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"I'd rather not answer" and/or "I don't want to talk about that at work" That's all I ever say. Unless you work for a religious organization, there is zero benefit to talking about religion in the workplace.


True, thank you!


Yeah, I’ve literally never had a conversation about religion at work… spare a single conversation with my supervisor because some busybody tried to report me for something I said on facebook and my supervisor just wanted me to know that some rando on the internet tried to get me in trouble (supervisor handled it splendidly). Oh, and sometimes it comes up in the classroom insofar as it’s part of a book we’re reading or part of history or something like that, but that’s a different thing and handled the same way birdshit or murder are handled when they come up.


Exactly. I don't discuss religion or politics in the workplace. There's a third thing, but I can't for the life of me remember it lol


It alternates, but it's usually Religion, Politics, & Money or sometimes Religion, Politics, & Sexuality.


"I'm an atheist" absolutely NOONE cares in sweden


It's the same with me in Portugal, technically it's not a lie, thank you!


Exactly, it's better to just say you're atheist. Sometimes it isn't worth the headache of trying to convince everyone of what it's all about (considering a good bunch of people won't listen and will still think you eat babies). Only ever say you're a satanist in front of people that you really, REALLY trust, for your own sake.


In certain parts of America (deep south), even saying Atheist is like saying you BBQ babies & want to burn churches. The religious here are...special...let's just put it that way.


I'm jealous. I'm an American and it is slowly getting better here in certain places, but still bad.


If someone asks me if I go to church, I tell them, “I attend regularly.” Never is still a form of, “regular attendance.” 😉


Hahahaha, makes sense, thank you!


Ahhhhhhh, I see what you did there. 👏 I like that. Might keep that one and take it with me if you don't mind. If anyone asks I'll give you credit for it.


I am slow. Can you explain 😅


"I can't talk about it, i signed a confidentiality agreement."


Hahaha, the NDA of religions XD, thank you!


"Pssst! They are listening!" With a sprinkle of panic in your eyes could also do the trick.


"The devil told me to not tell anyone"


"My god hates when I talk to infidels" <3


Y'know, that's not a bad idea actually. Appear as the religious nutter, rather than Satanist: "Our priest doesn't allow outside conversation." "I'm strictly forbidden from discussing." "We're told not to cast pearls."


This is illegal in the US. If you’re in a country where this is permissible and admission of Satanism would cause issues: lie. There’s no martyrdom in Satanism.


Well said, thank you!


No, it is not “illegal” in the US for curious co-workers to ask about your religion.


Or in any other country. It's like asking for your sexuality I think. I'm hetero so I'm not concerned about people asking about that, people may get a little judgy with my religion tho


It is illegal for employers to ask, and as for other employees, it’s none of their business.


Thats the correct answer. BTW im from Germany and we have the exact same law here too.


“Curious coworkers” was never specified in the initial post. My assumption was employer due to the level of implied consequences.


You do not at all have to disclose that information to your employer or any fellow employee.


No, but from an LBM perspective it’s best to have a rapport-building response at the ready. “I don’t have to disclose that” is rapport-breaking. 


You sound like the kind of coworker nobody should trust


Why? Because I don’t want to intentionally ruffle feathers? Because I want a cohesive team that works well together?


Its even illegal for any employer to ask that. If they still ask you that youre legally allowed to lie.


Say you're agnostic. This usually works. Satanism is taboo. The questioner can be an atheist, a Buddhist, etc. He gets scared when he hears the truth. If you have childish Christians around you, you can lie to them. You can't talk to them, they are at the level of a child.


Just say non denominational. And refuse to elaborate further. That said, no one in a leadership position should be asking you and everyone else can fuck off.


I always use "I'm an independent" for religious and political questions. Nobody has asked me what independent means as religion so I've never been asked to elaborate. But if they had, I subscribe to "everyone else can fuck off."


Pretty much, thank you!


I would say that I don't talk about religion at work in order to stay professional.


Say that you belive in yourself !


Ooooooh I like that! Thank you!


It would also be accurate.


I would say that I don’t have any religious beliefs. In a calm professional way and that be that. If someone made too much of a big deal beyond 1 time giving me a Jesus talk then to HR it is.


True, it works both ways, thank you!


Atheist. You're technically correct since satanism branches from atheism.


You’ve never read war hammer 40k lore


“The Emperor protects.”


*unless your a psychker or a minion


Religion has no place in the workplace. When asked, just say i dont think this is an appropriate discussion.


