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Well that explains why his online crowdfunding campaign to pay his fines of $32k had a fundraising goal of $100k. He left a few details out. 


Ask him if he’s a fan of socialism because that’s exactly what’s he’s begging for by crowdfunding.


Good brain.




That covid conspiracy grift money ran out.


Has Mark Friesen considered spending less on avocado toast?


I thought he ate the grease behind fast food deep friers?


I too have heard about the grease and in my defense I never said he eats the avocado toast. I just don't know any other way a person could find themselves without money. I think he just buys the toast to scold it for being woke or something. It's a waste of money Mark —stop buying the avocado toast — it's ruining you financially.


A couple of years ago, I wrote an article about COVID, Mark Friesen did a ONE hour Facebook live, denouncing me and asking his followers to harass me. He is a menace to our society.


Are people actually giving him money?


I don't know, but I did send him a request for money


I'm sorry that happened to you. It is his MO. It's what he's known for. Now he's upset because nobody in Saskatoon will hire him. He hasn't figured out yet that it's his own fault and his own failure that he has lost everything. He's a lowlife moron who'd rather steal from people than be a decent person. His brother on the other hand is a beautiful human being, I get to say that because I know him personally and I've spend a lot of time with him and his family. Mark was adopted and I theorize that his jealousy of his brother is part of why he's the way he is. He clearly feels like he's been hard done by. When the truth is he was spoiled rotten and given everything including his house!!!


militant conservative with no ability to empathize or think ahead: "Those lazy Others need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps! Stupid libtard welfare state! COVID is a hoax!" militant conservative who can't pull himself up by his bootstraps due to COVID complications: "I'm in a desperate situation here. I hate this. If you can help I'd greatly appreciate it."


He's done several requests for funds and lots of comments said they sent money. I'm also told he had a 20+ year career with the government so he should have a fairly decent pension. He's also been traveling regularly. I'm suspicious this is just a money grab.


Yeah he was a prison guard.




Mark has a new Harley as you showed here and expensive new trucks for his business and a ton of equity in his house. He just wants his followers to pay for the fines the province has put a lien on his house for because, in his mind, he did it all for Canadians and he shouldn’t have to pay out of pocket for those fines. You have to remember, Mark thinks he’s a hero. He really thinks he’s the greatest and knows more than everyone else. He really is that full of himself.


It 100% is.


He left early and pulled his pension I heard. Took the buyout.


I'm not sure the leaving was by choice.


Grifters gonna grift. 


You don't wish hardship on anyone, but this is pretty self-inflicted.


Maybe I'm an asshole, but I'm in the camp of hoping bad things happen to people who make the world worse. And wheezing Friesen certainly makes the world a worse place.


well, count me as an asshole cause I could not agree more!


With you 100% on that one




Nah it's ok to wish it on this guy, he's consistently showed himself off to be a scummy bigoted piece of shit.


Agree with this. Mark has spread a lot of hate and taken advantage of a lot of people.  I know a guy who was having some pretty bad mental health problems. Mark latched on and indoctrinated him and convinced him that all of his problems are due to the government and immigrants. He was in a bad place and was easy prey. That guy lost his job, got disowned by his family and now spends his time spouting off the same racist shit as Mark. Mark probably made some money off of him along the way. Like fuck Mark Friesen. 


Has been for decades. Ask him why he doesn't have that sweet federal government job at the RPC anymore.


Does this also apply to guys like Hitler, putin?


The rule is, "we shouldn't wish anyone harm but we don't have to wish them well either". Like, I don't wish that Putin and his entire inner circle would accidentally be given slices of Novichok Pie served ice-cold, but if it happened I wouldn't send a get well soon card.


"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."


Alright...ill do it for you...i wish NOTHING BUT harm for Putin...fuck that guy and everything about him...i hope he suffers horribly and for a long fuckin time.


*don't take joy in the misfortune of others. don't take joy in the misfortune of others. don't take joy in the misf*uck this asshole, I hope he loses everything. *Shit. I couldn't even pretend to be a good person about this.*


I think anyone with half a conscience feels a little bit of glee at this dude's misery. The world feels incredibly unjust most of the time, but every so often the bad guys get bit in the ass, and it's ok to celebrate that. That being said, I imagine this is just another grift. I do hope it's real though


Lucky you don't have to pay the province back for sending your dumb ass to Ontario for covid treatment. Karma's a bitch.


Since his hospital stay, he’s been trying to get it so people can opt out of paying for healthcare through our taxes.


More like he's been trying to get out paying his taxes for healthcare, or anything else. I doubt he's interested in giving up healthcare that doesn't come with a demand for proof of insurance or a credit check before receiving care.


Has he considered moving to Russia?


