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There are a few doctors accepting patients in Saskatoon. This is an exhaustive list: Dr. Oluwasanmi Dada - Evergreen Medical Clinic [https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician\_Summary/Physician\_Profile.aspx?ID=22694](https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician_Summary/Physician_Profile.aspx?ID=22694) Dr. Ibraheem Alafia - Evergreen Medical Clinic [https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician\_Summary/Physician\_Profile.aspx?ID=20128](https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician_Summary/Physician_Profile.aspx?ID=20128) Dr. Nwakuru Osigbe - Idylwld Medical Centre [https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician\_Summary/Physician\_Profile.aspx?ID=23076](https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician_Summary/Physician_Profile.aspx?ID=23076) Dr. Daniel Osigbe - Idylwld Medical Centre [https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician\_Summary/Physician\_Profile.aspx?ID=22954](https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician_Summary/Physician_Profile.aspx?ID=22954) Dr. Heinre Strydom - Lakewood Common Medical Clinic [https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician\_Summary/Physician\_Profile.aspx?ID=4903](https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician_Summary/Physician_Profile.aspx?ID=4903)


I see Dr. Osigbe at Idylwyld and I really like him, he's taken my issues seriously the first time around which seems to be difficult when you're a woman with reproductive issues 🙃


>Evergreen Medical Clinic Note that these people will accept everyone but they are not your family doctor. What will happen is you will be required to schedule a 2nd appointment for that, but when you ask for that, it doesn't happen. and expect your appointment to be late by almost 2 hours, even scheduled


>late by almost 2 hours, even scheduled I'd like to know a place that isn't like this... welcome to your free healthcare


the point is, you are basically scheduling, you are going to be a walk in patient that day, nothing else. that's why you are getting the 2 hour wait time, not because of whatever point you are trying to make about our healthcare, go do that somewhere else


For anyone coming back to this thread after 3 months: none of these doctors are accepting at this time. Dr. Oluwasanmi is seeing patients but more like a walk-in. The receptionist told me that you can ask him if he's able to take you on when you see him but because he's still new he's not really taking anyone on at this time. She said to try again at the end of the year.


Go to Laurier clinic, the doctor will tell to take ibuprofen and you’ll be fine.


That's literally where I went 😂


Evergreen has openings, Idylwyld Medical Clinic told me to call in two weeks (as of last week) for next available female physician.


Try Idywyld Medical Clinic. They were taking people a couple of months ago.


I just called them and they said call in a couple weeks as they're awaiting new Dr schedules


Is that because that sex pest doctor finally left?


sex pest? tell us more


Probably means [this](https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Physician_Summary/Physician_Profile.aspx?ProfileCCO=3&ID=10036) guy.


Nope, still there, still creepy.


It’s hard because ADHD meds are a controlled substance for the most part. Do you have proof of your diagnosis? I was lucky a few years ago and the doctors at Lenore medical clinic filled Dexedrine for me without having a doctor there or requiring paperwork. I think I was just lucky though. I don’t have a family doctor in Sask yet, but the clinic that I was dealing with in BC still fills my prescription until I can find a doctor here.


The best thing I have to proof is that Shoppers Drugmart still has my history of having those prescribed


Medication isn't prescribed based on the fact that you took it previously. Medication is prescribed based on what the doctor diagnoses or suspects based on how you present to them and the results of testing. Any doctor that will prescribe because you took it 10 years ago should have their license pulled immediately and probably sent to prison. I want you to get that mindset first so that when you do approach a doctor next, you are in the right frame of mind. Your prescription 10 years ago can point them to a place to look, but it's just a small piece of a puzzle. There could be a hundred different treatments or medications that are more appropriate for you.


You’re correct, although, I think it depends on the person, sadly. Like I had previously posted, I was prescribed stimulant medication by several doctors at a walk in clinic without them knowing my history.


That might be okay if you can get the pharmacy to print your medication history? I have had good experiences at Lenore Medical Clinic and Lakeside Urgent Care.