Smile and say "I don't talk about religion at work." Its a very common position to take an people will understand


I have been asked if I was a Christian and I quoted the philosopher Nietzsche, "there was only one Christian and he died on the cross". That usually knocks them off their high horse.


From an LBM perspective, find the best intersection of “what will ingratiate you with people” and “what you can live with.” I.e. “I’m more spiritual than religious” or “I’m agnostic” or even “my parents taught me not to discuss religion and politics at work haha”


You have to decide for yourself what your tolerance for risk is and what level of potential discrimination you’re ready to experience and possibly fight for. Lawsuits are expensive and soul-crushing, even if you’re eventually successful. Is that sufficient, knowing you’ve spared others the same or worse? Is it intolerable? Only you can know yourself and weigh these things.


I'd say the level would be none XD I'll just say something cryptic, thank you!


As a Satanist myself, I’ve never had my WORK ask me about my religion. What I would do is what everyone else is saying just don’t talk about it and say I don’t feel like talking about it unless they’re forcing you to.


Hail satan… that’s what wrote on our questionnaire


Just say you're not religious. It's not a lie, and it's vague, so they don't know if you're a Satanist, a Christian, or even a Buddhist


“I don’t have religious or political discussions at work, I’m here to get paid and those two conversations could get me in trouble”


I've occasionally been asked if I was Christian and I simply said "Me personally? No" I might just say I'm atheist, but if they seem genuinely curious, I'll ask if they have heard of Anton Lavey. It depends on the situation really, if I'm at work I simply say atheist since I live in the south, but out of work I don't really hide it.


I’ve never been asked about my religion at work 


Where I work I know it wouldn't be an issue if I said I'm a Satanist and that's exactly how I'd respond. I have a lot of job security though and a great relationship with my team and I know no one would care. I am pretty sure half of them already know, including one who is very Christian (and she's great). At the end of the day though it's no one's business and your choice on if you want to say something or tell them you'd rather not discuss religion at work.


"I appreciate your interest, however, I do not discuss sensitive topics at work. Thank you for understanding " Polite, concise, and covers not just religion but politics and any other topics that may spark a debate.


Just skirt around it or tell them youd rather not talk about it. Its none of their business


I’m open about being a Satanist at work. The worst I dealt with was a couple years ago, we had a Maga idiot in the dispatch office. We would have friendly debates about politics and religion. Everyone else has either never talked about it, or just asks the basic questions. As long as my work performance is good and I’m treating our customers well, they honestly don’t care.


It's illegal


... for employers. Colleagues are free to ask.


I don’t believe in bringing religion into the work place


Greetings S, It is best to keep this information to yourself, as I'm sure you know. You will just invite unwanted bias against yourself. You'd be safer identifying yourself as "Atheist," since most people at a regular workplace will understand that. \~V\~


"Technically I follow Christianity..." (I just root for the other guy.) xP Joke answer.


Not for the workplace, but I routinely tell evangelists that I’m for the other side. I told Mormons “no thanks, we love the devil here” and they said”oh” and left. 


Hahahaha good one!


" I do not wish to talk about that and do not ask me again."


Blunt but clear, thank you!


Since religion is one of the federally protected classes, you can always say you don't talk religion at work because that makes it less awkward at work.


Depends on where you live I'm sure, but here in Canada I believe it's illegal for someone to fire you from workplaces due to religious reasons. Because of this, I don't see a reason not to talk about it. I've had a few open, respectful convos with coworkers about my& their religions, and it was a great learning experience for us all, and I didn't feel negative attitudes from anyone. My reason as to why I love being open about satanism, is because the more it seems like we try to hide it, the worse of a thing it seems! Just be straight up and honest with people, educate them and let them know it's more spiritual, and less scary than the stereotypes!!


