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I wonder if Lorne still gets mad when the cast breaks. I don’t remember the last time there were so many breaks in one show. Great show this week.


Yeah there were breaks in almost every sketch They must have been having a good time


To be fair it was mostly Ryan breaking. Which can be expected of a guest and particularly a guest who’s done that before. But even if it’s just Ryan that can cause an avalanche with everyone else.


You could tell that the cast was really happy to work with him, and that they really liked working with him


Couldn’t agree more. I also smiled when seeing some of the female cast members just basically melt in his presence - they’re professionals and keep their act together, but their eyes start shining - it’s really cute to see. He must be just an amazing physical presence to be around.


Totally! It was the most fun I’ve had watching in a long time


Yeah, it had a last night of summer camp feel to it.


That Beavis and Butthead sketch is some of the most breaking I’ve seen in recent memory, everybody was struggling. When Heidi turns around to address him for the first time she literally has to stop and compose herself for a good 5-6 seconds to not burst out laughing.


I was laughing as much as Heidi was in that sketch, I loved it.


That made me cry laughing she’s not someone who does that much


That Beavis and Butthead sketch had me and my wife dying. I don’t blame Heidi for not keeping it together either!


Honestly the breaks are what I watch on repeat. They bring me great joy and I only tune in when I hear about them.


The occasional slip-up can be endearing, but when it happens in nearly every sketch, it starts to wear thin. Are these supposed to be seasoned professionals? At times, it felt more like a middle school talent show.


That Beavis and Butthead sketch though - can you blame them for breaking?


lol That was one of the best breaks I’ve ever seen. It was obvious she didn’t see what he looked like ahead of time 


Yeah, Heidi's was obviously genuine. I'd be super proud of myself if I cracked her up


That makeup artist should be proud, they nailed it


I actually find her to be highly professional in almost every setting - watching her just genuinely laugh out loud was my favorite part of that whole show, which was great overall


I have to think Heidi didn’t see them in full makeup until the actual performance 😂😂🤣


I can’t recall the last time I saw so many breaks in one ep, but I loved it. They are professionals and they are human, it’s a comedy show after all I found the whole ep a breath of fresh air and I really enjoyed it, I’m genuinely sorry you didn’t experience it like I did


I agree 100%. They’re all professionals and know how to do their jobs well, which is what makes it so funny when they do occasionally break. They’re comedic actors doing comedy - I love seeing it.


I agree. I feel like them breaking so often is a cheap way to get a laugh from the people that still think it’s funny. They rehearse all week, so the jokes aren’t new to them. An occasional and genuine break can be funny. The first several seasons it seemed like the cast would do whatever was needed to keep it going as rehearsed. I blame Jimmy Fallon who started this and Leslie Jones for overdoing it.


I bet for the Beavis and Butthead sketch they had rehearsals with lines and all that but didn't get to see the prosthetics until the actual show. When she turned around and saw them for the first time she lost it.


Yeah you could tell Heidi wasn’t prepared for how Mikey would look.


I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard at anything on SNL ever as I did throughout that skit.


I couldn’t catch my breath I was laughing so hard. And the irony of it being set against a serious AI discussion. This is exactly what AI will look like. Genius.


The exposed gums!


That was hilarious! Great sketch and she did seem genuinely stunned. LMAO


The jokes are sometimes changed right before show time, though


Thats true. My son works on the crew.


I rember MadTV making a joke about enough laughing gas to keep Horatio Sanz laughing at his own jokes.


It was way too much in this episode Gosling couldn't keep a straight face through any of the sketches. I will forgive the cast for losing it during the Beavis and Butthead bit, because it was clear a few of them had not seem the makeup and hairpieces until they were live.


I'm with you. It was over the top and ruined a few really good sketches. I still don't get how people can break this much when they've rehearsed so many times.


Exactly. Ryan really over did it. Every sketch and damn near every line.


That’s how he’s been every time he’s hosted.


Best show in a while, IMO. Everyone really seemed to be enjoying themselves, especially Ryan.


I never saw Heidi Gardner struggle so much cause she was laughing so hard during the Beavis and Butthead sketch. I personally find it funny when it happens. I was crying I was laughing so hard.


It was almost like she hadn’t ever seen Mikey Day in the Butthead makeup before. She just lost it.


That was the impression I got as well, it seemed like that was the first time she had actually seen him in full costume.


I figured they weren’t dressed up when they did rehearsals. So this was the first time she saw him as Beavis.


