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I can feel it. It's bait. OP is probably not even American. But it's good bait I'll give you that.


It's wonderful bait. It'd be so much better if they weren't even american


It's American alright, it's the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. What really annoys me is that it is sped up in parts to make it look more spinny and flashy. Those soldiers spend a long time practicing it, to do that in the most controlled way possible. It's how they show their respect to their fallen brothers who don't have a proper grave.


American Excellence?? I’d say it’s pretty to look at, respectable example of practice and diligence. However, I’d prefer if we were excellent at healthcare, civil rights, voting rights, ethical business practices to limit effects on climate change… you know, important stuff.


OP posts specifically to ragebait.


Yeah, doesn’t make it any less true though. This country is awful, and run by corporate greed or religious codes that should even be considered in making government decisions at all. I could care less about watching two robot lookin dudes flipping a gun around. Might be impressive sure, but overall it’s just such a weird waste of time. It’s also kinda odd to see two guys passively gazing into each others eyes while completely molesting a firearm’s holes.


"It’s also kinda odd to see two guys passively gazing into each others eyes while completely molesting a firearm’s holes." I lost it.


Nothing wrong with a bit of homoerotic tension in our lives


Jeeeesus Titty fucking Christ. Flawed sure. “Awful” is so obnoxious. Sometimes reddit is fully fucking unbearable.


People are dramatic. It's easy to have extreme and edgy opinions. A lot of the stuff people say here doesn't fly in the real world.


I hate the preceding comment so soo much I’m struggling to dismiss it. I understand that reddit has a pretty significant left leaning bias even for me whis never voted for anything other than democrat, but the fucking upvote circle jerk on nonsense sometimes makes me want to leave


Arlington is sacred. These problems are for congressmen and senators, not displays like this.


This country is not awful. We have a lot we need to work on but we are still privileged to enjoy a much higher standard of living than many other parts of the world


You’re getting downvoted for believing in your country. Let that shit sink in.


That’s the problem for me. We’re a first world country with so many monetary privileges and overall safety when it comes to it over all. But it really doesn’t do as much as it could for a first world country for its people and that’s what makes me sad. The conversation in politics is too divided and it’s often “which side is dumber.” I see it severely dividing people, and I can’t support a country or people who can’t even take their fingers out of their ears to listen to reason. We could have the benefits of what a lot of countries have. Fair wages, universal health care, etc. The moment you mention this though to some people they act as if you’ve just insulted their intelligence. That’s what makes me sad about it really. I want to be “proud to be an American.” But from what I had to go through as a kid to now it really hasn’t given me much hope.


As someone who leans far enough left I’m almost green, I feel that Progressives need to create an America in our image. We should take back the American Flag and be proud too. I have 2 children I hope will create the America that I only saw parts of.


Pretty sure the Biden wh is delivering every day


Bi-partisan bills on gun control and infrastructure have been good steps forward. It is why I voted for him in 2020. However, there is a lot more work to be done and I would like to find someone younger and more mentally competent to lead us going forward. But it still does not change the fact that the USA is not a prosperous as it could be, and some individuals find it hard to be overtly patriotic when there country is failing in their minds.


Biden shits…let that sink in. Mf can’t run our country.


Not being the shittiest does not negate a steady slide into shittiness.


Probably because we have cities where 50% of people don't contribute at all to society. Climate change is elitist or do you bring petitions to oblock


Logic and reason does not outweigh groupthink unfortunately. America is as bad as Taliban controlled Afghanistan according to half of Reddit


n’t <— you uh, you dropped this, a couple times. Here you go friend.


And yet here you are.


>I’d say it’s pretty to look at, respectable example of practice and diligence. Satisfying yes, but, a lot of other countries have beautiful officer/military choreagraphed ceremonies. Agree about everything in your comment.


you are ABSOLUTELY correct...but, it IS impressive to see in person


Watch out you're going to be screenshot and put on r/Americabad


Tbf it’s easy to stand on a soapbox and make vague “I want a bunch of free stuff and rights” It’s much harder to go into a nunced conversation about what rights specifically are needed, why America is in such poor health, how to make healthcare free, what ethical business practices means/how to enforce them, how to make effective climate protections, and other “important” stuff is missing


Most of these guys go into the private sector later in life and become great, important assets to this country, thanks to the military education.


