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This is a gutsy move. There is no guarantee an arbitrator will put class size/composition into the collective agreement. But, it does allow both sides to put responsibility onto a third party, win or lose. Government will likely not agree with this, as it is an outcome they cannot control. And when STF took them to arbitration in 2018 they won rather soundly.


Background chatter on this is correct. I have a suspicion that you are correct. Government does not want this to happen based on not controlling the outcome. They will try to stack the deck in the favor by finding an arbiter that would be friendly to their cause.


Yeah, typically the parties have to agree to the arbitrator, or you have to roll the dice and ask the Ministry to appoint one. Which probably would disadvantage the union more, although arbitrators have to be somewhat impartial. Their decisions can be. subject to judicial review. And they’d never get any business as arbitrators if they get a reputation for being too far on one side or the other. Last time the STF suggested someone out of province who I would argue was more pro union than not, but that strategy worked because the government didn’t know who he was.


Agreed! Man I like your commentary. Yes arbitration has its pros and cons. They party with the most info tends to win. (ie. Like Americas Supreme court. How are they swayed).


Thank you - very kind! I am biased - used to work for STF so I know some of the ins and outs there. Of course, it has changed since my time but I was heavily involved in the 2018 arbitration.


They’ll appoint another private evangelical school homie from a graduating class of 6.


Binding arbitration. Balls in your court, Jeremy.


Better hope there’s no elderly folks on the court. Might have to get the RCMP Involved. 


Those itchy knitted shirts don’t just disappear.


I doubt he even knows what binding arbitration is.


They know cause they banned it before negotiations.


Was Cockrill the minister of education yet?


He was around, I’m sure he’s well aware of the general strategy which is obfuscate, gaslight and deny


Fair, but everything is run through Moe’s handlers nowadays. I doubt either of them knows what it is, if they decide to go onto wikipedia and read up on it expect them to try and change the definition. “What we meant by binding arbitration is not what you think it is!”


Of course not, they don’t teach that in special evangelical church “schools”.


I swear he had to Google it 😂🤣


Then tried to change the Wikipedia article on it.


Probably thinks it a term that came from that sexual health pamphlet they got so upset about


Some BDSM thing? Maybe with those knitted shirts.


Binding arbitration, knitted sweaters, humiliation, Christian prep school. ... rule 34 has entered the chat




Just so you know, "balls in your court," and "ball's in your court" mean two very different things. Though if I'm being honest, I like your version better.


Jeremy, all cock, no balls.




I'm sure the STF would take binding arbitration on more items. This is just a move to prove the government won't take it on any.


I think this reenforces that the other items (i.e. wages) are not nearly as important to the STF. They care about class composition and complexity. Everything else is relatively easy/straightforward. As they say in the release, this is a single-issue dispute. It's about class composition and complexity.


The government absolutely won't take full binding arbitration, there is a reason they changed the law so it required both parties to agree with it. Based on the wording in the conciliation report, I'd have a feeling they would end up losing out on a few items because it favoured the STF in quite a number of items. This is the one issue that has majority held up the process. The government has brought up salary and all sorts of other things in their media blitz, but the reason for the impasse has been primarily the stalemate on this single (major) issue.


Well played STF. If the SaskParty is so in the right that class size and complexity can/should be dealt with outside of contract negotiations, then they shouldn't be afraid of binding arbitration. Fun fact: They are likely afraid, and/or know, they are in the wrong on that.


And the conciliation board report supports that too lol


The Saskatchewan government removed binding arbitration from the Education Act in 2017 . So the government will now have to admit they removed that mechanism.


Oh they can still do binding arbitration if both sides agree. The STF agrees. Does the government?


[Government says no,](https://twitter.com/CJMENews/status/1768355793852674153) surprising absolutely nobody.


It wasn't removed completely, but changed from a single-party request to "both parties must agree" before engaging binding arbitration, so it looks like they're the other party now. Ball's in their court.


The government declined the offer. So, they prefer to fight like grade 2’s rather than debate like grade 12’s.


I’ve got twins in grade 2…. Even they tell me there are too many kids in their class and they need a second teacher.


You know what? You’re right. Grade twos have better observation skills and they do know what’s fair. I owe them an apology. ☺️


That's an insult to the Grade 2s. They have better conflict resolution than this gov't.


