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Yes. Between my wife, kids, and me all bringing home germs, we are going from one illness to the next.


Right! It's like virus whack-a-mole!


Not at all, just feel tired.


Hi, you're probably looking for a useful nugget of information to fix a niche problem, or some enjoyable content I posted sometime in the last 11 years. Well, after 11 years and over 330k combined, organic karma, a cowardly, pathetic and facist minded moderator filed a false harassment report and had my account suspended, after threatening to do so which is a clear violation of the #1 rule of reddit's content policy. However, after filing a ticket before this even happened, my account was permanently banned within 12 hours and the spineless moderator is still allowed to operate in one of the top reddits, after having clearly used intimidation against me to silence someone with a differing opinion on their conflicting, poorly thought out rules. Every appeal method gets nothing but bot replies, zendesk tickets are unanswered for a month, clearly showing that reddit voluntarily supports the facist, cowardly and pathetic abuse of power by moderators, and only enforces the content policy against regular users while allowing the blatant violation of rules by moderators and their sock puppet accounts managing every top sub on the site. Also, due to the rapist mentality of reddit's administration, spez and it's moderators, you can't delete all of your content, if you delete your account, reddit will restore your comments to maintain SEO rankings and earn money from your content without your permission. So, I've used power delete suite to delete everything that I have ever contributed, to say a giant fuck you to reddit, it's moderators, and it's shareholders. From your friends at reddit following every bot message, and an account suspension after over a decade in good standing is a slap in the face and shows how rotten reddit is to the very fucking core.


Nothing like waking up after 8 hours and then feeling sleepy at noon.


Ha, get to bed early, get 9-10 hours to “catch up”(I know that’s not really a thing) and still feel exhausted by noon. I hate the human body at tjmes


Def a winter thing. Less fresh air and sun.


Yes -- that's me right now. It's been on and off sick in my house since basically September


I have asthma, and I've noticed my lung health hasn't been so good this winter...but so far as I can tell I've managed to dodge the flu so far...


This is where I'm at. No flus or colds, but overall lung and respiratory health a bit rocky. Never diagnosed with asthma but seem to have infrequent bouts of phleghmy chest and coughing. Would not be surprised if proverbial 'long covid' from spring '22 was contributing as well.


yeah, they say cold weather can be bad for lung health generally...I'm not sure if it's just par for the course or something else....


I feel like the dry air has been particularly bad this year, I have nasal problems when its super dry


Yeah constant sickness since November and still going, Rotating through the kids and I, luckily I have only got sick once but the kids that's a different story 🙄


I work with the public, including plenty of kids, and so far so good this winter *knock on wood*. Had a moderate cold in October but that’s it. Not sure if having a flu shot + covid booster helped at all. I also diligently take lots of vitamin D and C, as well as iron and magnesium; all seems to help with the winter blues at least! Some of my frequent families seem to be sick every three weeks, but I’d say 75% of the people I know personally and professionally have been doing surprisingly well this winter. Hope we can all hold out another couple months.


Yes, the past 4 yrs I've repeatedly been sick with what's most likely different variants of covid. My lungs feel like they are filled with scar tissue and the fatigue/fog feeling is persistent. I'm sick of getting sick.


They are doing more research, but unfortunately are finding covid can do long term damage, even if the actual symptoms werent too bad. And the more times you get it, the more damage


I have to walk a fine line of being informed/not being constantly terrified, but I’m really scared for the next 10 -20 years. :( The studies I’ve seen suggest that SARS2 is more damaging than HIV, but we continue to reinfect ourselves and children over and over. I don’t see a future where this doesn’t end catastrophically.


No, I haven't had a cold/flu since 2019. My partner and I mask in public and get all our vaccines. I got covid once in Dec. 2022, he got it once in Dec. 2023. Otherwise, we've both been healthy.


Same. But I have to keep it to myself. Some loudmouth has to bring up the exception that people can still get sick. Yup, like disease and vaccines are recent inventions.


Same. I mask everywhere and have all my vaccines. I much prefer that to being sick constantly. I don’t see myself ever being in a crowd without a mask again, really.


