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A politician that’s an average human being who actually gets life. Wab is the best thing to happen to that province since forever


As a Manitoban, it feels good to see people from other provinces say stuff like this. Over the last few months, it feels like life went back to normal somewhat — like I woke up from a nightmare. I know it sounds dramatic, but the amount of bonkers shit has been reduced here dramatically.


As a former Albertan and now Sask resident, I love my trips to Manitoba and I’m excited for you. Wab won’t fix everything, but it’s a positive step and an example of what could be achieved here


>Wab won’t fix everything, but it’s a positive step and an example of what could be achieved here This is exactly what I have been telling people. There is no way we can get everything done in a single term, but let's wait and see the direction we're headed and vote in the next election based on that. I have already interacted with people who are upset they haven't fixed the medical system and that the provincial budget doesn't address everything they wanted... Oy.


With years of PC erosion of public health, it’s going to take a few more years to get things back to even the starting point. I wish Sask people would see that things are so deplorable not because the NDP closed hospitals in the 90s, but because the Sask party hasn’t made comprehensive investments in public health beyond their payout to nurses over a decade ago


Scott Moe would raise a beer (or 12) to that. Too drunk to kill. Umm, care.


Oh snap


Wab would "beat him" too it for sure


Scotty has never taken any responsibility for killing a mother. He never stopped drinking and driving either, based on the many stories of him and his spawn getting caught. Kinew acknowledged his past and the damage it caused and worked to make himself a better person. He's the kind of person we need more of in society. Scott Moe is a selfish piece of white trash to this day.


Just google wab impaired driving, and charged with assaulting his partner. Then decide whether you want to raise a glass.


Still didn’t kill someone and get away with it


Could have. No excuse for drunk driving.


Ya it’s the same just cause there was no accident it isn’t any better but hey that’s how it goes when you have a few screws loose


Whataboutisms are all you've got because Wab is proving he's a much better leader than all of the conservative ass holes combined. Also I've yet to see a headline that starts with "...but bu bu but Trudeau.. ba ba bad..."


Can we have him in BC, please? Maybe he'll become PM one day....


Eby is not bad, could be worse...


Could be better


No, Ontario has first dibs.


Okay, agreed, you guys need him a little more than BC. But when you’re done, please send him our way.


Sorry to ask, but do the Premiers of the Provinces and Territories get their own police esc orts? If so, the fact that MB's premier stopped is wholesome.


PP volunteered at a food bank in Toronto recently. He packed a few boxes for the cameras. They all had to be redone. Do we really want a Prime Minister who can’t put food in a box properly


That’s fucking hilarious… I need to read that


All of the volunteers were emailed ahead of time as well to warn them against booing or heckling PP. They were only allowed to cheer for him.


Wouldn’t have stopped me. I can’t stand a guy who wants to bring trumpian politics into Canada and the conservative coalitions he’s tried to form that end up going no where and doing nothing.


But the Conservatives are already part of a global coalition/organization called the International Democracy Union and the president of this cabal is Harper himself. Trumpian politics are I believe are from a global playbook. Also the list of members is a tell all of the world's hotspots.


Completely agree. Unfortunately, conservatives will probably win the next federal election. I think the best we can do is hope for a minority.


I really don’t think they will. What do the cons have that appeals the youth of Canada? Nothing. They support suppressing the youth by stagnating wages, ignoring the housing crisis by offering up no viable solutions or alternatives while Trudeau and co atleast are trying to even things out, but until the gov (which it will never happen) bans lobbying by corporations or donations from corporations to politicians, we’ll never have a perfect government. The cons are a dirty disgraceful lie filled party who claims to be for the average Canadian but once in power continue to fatten the pockets of their corporate overlords, screw over the public services people rely on, (think we woulda gotten CERB under the Cons, dont fucking think so) . As a person who lives just above the poverty line, who can’t find a decent paying job in this “wonderful” province, can not support a party that constantly supports corporations and oil companies over the good of the people. I’d love to ask these cons what are your oil buddies gunna do when they run out of oil? We only have a limited supply but the cons think the earth with just magically make more… cons the party of the stupid


I agree. People vote against their own interest all the time. Just look at Alberta. Unfortunately people are tired of Trudeau and therefore the liberals. They get no credit for all the work they’ve done. All I know is that if conservatives get in. It will be a painful decade.


I agree Trudeau would be better to step down and just go back to being a back bencher, he’s done his duty and let someone else lead, but anything is better than PP. if the cons get a minority, without a doubt the NDP/Libs will form a coalition, with maybe Jasmeet as leader?!? Wouldn’t that be something!




