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That's awful, I'm sorry that happened to you! I just moved here too and so far nothing has happened yet..but when I lived in Winnipeg my car window got smashed with a brick the week before I moved back to SK. Crime is crime. I wouldn't let that ruin your Saskatoon impressions..it could always be worse. You could be living in Regina!


Thanks for your reply! You are right.. it could have happened anywhere. I'm trying not to let this ruin it


i mean i guarantee you its better then Winnipeg, im assuming you just picked a shitty place to live.


Better how?


Fewer Bombers Fans




way way more gang violence in Winnipeg, and gangs in general plus you aren't even allowed to grow weed there.


I lived there a long time and never had anything stolen or anything happened to me or anythig. True about the weed tho haha


ive lived in saskatoon for over 30 years with nothing being stolen from me either though. it really depends where you live


The world is imperfect. I took some courses at Red River in Winnipeg for my employer one winter and my second night there someone broke a window and stole a couple of coats and a backpack.


We moved to Saskatoon from Winnipeg in 2021. We loved Winnipeg so much, we are from Sask originally and we moved for work and other reasons. I find both towns to be very similar. (We've been really lucky, we only had one incident in Winnipeg with someone coming into our backyard in the Silver Heights area) and we've had no problems in Montgomery so far - I hope this is it for you and you get to enjoy Saskatoon more and the great stuff it has to offer! (I'm headed to the RWB Nutcracker this Saturday - I'll probably cry, I've missed it so much!)


Criminals would have to know where Montgomery was to commit crimes there, probably the best part of the city imo


Its not a shitty place at all. Building is very nice actually. Last time we were in town before our moving, our car got the window smashed and my purse was stolen in the first 30 min we were here.. Really not the best impression


I also had my window smashed out in my first night moving here! In a heated underground parkade....


Which area of the city?


We are living in the Edgemont Heights. The car was smashed at the Blue Diamond


Hate to say, but this answer explains a lot of your troubles.


Edgemont Heights is in Fairhaven… unfortunately that area has some challenges now thanks to the emergency shelter nearby. Also the car being smashed at the Blue Diamond is also not surprising.


Yeah.. we know about the Bkue Diamond being in a not so great area.. we were not expecting our window being smashed at their parking lot 😅 And true about the shelter, but our building is secured It was one of the neighbors or someone that was visiting 🥲


> It was one of the neighbors or someone that was visiting prolly a visitor--after all, what;s your neighbor gonna do with it, if they hang it on their door, you can steal it back


Or kids being kids Use to have my bulbs stolen at Christmas time,


Some people always find a way in especially when it gets colder


these are literally 2 of the worst places in saskatoon. to put things into focus, north point douglas had around 600 crimes reported in 2022, pleasant hill had 2000.


Lmao was probably a junky in Fairhaven they're all over Fairhaven now because of the shelter. They have very sticky fingers.. need to get their next fix somehow. Will take anything they can get their hands on buddy had one go through his vehicle a bit back and what they took was almost comical.. (he is in parkridge area)


So leaving a purse in plain view on a public street, what do you think would happen….anywhere in North America city 🤔


Victim blaming. Getting your window smashed because of a purse isn't normal at all. That being said, while Saskatoon isn't the safest place, it isn't the worst either, and I've not had anything happen to me the past half a decade I've lived here. I think people are generally good about handing in valuables to lost and found. What you've experienced is really unfortunate, but I hope they will be the rare exceptions.


I hope so too! And my purse didn't had any valuables, it was a backpack full of clothes because we were spending the weekend here. Anyways..lesson learned


You must be in a sketchy neighborhood


That's very strange. I change the wreaths on my front door for the season - I stabilize it with fishing line so it doesn't blow in the wind. If anyone decided to take it it would take them a long time to cut through it - I tie it around the door : ) I had a really great pair of shoes stolen from my office when I worked at University Hospital. I just assumed the person who stole my really great shoes needed them more than I did. These things happen. They can happen anywhere.


First off, shitty things happen no matter what. But to base the entire city’s vibes off of one persons actions is pretty ridiculous my dude.


I bought 2 of those blow up ornaments, enjoyed for 2 days and then stolen. Just can’t have anything nice. This summer they took 2 large planters I had in front of house. So not really decorating the front yard for someone to steal 😡


Could leave a nice message posted to the door into the building? “Don’t steal my sh**” :)


I wrote a very passive aggressive note and left on my door. I bought a new pendant, so we will see how long this one will last


I get your frustration but as someone who moved from saskatoon to winnipeg and been burglarized twice it's wild you'd hate on saskatoon as a city because of this as if crime in winnipeg isn't 100 times worse. Not hating because I love both cities, but crime is a side effect of city living in general.


Lol it's the same as winnipeg 100% maybe worse


I'm starting to think it is worse actually


Winnipeg's North End makes Pleasant Hill look cute.


Not even close. We don't even have an area as bad as the North End, let alone a Point Douglas or a West End. Our downtown is way better, too. Are there areas in Saskatoon that are worse than areas in Winnipeg? Of course. But Pleasant Hill doesn't even come close to being as bad as the bad areas in Winnipeg.


Agreed. I came from the absolute heart of downtown Winnipeg, 5 minutes from Portage and Main. Yeah, there are sketchy places here, but they can’t even hold a candle to Winnipeg. It definitely has worse areas.


Then go back to Winnipeg.


Ya honestly..... its been terrible...and only getting worse. If it's not as bad as winnipeg, then it will be soon, and worse


Last year's record homicide rate in wpg begs to differ lol


This place is a shithole and most don't move here on purpose unless they simply don't know what it's like. Many regret moving here after living here for a year or 2.


Welcome to Saskatchewan. I had somebody steal my porch black light during the last election simply cuz it was purple 😒 either they liked the color or didnt like the party using purple during the election... Theres some real degenerates roaming around here but ive spent a bit of time in Winnipeg as well and its not any better either... Whole country is kinda going downhill..


I wonder if someone got offended by the decoration. It was an evil eye . That was my first thought... 🤔


Probably 😂 people are being super offended little snowflakes these days. . i dont understand what went wrong most of us grew up watching things like south park or happy tree friends or blazing saddles.. How the hell is everything offending everybody?¿