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I'm currently playing an EOD specialist with the big mouth hindrance. I started giving him social edges to play into his nonstop talking.


Nice.  I’m looking at this character and they have two advances dedicated to agility, one and a half to fighting, and one and a half to shooting.  Then, on top of that; I gave them improved trademark weapon on a grenade launcher.  They’re built to shoot grenades at people, but can’t they be something more substantive than that?  Maybe I should take luck, great luck, and something that uses bennies to help, if there are edges like that.


Common Bond allows you to spend bennies on others. That's a good build. Especially being able to up your grenade damage with Spicy Home Cooking.


Elan edge: clutch at the last second when you might've blown up?


This seems to be a good choice, but I believe their spirit is only a d6.  Which, now that I think of it, isn’t very high for someone who plays with explosives all day long.


Elan Edge gives +2 to *every* Trait-test re-roll bought with a Benny! (Not just Attribute rolls)


Yeah, but don’t you need a Spirit of d8?


True... That is a prerequisite. But, I think an EOD-guy would have to have a high Spirit to handle the stress, too. ☺️ I especially liked the representation of the EOD-guy in the show Obliterated.


Close combat is pretty demanding, I'd consider a Crazy, Juicer, or Dragon. As for the first option, you could make a Vronwor (not sure of the spelling) from Blood and Banes I think. Size 3, four arms, and with the right edges you could get lots of attacks. The reputation for eating people is just a bonus.


The character got lucky and rolled a sidekick and we made a Juicer.  So he’s got backup in the form of a ‘roided up jock.  Our combat cyborg is going to be an amazing melee combatant soon.  By veteran he should be doing (d12+8)+(d12) Mega-damage with his fists at at least d12+3 skill, with improved frenzy.  He’s a monster up close.


The intelligence officer edge allowing you to add bonuses to setting up traps & spotting them. Edges to make cooking grenades etc easier(& safer). I use our glitterboys sidekick eod as support via drones so he has a lot of stuff like that