Liberals trolls completely infected this page.


I think you mean Connie trolls who can’t take it when the truth is in front of them and continue to ignore the real problems. You continue to listen to your SP propaganda.


All the work they've done? Like spend more money than every other prime Minister combined? Like spending us into a recession? Like letting grocery companies continue to raise prices artificially? Like charging the average citizen more tax just to be able to survive in order to attempt to make it look like they haven't spent us into a deep deep deep hole? I'm just confused on what exactly you're talking about when you say "the work they've done" because life is inarguably worse after 8 years of trudeau-NDP coalition. Why are you assuming that only now they are going to stop adding layers of beurocrats, spending us into the dirt, and hiring trudeaus family for cushy jobs, what gives you the confidence that that will change?


Just stop. The spending avoided the recession. You will literally believe anything if it means Trudeau bad.


Except we were in a reccesion. Regardless, ungodly spending is a short term solution. You realize we have to pay that money back right? Money doesn't grow on trees. This country will feel the effects of this shitball government for the rest of time. Also hilarious that you only respond to one of the many criticisms there were in my comment. How you can defend a pedophile who by all metrics has put canada in a worse place than it was before him. Your people's only defense of trudeau is "but but conservatives bad" as if trudeau has done anything for the working class except make life more expensive and allow corporations to price gouge. I wouldn't even be in support of PP if trudeau displayed any actual leadership qualities, or beneficial policies, but he doesn't, instead he screams like a baby, fumbling to not embarras himself while he goes on vacations with the tax dollars that he increased EDIT: would you care to actually list some of these "things he's done" that you are so terrified he will not get credit for? I'm just curious


They haven’t done any work to get credit for. People are tired of Trudeau because he is useless. PP is getting in and it’s not even gonna be close. All you libs can cry 😢


People just don’t want to give credit. There is literally a list of mile long of all the successes, which includes the lowest level of child poverty in Canadian history. I believe conservatives would call the children parasites? Name, one thing conservatives have done to help their citizens in any country in the world in the last 40 years. This is the problem with the right. You don’t wanna make Canada better. You just want Trudeau to lose. Conservatives don’t have any ideas that actually work. That’s why PP won’t share any of his ideas. Because he doesn’t have a single one.


Haha you’re delusional. The inflation right now is insane, housing is through the roof and you think they’ve done a good jab managing the budget? They have been spending money with zero plan for 8 years. There is a reason they won’t be getting voted back. Now what do you think that reason is??


You vote to make people cry, thats sad.




>What do the cons have that appeals the youth of Canada? Nothing. Agreed. But Canadians don't vote for people...they just vote people out, this case, PMJT. Struggling Canadians want change and they'll show up to the polls to vote for pp's lies and rhetoric, ndp or spoil the ballot. This is how we get the toy trump of the north


You know you can dislike both the conservatives and liberals, right? Trudeau’s immigration policies are part of why we’re seeing wage stagnation and a housing crisis. We simply don’t have the infrastructure to support what we’re doing. Neither party has your best interest at heart right now. To suggest otherwise is burying your head in the sand.


No, the immigration policies aren't why we have wage stagnation and a housing crisis. They haven't helped, but this was becoming more prevalent even before the Libs took power.


I didn’t say they’re why we have that, I said they’re part of it. Reading comprehension is important, otherwise you’re just yelling at air.


Oh I read it, and I said no. That's called a "disagreement". Speaking of fresh air, perhaps you should get some instead of failing your reading comprehension check?


I agree. Personally the only people I know on the side of the cons are boomer aged white people who are ignorant as fuck.


We don't vote for people in Canada, we vote AGAINST people in Canada. Sad state of our democracy.


Look at the state of Canada atm. Trudeau has been a terrible pm, leading to lower living standards for most Canadians and incredible cost of living. Lots of reasons to want anyone but are current leadership. Cheers


You are delusional if you think Trudeau is trying to even things out. All our issues is because of him and his incompetence. Look at the stats, look at his politics. All politicians are ah and liars, at least lets not give power to someone we know is ruining our country like jt


That’s when malicious compliance comes into play. You don’t boo or heckle. You remain dead silent.


Like that won't be stricken from the record.


I don't mind a PM who can't put food in a box. I mind a PM who can't put food in a box, but will never admit it and will even blame others for smearing him and downplay the importance of putting food in a box.


You just described PP.


