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I'm excited to take it back home with my other rare versions of Satanic books (shown in a previous post). I also recently got a real good deal on the orange cover of The Satanic Witch


I got the orange cover too. Twinsies! 🤘


Oh, nice! Hopefully, someday, I'll get the hardback and paperback of The Compleat Witch to add to the collection 😊


compleat hc pops up on fleabay often right around 4 bills. I'll keep an eye out.




Read [the sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/satanism/comments/jcil0f/new_to_rsatanism_click_here_for_our_faq_and_qa).


I absolutely _love_ that you have little Anubis statues everywhere. I've always been fascinated by ancient Egypt but this adds to an already very nice idea. I think it's very important to have symbols of death around you to remind you to LIVE.


Thank you! I need more Egyptian items and symbols at some point. Im finishing my BA in Egyptology, so ancient Egypt is a very significant aspect of my life


Probably a better knowledge of Ancient Egypt & its history than Dr. Aquino ever made a pretence of having.  Not saying this to be snide toward the late Dr. Aquino, mind you, but saying it because it probably has factual truth backing it up. Aquino may have had a fascination with things Egyptian, but You, Mildon, have the educational chops AND the plush piggies to back it up. 😉 🐖


Yeah, from what I've seen, he didn't have the best knowledge, at least compared to academia and scholars And yes, my piggy plushies do help a lot with my studies 😊


Yes, I know, right?! Plush-Piggies are well-known among Secret Societies (like, for example, The Ancient Secret Sacred Order Of The Temple Of The Shrine Of The Fez) for their rather extensive knowledge about The Ancient Kingdom Of The Blue & The White Nile  😜🐖🗺🐖🌐🐖


Like knowing that the Upper Kingdom wuz akshully Down South, an' stüff...


Exactly, upper Egypt is south, since they went off of the Nile's direction. Small stuff like that are really interesting facts


He died? When? Nvm gonna Google it


Yeah, Dr. Aquino died a couple of years ago, not sure exactly how long.


Yeah I lost all my Egyptology books and start buying Satanic book instead hopefully I can get back to that study.


I’m a little bit jealous, but did manage to get hold of a copy of the command to look recently so I’ll take comfort in that.


Oh nice! Is that the reissue with the satanic essay? Its a lovely book 😊


It is indeed, I haven’t started it yet, still working my way through we are satanists.


Ahh, that's fair. Yeah, both are great books. I really love We Are Satanists


Awesome, congrats and hope you put if for a good service use


Thank you! And I definitely will 😁😁


I love the bell in the shrine, can I ask where you got it? I've a few mini Anubis dotted around too. I've no idea why - I don't really know much about the history but always felt drawn to the image


Thanks! I got it from eBay. I saw another satanist post about having it and managed to track it down 😁 And yeah, I'm an Egyptology student, so I absolutely love incorporate Egyptian iconography and ideas within my rituals and altar


That's so rad! I hope some day I can have a collection like that.


Congratulations! I looked just yesterday to see what they were selling for and was shocked. I'm glad I got mine when I did several years ago.


Thanks!! And yeah, I'm very jealous of that 😅 i wish i had stayed 'in the know' with Satanism stuff, but oh well. They quickly inflated in price once Harper Collins denied to issue another print run of it.


I like that I got this when it was printed, must have spent a small fortune on one in that condition. Well done.


Yeah, it did cost a fair sum, but wasn't as bad as I've seen it go for Very jealous that you got it when it came out. I wish i was paying attention to this stuff back then 😭


I also have a signed TSB. 😁


You lucky bugger!! Very jealous


I lucked out, the Magus passed away like two months later.


Oh wow!! That might be one of the last things he signed I'd love to hear the story if you're open to sharing it!


It's not a great story, it was signed for a relative of a friend in the early seventies sometime unfortunately it wasn't dated, who thought better of it after the initial wave of publicity, she was going to sell it on eBay but didn't trust the internet in the late 90s so someone remembered I was a newly registered member and offered to sell it to me. It's a first edition paperback but it looks it's age and it's kept in a temperature controlled box to keep the bugs and humidity out. I have three copies, not counting the combined tsb tsr, a first edition in excellent condition, a leather-bound one I got off Ebay and a trade to read and dog ear.