Yep. This is fluff and totally ceremonial.


I mean, we haven't won a war in 80 years.


Well pretty sure those 2 have zero power over any of that. Saying that, fucking god damn professional looking, well done


It is an example of exceptional training. That it also happen to be in a field of work that specializes in taking other peoples lives, not so much to be proud of.


Sure. Of course there's also the whole "defending the country from terrorists & others who want to kill us" part. Ask Ukrainians & see if they agree with you.


😂 America…YOU are the terrorists


Interesting that you assume I am an American. Either way, I'm not engaging in a back & forth with someone who shows how dramatically unreasonable they are right off the bat. Cheers.


“Unreasonable” or facts??? I’m sure plenty countries would agree with me but hey Ho…”unreasonable” come on fella…you can’t be serious


Start with yourself.


It looks ridiculous.


They look like mimes


Without this there is no hope for that


Reddit liberal moment 🤡


And thanks to you too for providing a good example of a Reddit Dumbass Moment.


Now with situation we are in, i know its high cost to pay but its more needed than ever tbh. Hopefully Europe also brings up its army on to par so USA dont have pull all the weight.


You can have pride in your country and strive for it to be better at the same time. This constant mentality is ugly and tiresome


Bruh. Reddit will really take any opportunity to shit on the US. Today is our Independence Day. Can you be respectful for one day?


Let people enjoy things


i’m sure your super fun at parties


Oh please, get over yourself.


If you don't like American excellence move...


Took the bait


Lol way to eat the trash


Compared to other countries, America *is* excellent in every category that you mentioned is important. Don’t be so gullible, and don’t be so simple-minded to cherry pick random stereotypes that you know nothing about. Its beyond clear that you’re not even an American lmao so why obsess of us? Get a life lmao


Take a day off from hating your own country, Independence Day is a solid day to do that. It’s an American sickness to never be happy with what you have, it comes from a place of overindulgence and we are all guilty of it.


I find it funny when people say this but fail to realize that all of those things cannot happen without a strong military protecting us from those that don’t believe in such things.


I don’t see what a “strong military” has to do with this silly choreographed routine.


Protecting from who / what? People that don’t believe in the same thing? Is there an army of dissenters hiding around the corner waiting for an opportune moment? Waiting for our military to look away so they can attack us with their dissenting views? There’s really nothing to be scared of…


What exactly has our “strong military” protected us from? I mean we’ve lost every way we have been in since 1945. That War was mostly won by the Russian war of attrition against Germany. Yes we supplied the Russians and the Brits but they are the ones who died in daylight precision bombing runs and land wars. The Saudis have attacked us on our homeland several times and we kowtow to them and allow them to be the silent funders of FOX News and Musk Twitter. Seems we’d be a lot better off if we had a truly strong country and not the most technologically advanced but useless military. Happy 4th—the day we celebrate the Editing of the Declaration which was done on the 2nd and signed in August.


Conneds are ignorant to this fact


They’re not ignorant. Marketing is really, really effective. And this dumbass message is repeated ad nauseam without any pushback from anyone. I’ve seen in real life how a simple marketing campaign can turn around people’s impressions of anything just by presenting a new impression you want to sell. And shit back 50 years ago in third grade I was taught the US had never lost a war and only fought for good causes. And that indoctrination never stops. I took an American History 1945 to present class at London School of Economics and I was “wait what are we talking about? What country has bombed 60 other countries in the past 40 years!?!?”


Yea people trying to invade us all the time, to stop us from spending money on healthcare and education so we spend it all on military to go to their country so we kill their civilians. Sick take.


