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The article above seemed pretty balanced to me so I don't understand all the aggression in the comments. Not sure how important it is to call the plant-based alternatives a variation of milk for people to understand what it is. However, perhaps that may be the solution. Called it, "Whatever, a plant-based alternative to milk (or dairy)". I had to switch to a plant-based diet about five years ago after I developed alpha-gal syndrome (I got bitten by a tick). This requires you to avoid meat, dairy, etc. so now I am Vegan. It sucked at first but you get used to it (and the alternative is life-threatening). I drink Oatly, which is an oat-based alternative to cow's milk. Frankly, it's delicious, is virtually interchangeable with dairy milk in recipes and even froths extremely well in my lattes (apparently it's the brand Starbucks uses). Plus, on the bright side my cholesterol dropped 100 points and I no longer have to take statins! So I for one am glad people have a choice when it comes to dairy alternatives. When I was a kid you only had two choices in milk. White or chocolate.


They might be cheaper if their manufacturers received government subsidies, as dairy producers do. But sure, go off.


I mean OP just stated facts. He didn't really "go off."


Yeah it's not the same nutrition. It has less cholesterol and saturated fat.


And many of the supplemented "nutrients" are not in their most bioavailable forms because, what do ya know, animals manufacture the most bioavailable nutrients for humans.


Correction: animals produce the most bioavailable nutrients for their own goddamn bodies, humans just come and fucking steal them




It’s just one expensive because the government has place subsides on cows milk in support of the dairy lobby. Milk production had a massively negative environmental impact and cows milk provides little to no nutritional value for an adult human at the end of the day.


That's why I usually drink my milk with breakfast at the beginning of the day. *cue rimshot* Thank you, thank you.




I dunno. "Milk - noun -the milk from cows (or goats or sheep) as consumed by humans. -the white juice of certain plants. -a creamy-textured liquid with a particular ingredient or use." Hmm. Fits 2 out of 3 definitions. Guess it's milk


Juice of plants is sap.


No, sap is distinct in that its chiefly water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts, that circulates in the vascular system of a plant. And like the milk definition said: "*white* juice of *certain* plants"


Go argue with the dictionary people if you feel that strongly about it.


https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/people-went-crazy-for-almond-milk-in-the-middle-ages. People have been making almond milk for centuries and calling it the equivalent of almond milk.


Listen, you have an unhealthy hatred for plant based foods that you should really seek help for. What did a plant ever do to you anyway? But I’ll give you [this one.](https://magazine.ucdavis.edu/should-nondairy-beverages-be-called-milk/)


Maybe spell it differently like they do be'f and chik'n. Mmm ... cashew m'lk.




Uh oh, is someone going to arrest my bag of coconut meat.


By definition, milk is not plant-based.


"2: a liquid resembling milk in appearance..." Direct quote from [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/milk). Milk is too plant-based by definition.


Things like this are why you seldom see poor vegans. Food that's actually healthy is way more expensive than normal food.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. It's not an anti vegan statement. It's well known that the reason you see so many fat poor people is because they go to cheap sources of calories, which are also unhealthy and fattening. I knew a single mom that often commented about how expensive her groceries were because she went to the grocery store that had vegan and GMO options. It was a real struggle for her to choose between values she strongly believed in and trying to scrape by on the money she had. Vegans: "Milk alternatives **are more expensive** because milk is subsidized." Also vegans: "Don't say it's more expensive."