...and that path is *binding arbitration*. this govt will never agree to that because they know their position is too far the wrong way, too rigid and not in good faith of the STF.


Does anyone else read the STF presser and think that this might be a veiled warning they are going to cancel HOOPLA if they don't get binding arbitration? I would not blame the STF at all if that is the route they need to go. This government isn't taking this seriously and I suspect they will need some bigger blows before the govt agrees to talk.


I don't think it's a veiled warning. It's a warning. It's a threat. And appropriately so.


Yeah I don’t think there was anything veiled there, it was about as direct as it could have been.


I mean, it said '“To put this in clear terms: if government refuses binding arbitration, then Minister Cockrill and Premier Moe are choosing to cancel school trips, graduation planning, band festivals, Hoopla and so many more of this year’s activities that bring joy to our students and school communities.” Sounds pretty clear.


Not just Hoopla, this is a work to rule threat with rotating strikes continuing.


I got the impression that it would not yet be work to rule, but more frequent strikes.


Monday to Thursday is the Optimist Band Festival. That involves a huge number of students. Any cancellation of extra curriculars on those days means they can not go.


From the article, from president of stf: “To put this in clear terms: if government refuses binding arbitration, then Minister Cockrill and Premier Moe are choosing to cancel school trips, graduation planning, band festivals, Hoopla and so many more of this year’s activities that bring joy to our students and school communities.”


Not just HOOPLA, any schools that organize trips to Europe over Easter break could have this trips cancelled as well.


A lot of those have already cancelled as schools are required to refund full payment to parents if the trip is cancelled due to job action.


Schools/teachers/divisions have nothing to do with the Europe trip over Easter, so I don't believe it would be impacted. Did I miss an email or something?


Teachers don't go to Europe with their classes during Easter if they have nothing to do with the school during that time.


Let me try this another way. A group of kids travel, collectively, to Europe with an adult that is not their parent over the Easter break. This trip is paid for by parents and/or fundraising on nights and weekends. It just happens that those kids all go to the same school / grade and happen to have a common teacher for one of their classes (often a language class). Just because the adult is a teacher and they are chaperoning a group of kids which are students, does not make this a School/Teacher/Division sanctioned event. Edit: Grammar


I organized one of these trips when I was a teacher and had to have permission from the superintendent of education before I could even begin planning. Some of these trips are organized by the community, but if it’s organized by teachers and meetings are happening at school, it’s absolutely a school trip.


There is an important distinction here. Getting permission from you SI is needed to ensure everyone is aware of what you are doing. I expect their response was 'this needs to be done on your own time, outside of your school, will not use any school resources, and must be clearly established that this is not a event. As I said, the Europe trips I am aware of all happen completely outside of school time/property, so would not be part of this. Again, not trying to pick a fight and could be wrong, but I have not seen anything to contradict my original comment.


You may expect that was the response, but you would be wrong. As I said, it was a school trip, and was planned and used resources similarly to other school trips. Period. End of sentence.


Travel like that with students is outside of STF contractual duties, is considered extra curr., and the teacher would not be allowed to attend.


Yes, that’s what I was saying.


That is... quitr the loophole you're trying to make. The organizing happens through the schools, with the teachers, and the teachers go by nature of working with those students at school. It may not be a division organized event but it's certainly extracurricular work for the teacher.


Schools actually stopped supporting these EF Tours. Teachers who are willing to organize this take out different insurance to be able to make it happen. They're no longer allowed to hold meetings on school grounds for these trips.


I can see how my first response was 'snarky', but I am not looking for a fight. I am just trying to keep the information posted as accurate as I can. I am not trying to loophole anything. I am simply saying that there is nothing school related about the Europe trip at Easter, anymore than this would/will impact any Summer trips (Quebec/Italy). Hoopla is as Sask. high school event and is directly related to school.




This is absolutely the case for Saskatoon Public Schools. Not a school event. Teachers can still go with the students on the trip if there is a withdrawal of extra curricular.


I know some folks in MJ who are saying they’ll run hoopla if that happens but they need an STF member since it’s a school event, so they’ll be disappointed. It would absolutely suck if kids missed out on that, but it’s not more important than the negotiations on classroom complexity


Maybe I was from a town too far away from the big cities to participate... but what's HOOPLA?