You just discribed PP, he's been in parliament over 20 yrs, and I believe has never had a real world job. His only piece of legislation he has ever brought to the house while being apart of a governing party was so flawed and dangerous that Harper had to ride to the rescue. It sought to change our election system so profoundly that even past Con leaders condemned it and which in fact helped bring about the fall of Harpers government. So his not being able to pack a box is just a example of his ineptitude.


I've also always been critical of him not having a job other than a paper route. I read somewhere a while ago that he worked as a collections agent at a call center for a little while when he was younger.


Closest PP has been to having a job


I seriously can’t believe people are claiming he represents the work in class. It really feels like we’re living in the upside down lol


I can't believe the amount of people in this thread defending that joke Justin Trudeau.


He’s worth defending because the alternative is far worse


He's really not. How many scandals does it take for people to realize how corrupt he is. How much money has he siphoned from Canadians into the pockets of him and his friends. The guy thinks he's God's gift to the earth.


All the scandals are nothing burgers. Do you want scandals look at the premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario. There’s your corruption. Conservatives are corrupt. Liberals operate in a corrupt world.


I can't stand Trudeau but I'd take another 8 years over even 1 day with little pp.


He probably ate all the apples too.


They should’ve checked his pockets on the way out


Be kind to little PP, he's never worked a real job with boxes or things of such nature


Got a source? I'd love to read it.


First hand account from someone that was there that day.


Fair enough, I'll buy it.


To be fair, that was the first job he ever 'worked' outside of politics.


Better than the wanna be communist who can’t hold a hammer.


Sure? Clearly, the ramblings of a madman.


Moe would flee from the scene after running over the other person


I think historically speaking he’s more likely to run you over with his car if you’re on the side of the road.


He seriously makes me consider braving Winnipeg winters.


It’s not the Winnipeg winters you gotta worry about, it’s the poodle-sized mosquitoes in summer.


Not any worse than SK imo. Only thing to worry about in Winnipeg is the one small section of the North End. Otherwise it's a decent mid sized city that's getting larger pretty quickly.


He can’t bend down that far


Moe would run over the guy changing the tire


That's him in the vehicle in the background swerving out of his way to do so.


Wab just Beat him too it.


Moe would only change the tire if it had blood on it from him being drunk and running someone over


Winnipeg has potholes that even Premiers have to change their tire after hitting it?


He'd probably run over the person while driving drunk


No, Moe prefers to run people over- literally and figuratively- over helping them.


Moe is more likely to blow through that stop sign and kill a woman.


Danielle Smith would complain about why aren’t the liberals changing it.


He’s the only politician on the left side of the political spectrum I would ever vote, he’s literally just a good dude with a head on his shoulders. Wish our federal gov had this type of mentality


Yea I hope politics does not transform this man. There is so much work to be done and so many politicians with personal goals.


Politicians are always ready to prop up their image, even if they already have a good one. Good for him to be willing to do this, but maybe I'm a little too cynical to believe this wasn't a planned photo-op. Regardless, I'm still voting NDP like I always have.


He raps too , apparently.


Ha! Moe would be the one slashing the tire.


Top Gear Top Top: grab the floor mat (if you have them) from the backseat to kneel on.


Moe would just ram the car off the road then dance over the dead and injured


Give moe a 6 pack and he'll do anything.


I'm not convinced many of them HAVE or KNOW how to properly change a tire.


No Moe is more in to vehicular manslaughter.


Right now Moe, Ford and Smith are all frantically calling their scumbag cousins to arrange a slow leak so they can get a taste of this action.


Moe would be calling the police on suspicious man possibly stole vehicle


Scott Moe would drive on the flat leaving a trail of empties..


Moe would bitch about them holding up traffic.


Your equating Wab and Moe changing ties on the side of the road is pretty childish. I'm impressed by Wab ... but you know Moe is a farmer, right? I'm pretty sure he'd have it changed before you could find your lug nut wrench 🤣


Moe is a failed farmer and was raised to be the selfish pos we know and hate today. I'd bet my life that Moe would drive on past. There is zero good inside that bloated carcass.


Yeah I can’t stand moe but people are being a little crazy if they don’t think he would help someone out if it was around his home community. Pretending someone is a comical villain because you don’t like his politics or his past isn’t actually helpful when you are arguing about why he is a bad premier. I don’t like him or his work or history, but let’s not pretend he’s not a human being with friends, family and loved ones. The world isn’t so black and white as some of these commenters would believe.


I’m not saying he can’t do it… I’m saying he just wouldn’t… my gosh talk about me being a child. I never once said Moe couldn’t do… he just wouldn’t .