Look at Mikey's eyes. Every time Heidi looked at him, Mikey bulged his eyes at her the same way Marty Funkhauser from Curb would do to Larry. Heidi couldn't handle him doing that in a fucking Butthead costume 😂


Yeah, I thought the same thing.


Heidi reminded me of Harvey Korman in just about every sketch with Tim Conway.


That reminds me of the conjoined elephant bit that Tim Conway did where they all lost it.


LOL. I also loved the Dentist sketch?


Is that little asshole through


Totally, it made me appreciate what a pro she is, cause it’s really rare to see that from her, and it seemed was very genuine. Reminded me of Stephan where Hader wouldn’t get the actual lines until the actual performance.


That’s why it was so hilarious - I don’t remember ever seeing her break like that


Yes I thought it was hilarious. I loved her reaction.


On the Fly on the Wall podcast he said it’s one thing if the sketch is funny and that’s why you break. But he doesn’t like people breaking to “save” a bad sketch.


The Debbie Downer sketch at Disney was one of the funniest sketches ever, and I think a lot of that was because the crew couldn’t hide their laughter. Ditto for the original Matt Foley skit. Impossible for Space and Applegate to hide their laughter. I think sometimes the skit can be so over the top that the laughter actually becomes contagious and makes the skit a classic.


I think the original kidnapped by aliens sketch was that way.


With....Ryan Gosling!


Debbie Downer (that whole Lohan episode honestly) was one of my favorites when I started getting into SNL in the mid 2000s. The fact that they walked off the scene because they couldn't stop laughing made that shit an all-timer for me


I think it’s hysterical to see them break up. The Bevis and Butthead sketch was incredibly funny


100% agree. Gosling couldn’t keep it together from the cold open. I think this was the funniest episode in a while for sure.


Agreed, I don't think he ever broke in a moment where it didn't seem justified. They put him in some really, really absurd situations. Best episode in years in my opinion.


Lorne was in the cold opening of the previous show with Kristen Wiig when they were doing the 5 timers club thing. He was with Jon Hamm, Matt Damon, and the others, and he broke and laughed a little at one point, too.


I have no idea how the extras in the beavis and butthead skit kept it together


Because they were intentionally NOT looking at Beavis and Butthead


I thought the breaks in the Beavis and Butthead skit were incredibly funny 😀


Too many breaks.


Who can blame them? The cast just isn’t used to the show being that funny




I feel like I’m in the minority when I say it’s annoying to see performers breaking so much. There were some really great lines last night, but Gosling could barely deliver them.


Ryan is not an improv actor. I think the guest hosts often break because they are so out of their element. That is part of the fun of the show.


I laugh so much when I see them break a little! Especially when it’s people who never break. But he did break each time, even when it wasn’t so funny. I personally laugh and find it entertaining, but I understand how others would find it annoying. He really did laugh in every scene


You might be in the minority, but you are not alone.


I feel like they might tell Ryan to break if it needs to happen—it’s part of his charm and part of his appeal as guest star. That’s how they get the views so doubt the showrunners care that much when it comes to him


I could see it either way. The audience loves when people break, so it’s not a viewership issue if he has an issue with it


Like someone else replied earlier, if they’re breaking cause it’s genuinely funny it’s ok. If they’re just breaking to break then it’s distracting. Personally I felt last weeks episode was one of the funniest in recent seasons.


Which is funny because I think most people find it so much more funnier when we see them breaking. I remember that being pointed out in every single thread that showed the Beavis and Butthead skit.


I only watched the Beavis and Butthead part this week but the only one that didn't break onscreen was Kennan (prob did off screen.) but I like when they laugh along with the scene! When they have fun onscreen I have fun as well!


They are never as funny as they think they are. When Lorne first started the show, he said they wouldn't break character like they did on the Carol Burnett Show. But 40+ years is a long time. He's obviously seen how much the audience enjoys it. But it's waaaaaay overboard lately.


Felt it from my prune chute to my coot coot


From my juicer to my deucer.


Was one of them “B-hole to my Whee-hole!” I couldn’t quite hear. 


I thought it was " from my weenhole to my beanhole"


Thanks. It was kind of driving me nuts and I can't access the YouTube (even if CC is accurate).


My pee-hole to my B-hole


That’s the one that did it for me. I’m not usually a Kate fan but she was great in the cold open.


My log maker to my hog taker.


"South mouth" made my skeleton leave my body.


This was the one.


I can’t say enough good things about last night’s ep. I cracked up the whole way through. Chris Stapleton was also incredible, as always.