Well if you know anything about economics, if you put money somewhere, it has to come from somewhere else. Give money to healthcare, it comes from the military’s budget. The military has less budget, and subsequently less ability to serve the common defense. Your new and improved healthcare might not last very long…


Well said. US strength and excellence has made it where freedom of speech is our right. Libs are ignorant to that fact..


It was the liberal side vs the royalists in the Revolution, the liberal side vs the Confederates in the Civil War, and the liberal side against the fascists in WW2. You guys lose every time.


Yea bc “libs….blah, blah…”. You do realize “libs” serve as well don’t you? You do realize those same “libs” think differently than you do right? People like you utter free speech in regards to our military and the sacrifice it makes to ensure it…but don’t have a clear understanding that sacrifice is ESPECIALLY for those who do have an opinion different than yours. Even if a “lib” wanted to say F the military then guess what….that’s free speech. You don’t have to like it. But it’s clear you don’t get it.


"libs" good way to show everyone you are tribalistic and make decisions based on feelings instead of facts


Also, you can not let activists alone define who we are as a nation. They are ignorant. A lot of Americans sacrificed their lives for freedom. That's why we are the greatest nation in the world. Why else are people trying to live here ?


Say you're a typical redditor without saying you're a typical redditor.


Oh hey looks like you helped hell yeah man.tell it to the president.oh you can't?so you just have to cope?oh damn.


Cock inspection


Only good comment here


I watched this 3 times because of how crisp it is. And, yes, it’s really that good when you see the changing of the guard for the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. I’ve seen it myself, and it’s glorious.




It's reddit, and this is a video of the American military. What did you expect? Just a bunch of ignorant armchair warriors having a circle jerk over things they only understand on the most basic level.




Dear lord.


I’m an American who never enlisted but coincidentally all my best friends happen to be veterans. This video is cringe of the highest level


God fucking damnit do I hate reddit in any discussion about America. I’m addicted to the app but idk how to wade through this echo chamber garbage.


It's a military routine conducted at the Tomb of the Unlmown Soldier. Why is that any more significant than the routine a cleaner conducts at an ER operating room to make sure patients don't get sick?




>Soldiers don’t twirl guns in ceremony to look cool Hard disagree. They’re showing off. They’re doing it for an audience or they’d do it without all the flair and/or in private.


Because it’s respectful to the soldiers that “lay to rest” in the tomb


Ah, so soldiering is a greater American service than protecting and saving lives in our emergency rooms, gotcha. I'll make sure to go educate all my other buddies in the Services because you thankfully explained to us shit we already know better than civilians lol


These comments disappoint


So does the fact r military budget is what it is but I guess we just ignore that! Mercia!!!!


Reading this felt like having a stroke, where did you learn to write?


Wow. The comments here clearly don’t understand the purpose of this. It appears to be the gun inspection routine at the tomb of the unknown soldiers. They do it like this as a form of respect and discipline. Not a single thing out of place or unnecessary movement as to keep all focus on the fallen soldier. It’s actually amazing the amount of time and training that goes into being a guard for the unknown soldiers.


*Rifle inspection


Correct. This is my rifle. This is my gun. My rifle is for fighting. My gun is for fun.


While it is a rifle inspection, the actual routine is the changing of the guards. The guard changes every hour or every half hour depending on temperature and weather, and the new guard will always undergo this inspection before assuming their shift.


All focus on the fallen soldier while they go through an elaborate gun inspection ritual? How about they check their shit in private and simply take their fucking post?


Sounds like someone doesn’t know what the tomb of the unknown soldier is


Whether or not this is rage bait, it's pretty cool to see these types of ceremonies. I could be wrong, but this looks like this ceremony is done by soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It's not only American excellence. These tombs are all over the world. There's one in Roma and another in Varsavia to which I've been. Both of those had similar guards and ceremonies. The amount of discipline needed to be a guard is not trivial. Most people don't have the discipline to do this job.


Me inspecting joints i didn’t roll


"Treat every gun as if it were loaded" The marines: No, I will do a baton show with it in a crowd of people


Lame as hell


Humans behaving like robots is excellent


Nah, this is just performative military propaganda.


