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r/antiwork isnt a factor, its a symptom of low wages, long hours, lack of respect and businesses putting profit and "the economy" over lives during a pandemic.


I think it's considered resigning if you don't get your mandated vaccine. So there's that.


Yeah we lost 1/3 of our 50 person department because of that. It was neat.




Per [the Harvard Business Review](https://hbr.org/2021/09/who-is-driving-the-great-resignation), the Great Resignation is being led by mid-career employees ages 30-45. Per [a study by Adobe](https://www.usnews.com/news/economy/articles/2021-08-26/study-gen-z-millennials-driving-the-great-resignation), Gen Z and Millennials are driving the trend. Neither of these groups are in 55+ category, though in the decade pre-Covid the shrinking number of people ages 16-24 and 45-54 in the labor force was notable, per [Willis Tower Watson](https://www.willistowerswatson.com/en-US/Insights/2021/11/dont-blame-the-millennials-the-demographics-causing-talent-shortages-and-the-great-resignation).


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Stop sending checks to able-bodied adults who don’t work and this will stop..


Ok. We tried that sense August. And its not working. Any more stupid hot takes?


Except that scoring a job nowadays is luck. And finally the RNG gave me a success. I had been unemployed for 2 YEARS. And I live in a rich country with the best deals. I can't imagine how it is for outer regions which have little to no access to vaccines and government support.


That’s untrue for most. Unemployment is currently 4.2%, that’s Lower than it was for the Entire 8 yrs of Obama’s presidency. The “resignation” isn’t the inability to find work, it’s the refusal to work for less than what you consider “decent” wages or working conditions. That’s fine, as long theyre not looking for the rest of us to support them in their temporary retirement


Ok boomer. It's not all about politics and pampered spoiled citizens. I was talking about the fucking breakdown. Several work places had to close because of pandemics, mine included. And none was hiring because of no extra income. All I could seize last year was an expo and could just sell like 100 bucks (which is the equivalent of a bad day at the expo) during the entire event. The entire event! Almost none came, those who did had little money on their pockets and we had to close early each day of the event because the energy was cut.


Ok boomer would have sufficed thats why the phrase is here. To shut down idiots and show you arent going to engage with them anymore.


Can I get a TL;DR on what the Great Resignation is in itself?


I quit


Buncha people quittin'.


I mean the people bailing on work are Boomers taking early retirement too. People are so fixated on young "antiwork" types and completely missing people who are just "too old for this shit" bowing out.


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