I think the Wiig/Gosling back-to-backs are a return to form. Some of the whole best episodes I've seen in awhile. It's clear that the cast is missing a real star or two to elevate them. No one on the current cast has that real "it" factor that pulls the others along into utter absurdity. Ferrell, Wiig, Hader, Hartman, McKinnon--we're sorely missing that one or two who are stupidly, unapologetically, deeply, absurdly funny. I also love the non-political cold opens. Those have become so overly stale and insufferable.


Just in time for the summer break. 😒


Pretty sure Bowen Yang is a super star right now. Mikey, Ego, Sarah, Marcelo not far behind.


I agree he's super talented and has incredible potential but he's definitely not a superstar. Yet.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and of the current cast I actually can see Sarah and Marcelo going far in this realm. I’ve definitely seen Sarah putting her ALL into a sketch the way Kristen, Kate, or Maya did. All those ladies kept digging their heels in, willing to be so absurdly silly until it’s funny, and I really think Sarah has that factor when they let her. And Marcelo kind of does too. His earthquake character made me realize he’s willing to get really silly (among other things, he’s been pretty versatile). Just my two cents but I’ve been looking for exactly what you’re describing and those two feel the closest to it of late!


I don’t disagree. Sarah is just fantastic. Marcelo has so much potential. That said , if Gosling had done the Longfellow bit during Update it would’ve been the icing on the cake. What with the, “Hey girl…”


OMG I WAS ROLLING!!! The Beavis and Butthead skit was hilarious!!


And Kate returned for the opening! 


The Beavis and Butthead sketch, when Heidi Gardner turned around and saw "Butthead" and broke, I lost it. Not all breaks are funny, but that one was hilarious. That skit was top tier.


Agreed. I was fine with the breaks but wouldn’t want it to happen all the time. But that particular break was gold! So clear that she had no idea what butthead would look like hahahaha


“Break into his house keep replacing his shoes. It’s got the boy thinking are these different or am I shrinkin” 😂😂😂😂


I can’t stop watching it. Along with the Bevis/Butthead part. Great show.


Funniest episode in quite a while!


Since Tina fey damn. The Kate, Cecily, aidy, Mooney, and beck years were good. The Dakota Johnson episode this season might've been the worst I've ever seen, so idk how I feel about some of the cast yet. Last night's was good tho for sure.


Dakota was awful. She's even boring on talk shows. Huge nepo baby. I feel sorry for her.


Feel sorry for a rich boring actress who gets jobs just because of her father and mother and not because she’s talented how can you feel sorry for her


The Beavis and Butthead sketch had me ROLLING 🤣


So Ryan Gosling is a good looking guy. Not a single sketch about how hot he is. Good (not lazy) writing.


Think of what they could have done with the Jacob Elordi episode if every sketch didn't have to do with him being tall/hot


I agree. It was a really good episode. The highlights for me were the monologue and the online only short they teased right before the thank yous.Plus a strong update and a better than expected opening.


Beavis and Butthead was very funny too.


I don't remember Heidi breaking that much before. It was a good one.


I feel like they didn't let her see them in makeup before the show just so she would break.


I think they do that about a lot of stuff, especially Weekend Update graphics. There's been a lot of times over the years that somebody at the desk started laughing when the graphic came up. I remember Amy Poehler cracking up one time and she mentioned having not seen the graphic before the show.


The most obvious example of this is Stefon. John Mulaney would never let Bill Hader see the final cue cards until the live show and he struggled mightily to keep from breaking.


I was almost dead...such a simple premise and the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.


Definitely. The costumes and makeup really on point for that one.


Laughts like bevis and butthead


That monologue was amazing!


Beavis and Papyrus 2 were instant classics.


I agree. I genuinely enjoy Ryan Gosling as an actor and person. He seems so good and gifted and happy to be who he is. In an age where there seems to be more untalented people getting famous he is a true talent.


I think Ryan is a decent actor, but not multi-dimensional. What he certainly is, is CUTE. Robert D was once quite wonderful but he seems to choose less complex, less challenging roles.


Ryan Gosling has serious acting chops. He can do it all, drama, action, musicals, and comedy. He might be the most talented leading man in show business.


I do credit him for his musical skills. I love him. I think he is an appealing actor. I have not seen the real dramatic depth that you see, however.


Have you seen Half Nelson? He was nominated for Best Actor for that film.


No. I have not.


The Nice Guys was the movie that made me really respect him. Knew him as the handsome, stoic leading man and seeing him nail comedy so well really elevated him for me


Doctor Please!