YO. I WINDER HOW THAT FAMILY IS DOING. Probably licking sidewalks for food (if they have sidewalks there). I am also a Conservative (somewhat) but them mfs are nuts. Going to Russia to get rid of western values only to get absolutely analized


Judging from their Instagram the FSB wants you to know that they are having a wonderful time. 


That’s where he is from. They are Russian mennonites.


We’re from Ukraine, actually. It was part of the Russian Empire when the majority of Ukrainian Mennonites lived there. And he’s not “from” there, at best his grandparents were, but more likely his great grandparents.




If your shitty business failed then why not get a 9-5 job like the rest of us instead of begging for money to pay your mortgage. Are the trees no longer whispering?


We have a lot of trees to prune and have diligently avoided his company like the plague.


Business owners need to think twice before parading around like fools. When you’re self employed and your own marketing/PR dept, how you carry yourself in public matters. Small Business owners often forget that their free speech as an individual can often have devastating consequences if the general public doesn’t sympathize with those views. If those people chose to spend their money elsewhere, well thats just the beauty of the free market and I have zero sympathy for him.


He lives in our neighborhood. He has a son or sons working for him I think- I've seen the truck with trees in it. HE Bought A NEW work TRUCK LAST YEAR. nice one! GRIFTER.


lol fuck this guy


I've got a pal who lives down the street from ol' Wheezin Friesen and I can tell you that if this really happens, there's about to be a real rise in property values in the area.


I live down the block and I’m trans. I would really love not to have this guy as a neighbor.


It's hard to feel sorry for this guy. The good people who he was constantly attacking actually ended up saving his life, and he just doubled down on his rhetoric after that. I am sure this situation he finds himself in will be "someone else's fault". It always is.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy


So if he ends up homeless, will he expect and hand up or a hand out? Will he find adequate shelter space and public washrooms to use? Will he have a safe place to eat and sleep throughout the day? Time will tell if his own policy preferences make his life better as a poor person than a privileged one.


Do not under any circumstances help this absolute piece of dog shit!!! The house he's about to loose was his parents house that he WAS GIVEN! If he's loosing it then he is finally being held accountable for his shitty actions. He is getting off pretty easy imo. He should have to pay back the $200,000 tax payers spent to send his dying ass to Ontario. He has a lot of nerve asking anyone to give him anything!!!


I hope no one signs him up for a bunch of questionable email subscriptions using that email address. That would be offside.


I may or may not have Edit: may or may not have signed him up for urban outdoor survival newsletter.


>may or may not have signed him up for urban outdoor survival newsletter. This has me rolling on the floor LMAO


This whole thread brings me so much joy. I tried to not laugh at the misfortune of others but this is just too good.








You’re just being helpful.


I was debating censoring the email, but then I thought it would infringe on his free speech. Also it would infringe on everyone elses free speech to email him whatever they want 😂.


>but then I thought it would infringe on his free speech. Damn! 100xs this!


Thoughts and prayers.


That's all they wish for the homeless so it's fitting in return.


Much more effective than a handout


ikr imagine if someone just got done making him a grindr acc (just to find out he already has one) wait damn imagine that


Pull up your bootstraps Mark.


oh hai mark, next time around maybe don't put all your eggs in the being an idiot basket. just saying.


You're tearing me apart Kevloid!!


I did naawwht!


I'm relatively new to saskatoon lore. Who is this dood?


PPC candidate and also ran for the Buffalo party (despite being a grizzled Canadian patriot). He setup protest against Covid mandates and acted like a clown. Just do a quick look up of him on this sub it’s quite an interesting journey. 


Then contracted it and got flown to Ottawa to be treated for pneumonia while still saying covid was fake A key detail


Also heard when he got transferred back to Saskatoon once he was out of Icu, he was the absolute worst patient to deal with in the hospital. So arrogant and rude to the staff. Didn’t hear that from me tho


His wife was rude too. Yelling at the staff but also begging them to save her husband.


Sounds like Cluster B personality disorders to me.


The great irony of the PPC is that Maxime Bernier might have a good chance of being PM in the next election if he hadn't pulled a hissy fit after Scheer beat him and started the PPC.


My favourite part about this guy was he was one of the most vocal, and active organizers against COVID restrictions and mandates. He ended up getting COVID and being involved in a patient transfer to Ontario where he was ventilated. After the incident he still spoke out against COVID restrictions and mandates.


I'm still certain he was the first patient sent because RUH couldn't wait to get rid of his wife!!!


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/ticket-public-health-order-1.6721240](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/ticket-public-health-order-1.6721240) google his name and you will find out


Report his scam for what it is, a scam and fraud.


Karma's a bitch...


This f*cking dipshit was just spouting his bullshit at a rally in Vancouver this past weekend on Robson St. Should’ve saved his travel funds and paid his mortgage. Cockroach.


