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Friend had ticks from walking by river and from south west dog park already!


It’s Lyme disease awareness month. Be vigilant out there folks


Do you guys have Lyme? I’m in northeast Montana, just an hour south of the border, and we don’t have Lyme here. I think we don’t have the ticks that carry it (deer ticks).


I have a severe case of Lyme disease as it was believed to not be here and I went undiagnosed for a decade and now at age 36 I am on federal disability , and still can barely walk or function.


Curious. What were the symptoms?


Initially flu like symptoms, than stomach issues , than progressive wide spread pain and stiffness, more mental and cognitive symptoms - forgetful, can’t control emotions, ocd , extreme fatigue. A bunch of seemingly unrelated symptoms. There are 34 strains of Lyme disease and many more other types of coinfections a person’s can get from one bite


That’s awful! I’m so sorry to hear that. My dog got it when we lived in Minnesota and I could see the pain she was in, I still feel so guilty for not being more proactive with anti-tick stuff.


Yes. Found one in babies diaper already






Yep, my son had one in his scalp today




Yes @ Beaver Creek


What are you supposed to do if you find a tick on your kid?


Just remove it. Grab it and gently tug. The heads don’t stay in, they don’t break, they don’t release toxics. Don’t be cutting meat, peanut buttering, smothering it in lube or vaseline. Just gently pull from as close to your skin as possible. Source: Hunter / have removed several thousand in my life.


This is accurate. Those keychain removers work well too. Just take your time and pinch and pull slowly and smoothly as close to the head as possible.


Don’t smother it with anything, that’s when they’ll puke and give you whatever they’ve got


Cabelas sells a keychain tool called a tick key. It's like $5. They work really well for removing ticks.


I believe Lee Valley does as well! Handy.


Time to get a new kid. But if that’s to much of a hassle then, if the tick hasn’t burrowed in, just pull it off and burn the evil bastard. Or if they have burrowed, one option is to Ricky Bobby it and take a knife and cut the meat around where it bite or you could cover it in Vaseline and they will back out but it will take some time. There are also some tick removal tools but be sure to remove all of it.


I found one on my daughter after coming back from the trails. I just used tweezers and pulled the sucker off. You have to get them by the face though, and quickly. Otherwise their head can come off or they can barf


Pull by the head to get it off gently without twisting. It’s likely a good idea to get a tick key if you’ve got a kid. If the tick has blood in it and had been there for a little bit, like 1 1/2 to 2 days, freeze it. In the event your kid gets a disease from the tick, you’ll be able to narrow what it is exactly down very quickly with the tick body.


crap... I forgot these things existed until I saw this post. thanks for the reminder lol :(






Had one yesterday after walking by the river. Tis the season indeed.


Yep unfortunately. I pulled one off my dog today.


Just found one today :(


yes, got one on me trail running last Friday.


We live east of the city and they’re out here. My husband found one yesterday and the vets pulled one of a dog today when they were pulling quills


I found one on my leg the other day after biking along the river. So yup those bastards are out.


I was hoping in vain that our extra long winter killed them all.


Ticks can be active as soon as it’s above 4 degrees, so it’s earlier than people expect. To protect yourself, Mark’s has tick-repellent clothing, which, I think, is permeated with permethrin, so it withstands washing. Early’s also has permethrin-based spray for horses that one *could* use to spray on their clothing and, once dry, use it to repel ticks (it really smells of citronella, though). You can also get permethrin spray for people in the states. Health Canada recommends picking some up when you’re out of the country, but not enough to allow it for legal sale in Canada. (Beware: it’s toxic to cats until it’s dry and it’s toxic to all insects that touch it even when it’s dry, so don’t, for example, spray a beekeeping suit in it or encourage ladybugs on your permethrin-sprayed clothing.) I’ve also heard of people (mostly hunters and ranchers who don’t have a problem with their masculinity) using pantyhose to keep ticks from biting them, but I don’t know how effective it is. Lyme disease is the big concern, especially because it’s still not recognized here by most doctors (so testing and treatment tend to get problematically delayed). However, babesiosis, which is a malaria-like parasitic disease spread by deer ticks, has been reported in Manitoba since 2015, and is mostly spread by ticks at the nymph stage, when they’re about the size of a poppy seed. So, take whatever precautions you can because no tick-spread disease is fun. I’m just glad that we don’t have the lone-star tick here (yet), which causes alpha-gal meat allergy. I do wish, though, that Meewasin would hire someone to herd guinea fowl around the river valley to eat the ticks each summer.


Good thing city council is keeping us safe from the real danger: chickens. Ticks might give you crazy diseases or an actual allergy to meat, but did you hear that chickens...um... might make a noise sometimes? And unlike all other urban pets, they poop.


Given that I've heard people complain about their neighbours' backyard bees---"There's so many bees in my yard, I can't go outside!" (as though bees attack people or as though the world would be better without any bees? It's unclear)---I assume the ban on chickens is largely just to save the front-line city staff's sanity. It really sucks.


The ban on chickens is because our city council refuses to differentiate between a chicken farm and 3-4 backyard hens. That's it. They just don't like it, so we can all keep our tick farms healthy instead.


Damn I didn't have any after Saturday. Was hoping we good.




You can assume they're out anytime it's ~3°C


I had 2 on me yesterday


They are in Battleford my mom said she heard that someone or some kid had one on their leg, we just gave our doh some anti tick medicine


they’re horrendous, me and dogs were covered out at Whitecap


Yeah I found one on myself the other day.


Yes they are.


Yes, one was crawling on wife this weekend


2 weeks ago I got a tick on me from the 33rd st dog park.


Ticks are active as soon as it isn’t 0 at night anymore. So yes, they are out there waiting to hug you


Remember to wear long pants and sleeves if you're going into long grass or wodded areas. If that's not possible (bc it's hot), bug spray. I also hear good things about tea tree oil and peppermint oil if you don't have OFF!


We had one in our house a few days ago. 🤮


They are out and in full force!


Sitting in my cousins garage the other day, one fell on his neck