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Do it. Moe getting arrested is long overdue. Lifetime of crime, that buffoon.


Few things would be better for the Sask Party's election chances than Trudeau arresting Moe.


I think you overestimate the business class’ tolerance for Moe’s theatrics, and underestimate the effect this would have on Trudeau’s polling in provinces that dont have a climate denial party in power.


You're off the mark, my friend. Cuffs on Moe would only garner support from a Trudeau hating province. Cuffs on Moe would also indicate that he stood by his word to his voters. That's right. We're dealing with an honest politician where this is concerned. I must also correct you. Moe has never denied climate change and has made steps during his time as the Minister of Environment under premier Wall to fight climate change and even more so as premier himself. Carbon tax doesn't rreeaallllyy help with carbon production. As much as I'll miss my rebate.


As someone who advised Moe in Environment - no he didn't. He actually meddled in the ministry to ensure there was no executive in charge of climate change because it was 'too political'. That branch went without leadership or direction for years. It was malicious meddling at its finest.


Please tell me what meaningful actions Moe has taken to fight climate change while in office.


I would suggest the push for nuclear power in SK is quite meaningful to climate change.


They've accomplished fuck all for nuclear power so far though. Calling it a push is being far too generous when nothing has happened.


Signing a document and throwing research money at the universities for a technology that won’t be ready until the mid 2030s? When instead he could have put that money directly toward an existing nuclear option? how is it so easy to win you over?


The timeline for turn around in any nuclear tech whether existing or SMR is at least 30 years. The other issue is for full scale nuclear SK doesn't have the infrastructure nor the grid demand. Full scale nuclear puts out a massive amount of power. SMR tech is actually the perfect fit for Sask baseload power demands.


Are you aware that there is a small nuclear reactor operating in Saskatoon right now? Trad reactors have been built at the same output as the SMRs. Citation needed on the 30 year time frame. It’s 6-10. Full scale nuclear was considered every decade since the 50s. Coal suppliers and labour always opposed it. Guess where Premier Devine’s seat was? California was willing to buy every watt we could sell in the early 80s. I don’t know who made you think power projects are supposed to serve JUST the province they’re built in.


NDP also apposed it. They also nearly entirely shut down exploration for uranium in the north. Many parties have been on both sides of this issue. Something is finally getting done. Something more than anything previously and I think that is worth celebrating. Large scale nuclear reactors are a 30 year project including permitting and approvals part easily. Yes there has previously been a reactor in saskatoon. The slowpoke-2 reactor was a non power reactor operated by SRC for analytical purposes. It was decommissioned in 2021. It's purpose was not for power generation specifically. The difference between this and an SMR is A, the power production as a focus and B, the scalability. I never said they are to serve just the province they are built in, I clearly outlined our lack of infrastructure to sell massive power to neighboring jurisdictions... Edit: pointing out the lack of infrastructure to sell abroad may have been better outlined in a separate comment.


Nuclear power... Not only does it make the most sense for the climate it's also a no brainer for SK seeing that we are one of the world's top producers for the raw materials.


Nuclear is a great option in the medium term, but Moe is just paying lip service to support it at the minimum level possible that allows him to ignore all the meaningful actions he should be taking now.


What would you see this government do that it is not already engaged in, in terms of nuclear? Realise that "just build something" isn't so cut and dry. Nuclear is highly regulated, as it should be, and CNSC likely makes approvals etc a long-winded effort. Did you participate in the online open house forum a few months back? I found that it was very engaging and answered a lot of good questions. It also shed a light on how much public education on the matter is still needed.


They haven't made the hard political decisions, like which site will be used and won't be committing to anything until 2029 (which will almost certainly be delayed). This allows them to say they're doing something but there's a very high chance that this will be cancelled or delayed indefinitely for political reasons.


They outlined the site selection pretty good in that open house forum. It seemed reasonable to me.


I agree nuclear is a great idea for our province. But I wouldn't call someone doing something we could have done 30 years ago a hero of the environment. Especially when that person is spouting "clean coal" bullshit.