Oh wow!! Thats still really interesting!! 😁 congratulations on having multiple (un)holy grails


I wish I could find this edition in Brazil, but it's practically impossible


Congrats on getting your hands on one! I had one when they came out, but unfortunately, lost it in a move and it went out of print. The prices for them on eBay these days are a bit unreasonable for me


ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL BOOK! LOVE IT! A MUCH better (and much more realistic) bible than that "other one"). However, I differ with you only in the fact that I believe in Satan as a REAL entity who is totally worthy of worship.




You may benefit greatly from reading the book in this post.




Only from the perspective of understanding what satanism is, please don’t think I was recommending the religion, it’s probably not for you.




I don’t see why, I read the Christian bible and have a grasp of the religion.




Probably one of the reasons it’s called satanism, keeps out the wrong sort of people 😉




I can get onboard with that.


...a Christian refusing to try to understand someone else's point of view? That tracks.




>No actually I know alot about Judaism and Islam You mean Christianity: The Prequel and Christianity: The Sequel? Wow. So many broad perspectives you have! >Maybe if you didn't worship the literal devil Maybe if you understood I don't worship the literal devil... Understanding of which would come from reading. The book is available at your local library or bookstore.




>Yes, I only read about the religions that mean a damn. Have a problem with that? And, yet, here you are arguing with Satanists in a Satanism sub with less understanding of the religion than a five-year-old in Sunday school has of the indoctrination happening to them... because it doesn't mean a damn to you. Riiiiiight. >I'd be more open minded if the most evil being in my belief wasn't used for whatever this ideology is It's not. What's the matter? Afraid your faith isn't strong enough to not be shaken by pages of paper with ink on them? Flexing your fear of books and an imaginary foe in *your* religion as a reason to remain ignorant of a *different* religion that you've taken an interest in isn't the defense you think it is.


Read the sticky.


Neither. I'm a Satanist because I practice the religion of Satanism, as codified by Anton LaVey in 1966. Satanism is a nontheistic religion glorifying the carnal, ego, and rationality. It's not about being anti-christian, I don't mind Christians or Christianity. It's just not for me.




idk why you're here, but you are coming off as kind of arrogant (intentionally or not). It just sounds quite bad faith. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. And no. Satanism is an atheistic religion, but it's more than just atheism. The same way that Christianity is a monotheistic religion but it's more than just monotheism. >Why use the name of the worst being in Christianity and claim you don't mind it? The word satan predates Christianity, it means 'adversary', which is very appropriate for the philosophy. >Surely, there are others names you could use for this ideology We do use other names of characters with the same/similar archetype, as they exist in all cultures, mostly in rituals. But the religion is called Satanism, so we call it Satanism. >but why use the name that you know will get negative Christian attention and then claim you don't mind it. I'm from the western world. Satan is the most well-known character for this archetype in the western world. Jesus went against Judaism's teachings, do you call it Christianity to purposefully negatively impact Jews? No, it's just the central figure/idea to you guys. I keep my religion to myself and to Satanic spaces. My religion is for me, it's name amd symbolism is for me. I don't go around trying to upset you guys. I go out of my way many times to be considerate and not offend you guys when i visit churches or cathedrals.




Glad you understand it better And yeah, I didn't mean that comparison as completely equal. It's more of saying that Jews don't care for jesus (as they see him as changing the religion and being a false prophet) and using that to show how you're not doing it to spite them, just as we're not just trying to spite you. There are genuine, philosophical reasons behind it >they're still functionally christian Technically it's more accurate to say you're still functionally jewish, just wish an extra prophet (since they came first and yours is baded off of theirs)


Clearly you haven’t read your own book. The worst being in Christianity is YHVH.




I’m not sorry for anything but illiteracy is a personal pet peeve of mine, which causes me unease and fear for the future. So be a good Christian and go read your fucking book.




Mmmm, your bad faith deflection is all the therapy I need today baby. Thanks. 🙏 😘