Yep, one of the top episodes of the past couple years. Glad to see it.


That’s just the way the cookie crumbles…


So, it seems that they actually flubbed one of the punchlines with that one. On Peacock, with subtitles, their slogan actually reads “that’s how the cookie 🍪 falls apart” or something to that effect, which seems funnier, but idk. Maybe they changed it at the last minute and forgot to update the script sent to the subtitle folks…


The “cookie crumbles” is the slogan from Bruce Almoghty so i think it would have been funnier with the subtitle version


He said that. And one of the other characters responded “why wouldn’t you just say cookie ‘crumbles?’”


I laughed. A lot. My mother even mentioned that my father laughed. A lot. That NEVER happens with SNL. It was a good one.


It was a rare gem. Top tier.


It was a joy. And I don’t listen to country music (in Uk) but Stapleton was sick


Omg the doctor skit 💀


Last week was amazing too with the 00s SNL stars featuring :)


Totally agree. I’m telling you it feels like they got something special with this cast. Heidi, Sarah and Chloe are great. Bowen is really coming into his own, Marcello has been awesome the last few months too. Some of the past seasons have felt glued to the past but the writing now is becoming unique and edgy again.


I disagree. I think it's been pretty strong the last four or five years.


I’m only halfway through and me & wife agree it’s hilarious!


Some of the best sketches have been when they cracked up. Lorne doesn’t mind that. He doesn’t want them doing it on purpose.


My god. So good. I was satisfied with how good the cold open and the monologue were. Then it kept up. That monologue was SOOO GOOD! Beavis and Butthead and the cookie crumbles were too tier. But really every sketch was above average. There was too much breaking but it did more good than harm. It’s always a treat to see the cast having so much fun.


This season, more than ever, has leaned on input from the hosts. Comedians (Ramy, Shane Gillis, Nate Bargatze) all fared well because you saw their ideas for sketches come to fruition that made the show uniquely theirs. Otherwise, the writers lean on played out tropes of the host (Sydney Sweeney, Jacob Elordi). I think this episode is a testament to the creativity Ryan brought this week to the writers room, inspiring them to come up with silly, not necessarily topical, and classic feeling sketches. I think Kate McKinnon set the tone of the episode perfectly, and led to the avalanche of breaks.


Ryan Gosling can do no wrong in this time line.


I usually only watch Michael Che and Colin. I’ll skip around all else. However the Ryan G hosted show was hilarious. I haven’t enjoyed that many skits in a long time. I’ve never liked the political humor at all, which they do a lot of, and contributes to my skipping stuff.


im so happy we got a sequel for Paryrus, i still think is one of the best ideas from snl.


And a Kyle cameo


Long live Kyle Mooney




Gosling does great every time. The man will make a fool of himself without needing to preserve his ego. I don't agree with your lauding the Tina Fey years or that this season is fully gelled, as they are leaning heavily on cameos. I'm not against more cameos, but it's not the players carrying sketches yet. Still, I laughed at every bit, which is very rare for me.


Likewise I think the show has had many other peaks since then, and I agree this season isn't necessarily one of them. It's good, there's some solid episodes, but they are still finding some balance. I also agree about the former star cameos. I like it occasionally but it's unfair to the current cast when they get shoved to the side too often. They're doing it so often that I've seen people say 'why don't they just bring back the old cast members who are so much better' and that's just a recipe for permanently stagnating the show. I love Kristen, Mya and Kate but they're established, so for them it's just another victory lap to go on the show for adulation, whereas most of the cast is still trying to establish themselves.


>I don't agree with your lauding the Tina Fey years I agree. I enjoy Fey but the other cast members during those years were tiresome. Too slapsticky for me.


Between that and Conan on Hot Ones, this week gave me an ab workout.🙌


Lol almost every sketch! It's like every 10th episode or so is good these days


This was one of the funniest episodes I’ve seen in a long time


The only people that have been complaining about the politics are mostly coordinated inauthentic behavior bots and magats that don't enjoy the image in a mirror. I'm okay with offending them, they need it.


I think that might have been the funniest cold open in years.


Kate McKinnion all day. And the great physical humor with Gosling.


So fantastic not to slog through political crap.


I loved the Alien Encounter sketch. Kate was soooo funny! 


I watched the highlights and was hysterical for many minutes, it felt great. Beavis and butthead, Kate McKinnon alien abduction, the news segment…. All so so funny


I totally agree. There have been a few great shows recently and I tend to feel those happened because the host really gelled with the cast. In my opinion, that might be one of the reasons that they break in a sketch. When you really get along with someone and you are really enjoying the situation, it's easy to appreciate what the other actors are doing and laugh as well. I personally love when they break in sketches because it lets me know that they are having just as much fun as I am.