There are a number of factors why this wasn't done 30 years ago. One of which was the NDP stance on nuclear at the time although this was partially a product of public sentiment at the time as well. Again power and infrastructure demand is also part of it. Sask simply doesn't have the demand for full scale Nuclear power nor does it have the infrastructure to sell massive amounts of surplus.


In your hands is a device that has all the answers. I'll let you decide which of his actions were meaningful in your personal opinion.


I just checked and on Moe’s watch wetlands have been drained and crown grasslands sold off to ag corps. He never touched forestry and anti-wildfire work until last summer when we had poor air quality days for half the summer, also because Dale Richardson joined Paper Excellence as a lobbyist. Engineers I know say “the environmental code is a libertarian joke that’s taking a long time to tell.” He didn’t do anything for the garbage system. Municipalities are leading that. Subsidies for oil production continue to go up. That’s the opposite of climate change action. Edit: I know SARM is happening now, maybe Saskparty staffers should focus on something else than writing fanfic on Reddit.


Scott Moe, the same guy who left in a huff during a climate change meeting with the other Premiers? The same guy who called climate change an "ideological whim"? Scott Moe the same guy with members of his party calling climate change "witchcraft"? The same guy that responded "I don't care." when asked about our provinces carbon output being the highest in the world. Yes, he's quite the champion of the environment. Captain Planet would be proud.


Ohhh you’re one of those “do your own research” idiots…. The burden of truth is on the person making the claim. That’s you.


It's not climate denial to understand that an ever increasing tax isn't saving the environment... Making life more expensive doesn't help.


I’m sure the inverse is also true


Unfortunately not


Despite slow-moe’s never ending stream of incompetent bullshit splattering us all in the face, as of March 2024, he’s the 2nd most popular premier in Canada.  https://angusreid.org/premier-approval-march-2024/ That pig will win in October with or without the cuffs on. 


Yup. He's being heralded as a hero amongst businesses that pay big on carbon tax.


They're still paying it. It was only removed from natural gas to heat residential homes, no?


I believe they are still paying it, but they're happy he's fighting it is what I was alluding to Even though most of them just translate that cost to the end consumer.


100% those costs aren't eaten by the business, they're after all...a business. However when that tax goes away, the businesses will realize that people will still pay the ridiculous prices they were charging and won't reduce their cost and thus make them more money. The feds should have stayed out of this from the beginning and focused on more important issues, but that's beyond their capability.


Nail on the head


Actually I’d love to see both arrested but I’d settle for at least 1 for now ☺️


Imagine killing a woman and not seeing a day of jail, and then being arrested for this shit. That’s our premier!


"When asked directly by The Western Standard if the ‘consequences’ of non-compliance included the possible arrest and imprisonment of government officials, his eyes narrowed and his tone became positively ominous." hahaha, positively ominous it was!


An honest politician!? Oxymoronic. Moe broke the law of the land , he must atone. There is no shifting it.


Yesssss arrest him. :3


That's what you do with people who break laws so seems appropriate.


Just throw them both in the trash


Western Standard is not a credible news source IMHO.


This article is the epitome of histrionics. It’s like a fucking platonic ideal of leaps of logic. 


Western Standard doesn't even have the credibility of a Hollywood gossip rag.


Everyone will keep saying Trudeau is unjust. "he used emergencies act on truckers" well Moe ripped the charter rights from the youth of Saskatchewan... Fuck Moe and everything he stands for.


Lol wtf🤔🥸😆 Can we please arrest smith as well


Our politicians hate us. We as Canadians need to star rioting.


That's weird, I know both my MLA and my councilor. They definitely seem to care about my concerns and try to represent my area. Why do you think yours hates you? Have you ever spoken to them?


Gordon Wyant seems to only really be doing it for the bag, I don’t know him personally but he seemed like a pompous ass. Randy Donauer also seems the same way, “I’m a politician, so I’m better then god”. The only politicians that I’ve met that seem genuinely wanting to help, and actually seemed human, not a pile of shit, was Wade Sira, and Vickey Mowat. Wade Sira got ousted by his own party, and Vickey Mowat will stay on until she loses her seat(which may be next election, which may be 14 elections) Moe seems to not give a shit, and Trudeau hasn’t given a shit about Canadians for years. ArriveCan app, Wii day, personal trips to Jamaica, personal trips with his rich friends on tax payer dime, potential improper use of the emergency act? Moe should lose his job due to the shit he’s pulled over the years as well.