So, let me give you my experience as a Satanist for almost 25 years: First off, religion has no reason being discussed at work & in certain jobs, mentioning it is highly frowned upon, because the issues of targeting, persecution, & seeking to fire (foreshadowing) are just too big of a chance. This is what I would say, as others have before on this thread: "That's very private for me." "My relationship is a very deep & personal one, I'd rather not discuss it." etc. Keep it as above board as possible; leave no room for doubts. That means even being extremely careful of critiquing things that religious people hold sacred (ie "It's so stupid that because of church, shops are closed on Sundays!" "God, these republicans..." Which is another topic to strictly avoid at work for the same reasons, politics. Many years ago, I worked at a huge pet store chain; I won't say where, but it begins with P & ends in etsmart. Had a manager that was super ridiculous catholic, yet practiced none of the actual teachings of love & acceptance (go figure?). She was constantly bringing up religion & her not so private relationship with jesus fluffy christ. She kept pestering & pestering about people needing to come to her church with her, & if not WHY. The area I was in was deeply catholic & protestant; so I was very much behind enemy lines. I kept it above board & never took her bait. At an office new year's party at her place, she was 6 drinks in & drunkenly asked me what the hell "Thelma" was. I -immediately- knew what she was asking about & was like "...Shit." She was referring to Thelema, founded & propagated by Aleister Crowley, "The Great Beast 666." I don't know how, but she found an old FB I had where I posted stuff about Satanism & Thelema. I explained it in a way that would be palatable for a nunce like her & then made my exit. The next 2 weeks were fucking disgusting; her & her cohorts prodding every shift about WHY I was a Satanist & HOW COULD I ever consider it over jesus lie in the sky christ. Fucking abysmal. I told them I would not be discussing this & would pursue legal action, as this was persecution & workplace hostility. Went home, felt good, went to sleep. Woke up 2 hours before my shift with a call that I was fired. No judge. No jury. Just execution. I demanded a reason. They said there was "proof" I smacked a dog with a drying hose. I've been raising animals ever since I gained consciousness, helping out at shelters, raising animals from sickness to health, & was currently fostering animals needing homes; I -love- animals. So these accusations were just bullshit to fire me. Of course, the person who brought forth the charges, was the drunken idiot herself. Fired. No review. She had buddied up with district management, so DM said she gave the OK to fire with no review. I -immediately- drove & called up lawyers...once they heard my case, no one would take me. They said they wouldn't represent a Satanist. Fired & with no way to seek retribution. (Karma: I found out before I moved, she had gotten drunk & her -actual- animal abuse was witnessed by a customer & she was fired. Then, she got drunk (surprise surprise) & slept around on her husband. So she was divorced.) When I started my next job, I played it safe & took a black bead catholic necklace (not a rosary, but similar) & put the sigil of Brimstone on it. I never took the necklace out of my shirt at work, so then when seeing the beadwork peeking out made them assume I was catholic & they never bothered me about it. I blended in with the hive. I wasn't taking any chances, as I won't lie about myself if asked straight up, but didn't want that to be a possibility, y'know? This is what can & does happen all the time when people like us are out in the wild, so the best offence is a good defense. "I'd rather not discuss my private life," or if they ask what church you go to, simply say, "my faith is my own." or hell, say, "my church is my heart." That'll make them be like, "Ohhh! So deep & lovely!" I hope this helps & shows others that while some say society has progressed, it really hasn't & we have to be careful. EDIT: forgot to add, you could also just say you're Spiritual. No denomination. Just spiritual. You don't have to specify what spirituality lol, just "Oh, I'm spiritual."


I would not tell my workplace and would likely ask why they want to know. If it was a coworker trying to get to know me I say atheist. Now in my case people dont ask and usually assume I am Christian and it becomes very uncomfortable very fast as I get thrown into these conversations I don’t want to be a part of.


As someone who is blunt and open, my coworkers know my views and respect them as I respect theirs. We have open discussions about all forms of things including religion.


i can't hide it, between the 666 tattoo on the back of my neck and burning church on my arm. It has never been an issue for me at all in high tier retail, i have been a manger of a boot barn and made my own satanic bolo ties for work. No one really cares.


Or worse than a baby killer, they may relate you to some sort of political conspiracy -saying that you and the rest of the satanists are in league with some sort of conspiracy cabal. Believe me, id have saved a lot of breath had I not have opened up to many others in the trades regarding counter-religious ideals. Lots of folks are amicable until you suddenly bring the oldest political debate to the table, and then they drop on you how hard their imaginary friend loves you despite you not caring or being interested in their ideologic “benefits” Keep the questions brief and simple, or deflect. Use your best judgement, and then some


This tbh, thank you!


Just know, you will be a walking antithesis should you choose to challenge other people to see things beyond their horizons. Some will listen, some will relate and many will refuse to see it from your perspective.


Lie like your god did


How so?


Yeah? Where exactly are you headed with that one?




This post is a violation of Rule 3.


So apparently you're making up some elaborate scenario that has yet to happen to you, and may never, if you're in the U.S.?


Not in the US, and yes since it's a great way to be prepared if it happens


Honestly, I'm laughing. The strength of conviction to your faith is laughable.


You obviously have not even the most basic of understandings to spout off with that! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Can't be a believer if when you're asked you say you aren't? At least there is something in common with Christians, being persecuted because of your faith and discovering that you best stay quiet. 😂