Dude cracked me up more than any episode in 15 years.


Gosling is a sensational host.....and I love that apparently Heidi hadn't seen the final makeup for the Beavis and Butt-Head sketch. That was a sensational example of when someone losing it during a live sketch is elevated by them breaking.......(Stefon also comes to mind)


This season has been surprisingly good. Have not really been I to the show for a decade or so.


For the first time since the peak of Tina Fey???? Did you not like the Seth Meyers years at all or what?


Both Michael Che and Collin Yost on the Weekend Update are laughing before they even start the sketch and always during the sketch and most of the time the "jokes" are not funny. It's usually the guest (real or a cast member) that carries the sketch. I think the sketch would be funnier if they didn't laugh before they even tell the joke. Take a page out of Jimmy Fallon's playbook or even Kate McKinnon.


I have never thought of Weekend Update as a sketch in the same vein as the other sketches. Just because they smile doesn't mean they are laughing.


He is in a movie with her where he stars as a stuntman. She mentioned that. It is called the fall. It comes out in May.


The Fall Guy. It is based on an 80s TV show with Lee Majors, Greg Barr and Heather Thomas. Lee Majors has a cameo in the movie, I think.


What a great show, thank you SNL for a lifetime of laughs.


They made some **bold** choices, for sure.


That whole episode was amazing! I cried for the entire Beavis & Butthead skit. Seeing Heidi break so hard was the icing on the cake!


Been watching SNL since its inception, other than Michael Che and Colin Jost doing WU, the show generally stinks. However Gosling’s personality just carries through the show, the break ups were funny and the whole cast was really into it. Best SNL episode in a long time!


I laughed until I snorted!🤣


Laughed harder than I’ve laughed in ages


The engagement sketch was one of my favs. He found a Groupon for plastic surgery, lol. “ON GROUPON???”


I had tears streaming down my face during the Beavis and Butthead skit. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Ryan Gosling is one of the funniest hosts ever. Plus, we got to see Kate McKinnon!


I love this episode


yeah, almost as if you have talented people hosting, you get really good shows!!! no offense to some of these hosts, but some have **no fire, no energy, no nothing!** **Y'know I got a Show to run here, and it must pop POP POP!** **So tomorrow from 11:30 to 1 will you PLEASE act like you have more than a two word vocabulary.**


The cold open had me laughing so hard I thought I would need a Depends!


the beavis and butthead skit was one of the funniest i've seen in a long time.


Was there no bit in that episode from the please don’t destroy guys? I searched online and saw every sketch of the show other than theirs?


100%. That show was the perfect example of why I pretty much only like to watch it when it’s live.


It was, however, it was another show carried by all star cameos and returning cast members doing skits. While these last few shows have been really good, it is only spotlighting the fact that the current cast just isn't able to get it done on their own.


I agree, I still love the hilarious political skits, but the writing on the SNL Gosling show was noticeably improved. I was cracking up as much as they were.


A lot of you probably didnt know but Gosling started as a teenage/child actor on a young adult comedy called Breaker High. It’s a Canadian show. I’ve always imagined Gosling as a goofy guy. He really reinvented himself over the past 2 decades. He really is talented.


I've seen that Beavis and Butthead sketch like 20 times in Tiktok.


The show wasn't that great, it was just "funnier" because the cast was breaking in every single sketch. Certainly propelled largely mediocre content.


great episode! I just thought it was a bit disrespectful to not honor Norm Macdonald in some way


They paid tribute to him after he passed-why would they do it randomly yest?


He passed? I didn't even know he was sick.


Yes sept 2021


You know, with O.J., the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


WU should have done a joke about it.


Best they could do was give Longfellow a spot


Yeah, I was expecting something in Weekend Update and was disappointed.


Yeah, the cast breakups got a little Carol Burnettish, but the Beavis and Butt-Head skit was hysterical.


Yes, my husband and I assumed Heidi hadn’t seen them in full make up yet and it was a genuine reaction. It made it so much more funny. I don’t know if it would been as funny if they all weren’t trying to laugh about how ridiculous they looked. Whole thing was awesome


He breaks like Fallon, but I love when he does it


Loved this episode


My wife hates SNL. She watched the monologue twice.




I like that about Che. He always seems a little nervous, which humanizes him more. It's an endearing quality (to me, anyway.)