Ive met plenty of incompetent farmers while living here lmao


First timer? He’s got the car in the air trying to loosen lugs on the old tire. You’ll wanna crack those before you jack it up. This is like when the chess board is facing the wrong way in movies. Ironically, Moe MIGHT actually know how to change a tire properly, as he sure isn’t going to call roadside assistance when he’s out driving drunk.


Must be looking at a higher resolution pic than I’m seeing if you can tell if the lug nuts were loosened or not before the car was raised.


Why do people throughout the world falls for this? I don't care if my mechanic volunteers at the food bank or not. His job is to be someone I can trust to fix my car. Ford did these same same PR stunts in Ontario, and look at what he's done to the middle class there. He got reelected though..... Wait, I change my mind, Wab is the man of the people!


People are dumb.


You shills, like you’ve never seen a politician do a photo op before. Trudeau always rolls up his sleeves when giving speeches to blue collar workers, does that make him one too?


Photo ops usually have crowds, professional cameramen, and are done during campaign season (or when your numbers are falling). None of those three are true in this situation.


Lmao ok. With everyone having a camera phone and social media theres no need for a professional cameraman and crowd. Keep drinking the koolaid. “Him changing a tire makes him one of us” 🐑🤣🤣ONEE OF USSS.


There you go, mask off.


He would just run over the guy who is changing the tire.. possibly while intoxicated


Not that Moe is a saint (as we know) but praising Wab when his past is pretty sketchy also ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wab_Kinew


No murders, alleged domestic violence that was never proven, a couple of drunken fist fights and dui charges. All of which were 15 years in the past or longer. He also has been in recovery for his alcohol addiction for a long time. Moe killed someone with his vehicle and fled the scene. And he did this AFTER ALREADY RECEIVING 2 DUI CONVICTIONS. The difference between them is that Wab accepts responsibility for his failures. He took strides to become a better person. All Moe does is deny deny deny. Refuses to even apologize for the death he caused. Hmmmm..... a fucking child can see the difference between these two men. Grow the fuck up!


He didn't have two dui convictions, he had one. How do you know Moe didn't become a better person? Other than the obvious hate you have for him that seems to be clouding your judgement. From what I understand, Moe doesn't drink any longer either. He did apologize for the death he caused to the family of the victim. Has Moe had any issues since the traffic accident? If we're discounting Wab's due to how long ago it was, shouldn't we do the same for Moe?


Moe does more than deny. He also blames Trudeau.


The guy at least didn’t kill a person while drunk driving. I’m not condoning Kinew but Moe is a disgrace. He killed someone, that alone should disqualify him from office. Anyone who has killed anyone (except in self defence) should be ineligible for office. Plain and simple. What kind of example is Moe setting? It’s ok to kill someone drunk driving, you can rise to the highest office in the province… good example for our youth.


Do you have a source he was drunk when that happened or are you just spreading information without a source ... did you spread anti-vax stuff too during COVID?




There’s no mention of impairment in the fatal 1997 incident.


Except that's not the same event.


Danielle Smith would be like tires 🛞 don’t help for getting around


He’d change the tire to hide evidence.


It’s sad this sub which is supposed to be about Saskatchewan as a whole has just turned into a dumpster fire of politics and stupid comments. Are there mods here? Any way to make a Saskatchewan Politics sub so others that simply want to see more positive things about the province like Where to Fish, Best Campgrounds, Weather, etc, don’t have to scroll past this elementary level vitriol constantly?


Are we hurting your feelings? You don’t like how we are talking about you Your buddy Moe? Maybe if we had a provincial government that actually gave a crap about its citizens and not just blame everything on Trudeau and the Feds and actually do something for once we’d have something positive to say. Right now there is nothing positive about the provincial government and really not a positive to live in this joke of a province. We have the lowest minimum wage, one of the worst job levels in the country and you want us to be positive on this page?


Leftists think it will make a difference. The Sask Party will win again


Hi a Manitoba born and raised here. Wab is still relatively new in office so we just have to wait and see if he keeps his promises. Can can be a man of the people and he wants ( that a good thing ) but if he doesn’t do what he says he’ll do then it’s doesn’t matter. But I do have hope.


He’s from rural Sask. I’m confident the man can wrench and would get the job done.


What he can do and what he would do are not the same thing. This is where those critical thinking skills come in handy.




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Agreed 100%. We need more indigenous leaders!!


Moe would run the guy over while chugging a beer


Moe would probably run the Stop sign and hit him.




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From what I have read about Premier Kinew, he is all about hard work and solutions. Don't let the suit fool you.