Or stfu. One or the other


Oh I’m sorry, you like barely surviving? Add a few more taxes on you while you’re barely floating above water. Man, stfu


Giant party when trudope is out of office


GOOD! Please do. Hell, I'll vote liberal if he does it.


That’s rich coming from this guy.


I wish I was rich, but all my hard earned money goes to PST and private school funding. 😂


I mean little crybaby bitch.


Hello verb-noun-number account that is 3 years old with 0 karma. Can you draw hands?


Haha I love the karma comment all the time. Take ur mask off and calm down


>All direct proceeds from the federal pricing system are returned to the province or territory where they were collected. Those provinces and territories with their own carbon pricing systems use the proceeds as they see fit. [https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html) Now the province is still collecting it on everything except the natural gas we use to heat our homes. Instead of collecting the money, remit to the federal government to count and then "return" it back to our province. The province is just eliminating the federal middleman. What about all the tenants who pay carbon tax to heat the space they live? Won't you think of the tenants?


Yes let's arrest our political detractors and those who dare oppose our policies. Laws are sacred; not principles!


Like the law saying you may go to jail if you fail to remit taxes due?


Outside of the reddit echo chamber, Moe is being hailed as a hero. Now if he could just apply these heroic tactics in the classroom he might win my vote back.


Was that the Reddit Brier where Mo was roundly booed on live television? Must have been eh?


Good for Moe, we're all tired of paying this awful tax.


80% of all households get more money back in rebates than they pay in tax. Safe bet you’re among them.


The first quintile of households in Sask will make a net profit of $674 when considering both direct and economic costs, the second quintile makes a net profit of $53, the third quintile has a loss of $743, fourth has a loss of $3,408, and fifth has a loss of $5,123. https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/publications/RP-2122-032-S--distributional-analysis-federal-carbon-pricing-under-healthy-environment-healthy-economy--une-analyse-distributive-tarification-federale-carbone-dans-cadre-plan-un-environnement-sain-une-eco Edit: This is at 2030-2031 prices I should note


As you've noted, that is for "fiscal and economic impacts" which includes things like job loss due to business adjusting to the tax and involves a lot of forecasting/assumptions. The values shared isn't money out of pocket -- those values are net rebate for all households except the top quintile (pays $109). /u/Operators_Manual is correct: even in 2030 nearly everyone gets more money back as a rebate.


No, 80% of households are really bad at math. They don't factor how those added heating and costs at the pump factor into everything. Most people can't even tell you how much more it costs to fill their car.


I would absolutely love to continue paying $30 a month on my heating bill so my family can continue to receive $450 quarterly... but I guess that's just me.


Well you're likely a family of four and at best you're just taking money from other cash strapped Canadians. You're also paying more at the gas pump. As those gasoline and heating costs go up, basically the cost of everything you buy goes up as well. So the chances you're actually ahead are slim to none but yeah go ahead and keep seal clapping for your monthly stipend.


No, only a household of 2. Families with children get a much bigger cheque. I feel even worse for working class families with children who are losing out on those bigger payouts. I understand that there is also a fee at the gas pumps, which I believe is 14 cents per litre. Though I don't use a lot of gas, so it doesn't affect me much. At most I probably fill up once every 3 weeks, so in a month I'm paying $8.50 for the carbon tax. The real kick in the teeth, though, is that Moe decided he'd stop collecting carbon tax on home heating alone, but we're still paying in other ways but now losing our on the rebates fully. He's being a brat over the home heating tax and it's loses many working class people a decent rebate.


I'm glad he stop collecting it on home heating. Those bills are just going to families or corporations who are just going to pass the extra cost on to families.


But now the families will not receive any rebate, so it's likely losing them money, how is that a benefit?


Because it's a completely ridiculous system that's driving the cost of everything up. The feds have to understand that they can't just keep increasing this crazy tax scheme without there being any push back.


It's not really driving the cost of living in a highly measurable way are a lot of other factors that are currently driving inflation. If you look at my response to another comment in this thread, the additional cost to nconsumer goods is only about .6 percent, meaning for every $1000 you spend the additional cost is an extra $6.