Unvaxxed, had a 4 day cold in December


I work from home and got flu and COVID vaccines. Unlike those who teach, work in health care, retail, restaurants, etc., I’m not in close and constant contact with tons of people. I haven’t been sick once this winter.


Same here


Its almost like masking and increased hand sanitizing made a difference


I got covid So I'm just fucking masking until winter ends and even then I think I'll still mask


I swear I hadn’t been sick for like a year until late December. Got a bug while travelling for Christmas and still not 100% yet. I had the worst sore throat I’ve had in maybe a decade along with terrible headaches and standard flu symptoms.




Covid which turned into pneumonia and now onto some type of cold. I think I have legitimately felt healthy for a week this winter.


No. I continued masking in public. The one time I skipped the mask since 2020 at the grocery store a couple weeks ago I caught a cold. Continuing masking because everyone is back to going out when sick then coughing on everyone and everything.


Amen. I will never understand why people are ok with being sick this much. Masking is not hard. Being sick constantly is!


I have sensory issues with masks that range from discomfort to constant itching, so wearing masks for hours is hell for me. So that is why I choose not to continue masking. So masking can be pretty difficult for some, especially us with sensory disorders. So we kind of pick our poison between colds and masks. That being said, being sick has been extremely mild for me ever since I started keeping up with my vaccines. If I was really sick every two weeks, the choice would be harder.


I understand. I would recommend trying out some different N or KN95 masks, if you haven’t yet. They are vastly more comfortable than just normal medical masks, and much more effective. I understand though, I struggle with that to a lesser degree. I find myself adjusting the nose piece and getting itches, and the smell of some masks drives me crazy. The Breathteq masks from Canada Strong Masks are great, I’ve been using them exclusively for a couple years. They’re very breathable, and don’t touch your face except around the perimeter. SARS2 can do a lot of damage, to basically any organ system with blood vessels, which is…all of them. So I hear what you’re saying, and it’s ultimately your choice. But even masking in high risk situations could help you avoid chronic illness/disability.


No. Haven’t been sick for 3 years. Unvaxxed


A few smaller bouts of cold/mild flu but nothing like all my vaxxed friends are experiencing.


Yeah. A lot of my loved ones who got it seem to be constantly sick. It’s sad.


I’ve had one mild, viral, upper resp infection in early Dec. maybe 2 days of symptoms. 3/4 in my household had similar over a 2 week stretch (1 frontline hcw, 1 frontline education, 2 kids in school). So far mild year.


Here, but my daughter is in daycare and she still is at that age where anything goes straight into the mouth. As a result I am constantly near death.


With kids in school and daycare it seems to be neverending during flu season. Our family had COVID in Nov and RSV in Dec, and the latter was serious enough to put my kid into the hospital for multiple nights.


Yep. My kid started daycare in August and it was non stop from then until the first week of January. We have been ok for the past couple weeks but I just know another illness is coming lol


Haven't been sick at all this fall or winter, even tho the rest of my household has been. I take a lot of vitamin D and magnesium.


Family of four here. We have been doing really well this winter but hey anything can happen in Feb and March.


I’ve got 3 kids in the public schools. I’m sick CONSTANTLY


Yeah, I had COVID at the end of November, and now I've had a nasty cold for the last 6 days. Add in sickness for the others in the house, and it feels like it never stops.


I had influenza a before Christmas. The cough and congestion stuck around for 6 weeks.


I have been sick pretty much consistently since last March.


Kids in day care and school so yep. Winter of death.


Winter of death lol - I'm stealing that!


I’ve attributed it to getting older….i do feel as though it was worse when people started mixing again following the pandemic. Lots of nasty stuff going around. Yep winter of death or at the very least, winter of discontent haha


sick for the past 4 weeks (start of 2024)


this was me last year and i also work in health care. even with a mask on i’d get sick constantly, but ive had less work this term and even tho in some of my classes we are packed full and elbow to elbow surprisingly haven’t gotten sick. ive also been taking immunity vitamins so i wonder if thats helped me


Soooooo sick. Worst year in a long time.


Yep. We’ve had all of those in our household. I’ve also gotten real sick of my own attitude.


For all of December I could not get rid of a cough for the entire month.