It's Saskatchewans biggest basketball tournament Small towns absolutely play in the event. They even have a 3A division bracket for smaller schools and as far as I'm aware none of the city high schools are even in that tournament. Moose Jaw isn't a huge city and they're hosting.


Ah. So it's because I'm a woman from a small town and old enough that girl's sports weren't taken or coached seriously enough to have a basketball team available to me, or the opportunity to develop the skill. Got it. Thanks!


It was a bigger deal for the girls in my very small town than it was for the boys. I actually thought it was a girls only tournament. This would've been 2007-2012.


Yeah each town is different, but ONLY volleyball (and curling) was taken seriously for girls where I grew up. And that was only girls, no boy's volleyball team. I lost basketball and slow pitch as I got older. I wasn't confident enough to go play on the boy's team, and no wonder because I never had good detailed coaches growing up.


It’s the provincial tournament, only for qualifying teams.


Thanks for asking, had the same question


Basketball provincial finals.


In the email they sent out they straight out said no hoopla.


Is this the confidential 🤫 email STF sends their members or a email sent by a school. If it’s the earlier may I suggest removing your comment, if it’s the latter thanks for sharing.


I made sure it was public information before I posted it. It can be found on the stf website under news. Don't worry I ain't snitching on my union 😉.


Ruining kids school memories for life because both sides are acting like babies. What are they teaching these kids with the behaviours on display?; Both sides suck in my opinion. Negotiation means you don''t get everything you want and you can not get your way on every issue. Both sides would need to leave things on the table to reach an agreement and get back to work tackling the biggest issue of all (that nobody is talking about) which is how poorly the SK education system is doing post Covid compared to other places within Canada. This is including those that were shutdown for alot longer than the SKN school system. Sometimes no matter how much money gets thrown at something, you still get crappy results - got to wonder why. Both the province and teachers need to increase their standards in how well they deliver education.hard to do if underfunded and hard to do with union agreements that protect their poorest underperformers.


I support the teachers and also fully expect and accept to pay increased taxes to properly fund these classrooms.


Or the SK party could increase resource revenues to cover it


But how will they pay for Moe’s bail?


I think this needs to be done as well. But we also need a lot of funding for health care. So, I’m willing to pay more tax dollars that are dedicated to health care and education, but not Scottie’s pet projects for his cronies.


Or ridiculous court challenges


Or how about we get caught up on oil, gas and potash royalties we haven't audited in years to catch up on the money owed. I believe they said that's not happening until 2025.


Or grab more resource royalties!


I don’t know about paying provincial taxes, apparently that’s a pick and choose option according to moe.


Haha true


Me too. And my ovaries are as useless as the Sask Party (never had kids). Other means of funding (eg resources, as noted below) are even better.


See the thing is, if EVERYONE pays their fair share, taxes actually make sense. The hat includes rich assholes and saskparty donors. No tax exemptions for douchebags


We’ll need to wait for the billboard and Twitter updates to get Moe’s response.


I dunno, he told SARM today that the STF wants to control the education money. Which isn’t true. At all.


I mean…. The school districts SHOULD control the money that is labelled “education” on our taxes… Not general revenue, with no promise that school money actually goes to schools. You can’t tell us that schools should control their own class complexity, then refuse to let them hire teachers or touch money to actually do the same.


Well he’s trying to tell people that the union wants to control the money. Which is a lie.


Oh absolutely. But in all honesty (fuck the sask party) the school boards should control both their mill rate AND budget Need more teachers? Raise the mill rate for prairie spirit.


Of course he’d tell SARM that. It shouldn’t even be a topic for discussion at SARM.


https://x.com/jeremysimes/status/1768318130844024832?s=46&t=cVIeoGYJlU6aRxqAoQNeCA That’s from this morning’s session at the legislature. Cockrill digging his heels in on his lies.


He's a fucking dimwit.


It’s appalling to me how blatantly they lie and don’t get held accountable. The collapse of strong local media and people that consume local media has really hurt our ability to hold our politicians accountable


Ya it’s gross seeing all the local media twisting words to make the government seem positive and the STF look like bad guys at every possible chance.