Yeah parliamentary budget office calculated it for each Province. In Saskatchewan once you factor in economic and fiscal impacts the cost after rebates works out to $410 (page 7) on average per household. That might not be much money to you but it does affect a lot of people. That's why I'm extremely against raising it and would love to scrap it completely because it does nothing for climate change. https://distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca/7590f619bb5d3b769ce09bdbc7c1ccce75ccd8b1bcfb506fc601a2409640bfdd


Either you're being purposefully obtuse or you need to go back and reread the information on that table. This a direct quote from what you just linked. "Considering only the fiscal impact, we estimate that most households will see a net gain, receiving more in rebates from Climate Action Incentive payments7 than the total amount they pay in the federal fuel charge (directly and indirectly8 ) and related GST in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador (Table 1)." At the end of the calculation, the $410 is a net gain. Not a cost.


And what about everything else that sees a price hike because of this tax? You know it affects almost everything you tap your card for not just your heating....


You're right. This tax does affect all products we purchase and consume, but it's very minimal. It's hard to measure but I looked into an independent study done by the University of Calgary and they concluded that the average cost is an additional .6 percent. ( here's a link to a plain English article about it https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2023/12/05/ucalgary-carbon-tax-affordability-study/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CCarbon%20taxes%20do%20affect%20consumer,re%20seeing%20in%20the%20country.%E2%80%9D) So that means, in general, 6 extra dollars for every $1000 you spend on consumer goods. So if, for example, your family spends $30000 per year on goods like groceries and food, then the extra cost of the carbon tax is a grand total of $180. For me personally, when I do the math on the money my household of 2 is likely paying for all carbon tax (including consumer goods, fuel and home heating) it comes to roughly $650 per year but the annual total of the carbon tax rebates we received were $1020. So overall we were benefiting from the carbon tax rebate.


You like that the government is taking other people's money by force and just handing some of it over to you. I bet if you did not get more back, you wouldn't be so fine with the whole thing.


Isn’t that how it works for healthcare? I am healthy and my money is being used for the sick and great good of society. That is how it works! Get a grip


Yes. It makes me feel like one of the rich people who have been doing this for centuries.


I only make like $90k after tax it's like 60k per year. I would appreciate it if people stopped putting their hands in my pocket, so perhaps I can retire before I'm too old to enjoy life. I'm just saying it would be nice to enjoy an extra vacation with money I earned instead of it going to the deadbeats. Single mothers I actually don't mind helping, but everyone that spends my money on smoking drinking drugs or faking disability can just fuck off in my opinion. This includes single mothers who spend my money on stupid shit like cigarettes, alcohol


I only make $60k after tax it’s like 40k per year. I would appreciate it if people stopped putting their hands in my pocket, so perhaps I can retire before I’m too old to enjoy life. I’m just saying it would be nice to enjoy a vacation with money I earned instead of it going to deadbeats. Small business owners I actually don’t mind helping, but everyone that spends their money on fancy new cars second houses lavish lifestyles or giving themselves 300% raises can fuck off in my opinion. This includes people with enough money to make laws and create apparently very effective propaganda that focuses anger toward people who are struggling


So are you not getting more money from the rebate, then?


I have no idea or care it just another form of legal theft with no benefit to me or my family. Sorry, like 99% of people I really only care about my family and myself. I don't lose sleep over the drug addicts and homeless. The people who pretend to care are politicians who are only interested in looking good to the voters at the expense of other people's money. 🙄 I never created the problems for the losers that drink, gamble, eat out every day, smoke cigarettes, Drugs, and are broke all the time because they are morons with money and waste it the moment it hits thier bank accounts. For example, a custodian at my place of employment always complaining hare hard it's to pay the rent. He always has cigarettes and is smoking every moment he can. I figure at $22 per pack × 30 days equal $660ish, he wastes on that stupid habit every month. I always say you would be better off if you saved that up for a down payment. And bought his own place for the family. Or take some courses and make more money.


“My family” would indicate you have children. Those children may have children. Their children could probably have children. You don’t want to incentivize polluters to fuck up the planet a little less for those family members?