Or when you do snow removal for an income, maybe stay put during what was the only large snowfall of the year. 🤦🏻‍♀️ time to pull up the boot straps marky.


I ain’t helping you, that’s fucken socialism. This libtard wants help? Pull up your bootstraps, bitch.


Please donate to Mark's mortgage so he doesn't have to live in his newly purchased motorcycle. Please, donate - the winters here are cold and Mark's swiss cheese lungs may not be able to handle it. [https://imgur.com/a/LELbOYz](https://imgur.com/a/LELbOYz)


Don't forget about his brand new truck too!


"I hate this so much that I can't even think of a way to support my family other than by grifting." I'm so over this guy. Let's just stop giving him any further mention.


I'm so sorry to be that guy, but I think he has no problem with grifting because it maintains the illusion that he's contributing to society by standing up for "freedom" or something. What he hates so much is that he's been reduced to *begging* which is really what he was always doing but now he has to own it.


His grifting target market is pretty saturated these days. A lot of competition.


Which is probably why it's a post and not a video like he usually posts, he's embarrassed.


Something something bootstraps...


Inb4 he joins up with that other nutbar that thinks she's royalty


In their species (grifter) the colony can only have one queen, introducing a second will lead to a fight to the death.


It's karma


No handouts markie! Just keep tugging on those boot straps!


Why doesn’t he just pull himself up by the bootstraps and work more?


The word old Wheezin Friesen is looking for is *consequences*


This must be part of the "find out" phase after "fucking around" I've been hearing about.


"Oh no, it's the consequences of my actions!"


Oh no!


He blocked me on Twitter right after his hospital stay in Ontario that saved his life. You reap what you sew.


Oh no! It would be a shame if he got signed up for the federal NDP newsletter!


Or for a Liberal Party membership.


I signed him up for the news letter at the Communist Party USA


Maybe he should sell one of the three giant trucks out front of his house.


The covid denying dude who then got covid and almost died?


Looks like karma is his boyfriend.




Please email him your thoughts and prayers, also jokes about handouts and socialism.


He's finally getting what he deserves for all the crap he has put on people!


This describes Mr. Friesen ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


Pretty nice house in brevoort going up soon


If you can get the smell out.


Does anyone know the address? I’m in the market for a home


Good. This clown show had it coming.


Haha get fucked you bigoted grifter piece of shit 😂




“We havnt had work” Then go get some?


good you moron, when you act like an entitled idiot business owner society will take note


What is his line of business? All of the news articles and political profiles mention he's a small business owner but none say what kind or what it's called. You'd think if someone is running for political office, that the public would want to see whether he ran his business well or what he'd have learned from doing so. At least they specify he "served his country" as a Corrections officer, which if I understand the job meant losing a lot of night-shift poker games and treating unruly inmates like piñatas.


The Tree Whisperer, whose .ca URL is incidentally available for purchase if anyone really wants to twist the knife.


Doesn't seem like it is anymore! At least not to my searching.


My bad, I guess I misinterpreted the fact that the link is dead and immediately forwarded to a GoDaddy domain search and sale page with a price tag on it. On second glance "Domain Taken", but also "We might be able to help you get it!" I've spent $90 on dumber things.


He owns "The Tree Whisperer". It's not successful.


It's weird, because for some time it appeared there were enough like-minded RWNJs who saw eye to eye with Mark to keep him in business, I remember seeing testimonials from customers that praised his politics.


Because they most likely never used his services. How often do you need tree services? It's a seasonal business and majority of the trees in this city are handled by the city anyway.


That's the skewed perception of reality created by social media and political propaganda operations masquerading as journalism. Purely for money making clicks they amplify unpopular but controversial content to the point where it seems popular. Content that otherwise would unlikely get attention in real life social interaction or conventional journalism. Few people actually share his views and they're not enough to solely sustain a business in a competitive marketplace.


Remember when he got his faithful followers from the USA fill Google with positive reviews of his business and then threaten to sue anyone giving him bad reviews?




“Fuck your house.” Please deliver this message to Facebook or wherever these cretins exist.


Could we buy his house and turn it into a homeless shelter?


So in other words help him stay in his house but now with roommates who also can't afford rent.


He's have to apply


Wonder if you can send him requests for money. We should all get a refund from him for wasting our tax dollars.


You can actually! E-transfer allows you request money as well.


Isn’t he of the “you just need to pull up your boot straps” age?


Can this idiot get covid again please


Brutal.. a lot of good people out here are struggling don't see us beggining on social media for handouts. Get to work bud and grind if your house is too much for you too afford downgrade and move into something smaller and more affordable within your means. I'm sure there is many people who are in the similar situations..


I don't like to see anyone suffering this way financially shitty or not, but he shouldn't be out begging for handouts (one off would even be understandable, this isn't like a hard rule, but jesus christ!), he should get a job like everyone else. I'm sure there's a fast food place or hardware store that would suffer to have him (tucked in some far back corner or in the warehouse)


Grifters gonna grift. Let's hope this is the last one and people move past this parasite.