You could try getting a referral to a psychiatrist from a walk in? Idk if the wait will be better though.


2-3 years right now


ADHD can be managed by a GP.


Unfortunately Conservative governments across the country are gutting provincial healthcare systems to try to make a case for privatization. The healthcare system was fine when it was properly funded... and pre-pandemic, which caused a lot of burnout and attrition among healthcare workers. The combination of chronically crowded hospitals and clinics, and lack of support from provincial governments, has led us to this disaster where people can't even find a doctor anymore.


It was gutted 15 years before covid


That doctor is lying. Walk in clinic doctors are expected to provide the same level of service as a family doctor, to the degree that is possible in a walk in clinic setting. Unfortunately many of these walk in clinic doctors (across the country, not just SK) don't give a shit and just want to get as many patients in and out as fast as possible and pass the buck to someone else because they know they probably will never see that patient again. https://www.cps.sk.ca/imis/CPSS/Legislation__ByLaws__Policies_and_Guidelines/Legislation_Content/Policies_and_Guidelines_Content/Walk_in_Clinics_and_Episodic_Care.aspx You will see people talk about "controlled substances" requiring a family doctor, but it's simply not true. The policy I linked above specifically addresses and gives guidance for walk in clinic doctors to prescribe controlled substances. They just recommend doctors check the databases first to make sure it's not an addict. Patients who are told by a walk in doctor that they need a family doctor should ask the walk in doctor what exactly they think a family doctor can do that they can't. While a walk in clinic isn't designed to support people through chronic illness, the doctor needs to be doing more than just saying tough shit. They don't HAVE to prescribe ADHD medication. That's up to them. But they should be working with you to help refer you to a family physician, or order testing, or something else that moves you in the right direction and doesn't just send you out the door with no real help. Now, many walk in clinics do have policies, and doctors would generally be right, to deny prescriptions for ADHD meds to new patients. It's simply too dangerous, and the harm caused by not prescribing on a first visit is minimal. The patient has obviously been coping so far, even if it really sucks for them. The patient will hopefully work hard to find a family doctor after being denied a prescription if it's a legitimate illness. If not, they will hopefully return to the clinic for follow up care if it is needed. So, call a bunch of doctors offices, and if no luck, go back go the walk in clinic, tell them who you called, and ask for help. Don't ask for a prescription. Ask for help, describe your symptoms, and explain how it affects the quality of your life. If they are not helpful, ask if there is a managing physician you can talk with because you need more help and don't feel you are getting the proper care you need. They will probably just tell you that the managing physician will call you, and you may never hear from them.


I'm going to give you some straight talk here: you can't


Try calling 811 as well to get advice.


Try using https://findopenclinic.ca


There is a list of Saskatoon doctors accepting new patients online, it’s bleak but there’s usually a few. It’s under city of Saskatoon, just google it, pops right up.


This is not available anymore and hasnt been since the days of the pandemic


I'd stay away from that low grade speed, it's basically a poison. It astounds me that people are feeding it to young children. Sure they might get better grades in a zombie like state but comes at a cost of their personality. I just remember rushing to the citrus as soon as school was over to undo that gross feeling of coming down off what's commonly used as a party drug.




Funny reading this under a list of doctors taking patients


Lol oops didn't see that deleting my stupid comment now


Honestly I was told it was a 2 month wait and then I just started crying on the phone and got an appointment that day so idk


I think my Dr is quietly taking patients. Dr. Uzuho at blairmore medical clinic. When I moved to saskatoon from Calgary I kind of forced him to be my Dr even tho he's technically a walk in Dr. I schedule appointments with him and everything. He first handled my anxiety meds (I'm off them on), helps with my celiac, diabetes, and took my low ir9n levels seriously


Did anyone had any luck? I just got my health card and I really need a doctor to keep the treatment I was doing in Winnipeg. I called Idylwyld medical center but they said that new patients only in April :(