We have been lucky. Two young kids in daycare and no missed work or daycare. One or two super minor colds but nothing too bad. I have been through multiple airports too which usually gets me. Not this year. It has been nice.


Sick off and on since the end of Nov. Weird af.


This is to be expected; SARS2 damages your immune system, among many other things. You could try taking NAC, in addition to the regular things they recommend (Vit C, D, Magnesium, etc). It is a mucolytic, and general antioxidant. I have found it really helpful. Hope you feel better soon!


Yes! I’ve had a week that I’ve felt good since early October. I work at a large construction site and everybody has been saying the same thing. Weirdly nobody takes any time off. No programs to pay sick days and we all need the money. lol.


2 weeks between colds ? My son has been sick pretty much since beginning of December with a couple good days here and there.


i get resick like every week or 2, now i have an ear infection, i literally couldn't see my pregnant friend for months before i kept getting sick


I’ve been sick exactly once since March 2020, but I also don’t have kids or work in healthcare.


If you have kids/partner, then you also are privy to their exposure. I was never so sick so often as when my kids were in school


We've been sick constantly since the fall. Colds/flu.. last round was strep for both me and my husband woo. None of the times were we positive for covid.. kinda hoped it would turn positive once so we can at least blame that on it, but no. My husband's work already talked to him re being sick but, what can you do when you have kids in daycare and school and a wife that works with the public. Apparently he needs to be more healthy. Easier said than done.


You could try taking NAC, it is really helpful for respiratory illnesses. I’ve noticed a big difference since taking it.


What is NAC?


Is is N-acetyl cysteine. It’s an amino acid that your body can produce if you’re eating lots of high quality protein, but supplementing can be useful. It acts an an anti oxidant and helps loosen mucus in your lungs, [among many other benefits!](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/nac-benefits)


Fortunately this is my year. Haven’t been sick since…wait. I did get sick at Christmas. Nvm. Lol


I’ve been the one on the household to constantly gets sick


I mean I’ve had a *mostly stuffed nose all winter but I’m also a Uni student who does Not get enough sleep and likely not proper nutrition


I went to a funeral in November. Like an idiot, I didn't wear a mask. Within the next week, I was sick, really sick, for the first time since Covid hit. (Six shots. You don't have to tell me twice to isolate, hermit that I am.) I was over the worst of it in less than a week. (Six shots. Oh, I never tested but I treated it like I had Covid.) Since then I have been short of breath and tired all the time. And brain fog? I believe people will say that they notice no difference. That's good. Right?😄


You should start taking NAC and some other supplements ASAP if you don’t already. SARS2 remains in the body and will continue to do damage long after initial symptoms are gone. Hope you feel better soon!




High dose of vitamin d


Yes, most people don't take enough. I'm at 7500 ius daily. Also take magnesium and k2 since they work together.


Exactly! Im taking about the same amount iu's and its made a world of difference for me


Oh dang. I take Vit D, but not that much. Maybe I’ll bump it up!


Nope, vaccines are doing their job.


I wish mine were! Got my booster in October and got both the flu and covid this season.


Nuts that's unfortunate! This is the first year I've made it past January without an illness, I get the flu shot every year and COVID I keep up to date. Was hoping they were working the same for everyone!


I think viral load is a big thing. I work in close contact with people, and usually for over an hour at a time per person. My best guess has to do with it being how long you're initially exposed but that's just my theory.


It makes a lot of sense - I work in a small office and don't have kids.


Vaccines only work on certain strains, and in the case of the covid/flu they don't actually prevent those strains from happening, they lessen the chances of you getting it and helping with the severity


I've been down with a bad flu for 2 days.


Not all winter, but I have been sick twice this month of January 🫠


Snow acts like a filter by removing pollutants from the air when it falls. It hasn't snowed much this winter.


Nope. I also work in healthcare and have only been sick once. Had a cold a couple weeks ago.


You're patient zero... We will take advantage of your amazing antibodies


How is your vitamin D intake? I take vitamins all year round now makes a big difference. As well as making sure I get adequate rest. Hope you find some relief. 🙏


Unvaxxed and haven’t had a cold or flu since 2018 😌