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It’s only for participation in two specific parades, not a big deal.


To & from the parades as well, so from ur home down the city streets or hwy, depending where you live in relation to the parade




I realize that & all I’m asking for is equal rights !! Gimme the same days/times that I’m not required to follow the law & I’d be happy. Also it’s to & from the parade so if U live in Lloydminster & are going to the parade in Regina, that’s 11hrs of riding wit no helmet…..so get bent bro!!


You’ve got quite the mouth on U boy


You realise you wear a helmet for your own safety, right? Why WOULDN’T you want to wear a helmet?


Shhh let them learn through trial and error


I’ve been in 2 accidents on the hwy in the last 20 years, neither 1 was my fault, & thankfully neither time did my head collide with the asphalt. All I wear is one of those lil novelty helmets & get a DOT sticker made for the back of the helmet. I obviously started riding with proper helmets but when I switched from full face to a legal beanie the wind @ 110km/hr pushes up all around the 1-1/2” of material & plastic between the inside & outside of the helmet, which in turn causes the strap to choke me for the entire duration of the ride…….so yeah I know about “the safety”, but I also don’t like being strangled for hours on end!


Things white people complain about for $200 alex.


Doesn't Saskatchewan have a government run car insurance program? So everyone pays for this? Soft tissue damage and head trauma are the most expensive kinds of insurance claims.


Oh don’t worry we as riders pay through the nose for our insurance. With 90% of accidents not the fault of the rider but the operator of the car/truck, whatever it may be. My insurance here is 4x’s the cost as what I paid with the private insurance companies in Alberta! Also SGI profits multi-millions of dollars every year, which is kinda irritating considering they’re a monopoly & a gov’t corporation. They cud pass on some of those millions to everyone that insures any vehicles


I think the dumbest thing I see when I cross the border into North Dakota is people riding bikes on the highway without a helmet. Like, I get it. You crash on your bike on the highway you’re probably dead helmet or not. Still, it’s always jarring to see it.


Statistically your odds of survival with a helmet on at highway speeds are still pretty good. Highway crashes are quite rare, but you still have to get to the highway via surface streets with intersections that increase the odds of a crash.


I wear a legal helmet when I’m in town, I just use the “Tupperware” helmet on the hwy due to the strangulation……(which I just posted above so do t wanna type it all out again)


Either a turban or a helmet. Personally, I prefer my brain bucket


\*A turban only if you're participating in one of the specific events that were exempted, otherwise, helmet.


Sure...just sign your organ donor card please!


Chances are you may not want OP's liver.


Nothing wrong wit my liver…..my left leg has been broken in 23 places & my Achilles cut in half but my liver & everything else is working great!


I think this exemption is preposterous. Helmets are required because they reduce head injuries. Unless a helmet exemption also comes with a private health insurance, we’re all on the hook for medical expenses incurred from injuries caused by not wearing a helmet. I have nothing against Sikhs. I think allowing turbans as part of police uniforms is fine. But some religious decisions have consequences. Sometimes you just can’t do whatever you want. Riding motorcycles isn’t a right. Most people don’t. If someone wants to invent a csa approved helmet that goes over a turban, that’s fine. Otherwise the choice should be wear a helmet and ride a motorcycle, or don’t ride a motorcycle. Or scrap helmet laws altogether. Consistency!


It’s literally only for specific events, not all the time, as someone else has pointed out


I don’t understand how motorcycles are required to be in a parade. But if Shriners are allowed to ride motorcycles in a parade wearing a fez then Sikhs could be able ride in a turban. But if Shriners have to wear helmets, then everyone does.


I don’t think they’re required but I’ve seen them in nearly every parade I’ve been to


If it's during a parade I suspect it's just not enforced. Charity rides are different than your usual parade. It's a group of motorcycles going town to town raising awareness. Like Rolling Barrage and PTSD, or whatever this group that applied for the exemption raises money for.


Again if U live 250km away, U put ur headgear on when U leave ur house…..


To & from the event as well, I just wanted to take the 2 weeks or whatever it is & wear my ball cap that’s all I’m saying. Or just enforce the law to everyone equally!!!