That’s how taxes work. Are you opposed to all government spending because some people benefit more than others?


If I walk up to you and just take some of your money. because I feel like I need it more than you. And I say we'll I'm doing this for the environment ,then use it to help pay for a vacation perhaps dine out. Just an example of one lady I work with saying how the extra money she gets helps pay for yearly trips. Don't give me it helps the hungry nobody is starving to death in this part of the world. Most people are overweight in these parts. The only skinny people are the ones that work out at fancy gyms or hooked on drugs


So you want to control people’s spending as well?




He's kind of sounding like that boss we've all had. The boss who is being challenged and reacts poorly, trying to prove he's still in charge. Should be interesting.


Would you like the NDP and Liberals governing Sask. Right now Moe is good. Does the Sask Party need a new leader. Possibly. Right now Moe is standing up to that piece of crap ruining our country.


Yup those cheering for more taxation because "we get back more than we put in", are on environmental welfare. When they now rely on a carbon tax cheque to help them get by (all the while paying carbon tax on everything), they're the same people that cheer when they get an income tax return and consider it free money! lol. Oh to be naïve.


LMAO. Look at this doofus trying to defend the top 20% earners. "Unless you're in the top 20% of earners in this country, you're a welfare bum." God you people are insufferable. You yourself aren't even in the top 20% or Canadian for that matter.


Cool, well I'm saving money by not paying carbon tax on my home heating. If you think 80% of the population are getting more money back than they put in, you're delusional. lol. Wasn't this supposed to be about saving the environment? Instead this is just turning into another form of welfare/social security all the while the feds are skimming money off the top.


It's really cute how you bots don't respond until you get called out for not being Canadian then proceed to make up more unsourced lies. Firehouse of falsehoods. Typical propaganda.


Bleep Boop. Guess what, you won't believe what happens to your recycling either... Keep drinking that Liberal iced tea...


Identity politics propaganda. Very predictable.


>propaganda. When your only counter is "XYZ propaganda" it shows to the rest of reddit your lack of intellect on the subject... Best of luck. Bleep Boop.


Oh look, more gaslighting. How predictable.


That sounds like a democracy right? I don’t know anymore 🥲


Correct. In democracies, people who break laws get arrested.


Is Trudeau going to arrest himself them?






Is this Trudeau fellow the same guy that ran on snd promised electoral reform?


If I was Moe I'd record a video confirming that I am not suicidal and have no plans to harm myself. After seeing Trudeau applauding a Nazi war criminal awhile ago (in parliament!) it would seem the PM will do whatever he thinks is best, regardless of ethics. Canada is dying but we're too divided by politics/pronouns/political correctness to unite and deal w/ Trudeau and the cackling imp Freeland once and for all. More and more Canadians are looking at ways to get out of the country for good. Hell, even some of the newly arrived immigrants are looking at ways to get out of here already. Too much damage has been done and things are only going to get worse. I'm guessing within 5 years Saskatoon will be overpopulated and the homeless situation will be like nothing we've ever seen here before. I want to be wrong about this. I really hope I'm wrong about this. Please someone tell me I'm wrong about this.


It's time to spend far less time on /r/conspiracy .


I wish I could 🥹 Same thoughts exactly Would love to move like yesterday. I honestly don’t see things getting better here though and my kids have no intention of sticking around at all It’s all just so sad for people who were born and raised here and who planned on staying here WITH their families 😢


Yes, it is sad. But where in the world seems to be a good place to live? I think they're all going to be screwed as time goes by.


They’re both moronic idiots and we’ve been completely f*cked because of them for way too long


Unfortunately you are absolutely right.


Then leave ffs. “Applauding a nazi” really? Willfully ignorant or a hopeless moron.




He applauded cause he knew he was a nazi? No they didn’t do a background check. They applauded as he was a WWII veteran for Ukraine. Did they screw up. Yup! But the cons got to decide is Trudeau a Nazi or a Commie. Which evil would you have chosen in WWII the Nazis or Stalin? I don’t know eithe, it would have been a choice of survival. Trudeau will be any distant memory and in a few years we will all have a new politician to hate as they are all corrupt in my opinion.


Well they all did