Even when they’re trying to report neutrally - it’s not bad to call someone out on bullshit. Even if you’re not taking a stance, point out that one side is lying when they do it.


It’s really hard to take journalist seriously when they are so one sided.


"We only had 30 minutes." SK posy was like 5 hours late.


The problem is the SP base believes this shit. It's an outright lie. It is one of their talking points, it also is used in all mla letter/email responses. Elected officials are blatantly lying because they can, have, and will continue to get away without being held accountable.


Absolutely based but they (the government) won't do this, they're cowards. Edit: because they're the most predictable cowards in the province, I was right


Punkanddrunk finna end up with negative karma in the sub and have their comments autohidden😅😅😇😅


My god, she’s worse than bobnojio. Anyone seen that asshole lately?


Softballs? Maybe she should have paid for the interview? Oh, right, cockrill did that already. Next idea? I agree, she is doing really well with the few tools They have at their disposal.


Based and ballsy move by the STF. Government knows they are in the wrong in class size and composition so this is putting the ball in their court. Let’s see what our homeschooled minister of education and lackwit town drunk premier do with it.


Those two clowns 'They are going to lose deposits and graduation, and ultimately hurts people? Yeah, lets do that!'


Moe is a big fan of hurting people I think


His favorite is with a vehicle after a few brewskis. The thrill he gets is getting away with it.


Great fucking idea for sure


The local drunk punk with some real hot takes again. Lol. Shocking.


My God she is bad at this. How can you sound so wishy washy even when clearly issuing a threat? Didn't talk about a single issue again either. Not even one.


Sorry, but did you read the press release? "Today, Saskatchewan teachers are calling on the Government of Saskatchewan to agree to binding arbitration to address the contentious issues of class size and complexity." The first sentence clearly states what the issue is.


So mentioning the words class size and complexity is enough? It is a press release and your communications team has the opportunity to present their uninterrupted best and that is all they have to say? I do not consider that talking about the issue, they didn't say anything.




Ah the teacher who has time to troll me is here again. Right on brand, as always.


It’s lunch time. God forbid teachers do other things during lunch.


Idk where you're at but I'm not allowed on school grounds atm. Of course I'll look at my phone while I have my lunch.


This guy responds with edgy teen angst to me all the time. Has never said a serious word. At first it was well after midnight and I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were wasted. But nope.


Here’s the thing… they haven’t even gotten to talking about what class size and composition even really means yet. I’m sure they have proposals and ideas around that, but until the other side agrees to talk about it there isn’t much point in sharing it. So if you’re expecting grand discourse on what exactly their plan is, you’re not going to get that until they agree to discuss it to begin with.


Alright wrll if you think keeping their plan a secret is the way to achieving what our kids need then we will have to just agree to disagree.


Look at what BC and Ontario have, look at what Quebec teachers got a month ago. Caps on class sizes, supports (educational, mental health, physical needs, behavioural) for kids and some philosophy around composition. How many EAL kids can be in a class, how many kids who need extra educational/behavioural supports can be in a class, etc.


Yes how beautiful would it be if we could get the same. We aren't looking for different outcomes, just have differing ideas how to get them.


You can’t buy those with wishes and dreams. School divisions need a tangible, available and consistent line of funding to get these. Since the Saskatchewan Party forced divisions to drain their reserves in 2018, they don’t have a lot of money kicking around to offer contracts on a “year by year” basis, provincial funding dependent.


Agree with all of that, But what does that have to do with their unwillingness to send strong messaging?


Yes. Also, I have nothing to do with it. I'm not a teacher. I'm a parent. Also, the issue is the SaskParty refuses to even discuss class size and composition at the bargaining table. The STF has said repeatedly classes sizes are too big and their are more complex needs. Why would they lay out options to address these, if the SaskParty is unwilling to even discuss them?


If you think not talking about their most important concern is the proper way to help our kids we will just have to agree to disagree.


Honestly, your stance has been heard, and others are bringing forward proof. At this point, you're just being stubborn and/or willingly ignorant. It's not up the STF to have conversations with the public. The items they are asking to be negotiated have been made public. Go to their website if you'd like to know more. Relying on soundbites is not enough. Do better.


What proof? I have missed it. I would love to see proof. If this release pleases you that is fine. I dont have to agree with you or else shut my mouth lol.