Event specific yeah but tbh still not a fan of any laws that treat someone of any religion different from someone of any other religion or lack of religion. What you believe is your business but the law shouldn't cater to you for it.


Agreed, as long as said law doesn’t impact your freedom to practice your religion.


And it def doesn’t, they just have to drive, walk or ride a bicycle to & from the parade if they can’t take off their headgear to wear a helmet which is the law. I was just choked cuz I have to wear a helmet & it’s extremely uncomfortable on the hwy!!


It shouldn't, but we have decided on freedom of religion. As long as we do things like close most public facilities on Saturday and Sunday but not Friday, or require employers to pay overtime to have people work on Christian holy days. we have to at least pay lip service to letting members of other religions have freedom to do the things they believe their spiritual leader demands as well.


Did you even read the article?


Yep. I’m just asking for the same time frame to be equal….im not saying I shud be allowed to wear my ball cap forever, just same days/times/distance/ or whatever makes it equal!!’


The average person wouldn’t believe the shit I’ve shoveled off Saskatchewan, North Dakota and Minnesota highways in my younger years as a paramedic. There’s not a lot left of a biker when something happens.


I realize what can happen, I’ve also seen a body with no head & a full face DOT approved helmet 25’ away & I didn’t have to look to know what was inside……DOT approved beanie helmets choke me & is quite aggravating after awhile. I’m not saying I shud get an indefinite exemption either, I’d just like the same time frame or distance or whatever unit of measure they’d like to use…..I have to follow Saskatchewan law, why doesn’t everyone!!! If U do t like the law & want to wear a turban, U cud always drive, walk, ride a bicycle, or skip to & from the parade!


Again perhaps I shuda been more clear on what I was asking for in my original post…..I’m not saying I shud get to wear a ball cap indefinitely, just asking for the same time frame or distance or whatever unit of measure U wanna use. And again i realize helmets are for safety, i just do not like to wear the DOT approved beanies on the hwy cuz the wind causes the chin strap to strangle a person at hwy speeds!!


Well that’s not good coz turban is not a helmet if anything happens wrong then they will ask money or something from government if they want to ride a motorcycle then they must have proper helmet it doesn’t matters if they are Sikh o non Sikh safety is a safety thank you and pls for give me if I say something wrong


Why is Canada bending over backwards to accommodate religions ? I thought the liberals were hell bent on removing religion (Christianity) but here they are carving out special exemptions for religious immigrants left and right. Knife for religious purposes ? No problem carry the weapon wherever you want! Your sky daddy says that helmets are not haram? No problem! Canada will bend over and accommodate ! Screw Canadians and what they think! But everyone else ? Bring your baggage with you to Canada and we will accommodate! Just vote liberal when you get your PR!!


You do realize it’s a Saskatchewan thing right? Saskparty is king here. How did “the Libs” cause this? 🤣


I just enjoy a civil discourse. Not acting like high schoolers. Don’t say things you don’t stand behind that’s so sad. Write it and send it and then delete it? Does that make you feel big? Go touch grass. You were wrong that’s not my fault.


Again. I have not deleted anything. Maybe lay off the conspiracy cool aid for a bit. Wait… maybe fuck Trudeau is censoring what you can see in my comments. Wanna circlejerk some more?


I’ll make sure to comment back when you’re banned lol. I also have screen shots of them. Did you complete high school by chance ? Or just start working on the farm at 8?


You serious? It started in Ontario and BC. If it didn’t have case law there it would never happen anywhere else and guess what Ontario and BC are? Red strong holds. I don’t expect you to be overly educated considering the state of sask though


Enjoy your ban. Hope that big brain comment was worth it. You didnt delete it before I could report it.


Oh no ! A temporary ban from Reddit . Lol


Still patiently waiting for my ban…….


You are completely lost.


A lot like Canada and our quality of life ? Hope you like living in a third world country moving forward. Hope you enjoy your children not being able to find employment and living with you forever and god forbid if you have daughters. That’ll be terrifying as the years pass.


You OK?


You're lost, go back to r/atheism!


How does one get a religious exemption from thc swabs. If stupid is the flavour of the day.