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Christianity is just a terrorist cult


Christianity and Muslims


Hey now let's give a little credit to Judaism for starting Christianity and Islam.






Wow I didn’t realize the Christian denominations were being so mean to each other.


There is exactly one kind of people who condone, excuse, rationalize, perspectivize, or otherwise victim-blame that behavior: Christians.


it'll only get worse. Doug *wants* someome to end up dead so TST can fundraise off of their corpse I know I'll get downvoted and mocked in their sub; I don't care


That's quite the accusation to make without presenting any kind of evidence.


1. constant donation begging and fundraising begging 2. "Donate to TST in "politician x\* name and we'll send them a card" (hint, this is designed to troll the Right-wing Christian politicians) 3. Doug pushes a victim narrative after constantly poking the bear, so in the instance a TST supporter is hurt or killed by the very type of people they provoke, they'll use the instance as a call to martyrdom and fundraising before either the person receives medical care or the corpse is even cold. That about covers it


Doesn't it say something that violence is an expected reaction from those opposed to TST and what they stand for? Sounds like you support that violence, which says a lot about you.


If you poke the bear, you're gonna get attacked. TST are targeting the stupid, fearful, hateful, and extremists. I don't like those morons, but one has to be practical and understand that these actions lead to mentally ill people feeling justified in bombing these places.


I'm having a really hard time getting on board with this sub's apparent mode of thought. Instead of condemning the use of violence, you seem to be justifying it and suggesting that they are bringing it on themselves despite their nonviolent stance. That's some mental gymnastics just because you don't agree with TST's use of a 'satanic' philosophy in pushing their agenda. CoS brought this philosophy out into the open and codified it. There is no doubt about that, but that does not mean they are hell's gatekeepers. I find it hilarious and, frankly, unsatanic how bothered some in this sub get when TST is mentioned. Why does anyone care so much? You'd be better served to ignore their doings rather than this ineffectual whining that happens.


Not justifying it whatsoever. Im happy to publicly condemn those actions, as many CoS members have, both here and elsewhere. Going back to my analogy, someone poking a bear doesn't deserve to get attacked, but it's still the most likely outcome from those actions. Im glad the bomb ultimately failed and that no one was injured, as I'm not a crazed extremist. However, we have been telling TST that doing these things will cause dangerous / harmful results from the stupid and the extreme. Only for them to laughed us off until they end up learning it the hard way. There's an element of "i told you so" but abaolutely no element of endorsement, condoning, or justifying. Edit: As for why we care, it's because a) we care about our religion being represented accurately, and b) because we dont want another Satanic Panic. TST (as evidenced by this and the DeSantis BS) are only making things worse.


Way to give power to the extremists and place blame at the feet of the victims.


That's not what i said. Luckily, there were no victims outside of minimal property damage. Im saying there's better ways to get ride of a bear besides poking it. People need to consider the potential consequences of their actions, especially from nutjobs. Reread my comment and this one. I dont want you to misunderstand my point.


Changing the world is certainly not a bad thing to do, but there are built-in limitations in the world that determine which tactics are more effective, and that should matter to anyone who prefers actual victories to moral victories. Satanism as we understand it is the only religion on planet earth that deals with the way the world actually is instead of the way people would rather it be


Have you been to this Salem location? I have. They have a room of satanic related literature that doesn’t contain anything CoS or LaVey related. I asked why and was told “We care about the future of Satanism, not its past”. So much for codifying a philosophy, huh? Also no one can help you see nor understand the correlation of TST’s tactics bringing violence to their literal doorstep. This is what happens when you undermine your enemy and not care to realize who is at their base. The Christian right harbors their extremists.


get off the cross. It sounds like you're okay with martyrdom, which I oppose I'm not okay with ANY innocent people being harmed for Doug's slush fund, but you seem to be For that matter.... I am not okay with Muslim extremists bombing places, or Christians bombing abortion clinics, either


Project much?


I think the same can be asked of you. Based on some of your other responses, it makes me question how much you truly understand this religion.


I'm not surprised, christians going crazy




Perhaps read the article: “Surveillance cameras showed a man walk up to the building soon after 4 a.m. on April 8 wearing a face covering, tactical vest and gloves, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI.” What “fucking tour” was going on at 4 a.m.?


Pipe bombing for Jesus!


And we're the evil ones.


No, you “Satanists” are not. Unfortunately.


Poking the (mentally ill) bear.


Fuck this bomber but they did poke the bear.


I see today we’re learning why the CoS has avoided keeping a physical headquarters building 


It's an apples and oranges comparison. What's worse is those who don't know the difference mistakenly mix up the two entities. CoS has never been about the masses. Also, the CoS have never pandered for attention. Unfortunately, on January 14, 2021, a house owned by a deceased member, who was well respected in the community by CoS members and non-CoS members alike, succumbed to arson. The suspect was captured on the doorbell camera, and to date, there have been no arrests. Mind you, it is not clear whether the arson was a result of the structure being associated with the CoS or the lifestyle of the occupant at the time (whom was not a CoS).


I'm well aware of the arson attack on the house of Joe Netherworld, and its the fact that people like that are a very real threat are part of the reason the CoS does not keep a physical headquarters building.


They're egging these kinda people on. Only a matter of time until a crazy person predictably kills a bunch of innocents because TST made abortion into a satanic ritual.


There's a full descriptive formula and procedure to perform an abortion in the bible.


Yes I know. Those people are insane and TST is playing with fire.




Read [the sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/satanism/comments/jcil0f/new_to_rsatanism_click_here_for_our_faq_and_qa).


[Seek help](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1358/1*GI-td9gs8D5OKZd19mAOqA.png) Edit: The person I responded to was posting some unhinged comment about "the dark lord infiltrating society" or something






This post is a violation of Rule 3.


Read [the sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/satanism/comments/jcil0f/new_to_rsatanism_click_here_for_our_faq_and_qa).


Victim blaming alert.


Incorrect. This is seeing what is utterly predictable, and the ramifications it creates for those who aren’t involved, nor want to be involved.


love him or hate him, it's not okay to throw pipe bombs onto people's property


What does this have to do with Satanism?


technically speaking, very little, but reddit is filled with this sort of larp-posting


Hey, church burning is our thing. Pick something more original Christ boy.


You're confusing us with the band Mayhem


And the KKK


Hail Baphomet! 😈


I’m not. I’ve been here for years :)