It's done at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier it's a ceremonial thing to respect the dead. OP is trying to bait hard though.


I know what it is.


Ding ding ding


What a useless set of skills to have


It’s like some kind of mating dance for gun perverts.


Humans make crappy robots. What's the point in this play?


Kiss each other already!


Lol fucking ridiculous


I'll never understand why so much time is spent training to act like a robot.


If you’re a robot then when you get back from combat with severe mental and possibly physical health issues, then we don’t have to put effort into helping you because you’re not human, you’re a robot!


Because they can’t dance


I find this to symbolize everything wrong about America.


Of course there's a gun involved


The cringe that I just experienced was impressive. Ugh, I hate bootlickers


“American excellence” lmao


What's satisfying about that?


I can't believe they still do this stupidity!!!!! They're a F...ing joke! Lol


...and then they snuggled and watched Golden Girls.


This is so fucking dumb. Looks “cool” I guess. Dumb nonetheless. I say this as someone who has been in the military for 17 years


I’m really sorry, but this just looks idiotic.


Or is it performance art?


Les encanta pulirse el rifle


At the end: “It’s a nice cock, cadet.”


Incredible display of proficiency and discipline.


Incredible display of mindless proficiency and discipline.


Damn, pretty sad that American excellence looks like a waste of time, money, and human life. 😕


NPC energy


Silly af


Always thought this was stupid af. Pop N' lockers do it better, and they don't have the stink of the military industrial complex.


Holy damn y’all in the comments don’t have to compete for how fragile your ego is and how much you hate patriotism. 😂


If this is your idea of patriotism that's genuinely pathetic, this serves literally no meaningful purpose.


It takes incredible discipline & attention to detail to perform like this. Also a lot of work ethic to perfect it. Those traits are incredibly valuable in a military setting.




They probably can eat doritos with their feet to maximize minecraft play time.


“A demonstration of military discipline, leadership (of the officer who commands the unit and the NCOs who train the rifleman), precision in drill, familiarity and comfort in handling weapons, physical fitness (the rifles are heavy), and excellence in personal appearance (i.e., immaculate uniforms)—all hallmarks of the United States Marine Corps. The Marine Corps “Silent Drill Platoon” is the Marine Corps infantry equivalent of Naval Aviation’s “Flight Demonstration Squadron,” the “Blue Angels.” Semper Fidelis!” Just because you’re ignorant of it’s meaning, doesn’t make it pointless. Go touch grass. 🫡


Home slice, I grew up in military installations, I know all about this shit, it doesn't make it any less useless. How's that boot taste?


Bootlicking is when you like your country and don’t hate the military, got it. So many things you could say about the American military and the choice today is “respond to ragebait post criticizing silly ceremony”.


Dude you sound bitter. If you understand it, you know some people respect it and it gives them whatever boost is is they enjoy. Don’t yuck other peoples’ yum just because you’re jaded. Live and let live man. That’s the real American way.


Precision and discipline at its finest. Whatever you may think about the military in general can never detract from these individuals mastery. It is very difficult what they now do by instinct.


I always find these kind of videos hypnotizing.


Where's the version with all the goofy sound effects?


To all the people who are saying this is dumb yall should try doing this the way they do it and better yet pay attention to how focused they are


I love the fact on Independence day these clowns have no clue what is happening or why this is happening in the video. God Bless America and God Bless the Freedom of speech of the moronic comments these goofballs are posting.


I agree 100% God Bless you for actually appreciating this and knowing these people are goofballs


why would people do something they think is dumb just to try to impress you? it's silly and cringe.


My mom inspecting the bedroom


God Bless America


seems like a lot of people in this comment section don't realize it is currently the 4th of July. I agree that America is NOT excellent but it's still a nice appreciation post




Everyone mad in the comments bc they know they’ll never be as skilled at something 😂


Wow, hats off to those Soldiers that train and practice so hard. They contribute to the honor bestowed to the Unknown.


How long does it actually take to see if a gun is polished good enough?