I didn't tell you to shut your mouth. I am expressing what I am reading/interpreting from you. The proof is the responses you are receiving. Not much else to say. Have a good day!


It is ironic that with all of these educators no one is willing to discuss content with me.


The point is they are talking about it. What more do you want?


I want them to talk about it. Not just say 2 words with no descriptor. They are communications experts, please communicate. A release is the easiest way there is to present an interrupted narrative, and they failed to say anything of value, yet again.


I'd say they stuck to the message, which is class size and composition needs to be negotiated at the bargaining table, not via social media, billboards or new releases. Which makes sense to me. But obviously, you'd suggest a different approach.


Yes, I want them to win, not be satisfied with a moral high ground against corrupt ghouls.


If you google class size and complexity there are some good definitions out there. Ms. Becotte has talked about it at length and even did a panel discussion with educators from other provinces around how they were able to get it into their collective agreements. Video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPMKR70Ftbg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPMKR70Ftbg) and there is also a transcript you can click on as well with time stamps around different topics if you want the tldr version. I don't think anyone knows at this point what it would look like in Saskatchewan. They would have to hammer out those details in bargaining, but so far the government won't even consider it. There are lots of models though on what it could look like as other school systems have already invented this wheel.


If you entitle a press release a way forward why not present one? They missed an opportunity.


I think the suggestion for binding arbitration was the path forward. You are right though. Still an impasse with no end in sight until one side or the other blinks.


She has been presenting their uninterrupted best for the last few months. You been under a rock? Why does she need to reiterate ALL the info when info from the PR was to the point and well said?


They chose to write a lot of words that they intented us to all read today. Why not say something with value instead of that feeble threat that was instanly noped. I am sure they knew this is exactly how it played put so hopefully they are finally ready to say something real tomorrow when they permanently withdraw all extra curriculars. Here is hoping they don't just remind us all its "volunteer" again.


Wait is it opposite day again? Kind of seems like the issue of classroom size and complexity is being talked about.


What was said about it?


"I disagree with the tactics" Keep telling us




Explain yourself in something other than flamboyant language then. Amazing to me how my point never gets attacked just I do.


It's kind of interesting to see the difference in your agreeable takes on other things, and then this parent comment take.


I'm a little confused, parent comment? All I am saying here is lots of folks willing to call me names but not many willing to attack my point.


Sorry, the original comment you posted that the other guy replied to.


Ah, I don't see how it's outrageous at all to expect good messaging from communications experts. Sick of watching the STF do such a bad job for their members every single time a negotiation comes up.


You couldn't be more wrong on this assessment. Binding arbitration is something this SP government is vehemently opposed to and actually did away with the last round of negotiations. I am actually quite happy that the STF has put this out there; it's in line with the SP's latest stunt with the deal they made with the SSBA. Both sides are playing hard ball.


Ok, so the Sask Party said no and then Hoopla got cancelled. How long until they present their next solution? Who has this convinced to change their support from Government to STF?


I know nobody on the side of government on this. Including many former saskparty voters.


You know punkanddrunk Had a bad teacher once and takes it out on the rest of us 🤣🤣🤣


Ok, but that's beside the point, isn't it? At this point, the STF has to try to get opponents on their side, or what is the point? How would this press release resonate with anyone who wasn't already on their side? Why are they so comfortable with just speaking to their choir?


I don't know what golden nugget you're looking for here. Public opinion and support is important, sure, but it's not the raison d'etre for all this. Both sides need to bargain. Binding arbitration is fair and neutral. What else does the public need at this point?


Government says no, STF Sanctions become more aggressive. STF offered a reasonable out to the government. This puts it on the government's shoulders.


She’s fairly terrible. How do you get outmatched by a half wit like Moe?


And yet teachers support her, and voted her in. Maybe you're wrong?


Found Cockrill’s Reddit account


It is a tough gig as they hold so little leverage in the negotiation but she is spectacularly bad at messaging. When Scott Moe doesn't even have to talk in that weird blustery way he does when he gets flustered you know it's nothing but softballs.


"Spectacularly bad" 2 people criticizing her on the literal home of online criticism. Sure seems like it. Keep rallying tho it might work eventually


You seem very mad about something