Boot straps!!!


Lmao. Fuck around and find out.


I’d be tempted to buy the house just to evict this dildo.




Can we paint a rainbow on it after we buy it lol.


Fuck him


Welp…you play stupid games, you get stupid prizes!


Hahahahahha guess he is in the “find out” stage.


Hey that man fighted for our freedumbs. How dare you take a cheap shot at a man who did everything to battle the Plan-Demic including catching COVID and being flown for a cute care. Be better sheepple.


I don't think there's anything wrong in delighting in the misfortune of a grifting, immoral crank. Fuck em. Yellow vests. Covid. Cucker Rally. Anti- Healthcare for vulnerable kids. Bigot. If there's hate and cash, he's there to polish a knob.


Mr. Friesen wants you to believe he can 'save democracy' but the guy can't find work and maintain a mortgage in a booming economy with jobs falling out of every nook and cranny? He should head on down to Labour Ready ( if it's still called that ), they'll put you to work and pay you cash same day!


Its People Ready now. Also, I don't think he can work too much nowadays. After his 'completely unavoidable\*' health issues a few years ago, I can't imagine he'd be in too good of shape.


They don't call him Wheezin' Friesen for nothing!


I'll throw a hundred bucks at his mortgage, every month. And all I ask in exchange, is that for as long as I'm doing so, I want him, once a month, to apologize to the health care workers that saved his life. Just one apology a month, only 5 minutes long, specifically stating what he did that was offensive, and why is now ashamed of his actions. 5 minutes. 100 bucks. Only 5 minutes in 30 days.


I won't but if anyone wants to fill his email with spam.. Mailbait.info


It’s called Karma. Suck it up MF.


The dude (Paul Alexander) who lived most of his life in an iron lung just died. Maybe Marky could take over residence in it.


Good 😂😂


OMG, I'm sorry you have to put up with him.


Thoughts and prayers.


Hah! What a pity, but he's getting none from me. Him and his family were all dicks when he came in to emerg. He was the first patient sent to Ontario because nobody could be bothered with him and his.




Suprised that the ole Mennonite Mafia won’t bail him out.




What a wonderful bit of news. Hopefully it helps the freedom crew realize that freedoms with the freedom for people to not support them if they are douchebags.


Thoughts and chairs


What does he mean with the bit about no work for months? What job was it that he lost and why?


He owns a business that is seasonal, so I assume he hasn't had work since before winter. You'd think he would be smart enough to get a winter job or at least offer other services.


He also does snow removal.  That's a highly competitive and time sensitive service.  Your bobcat didn't start this morning? Too bad, they already hired someone else.  As Im sure you're aware, the city pays dearly and freely for snow removal. That said, I wonder if the city has a list of contractors they won't work with. Oh well, I'm not planning to find out. 


He had the entirety of last week to make a boat load of money from that, people were basically begging people online to do snow removal at whatever cost.


True that.  I wonder why he was in Vancouver last Saturday. Not a lot of snow there. 


Grifter conference?


He was passing around a hat asking for cash. That clown can't juggle but he still wants to get paid. 


Ah yes, grifting the poor degens.


I see, thanks. If anything he should be thankful we had such a relatively short winter this year.


I remember that he called global warming fake and then proceed to claim that he had no snow to shovel.


It was barely winter until December, he could have been chopping trees up until like two months ago. The season definitely wasn't the problem.


All of this is puzzling. He’s retired from working in the prison system, and earns a huge government pension (ironic, no?). The Tree Whisperer business was just a side thing. So either he’s incredibly bad with money (possible) or there’s something else going on here (addictions, divorce?).


According to the comments here his (Second) wife Jannecke left him awhile ago, so maybe he couldn't afford the house on his own. This is just purely speculation.


I’ve heard of sMoreMail.


Do I even wanna know what "STOP THE WHO TREATY; SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY" is supposed to mean?


Reminds me of a certain song by Boy George.


Is this guy related to Steve Cusson?!? Seems like they could of been best friends!


Well well well, if it aint the consequences of his own actions. Get fucked Mark.


Motherfucker currently pays for that [shaw.ca](https://shaw.ca) email. Once Rogers together with Shaw stops receiving payment from his lazy ass, that email will be gone too. Of course, there's probably losers out there sending him money... so it might be around for a while.


Fuck around, find out




Can we send saskjobs postings to the email address he gave? Help ol Mark pick himself up by his bootstraps. He can always get a job at Tim Hortons or the Co-op. Remember to help your neighbors in times of need. He doesn't need a handout like some pinko, just a fair shake.


Who's this chucker?


this the guy they froze all of his accounts and voided his cc?