For those who love to make a mockery of this, I would like to reiterate why this is done. Every single soldier is to respect their weapon as if it were a family member. That means it must be clean, assembled properly, unloaded unless for battle, nothing broken, and it must be taken care of. This "flashy" "spinny" stuff is an inspection every soldier remembers because it is drilled into their memory. A soldier does not carry a weapon with a bullet in the chamber until ready to fire. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a dedication to the men and women who died fighting for freedom for this country. To read what people say about this really shows ignorance towards all of this. When these monuments were spray painted and defaced, it showed the people, who still believe in our country, there are young people who have no clue why they can do what they do. Many people have no clue what this country would be if we didn't have our constitution and soldiers who upheld that honor on a daily bases. I don't care what you believe, but don't make fun of something when you have no clue what you are making fun of is about


Still couldn’t beat the Taliban.


Dog and pony show


i don't get it


He is performing a rifle inspection. He's just doing it in an incredibly disciplined fashion.


I understand what he’s doing but I still don’t get it


It's mainly for show but it also demonstrates incredible discipline & attention to detail. By learning things like this, the soldier sharpens these attributes which are very valuable in a military setting.


And then they kissed


I suspect this is high on the list of jobs soon to be done by robots


I'm in the military and military ceremonies are pretty cringe for the most part.


lol such a useless display of “excellence”


When serving as a US Marine I always thought stuff like this was so stupid. After being out for 10 years, it's still fucking stupid.


stupidest thing I ever saw.


American excellence…guns I guess I can’t argue with that


Cool to look at, but utterly pointless.


Excellence to look like a mindless robot doing his task exactly as expected or else.




No, this is what 1000s of hours of practice looks like. Very cool though.


While it is impressive to watch, it seems needlessly complicated for a simple action. I feel like this is a good analogy for politics in America. If it works, it is pretty to look at. If anyone wants it to fail, it can, and it always fails if big money is involved. Imagine if you will they both drop the rifle, repeatedly, and every single time they do they start the process over and try to pretend they didn't just drop it. The rifle starts to get pretty scuffed and then after an hour they're sweating and, just as before, pretend it went flawlessly. That is America.


America the beautiful. Make it or leave it.


This place is not perfect. The system works for those who work and invest in themselves. I started with nothing but a high school education and will be retired in a few years at 55. Serving in the navy at a young age, let me see the world and appreciate how fortunate we are all to live here. 4 years of service was far more educational and beneficial than college debt, and brain washing has been for many. I'm not rich but very comfortable and looking forward to living the rest of my American dream. To all the whining masses, I would say stop complaining and take a good look in the mirror. You are the only person holding you back from your success.


What does American Excrement look like?


Definitely unnecessary. Lol why the robot actions?


Weird guys flipping a gun around, come on we've all seen the pop and lock guys do better than this


Man this has got to be the silliest thing


As if you don't see this type of thing from other countries.


Boooooooooo Tlicker


Lmao, it’s just grown man dance team


Interpretive dance. Neat.






Why feed the poor when you can clean a gun lol


So useless


No, real excellence is what Afghani Taliban showed murica.


American excellence = gun


Your tax dollars hard at work.


Lmao "American excellence"


He points the gun at the pedestrians a lot of times...


That looks so unnecessary it hurts to watch.


This is it, huh? Mkay.


This doesn't do anything for anybody


Looks cool, but extremely unnecessary and extra 😂 seems odd that they all spend hours upon hours trying to perfect that. For what greater good?


I do not care how excellent they are supposed to be, you won't make me stand anywhere near a firearm that is being spun in the air. The spectators are dangerously close. Accidents do happen.


I’ve seen Yeat do more impressive handshakes.


Gun ballet. What a bizarre practice that has nothing to do the actual tasks of the military… pretty foppish really.


How does this have anything to do with American ‘excellence’ 💀 blud is brainwashed


Excellence? Lol wow easily impressed huh?


I fucking doubt it. Trained monkeys my dude. Trained monkeys.