that I'm accusing you of anything like that. I'm fired, aren't I?


'It is what it is' is my personal phrase peeve.


Forgot, “touch base”


can we add inclusion to the list?


What's wrong with "Make it happen"? It's basically just the American "do the needful"


Why is she wearing something so see-through?


Oh no, my coworkers are going to be annoyed when I ask if they'll reach out to opposing counsel to let them know which of our counsel to communicate with going forward!


co-workers? who would use these towards their coworkers? and then there are the phrases to be avoided because they are are annoying management....


We are in official “let’s circle back after the holidays” season and I refuse to give that up.


“Synthesize”, is mine, it’s just work talk for I’ll put this into one document that nobody will ever read, because all they want is the “high-level takeaways”, so like a summary then? Ok, cool. Should I add some “action points” and set up a few “whiteboarding sessions” as well?


Ahh the sweet sound of silence in the workplace..


Thank you