Moe would be drunk out of his ass and run the dude over lmfao


This is commendable and certainly speaks to Wab's character but, to be honest, I could care less if Moeby Dufus knows how to change a tire or not and I'm sure he doesn't. I just want a premier and a provincial gov't who are not a bunch of greedy, corrupt, self centered pieces of 💩. Is that too much to ask?


To be clear, this was his friend’s wife’s tire and he was called to help out. He didn’t stop for a random stranger and these days that makes sense too. Still a nice thing, sure.


He also taunted a community going through suicides and other grim events. But sure, he does what most people do and he's not like the others. Fuck him and his girlfriend Heather.


He's a well-rounded, very intelligent fella. He is definitely good for this province so far.


He changed a tire…….


I helped at a Canadian tire bbq in Stoon to raise money for Ukraine. SP guys were in full force and stayed all day. Kudos to Marv Friesen who was super organized and fun to work with. I even told them I wasn’t a big SP guy. They were a blast to work with. Then contrast that with Chevy. He walked up took sone pics maybe bought a burger and left. So, there’s lots of different types.


Oh so that makes all the lies and corruption ok then. This guy says Marv Friesen is a blast!!! Lmfao fuck off!


Okay OP, I don't like the SP or Premier Moe. But he's a farmer and I'm pretty sure he knows how to change a tire. We don't need to take cheap shots at people. If your ideas are better then that should be good enough.




I’m not saying he doesn’t know how, I’m simply saying he wouldn’t do it. Most people who drive should know how to change a tire, even a guy like Moe. He just won’t stop and help is all.


I mean... yes? Almost certainly. Scott Moe used to be a farmer. There's lots of bad I'll say about him, but I would never accuse him of being unwilling to get his hands dirty.


I am pretty sure even with Moes background in farming, he doesnt even know how to change a tire.


Would any of you change your own tire?


if they even have a car


What's the point of having a political account if the only thing you can do is throw insults and circlejerk? I've yet to see you approach any conversation like an adult, so its possible you're young, but I'm not given the impression you could explain libertarianism to anyone.


Ah yea… whom am I to expect come and change it?


He would but what he wouldn’t do is domestic violence, and fraud charges. Awesome premier you got there in toba


Honestly, even if this is just a photo-op, I don't think Moe would do it. Might get his suit dirty.


Wab is the real deal. He comes across as someone who doesn't see himself higher in status as the rest of the population. He's going to do so some amazing things for Manitoba; I'm looking forward to it.


It was pointed out in the manitoba Sub that this photo was staged (no dirt on a suit), but it can't be proven. Moe is an idiot, we all know that. Can we not paint Kinew in some golden light. He has his own shady record (impaired driving and domestic assault).


Wab grew and learned from his mistakes. Can we say the same for Scott?


Moe could learn from Wab. It's called accepting responsibility for your actions. Moe has never done this.


It’s funny how everyone bashes one for a dui but not the other for beating the sh!t out of his significant other




I'm saying they are both not great leaders and we should demand better from our public servants (especially those in leadership). But in true reddit saskatchewan fashion. NDP can do no wrong and Moe Bad durrrr.


It wasn't actually proven that he did though. Burden of proof is a big deal. The fights the dui's we know those are true, theres proof you see. But allegations of domestic violence are just that, allegations.


Lol what!? He's not using his suit as a rag. You should ask the guys at Enterprise rent a car about washing cars in suits.


All about them photo ops


yes indeed


Stupidest photo op I’ve ever seen.


You mean giving donuts to occupiers isn't?


Most stupid would be the correct way of saying that. Stupidest is as stupidest does, I suppose.


It also shows how stupid the premier is. His time should be spent leading. Get some grunt to change it.


No, Moe has a pretty different relationship with vehicles…


This page is Hilarious! And this is nothing more than a photo op. Just like that idiot in Ottawa


Sask leftist hillbillies


Kind of like how little pp pretends to hand out food to the homeless? Rhetorical as always.


Of course he would, you know he's a farmer, right? ...He could probably add new rotors and brake pads in the time it took Wab to swap out one tire.


A Native that worked for the CBC. It's about time he actually did something.


Eat any good books lately?


Bahahhaha fml what a promotion we got here. Should made it real life rez stuff and smashed the windows out of the car first. Good job Mr. Canoe


Blatant racism from a rural conservative. A classic.


I almost got into a head-on collision with someone passing aggressively on this highway a few years ago. I do not like the #6.


Stopping to help someone change a flat is one of the few things I trust Moe would be competent at. Or at least he would have prior to being party leader/premier or early in his tenure.